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Created December 13, 2023 22:06
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Given the root node of a binary tree with n nodes, your task is to find the lowest common ancestor of two of its nodes, p and q.
// Definition of a binary tree node
// class TreeNode {
// constructor(data) {
// = data;
// this.left = null;
// this.right = null;
// }
// }
import { TreeNode } from "./ds_v1/BinaryTree.js";
class Solution {
lowestCommonAncestor(root, p, q) {
// if node is one of the nodes
// we set "mid"
// but returned value is either left or right
// Replace this placeholder return statement with your code
// so 3 variables, left mid right
const { found, result } = this.lowestCommonAncestorRec(root, p, q);
return result;
lowestCommonAncestorRec(node, p, q) {
if (node === null) {
return { found: false };
// common ancestor: mid AND left, mid AND right, left AND right
// mid - if this node is one of the nodes we're looking for
const mid = === || ===;
// left - if node we're looking for is somewhere the left subtree
const { found: left, result: leftResult } = this.lowestCommonAncestorRec(node.left, p, q);
// right - if node we're looking for is somewhere in the right subtree
const { found: right, result: rightResult } = this.lowestCommonAncestorRec(node.right, p, q);
// didFindAncestor - whether or not any condition is fulfilled that makes current node the result
const didFindAncestor = (mid && left) || (mid && right) || (left && right);
// found - boolean indicating that we found the value somewhere in this tree
// result - either this node, or a result from left or right subtree, if there is one
return { found: left || right || mid, result: didFindAncestor ? node : (leftResult ?? rightResult ?? null) };
export default Solution;
// tc: O(n)
// sc: O(h
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