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Last active September 5, 2023 17:25
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Carbee API Documentation
* Below is a list of types that relate to the projects backend API's.
* @summary An object representing a user appointment.
export type AppointmentDto = {
id: string;
paymentId: string;
userId: string;
duration: number;
scheduledTime: string;
workOrder: {
service: string;
* @summary Base64 string
export type Cursor = string
export type Edge<Node> = {
node: Node
cursor: Cursor
* @summary Contains properties relating to pagination.
export type PageInfo = {
hasNextPage: boolean;
hasPreviousPage: boolean;
previousCursor: Cursor;
nextCursor: Cursor
export type Connection<Node> = {
edges: Edge<Node>[]
pageInfo: PageInfo
export type AppointmentConnection = Connection<AppointmentDto>
* @summary Request body to be sent to /api/auth
export type LoginRequestBody = {
username: string
password: string
* @summary Response from /api/auth
export type LoginResponse = {
token: string
* Below you can find API docs written in JSDoc format.
* @summary An endpoint that authenticates a user.
* @method POST
* @endpoint /api/auth
* @authorization false
* @body {LoginRequestBody}
* @returns {LoginResponse}
function loginUser(params: LoginRequestBody): Promise<LoginResponse>
* @summary An endpoint that returns an array of appointments.
* @method GET
* @endpoint /api/appointments
* @authorization true
* @query {number} size - The amount of appointments to be returned.
* @query {string} before - A cursor representing an appointment, where you'd like to return results from a date prior (AKA previous page).
* @query {string} after - A cursor representing an appointment, allowing you to retrieve entities after this particular item (AKA next page).
* @returns {AppointmentConnection}
* @example
* fetch(`${process.env.BACKEND_URL}/api/appointments?size=${size}&after=${cursor}`, {
* headers: {
* 'Authorization': `Bearer ${token}`
* }
* })
function fetchAppointments(
| { size: number; before: Cursor; after?: never }
| { size: number, before?: never, after: Cursor }
): Promise<AppointmentConnection>
* @summary An endpoint that returns available appointment times for a given date.
* @method GET
* @endpoint /api/availability/:date
* @authorization true
* @param {string} date - Must be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.
* @returns {string[]} An array of dates.
* @example
* fetch(`${process.env.BACKEND_URL}/api/availability/${date}`, {
* headers: {
* 'Authorization': `Bearer ${token}`
* }
* })
function fetchAppointmentTimeAvailability(date: string): Promise<string[]>
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