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Created April 20, 2012 20:04
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Save oranj/2431437 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Command line decode
class ColorCLI {
static $foreground_colors = array(
'black' => '0;30', 'dark_gray' => '1;30',
'blue' => '0;34', 'light_blue' => '1;34',
'green' => '0;32', 'light_green' => '1;32',
'cyan' => '0;36', 'light_cyan' => '1;36',
'red' => '0;31', 'light_red' => '1;31',
'purple' => '0;35', 'light_purple' => '1;35',
'brown' => '0;33', 'yellow' => '1;33',
'light_gray' => '0;37', 'white' => '1;37',
static $background_colors = array(
'black' => '40', 'red' => '41',
'green' => '42', 'yellow' => '43',
'blue' => '44', 'magenta' => '45',
'cyan' => '46', 'light_gray' => '47',
public static function strip($text) {
$out = preg_replace('/\033\[[0-9;]+m/', '', $text);
return $out;
public static function blink($text) {
return "\033[5m".$text."\033[0m";
public static function __callStatic( $foreground_color, $args ) {
$string = $args[0];
$background_color = false;
if( isset($args[1]) ) {
$background_color = $args[1];
$colored_string = "";
// Check if given foreground color found
if( isset(self::$foreground_colors[$foreground_color]) ) {
$colored_string .= "\033[" . self::$foreground_colors[$foreground_color] . "m";
// Check if given background color found
if ($background_color && isset(self::$background_colors[$background_color])) {
$colored_string .= "\033[" . self::$background_colors[$background_color] . "m";
// Add string and end coloring
$colored_string .= $string . "\033[0m";
return $colored_string;
function get_tty_width() {
$output = exec('tput cols');
return $output;
function text_fill($text, $fill = '=', $align = 'left') {
if (! is_string($fill) || strlen($fill) != 1) {
throw new Exception("Fill parameter must be a single character");
$full_width = get_tty_width();
$text = ($align == 'left'?($text.' '):
($align == 'right'?(' '.$text):(' '.$text.' ')));
$remainder_width = $full_width - strlen($text);
switch ($align) {
case 'left':
$left_width = 0;
case 'right':
$left_width = $remainder_width;
case 'center':
$left_width = ceil($remainder_width / 2);
$right_width = $remainder_width - $left_width;
$str = str_repeat($fill, $left_width).$text.str_repeat($fill, $right_width)."\n";
return $str;
function decode_backtrace_block( $debug ) {
$debug = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9=+\/]/si', '', $debug);
return json_decode( @gzinflate( base64_decode($debug) ), true );
if ($argc < 2) {
echo(ColorCLI::red("Please input an encoded message\n"));
$message = $argv[1];
$backtrace = decode_backtrace_block($message);
$longest_function_length = 10;
foreach ($backtrace as $backtrace_instance) {
$size = strlen(trim($backtrace_instance['function']));
if ($size > $longest_function_length) {
$longest_function_length = $size;
function get_remaining_width($width, $longest_key_length) {
return (($width - 4) - $longest_key_length) - 1;
function print_horizontal_separator($longest_key, $width, $location = 'middle') {
static $left = Array(
'top' => '╔',
'bottom' => '╚',
'middle' => '╠',
'sub' => '╬',
static $middle = Array(
'top' => '╦',
'bottom' => '╩',
'middle' => '╬',
'sub' => '╦'
static $right = Array(
'top'=> '╗',
'bottom' => '╝',
'middle' => '╣',
'sub' => '╣',
$remaining_width = get_remaining_width($width, $longest_key);
return $left[$location].str_repeat('═', $longest_key + 2).$middle[$location].str_repeat('═', $remaining_width).$right[$location]."\n";
function print_args($args, $width = NULL, $depth = 0) {
if (! $args) {
return '';
if (is_null($width)) {
$width = get_tty_width();
$str = '';
$longest_key = 0;
$padding = 1;
foreach ($args as $key => $arg) {
if (strlen($key) > $longest_key) {
$longest_key = strlen($key);
if ($depth ==0) {
$str .= print_horizontal_separator($longest_key, $width, 'top');
} else {
$str .= print_horizontal_separator($longest_key, $width, 'sub');
$remaining_width = get_remaining_width($width, $longest_key);
$right_inner_width = $remaining_width - 2;
$i = 1;
$p = str_repeat(' ', $padding);
$white_space = str_repeat(' ', 2 * $padding + $longest_key + 1);
$previous_arg = NULL;
foreach ($args as $key => $arg) {
if (is_array($arg) || is_object($arg)) {
$inner_output = print_args($arg, $remaining_width + 2, $depth + 1);
$lines = explode("\n", $inner_output);
$str .= "║".$p.sprintf('%-'.$longest_key.'s', $key).$p.'║'.$p.ColorCLI::cyan(sprintf('%-'.($right_inner_width + 2).'s', '('.$arg.') ↩')).$p."║\n";
foreach (array_filter($lines) as $j => $line) {
if ($j == 0) {
$str .= '╚═'.str_repeat('═', $longest_key).'═';
} else {
$str .= $white_space;
$str .= $line."\n";
} else {
if ($previous_arg && (is_array($previous_arg) || is_object($previous_arg))) {
$strs = array_filter(explode("\n", $str));
$first_n = join("\n", array_slice($strs, 0, sizeof($strs) - 1));
$last = $strs[sizeof($strs) - 1];
$last = '╔'.substr($last, 1);
$last = str_replace(
' ',
$str = $first_n."\n".$last."\n";
$type = gettype($arg);
$type_string = '('.$type.') ';
$colored_type_string = ColorCLI::cyan('('.$type.') ');
$len = strlen($colored_type_string) - strlen($type_string);
$prefix = str_repeat('x', strlen($type_string) - 2);
$string = $prefix.$arg;
$lines = str_split($string, $right_inner_width - 2);
foreach ($lines as $k => $line) {
if ($k == 0) {
$line = str_replace($prefix, $colored_type_string, $line);
$str .= "║".$p.sprintf('%-'.$longest_key.'s', $key).$p.'║'.$p.sprintf('%-'.($right_inner_width + $len).'s', $line).$p."║\n";
} else {
$str .= "║".$p.str_repeat(' ', $longest_key).$p.'║'.$p.ColorCLI::yellow('↳ ').sprintf('%-'.($right_inner_width - 2).'s', $line).$p."║\n";
if ($i == sizeof($args)) {
$str .= print_horizontal_separator($longest_key, $width, 'bottom');
$previous_arg = $arg;
return $str;
#$longest_function_length = max(array_map('strlen', array_map('reset', $backtrace)));
$print_format = '%'.$longest_function_length.'s';
foreach ($backtrace as $backtrace_instance) {
$contents = '';
echo("\n".ColorCLI::white(text_fill("Called Function: ".$backtrace_instance['function'].'()',' ', 'left'), 'blue'));
if (isset($backtrace_instance['file'])) {
echo(ColorCLI::cyan("File: ").$backtrace_instance['file']."\n");
if (isset($backtrace_instance['line'])) {
echo(ColorCLI::cyan("Line: ").$backtrace_instance['line']."\n");
if (isset($backtrace_instance['line']) && isset($backtrace_instance['file'])) {
$contents = @file_get_contents($backtrace_instance['file']);
$line_number = $backtrace_instance['line'] - 1;
$buffer = 3;
if ($contents) {
$lines = preg_split('/$\R?^/m', $contents);
$min = max($line_number - $buffer, 0);
$max = min($line_number + $buffer + 1, sizeof($lines));
$digits = strlen($max);
for ($i = $min; $i < $max; $i++) {
echo(ColorCLI::yellow(sprintf('%-'.$digits.'d: ', $i + 1)));
if ($i == $line_number) {
echo(preg_replace('/'.$backtrace_instance['function'].'/i', ColorCLI::green($backtrace_instance['function']), $lines[$i])."\n");
} else {
if (isset($backtrace_instance['args']) && $backtrace_instance['args']) {
echo(ColorCLI::cyan("Args: \n"));
echo print_args($backtrace_instance['args']);;
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oranj commented Apr 20, 2012

Fixed issue with arrays not being the last parameter.

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