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Created May 29, 2020 10:44
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(defrecord DynamoDBTxLog [ddb-client table-name partition-name]
(submit-tx [this tx-events]
(log/debug "submit-tx" :tx-events tx-events)
(let [last-id (last-tx-id ddb-client table-name partition-name)
_ (log/debug "submitting tx, last tx id was" last-id)
content-hashes (->> (set (map c/new-id (mapcat txc/tx-events->docs tx-events))))
tx-id (inc (or last-id 0))
tx-time (System/currentTimeMillis)
item-values {partition-key (s partition-name)
sort-key (n tx-id)
"tx-time" (n tx-time)
"events" (b (nippy/fast-freeze tx-events))
"crux.tx/docs" (b (nippy/fast-freeze content-hashes))}
tx-put-items (-> (Put/builder) (.tableName table-name) (.item item-values) .build)
tx-update-id (cond-> (-> (Put/builder)
(.tableName table-name)
(.item {"partition" (s partition-name)
"tx" (n -1)
"last" (n tx-id)}))
last-id (.conditionExpression "#last = :lastid")
last-id (.expressionAttributeValues {":lastid" (n last-id)})
last-id (.expressionAttributeNames {"#last" "last"})
:always .build)
twir (-> (TransactWriteItemsRequest/builder)
(.transactItems [(-> (TransactWriteItem/builder)
(.put tx-put-items)
(-> (TransactWriteItem/builder)
(.put tx-update-id)
(let [r (.transactWriteItems ddb-client twir)]
{::twi-response r
::tx/tx-id tx-id
::tx/tx-time tx-time})))))
(open-tx-log [this after-tx-id]
(log/debug "Opening tx-log" :after-tx-id after-tx-id)
(cio/->cursor (fn [] )
(query-tx-table ddb-client table-name partition-name after-tx-id)))
(latest-submitted-tx [this]
{:crux.tx/tx-id (last-tx-id ddb-client table-name partition-name)})
(status-map [_]
(let [r (-> (DescribeTableRequest/builder) (.tableName table-name) .build)
^TableDescription (-> (.describeTable ddb-client r) .table)]
{:status (.tableStatus table-info)
:item-count (.itemCount table-info)
:table-size (.tableSizeBytes table-info)})
(catch Exception e
(log/debug e "Could not describe dynamodb table")
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