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Created June 3, 2020 09:59
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package com.github.oreganoli.starchart;
/** A star's north-south coordinate on the celestial sphere, measured in degrees, ranging from -90° to 90° */
public class Declination {
private static int MAX_DEGREES = 90;
private static int MAX_MINSEC = 59;
public int degrees;
public int minutes;
public int seconds;
public Declination(int degrees, int minutes, int seconds) {
if (!(
(Math.abs(degrees) == 90 && minutes == 0 && seconds == 0) ||
(Math.abs(degrees) < 90 && degrees != 0 && minutes >= 0 && minutes <= MAX_MINSEC && seconds >= 0 && seconds <= MAX_MINSEC) ||
(degrees == 0 && Math.abs(minutes) <= MAX_MINSEC && seconds >= 0 && seconds <= MAX_MINSEC) ||
(degrees == 0 && minutes == 0 && Math.abs(seconds) <= MAX_MINSEC) ||
(degrees == 0 && minutes == 0 && seconds == 0)
)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Declinations may be at most 90 degrees either north or south.");
} else {
this.degrees = degrees;
this.minutes = minutes;
this.seconds = seconds;
public String toString() {
return String.format("%02d°%02d'%02d\"", degrees, minutes, seconds);
public Star.Hemisphere hemisphere() {
if (degrees == 0) {
if (minutes == 0) {
if (seconds == 0) {
return Star.Hemisphere.Equatorial;
} else if (seconds < 0) {
return Star.Hemisphere.Southern;
} else {
return Star.Hemisphere.Northern;
} else if (minutes < 0) {
return Star.Hemisphere.Southern;
} else {
return Star.Hemisphere.Northern;
} else if (degrees < 0) {
return Star.Hemisphere.Southern;
} else {
return Star.Hemisphere.Northern;
package com.github.oreganoli.starchart;
/** A star's east-west coordinate, measured in hours, ranging from 0 to 24 hours. */
public class RightAscension {
private static final int MAX_HOURS = 24;
private static final int MAX_MINSEC = 59;
public int hours;
public int minutes;
public int seconds;
public RightAscension(int hours, int minutes, int seconds) {
if ((hours == MAX_HOURS && (minutes != 0 || seconds != 0)) || (hours < 0 || hours > MAX_HOURS || minutes < 0 || minutes > MAX_MINSEC || seconds < 0 || seconds > MAX_MINSEC)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempted to create an invalid right ascension");
this.hours = hours;
this.minutes = minutes;
this.seconds = seconds;
public String toString() {
return String.format("%02d h %02d m %02d s", hours, minutes, seconds);
package com.github.oreganoli.starchart;
import static com.github.oreganoli.starchart.Constants.*;
/** The central data type of starchart. */
public class Star {
/** The primary key in the corresponding DB table - left null when inserting a new star. */
public Integer id;
/** The astronomical name of the star. */
public String name;
/** What constellation the star belongs to. It is recommended to use the genitive case of the constellation's Latin name. */
public String constellation;
/** Calculated based on the apparent magnitude and distance. */
public double absolute_magnitude;
/** The north-south coordinate on the celestial sphere, measured in degrees, ranging from -90° to 90° */
public Declination declination;
/** The east-west coordinate, measured in hours, ranging from 0 to 24 hours. */
public RightAscension right_ascension;
/** Calculated based on the declination. */
public Hemisphere hemisphere;
/** How bright the star appears to be from Earth. */
public double apparent_magnitude;
/** The Bayer designation of the star within its constellation using a Greek letter, for example "Alpha Ceti" for the brightest star in the Cetus constellation.
* This is ignored on inserts and updates, like "id". */
public String catalog_name;
/** Temperature in degrees centigrade. */
public double temperature;
/** Distance from the Solar System, measured in light years. */
public double distance;
/** Mass relative to the Sun. */
public double mass;
public Star(Integer id, String name, String constellation, String catalog_name, double temperature, double distance, double mass, Declination declination, RightAscension ascension, double apparent_magnitude) { = id;
if (constellation == null || constellation.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Stars must belong to a constellation.");
this.constellation = constellation;
this.catalog_name = catalog_name;
this.right_ascension = ascension;
public String toString() {
return "Star{" +
"id=" + id +
", name='" + name + '\'' +
", constellation='" + constellation + '\'' +
", absolute_magnitude=" + absolute_magnitude +
", declination=" + declination +
", right_ascension=" + right_ascension +
", hemisphere=" + hemisphere +
", apparent_magnitude=" + apparent_magnitude +
", catalog_name='" + catalog_name + '\'' +
", temperature=" + temperature +
", distance=" + distance +
", mass=" + mass +
* Helper method for converting parsecs to light years.
* @param pc Parsecs
* @return Light years
public static double pc_to_ly(double pc) {
return pc * LY_TO_PC;
* Helper method for converting light years to parsecs.
* @param ly Light years
* @return Parsecs
public static double ly_to_pc(double ly) {
return ly / LY_TO_PC;
private void calculate_absolute_magnitude() {
absolute_magnitude = apparent_magnitude - 5 * Math.log10(ly_to_pc(distance)) + 5;
* Sets the apparent magnitude and recalculates the absolute magnitude.
* @param magnitude New apparent magnitude.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If magnitude does not fit within the allowable range of <-26,74; 15>.
void set_apparent_magnitude(double magnitude) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Stars are assumed to have an apparent magnitude between -26.74 and 15.");
} else {
apparent_magnitude = magnitude;
* Sets the distance and recalculates the absolute magnitude.
* @param distance New distance.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the distance is lesser than or equal to 0.
void set_distance(double distance) {
if (distance <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("A star must be at least some distance away from the observer.");
} else {
this.distance = distance;
* Sets the mass.
* @param mass The new mass.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the mass isn't between 0.1 and 50 solar masses.
void set_mass(double mass) {
if (mass < MIN_MASS || mass > MAX_MASS) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Stars are assumed to have a mass between one-tenth that of the Sun to fifty times that of the Sun.");
} else {
this.mass = mass;
void set_declination(Declination declination) {
this.declination = declination;
this.hemisphere = this.declination.hemisphere();
public void set_temperature(double temperature) {
if (temperature < MIN_TEMPERATURE) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Stars are assumed to be at a temperature of at least 2000°C");
} else {
this.temperature = temperature;
* Validates and sets the name.
* @param name New name.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the name is not 3 Latin letters followed by 4 digits.
public void set_name(String name) {
var new_name = name.toUpperCase();
if (new_name.matches("[A-Z]{3}[0-9]{4}")) { = new_name;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Star names must be 3 Latin letters followed by 4 digits.");
/** Which hemisphere a star can be found on. */
public enum Hemisphere {
/** Not really a hemisphere, but handles the edge case of a theoretical 0°0'0" declination. */
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