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Last active August 21, 2024 10:19

(blog post)


Want to get a TextureButton up and running quickly?

Instance a QuickTextureButton, and simply drag one icon onto it, and it will create all of the following:

  • texture_normal
  • texture_hover
  • texture_pressed
  • texture_focused
  • texture_disabled

If your icon size is W x H, then the texture sizes will be W + alpha_border*2 x H + alpha_border*2. This is because texture_focused is drawn over the other textures, hence why it's only a border.


extends TextureButton
class_name QuickTextureButton
@export var alpha_border: int = 16:
alpha_border = val
@export var icon: CompressedTexture2D:
icon = val
var see_through = Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
func set_textures():
if not icon:
if alpha_border < 0:
var __icon: ImageTexture = ImageTexture.create_from_image(icon.get_image())
# button texture_normal (larger version of regular icon, but with alpha border)
var raw_icon_image: Image = __icon.get_image()
var raw_icon_size: Vector2i = raw_icon_image.get_size()
var icon_normal: Image = Image.create(
raw_icon_size.x + int(alpha_border)*2,
raw_icon_size.y + int(alpha_border)*2,
for x in icon_normal.get_size().x:
for y in icon_normal.get_size().y:
# if we're out of the bounds of the smaller raw icon, then set a see-through pixel
# (as we're surrounding the original 128x128 icon with a 16px see-through
# border on all sides, making the new icon 160x160)
var is_on_border_x = x < alpha_border or x >= icon_normal.get_size().x - alpha_border
var is_on_border_y = y < alpha_border or y >= icon_normal.get_size().y - alpha_border
if is_on_border_x or is_on_border_y:
icon_normal.set_pixel(x, y, see_through)
# otherwise, copy the smaller icon into the middle of the new larger icon
var pixel: Color = raw_icon_image.get_pixel(x-int(alpha_border), y-int(alpha_border))
icon_normal.set_pixel(x, y, pixel)
texture_normal = ImageTexture.create_from_image(icon_normal)
# button texture_hover: inverted icon
var icon_hover: Image = icon_normal.duplicate()
for x in icon_hover.get_size().x:
for y in icon_hover.get_size().y:
var pixel: Color = icon_hover.get_pixel(x, y)
icon_hover.set_pixel(x, y, pixel.inverted())
texture_hover = ImageTexture.create_from_image(icon_hover)
# button texture_pressed: lighter inverted icon
var icon_pressed: Image = icon_hover.duplicate()
for x in icon_pressed.get_size().x:
for y in icon_pressed.get_size().y:
var pixel: Color = icon_pressed.get_pixel(x, y)
icon_pressed.set_pixel(x, y, pixel.lightened(0.5))
texture_pressed = ImageTexture.create_from_image(icon_pressed)
# button texture_focused: just border, clear alpha in middle
var icon_focused: Image = icon_normal.duplicate()
for x in icon_focused.get_size().x:
for y in icon_focused.get_size().y:
# the alpha border on textuer_normal is 'alpha_border' wide, but the
# white rectangle is half that
var is_on_border_x = x < alpha_border/2.0 or x >= icon_focused.get_size().x - alpha_border/2.0
var is_on_border_y = y < alpha_border/2.0 or y >= icon_focused.get_size().y - alpha_border/2.0
if is_on_border_x or is_on_border_y:
icon_focused.set_pixel(x, y, Color.WHITE)
# otherwise, make it see-through
icon_focused.set_pixel(x, y, see_through)
texture_focused = ImageTexture.create_from_image(icon_focused)
# button texture_disabled: gray icon
var _texture_disabled: Texture = ImageTexture.create_from_image(icon_normal)
texture_disabled = to_grayscale(_texture_disabled)
# var icon_disabled: Image = _texture_disabled.get_image()
# print("(QuickTextureButton) icon=%s, normal=%s, hover=%s, pressed=%s, focused=%s, disabled=%s" % [
# icon.get_size(), icon_normal.get_size(), icon_hover.get_size(),
# icon_pressed.get_size(), icon_focused.get_size(), icon_disabled.get_size(),
# ])
func to_grayscale(texture: ImageTexture) -> Texture:
var image = texture.get_image()
image.convert(Image.FORMAT_RGBA8) # Not strictly necessary
return ImageTexture.create_from_image(image)
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