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Last active July 15, 2018 07:29
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.Select(x => x[0] == '0' ? '1' : ' ')
.Aggregate("", (x, y) => x += y)
.Split(' ')
.Max(x => x.Length)
"4♣ 5♦ 6♦ 7♠ 10♥;10♣ Q♥ 10♠ Q♠ 10♦;6♣ 6♥ 6♠ A♠ 6♦;2♣ 3♥ 3♠ 2♠ 2♦;2♣ 3♣ 4♣ 5♠ 6♠"
.Select(hand => new { orig = hand, grp = hand.Split(' ').Select(card => card[0]).GroupBy(g => g) })
.Where(hand => hand.grp.Count() == 2 && hand.grp.Any(value => value.Count() == 2) && hand.grp.Any(value => value.Count() == 3))
.Select(hand => hand.orig)
Enumerable.Range(2018, 10)
.Select(y => (new DateTime(y, 12, 25)).DayOfWeek)
.Where(word => new string(word.OrderBy(letter => letter).ToArray()) == "arst")
"Santi Cazorla, Per Mertesacker, Alan Smith, Thierry Henry, Alex Song, Paul Merson, Alexis Sánchez, Robert Pires, Dennis Bergkamp, Sol Campbell"
.Split(new[] { ", " }, StringSplitOptions.None)
.GroupBy(name => new string(name.Split(' ').Select(namePart => namePart[0]).ToArray()))
.Where(g => g.Count() > 1)
.Select(segTimes => segTimes.Contains(";") ? segTimes.Replace(";", "-"): segTimes + "-2:00:00" )
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