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nextcloud - collabora online integration in a Centos 7 local virtual machine with self signed certs using certbot and a local boulder server
## nextcloud - collabora online integration in a Centos 7 local virtual machine
## with self signed certs using certbot and a local boulder server
## Author: Oriol Boix Anfosso <>
## This script is licensed under GPLv2
## git, certbot, docker and docker-compose must be installed!
## Be aware in case you already have a directory called certs in your home, not related with this project.
rm -rf $HOME/certs
mkdir -p $projects_path
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
## Cleaning up containers from a previous run of this script
docker rm -f $db_hostname
docker rm -f $collabora_name
docker rm -f $domain
## check which is the ip associated with the docker0 interface
ipaddr=`ifconfig docker0 | grep "inet addr:" | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'`
## depending on linux distro you might grep by "inet" instead of "inet addr:"
if [ -z "$ipaddr" ];then
ipaddr=`ifconfig docker0 | grep "inet" | cut -d't' -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'`
## In case docker0 has ipv6
ipaddr=`echo $ipaddr | cut -d' ' -f1`
## Transform docker0 ip into regular expression i.e. adding \ before every .
## This is because sed works with regular expressions
ipaddr_re=$(echo "$ipaddr" | sed 's/\./\\\./g')
## Clone letsencrypt boulder server if not present
export GOPATH=$projects_path/letsencrypt
if [ ! -d "$GOPATH" ]; then
git clone $boulderdir
mkdir -p ~/temp/boulder
cp -r $boulderdir/* ~/temp/boulder/
## Using sed to change the default ip (
## in boulder docker-compose.yml file for the docker0 ip
## This is needed if want boulder container communicate with host
sed -i "s/127\.0\.0\.1/${ipaddr_re}/g" ~/temp/boulder/docker-compose.yml
## Fire up boulder (letsencrypt) containers
cd ~/temp/boulder
docker-compose up -d
echo "Processing... please wait"
docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}:4000' boulder_boulder_1 | xargs wget --retry-connrefused --tries=10 -q --wait=2 --spider
## File to temporary store the location for certs generated with certbot_test
## Clone certbot if not present
if [ ! -d "$projects_path/certbot/acme" ]; then
rm -rf $projects_path/certbot
cd $projects_path
git clone
mkdir -p ~/temp/certbot
cp $projects_path/certbot/tests/integration/ ~/temp/certbot
## path
function generate_certs {
# Set the certbot_test function and set certs location to $certpath
export root=
source $common_sh_path > $cbfile
certpath=`cat ${cbfile} | awk 'NF>1{print $NF}'`
## Generate certs for $domain (which is passed in $1)
certbot_test certonly -a standalone -d $1
## Move all boulder generated cert files to $HOME/certs
mkdir -p $HOME/certs/$1
rm -rf $HOME/certs/$1/*
cp $certpath/conf/archive/$1/cert1.pem $HOME/certs/$1/cert.pem
cp $certpath/conf/archive/$1/chain1.pem $HOME/certs/$1/chain.pem
cp $certpath/conf/archive/$1/fullchain1.pem $HOME/certs/$1/fullchain.pem
cp $certpath/conf/archive/$1/privkey1.pem $HOME/certs/$1/privkey.pem
echo "certpath=$certpath"
function start_collabora {
docker run -t --name="${collabora_name}" --network=$network -h "${collabora_name}" -d -p 9980:9980 -e "DOMAIN=${domain}" -e USERNAME=${username} -e PASSWORD=${password} orboan/collabora
echo "Processing... please wait"
sleep 20
docker cp ${collabora_name}:/etc/loolwsd/ca-chain.cert.pem $HOME/certs/
function start_nextcloud {
docker run --name=$domain -d --network=$network -h "$domain" -e "DOMAIN=$domain" -p 443:443 -v ~/certs:/certs orboan/nextcloud
function start_mariadb {
mkdir -p $HOME/data
docker run --name=$db_hostname -d --network=$network -h $db_hostname -p 9001:9001 -e USER=${username} -e PASSWORD=${password} -e SHELLINABOX_PORT=9101 -p 9101:4200 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=$db_root_password -e MYSQL_DATABASE1=$db_database -e MYSQL_USER1=$db_username -e MYSQL_PASSWORD1=$db_password -v ~/data:/data -v /var/lib/mysql orboan/dcsss-mariadb
sleep 1
docker network create $network || echo "Network ${network} already exists."
generate_certs $domain
start_nextcloud || docker restart ${domain}
echo "###### INSTRUCTIONS #######"
echo "0- Make sure you have properly forwarded ports"
echo "1- Open your browser at https://${domain} and add cert exception"
echo "2- Choose storage as mariadb/mysql, with next data:"
echo " Username: $db_username"
echo " Password: $db_password"
echo " Database: $db_database"
echo " DB host: $db_hostname"
echo "3- Enter the nextcloud administrator credentials of your choose (username and password)"
echo "4- In up left corner go to Files > +Apps. > Office & text > Collabora Online > Enable"
echo " You'll be asked for admin password. If it repeats asking the password:"
echo " In the host server run 'sudo ntpdate'"
echo " (ntp should installed, otherwise install it)"
echo "5- Go to top right > admin username > admin > left side menu > Collabora online"
echo " Enter 'https://collabora:9980' and Apply"
echo "6- Go to files > Documents folder > open About.odt"
echo " If odt does not load, you first have to add an exception for its cert to the browser your using: you should accept the cert in browser by navigating to:"
echo "https://${collabora_name}:9980/hosting/discovery or"
echo "https://${collabora_name}:9980/loleaflet/dist/admin/admin.html"
echo "---- credentials: admin/admin ----- Please forward ports accordingly"
echo "You may also try restarting the ${collabora_name} container"
rm -rf ~/temp
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orboan commented Feb 27, 2017

This script is for home, testing and educational purposes of the integration of rich documents in nextcloud.
This script accepts, as a first parameter, the domain you want to use to access to nextcloud from the host OS (host in relation to the CentOS VM).
No DNS is configured, so modify hosts file accordingly.
This is tested in CentOS 7 inside a VirtualBox VM with Internet connection.
This script deploys collabora online and nexcloud using docker containers. It also creates and configures the appropriate self signed certificates using certbot and a local boulder server.
Forward ports in VirtualBox (Network > Advanced > Port forwarding): 9980, 443, and any port to 22 if wanna use ssh.
git, certbot, docker and docker-compose must be installed in CentOS 7.
If having issues when loading rich documents, please take a look at:
You can find a guide in:

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