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Created February 2, 2010 20:13
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(def products-resource
:method-allowed? #(some #{(% :request-method)} [:get :post])
:content-types-provided { "text/html" :to_html, "text/plain" :to_text }
:created (fn [_ req _] (str "Product " (add-product (slurp-body req)) " created."))
:to_html (fn [_ req _]
(html [:html
[:head [:title "All Products"]]
[:body [:h1 "All Products"]
[:ul (map (fn [p] [:li [:a { :href (p :id)} (p :title)]])
(trace "AP" (all-products)))]]]))
:to_text (fn [_ req _]
(apply str (map #(str (% :id) ": " (% :title) "\n") (all-products))))))
(def product-resource
:method-allowed? #(some #{(% :request-method)} [:get :delete :put ])
:content-types-provided { "text/html" :to_html, "text/plain" :to_text }
:exists? (fn [req] (if-let [id (trace "id" (read-string (-> req :route-params :id)))]
(if-let [product (trace "product" (product-by-id id))]
{ ::product product })))
:etag (fn [req] (str "P-" (-> req ::product :id)))
:delete (fn [req] (remove-product-by-id (-> req :route-params :id)))
:entity? false
:to_html (fn [rmap req status]
(let [product (req ::product)]
(html [:h1 (product :id)] [:p (product :title)])))
:to_text (fn [rmap req status]
(let [product (req ::product)]
(str (product :id) ": " (product :title))))))
(defroutes my-app
(ANY "/products/" products-resource)
(ANY "/products/:id" product-resource)
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