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Last active May 28, 2021 14:58
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -uo pipefail
set +x
FINGERPRINT="C874 011F 0AB4 0511 0D02 1055 3436 5D94 72D7 468F"
die() {
echo "FATAL: $1"
exit 1
must_have() {
for dep in "$@"; do
which $dep >/dev/null || die "missing required utility: $dep"
hashicorp_install() {
local application="$1"
if [[ -z "$application" ]]; then
die "no application name supplied"
if [[ ! "x86_64" == $(uname -m) ]]; then
echo "WARNING: Will retrieve amd64 bianaries!"
local os="linux"
local shasum="sha256sum"
if [[ "$OS" == "osx" ]]; then
echo "INFO: Downloading MacOS binaries"
shasum="shasum -a 256"
tmp=$(mktemp -d)
trap 'rm -rf $tmp' EXIT
pushd "${tmp}" >/dev/null || exit
# Check if we already have Hashicorp signing key
# Public Key is published at
# Direct link from Keybase change -
if [[ ! $(gpg -k "${FINGERPRINT}") ]]; then
echo "INFO: Getting Hashicorp key from Keybase"
curl -sSfLO
gpg --import key.asc
curl -sSfLO
local versions=".${application}.versions | to_entries | map_values(.value) | .[].version"
latest=$(jq "${versions}" index.json | sort -rV | head -n 1 | cut -f 2 -d '"')
# Use specified version or fall back to the latest available
local version=${2:-$latest}
echo "INFO: Getting ${application} version ${version}"
if [[ $version != "$latest" ]]; then
echo "WARNING: Newer version ${latest} is available"
local filter_base=".${application}.versions | to_entries | map_values(.value) | .[] | select(.version==\"${version}\")"
local dl_base="${application}/${version}/"
# Get valid checksums
checksums=$(jq "${filter_base} | .shasums" index.json | cut -f 2 -d '"')
sig=$(jq "${filter_base} | .shasums_signature" index.json | cut -f 2 -d '"')
curl -sfLO "${dl_base}${checksums}"
curl -sfLO "${dl_base}${sig}"
gpg --verify "${sig}" "${checksums}" 2> hashicorp_verify
grep -q "${FINGERPRINT}" hashicorp_verify
# Get the compressed executable
local binary_filter="${filter_base} | .builds | map(select(.os==\"${os}\" and .arch==\"amd64\")) | .[0].url"
remote_archive=$(jq "${binary_filter}" index.json | cut -f 2 -d '"')
curl -sfLO "$(jq "${binary_filter}" index.json | cut -f 2 -d '"')"
$shasum --ignore-missing --quiet --strict --check "${checksums}"
unzip -qq "$(basename "${remote_archive}")"
mv "${application}" /usr/bin
popd >/dev/null || exit
must_have "gpg" "jq" "curl"
hashicorp_install "$@"
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