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Created December 24, 2011 00:39
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Save oranj/1515799 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Thumbnailer w/ auto crop
function getExtension($filename, &$base = NULL) {
$a = split('\.', $filename);
$ext = array_pop($a);
$base = join('.', $a);
return strtolower($ext);
function getDimensionsInside($bounding_width, $bounding_height, $source_filename) {
list($width, $height, $type, $attributes) = getimagesize($source_filename);
$ratio = $width / $height;
$bounding_ratio = $bounding_width / $bounding_height;
if ($ratio >= $bounding_ratio) {
return Array(
$bounding_width, // w
$bounding_width / $ratio, // h
} else {
return Array(
$bounding_height * $ratio,
function getDimensionsMaxPixels($num_pixels, $source_filename) {
list($width, $height, $type, $attributes) = getimagesize($source_filename);
if ($num_pixels > $width * $height) {
return Array($width, $height);
$ratio = $width / $height;
$res = Array(
round(sqrt($num_pixels * $ratio)),
round(sqrt($num_pixels) / sqrt($ratio))
return $res;
function say() {
// return;
echo "<pre>";
$args = func_get_args();
echo join(', ', $args);
echo '</pre><br/>';
function resizeImage($target_width, $target_height, $h_focus, $v_focus, $quality, $source_filename, $target_filename) {
list($width, $height, $type, $attributes) = getimagesize($source_filename);
$h_percent = $target_height / $height;
$w_percent = $target_width / $width;
$w_to_h = $width / $height;
$bound_ratio = $target_width / $target_height;
$ext = getExtension($source_filename);
$data = file_get_contents($source_filename);
ini_set('memory_limit', '80M');
$source = imagecreatefromstring($data);
$target = imagecreatetruecolor($target_width, $target_height);
if ($w_to_h > $bound_ratio) {//$target_height <= $target_width) { // Taller than wider, use height;
$pre_cropped_height = $target_height;
$scale = $height / $target_height;
$pre_cropped_width = $w_to_h * $pre_cropped_height;
} else { // Use width
$pre_cropped_width = $target_width;
$scale = $width / $target_width;
$pre_cropped_height = $pre_cropped_width / $w_to_h;
$x_offset = $scale * ($pre_cropped_width - $target_width ) * $h_focus;
$y_offset = $scale * ($pre_cropped_height - $target_height) * $v_focus;
# say ($scale, $x_offset, $y_offset, $pre_cropped_width, $pre_cropped_height, $width, $height, $target_width, $target_height);
imagecopyresampled($target, $source, 0, 0, $x_offset, $y_offset, $pre_cropped_width, $pre_cropped_height, $width, $height);
if (! imagejpeg($target, $target_filename, $quality)) {
die ("Error creating file $target_filename");
return $target;
$filename = basename(__FILE__);
$scriptname = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
if ($filename == $scriptname) {
if (! isset($_GET['f'])) {
$filename = str_replace('..', '', urldecode($_GET['f']));
$folder = $CONFIG['dirs']['img'];
$width = (isset($_GET['w'])?$_GET['w']:200);
$height = (isset($_GET['h'])?$_GET['h']:200);
if (isset($_GET['fit'])) {
list($width, $height) = getDimensionsInside($width, $height, $folder.$filename);
# print_r(Array($width, $height));
$ext = getExtension($filename, $base);
$hash = md5($filename.$width.$height).'.'.$ext;
$destination = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/cache/';
if (! file_exists($folder.$filename)) {
die($folder.$filename.' Does not exist');
if (file_exists($destination.$hash)) {
$img = imagecreatefromjpeg($destination.$hash);
} else {
$img = resizeImage($width, $height, 0.5, 0.5, 90, $folder.$filename, $destination.$hash);
header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');
Copy link

oranj commented Dec 24, 2011

Don't judge the bad code in here.

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