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Last active April 27, 2022 21:50
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Python copy & deepcopy with dicts and slots
import copy
from itertools import chain
class CopyTestClass(object):
def __init__(self, q, w):
self._a = q
self._b = w
self._cache = {}
def __copy__(self):
# Create a new instance
cls = self.__class__
result = cls.__new__(cls)
# Copy all attributes
# Return updated instance
return result
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
# Create a new instance
cls = self.__class__
result = cls.__new__(cls)
# Don't copy self reference
memo[id(self)] = result
# Don't copy the cache - if it exists
if hasattr(self, "_cache"):
memo[id(self._cache)] = self._cache.__new__(dict)
# Deep copy all other attributes
for k, v in self.__dict__.items():
setattr(result, k, copy.deepcopy(v, memo))
# Return updated instance
return result
class CopyTestClassWithSlots(object):
__slots__ = ('_a', '_b', '_cache')
def __init__(self, q, w):
self._a = q
self._b = w
self._cache = {}
def __copy__(self):
# Create a new instance
cls = self.__class__
result = cls.__new__(cls)
# Get all __slots__ of the derived class
slots = chain.from_iterable(getattr(s, '__slots__', []) for s in self.__class__.__mro__)
# Copy all attributes
for var in slots:
setattr(result, var, copy.copy(getattr(self, var)))
# Return updated instance
return result
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
# Create a new instance
cls = self.__class__
result = cls.__new__(cls)
# Don't copy self reference
memo[id(self)] = result
# Don't copy the cache - if it exists
if hasattr(self, "_cache"):
memo[id(self._cache)] = self._cache.__new__(dict)
# Get all __slots__ of the derived class
slots = chain.from_iterable(getattr(s, '__slots__', []) for s in self.__class__.__mro__)
# Deep copy all other attributes
for var in slots:
setattr(result, var, copy.deepcopy(getattr(self, var), memo))
# Return updated instance
return result
# Testing deep copy with __dict__
test1 = CopyTestClass(q=10, w=[1.0 for _ in range(10)])
test1._cache["coins"] = 120
test1c = copy.deepcopy(test1)
# Testing copy with __slots__
test2 = CopyTestClass(q=25, w=None)
test2c = copy.copy(test2)
# Testing deep copy with __slots__
test3 = CopyTestClass(q=[1.0 for _ in range(4)], w=None)
test3._b = "a string"
test3._cache['test_me'] = 1020
test3c = copy.deepcopy(test3)
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