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<title>Remove Magento's orphan images web console</title>
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//manera que utilizan muchas extensiones, aunque no es la recomendable,
//ya que magento incluye esta funcionalidad en su core
$modules = Mage::getConfig()->getNode('modules')->children();
$modulesArray = (array)$modules;
if($modulesArray['Module_Name']->is('active')) {
echo "module is active.";
function addEvent(obj, evType, fn){
if (obj.addEventListener){
obj.addEventListener(evType, fn, false);
return true;
} else if (obj.attachEvent){
var r = obj.attachEvent("on"+evType, fn);
return r;
} else {
return false;
* Esta funcion devuelve una cadena pasada como parametro
* truncada a un maximo de caracteres segun parametro
* @param string $string
* @param int $maxLength
* @return string
public function truncateString($string, $maxLength)
<? for($navigation as $item) : ?>
<li><a href="<?= $item->href ?>"><?= $item->caption ?></a></li>
<? endfor; ?>
#Select all the config data with the current domain in the value
select * from core_config_data where value like "";
#replacing with
update core_config_data set value=REPLACE(value, '', '')
where value like "";
#check if it worked!
select * from core_config_data where value like "";
php -f shell/log.php -- clean --days 1
#truncate customers
truncate customer_entity;
truncate customer_address_entity;
truncate log_customer;
truncate salesrule_customer;
truncate salesrule_coupon_usage;
truncate newsletter_subscriber;
truncate persistent_session;
#PARA CUSTOMERS borrando QUOTES más antiguas de 45 días
#DELETE FROM sales_flat_quote WHERE (NOT ISNULL(customer_id) AND customer_id != 0) AND updated_at < DATE_SUB(Now(), INTERVAL 45 DAY) LIMIT 15000;
SELECT * FROM sales_flat_quote WHERE (NOT ISNULL(customer_id) AND customer_id != 0) AND updated_at < DATE_SUB(Now(), INTERVAL 45 DAY) LIMIT 15000;
#PARA NO CUSTOMERS borrando QUOTES más antiguas de 30 días.
#DELETE FROM sales_flat_quote WHERE (ISNULL(customer_id) || customer_id = 0) AND updated_at < DATE_SUB(Now(), INTERVAL 30 DAY);
SELECT * FROM sales_flat_quote WHERE (ISNULL(customer_id) || customer_id = 0) AND updated_at < DATE_SUB(Now(), INTERVAL 30 DAY) LIMIT 50000;