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Created February 16, 2012 05:41
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Save oranj/1842393 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Wrapper class for database access
* Simple database wrapper. While it handles some
* stuff pretty okay at the moment. The big draws are the
* update_records, insert_record, insert_records, get_records,
* and get_record. Other than that, it can also wrap query calls, etc.
* @author Raymond Minge <>
* @version 0.1
class db {
* Wrapper for mysql_connect(), and optionally selects a database
* @param String $host Server Host
* @param String $username Database Username
* @param String $password Database Password
* @param String $dbname Database Name
* @see mysql_connect()
* @see mysql_select_db()
public static function connect($host, $username, $password, $dbname = '') {
mysql_connect($host, $username, $password);
if ($dbname) {
mysql_query( "SET NAMES utf8" );
mysql_query( "SET CHARACTER SET utf8" );
* Wrapper for mysql_select_db()
* @param String $dbname Database Name
* @see mysql_select_db()
* @see qp::connect()
public static function select_db($dbname) {
* Escapes a table name for automatically generated sql
* @param String $table The table name
public static function escape_table($table) {
return '`'.mysql_real_escape_string($table).'`';
* Escapes a column name for automatically generated sql
* @param String $column The column name
public static function escape_column($column) {
if ($column == '*') {
return $column;
} else {
return '`'.mysql_real_escape_string($column).'`';
* Escapes text for automatically generated sql
* @param String $value The text to be escaped.
public static function escape_value($value) {
if (is_bool($value)) {
return ($value?'TRUE':'FALSE');
} else if (is_null($value)) {
return 'NULL';
} else {
if (strtolower($value) == 'now()') {
$value = 'NOW()';
return $value;
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$value = stripslashes($value);
return '"'.mysql_real_escape_string($value).'"';
* Gets the last queried sql;
public static function get_last_sql() {
global $last_db_sql;
return $last_db_sql;
* Wrapper function for mysql_query;
* @param String $sql The sql to be queried
* @see mysql_query();
public static function query($sql) {
global $last_db_sql;
$last_db_sql = $sql;
$query = mysql_query($sql);
if ($error_message = self::error()) {
throw new Exception($error_message." \n".'Last Query: '.self::get_last_sql());
return $query;
* Wrapper function for mysql_fetch_array
* @param Resource $query The query to fetch from.
* @see mysql_fetch_array();
public static function fetch($query) {
return mysql_fetch_array($query, MYSQL_ASSOC);
* Wrapper function for mysql_insert_id
* @see mysql_insert_id()
public static function insert_id() {
return mysql_insert_id();
* Wrapper function for mysql_num_rows
* @param Resource $query The mysql query;
* @see mysql_num_rows(); *
public static function num_rows($query) {
return mysql_num_rows($query);
* Wrapper function for mysql_error
* @see mysql_error()
public static function error() {
return mysql_error();
* Builds and executes a query to update the database
* @param String $table The table to update
* @param Array $data The values to set the table
* @param Mixed $conditional The conditionals to limit the query
* @see qp::build_conditional
* @see qp::build_update_sql
public static function update_records($table, $data, $conditional = ''){
$sql = self::build_update_sql($table, $data, $conditional);
return self::query($sql);
* Builds and executes a query to insert a record into the database
* @param String $table The table to update
* @param Array $data The values to set the table
* @see qp::build_insert_sql()
public static function insert_record($table, $data) {
$sql = self::build_insert_sql($table, $data);
$query = self::query($sql);
return $query;
* Builds and executes a query to insert multiple records into the database
* @param String $table The table to update
* @param Array $data The values to set the table
* @see qp::build_inserts_sql()
public static function insert_records($table, $data) {
if (! sizeof($data)) {
return false;
$sql = self::build_inserts_sql($table, $data);
$query = self::query($sql);
return $query;
public static function delete_records($table, $conditional = NULL) {
$sql = 'DELETE FROM '.self::escape_table($table).self::build_conditional($conditional, $table);
return self::query($sql);
* Builds and executes a query to get a single record from the database
* @param String $table The Table to query
* @param Mixed $fields The field or fields to query
* @param Mixed $conditional An array of key values for an AND query, or sql
* @see qp::get_record_sql()
* @see qp::get_records()
public static function get_record($table, $fields = '*', $conditional = '') {
$sql = self::build_select_sql($table, $fields, $conditional, 1);
return self::get_record_sql($sql);
* Queries a database and returns a single record
* @param String $sql The SQL to execute
* @see qp::get_record();
* @see qp::get_records_sql();
public static function get_record_sql($sql) {
$query = self::query($sql);
if (! self::num_rows($query)) {
return null;
return self::fetch($query);
* Builds and executes a query to get a single record from the database
* @param String $table The Table to query
* @param Mixed $fields The field or fields to query
* @param Mixed $conditional An array of key values for an AND query, or sql
* @see qp::get_record_sql()
* @see qp::get_records()
public static function get_field($table, $field, $conditional = '') {
$sql = self::build_select_sql($table, Array($table.'_id', $field), $conditional, 1);
$record = self::get_record_sql($sql);
if ($record) {
return $record[$field];
} else{
return null;
* Builds and executes a query to return a single field from multiple records
* @param String $table The Table to query
* @param Mixed $fields The field or fields to query
* @param Mixed $conditional An array of key values for an AND query, or sql
* @param Number $limit The number of records to limit the query to
* @param Number $offset The number to offset the query by
* @see qp::get_records_sql()
* @see qp::get_record()
public static function get_fields($table, $field, $conditional = '', $limit = 0, $offset = 0) {
$sql = self::build_select_sql($table, Array($table.'_id', $field), $conditional, $limit, $offset);
$query = self::query($sql);
$primary_key = $table.'_id';
$records = Array();
while ($record = self::fetch($query)) {
if (isset($record[$primary_key])) {
$records[$record[$primary_key]] = $record[$field];
} else {
$records[]= $record[$field];
return $records;
* Builds and executes a query to return a single field from multiple records indexed by a key
* @param String $table The Table to query
* @param Mixed $fields The field or fields to query
* @param String $key The key to use as an index
* @param Mixed $conditional An array of key values for an AND query, or sql
* @param Number $limit The number of records to limit the query to
* @param Number $offset The number to offset the query by
* @see qp::get_records_sql()
* @see qp::get_record()
public static function get_fields_key($table, $field, $key, $conditional = '', $limit = 0, $offset = 0) {
$sql = self::build_select_sql($table, Array($key, $field), $conditional, $limit, $offset);
$query = self::query($sql);
$records = Array();
while ($record = self::fetch($query)) {
$records[$record[$key]] = $record[$field];
return $records;
* Builds and executes a query to return multiple records
* @param String $table The Table to query
* @param Mixed $fields The field or fields to query
* @param Mixed $conditional An array of key values for an AND query, or sql
* @param Number $limit The number of records to limit the query to
* @param Number $offset The number to offset the query by
* @see qp::get_records_sql()
* @see qp::get_record()
public static function get_records($table, $fields ='*', $conditional = '', $limit = 0, $offset = 0) {
$sql = self::build_select_sql($table, $fields, $conditional, $limit, $offset);
return self::get_records_sql($sql, $table.'_id');
* Queries a database and returns multiple records
* @param String $sql The SQL to execute
* @see qp::get_records();
* @see qp::get_record_sql();
public static function get_records_sql($sql, $pkey = null) {
$query = self::query($sql);
if (! $query) {
return Array();
$records = Array();
while ($record = self::fetch($query)) {
if (isset($record[$pkey])) {
$records [$record[$pkey]] = $record;
} else {
$records []= $record;
return $records;
* Builds the SQL for an INSERT query for multiple records
* @param String $table The Table to insert into
* @param Array $data The data to insert
* @see qp::insert_records()
public static function build_inserts_sql($table, $data) {
$sql = 'INSERT INTO '.self::escape_table($table).PHP_EOL.
'('.join(',', array_map(Array(get_class(), 'escape_column'), array_keys(reset($data)))).')'.PHP_EOL.
$inserts = Array();
foreach ($data as $datum) {
$inserts []= '('.join(',', array_map(Array(get_class(), 'escape_value'), $datum)).')';
$sql .= join(', ', $inserts);
return $sql;
* Builds the SQL for an INSERT query for only one record
* @param String $table The Table to insert into
* @param Array $data The data to insert
* @see qp::insert_record()
public static function build_insert_sql($table, $data) {
$sql = 'INSERT INTO '.self::escape_table($table).PHP_EOL.
'('.join(',', array_map(Array(get_class(), 'escape_column'), array_keys($data))).')'.PHP_EOL.
' VALUES ('.join(',', array_map(Array(get_class(), 'escape_value'), $data)).')';
return $sql;
* Builds the SQL for an UPDATE query
* @param String $table The table to update
* @param Array $data The values to update the table to.
* @param Mixed $conditional The conditionals to use to update
* @see qp::build_conditional()
* @see qp::update_records();
public static function build_update_sql($table, $data, $conditional = '') {
$sql = 'UPDATE '.
self::build_conditional($conditional, $table);
return $sql;
* Builds the SQL for a SELECT query
* @param String $table The table name to select from
* @param Mixed $fields The field or fields to select
* @param Mixed $conditional The conditionals to use to select
* @param Number $limit The number of records to return
* @param Number $offset The offset for pagination purposes
* @see qp::build_conditional()
* @see qp::get_records()
* @see qp::get_record()
public static function build_select_sql($table, $fields = '*', $conditional = '', $limit = 0, $offset = 0) {
$field_str = self::build_field_sql($fields);
$sql = 'SELECT '.$field_str.' FROM '.self::escape_table($table).self::build_conditional($conditional, $table);
if ($limit) {
if ($offset) {
$sql .= ' LIMIT '.$offset.', '.$limit;
} else {
$sql .= ' LIMIT '.$limit;
return $sql;
* Builds the SET SQL for update queries
* @param Array $data for the update
private static function build_set_sql($data) {
$sets = Array();
foreach ($data as $column => $value) {
$sets []= self::escape_column($column).'='.self::escape_value($value);
if ($sets) {
return ' SET '.join(', ', $sets);
} else {
return '';
* Builds the SQL to list the fields for a generated query
* @param mixed $fields A field or list of fields
private static function build_field_sql($fields) {
return is_array($fields)?join(', ', array_map(Array(get_class(), 'escape_column'), $fields)):self::escape_column($fields);
* Builds the SQL for a general purpose conditional string.
* Given a hash, this function will combine the conditions as
* an AND, if any of those values are an array, write it as an
* IN command.
* If the input text is a string, use that as the only condition.
* @param mixed $where The string or list of conditions to build the sequel from.
private static function build_conditional($where, $table = NULL) {
if (! $where) {
return '';
$str = ' WHERE ';
if (is_array($where) || is_object($where)) {
$conds = Array();
foreach ($where as $column => $value) {
if (is_string($column)) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$conds []= self::escape_column($column).' IN ('.join(', ', array_map(Array(get_class(), 'escape_value'), $value)).')';
} else {
$conds []= self::escape_column($column).'='.self::escape_value($value);
} else {
$conds []= $value;
$str .= join(' AND ', $conds);
} else if (is_numeric($where) && ! is_null($table)) {
$str .= self::escape_column($table.'_id').'='.self::escape_value($where);
} else {
$str .= $where;
return $str;
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