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Last active May 27, 2016 21:44
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// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// JavaScript Magstripe (track 1, track2) data parser object
// Mar-22-2005 Modified by Wayne Walrath,
// Acme Technologies
// based on demo source code from
// var p = new SwipeParserObj();
// p.dump(); -- returns parsed field values and meta info.
// -- or --
// get individual field names (see member variables at top of object)
// if( p.hasTrack1 ){
// p.surname;
// p.firstname;
// p.account;
// p.exp_month + "/" + p.exp_year;
// }
function SwipeParserObj(strParse)
///////////////////// member variables ////////////////////////
this.input_trackdata_str = strParse;
this.account_name = null;
this.surname = null;
this.firstname = null;
this.acccount = null;
this.exp_month = null;
this.exp_year = null;
this.track1 = null;
this.track2 = null;
this.hasTrack1 = false;
this.hasTrack2 = false;
/////////////////////////// end member fields /////////////////
sTrackData = this.input_trackdata_str; //--- Get the track data
//-- Example: Track 1 & 2 Data
//-- %B1234123412341234^CardUser/John^030510100000019301000000877000000?;1234123412341234=0305101193010877?
//-- Key off of the presence of "^" and "="
//-- Example: Track 1 Data Only
//-- B1234123412341234^CardUser/John^030510100000019301000000877000000?
//-- Key off of the presence of "^" but not "="
//-- Example: Track 2 Data Only
//-- 1234123412341234=0305101193010877?
//-- Key off of the presence of "=" but not "^"
if ( strParse != '' )
// alert(strParse);
//--- Determine the presence of special characters
nHasTrack1 = strParse.indexOf("^");
nHasTrack2 = strParse.indexOf("=");
//--- Set boolean values based off of character presence
this.hasTrack1 = bHasTrack1 = false;
this.hasTrack2 = bHasTrack2 = false;
if (nHasTrack1 > 0) { this.hasTrack1 = bHasTrack1 = true; }
if (nHasTrack2 > 0) { this.hasTrack2 = bHasTrack2 = true; }
//--- Test messages
// alert('nHasTrack1: ' + nHasTrack1 + ' nHasTrack2: ' + nHasTrack2);
// alert('bHasTrack1: ' + bHasTrack1 + ' bHasTrack2: ' + bHasTrack2);
//--- Initialize
bTrack1_2 = false;
bTrack1 = false;
bTrack2 = false;
//--- Determine tracks present
if (( bHasTrack1) && ( bHasTrack2)) { bTrack1_2 = true; }
if (( bHasTrack1) && (!bHasTrack2)) { bTrack1 = true; }
if ((!bHasTrack1) && ( bHasTrack2)) { bTrack2 = true; }
//--- Test messages
// alert('bTrack1_2: ' + bTrack1_2 + ' bTrack1: ' + bTrack1 + ' bTrack2: ' + bTrack2);
//--- Initialize alert message on error
bShowAlert = false;
//--- Track 1 & 2 cards
//--- Ex: B1234123412341234^CardUser/John^030510100000019301000000877000000?;1234123412341234=0305101193010877?
if (bTrack1_2)
// alert('Track 1 & 2 swipe');
strCutUpSwipe = '' + strParse + ' ';
arrayStrSwipe = new Array(4);
arrayStrSwipe = strCutUpSwipe.split("^");
var sAccountNumber, sName, sShipToName, sMonth, sYear;
if ( arrayStrSwipe.length > 2 )
this.account = stripAlpha( arrayStrSwipe[0].substring(1,arrayStrSwipe[0].length) );
this.account_name = arrayStrSwipe[1];
this.exp_month = arrayStrSwipe[2].substring(2,4);
this.exp_year = '20' + arrayStrSwipe[2].substring(0,2);
//--- Different card swipe readers include or exclude the % in the front of the track data - when it's there, there are
//--- problems with parsing on the part of credit cards processor - so strip it off
if ( sTrackData.substring(0,1) == '%' ) {
sTrackData = sTrackData.substring(1,sTrackData.length);
var track2sentinel = sTrackData.indexOf(";");
if( track2sentinel != -1 ){
this.track1 = sTrackData.substring(0, track2sentinel);
this.track2 = sTrackData.substring(track2sentinel);
//--- parse name field into first/last names
var nameDelim = this.account_name.indexOf("/");
if( nameDelim != -1 ){
this.surname = this.account_name.substring(0, nameDelim);
this.firstname = this.account_name.substring(nameDelim+1);
else //--- for "if ( arrayStrSwipe.length > 2 )"
bShowAlert = true; //--- Error -- show alert message
//--- Track 1 only cards
//--- Ex: B1234123412341234^CardUser/John^030510100000019301000000877000000?
if (bTrack1)
// alert('Track 1 swipe');
strCutUpSwipe = '' + strParse + ' ';
arrayStrSwipe = new Array(4);
arrayStrSwipe = strCutUpSwipe.split("^");
var sAccountNumber, sName, sShipToName, sMonth, sYear;
if ( arrayStrSwipe.length > 2 )
this.account = sAccountNumber = stripAlpha( arrayStrSwipe[0].substring( 1,arrayStrSwipe[0].length) );
this.account_name = sName = arrayStrSwipe[1];
this.exp_month = sMonth = arrayStrSwipe[2].substring(2,4);
this.exp_year = sYear = '20' + arrayStrSwipe[2].substring(0,2);
//--- Different card swipe readers include or exclude the % in
//--- the front of the track data - when it's there, there are
//--- problems with parsing on the part of credit cards processor - so strip it off
if ( sTrackData.substring(0,1) == '%' ) {
this.track1 = sTrackData = sTrackData.substring(1,sTrackData.length);
//--- Add track 2 data to the string for processing reasons
// if (sTrackData.substring(sTrackData.length-1,1) != '?') //--- Add a ? if not present
// { sTrackData = sTrackData + '?'; }
this.track2 = ';' + sAccountNumber + '=' + sYear.substring(2,4) + sMonth + '111111111111?';
sTrackData = sTrackData + this.track2;
//--- parse name field into first/last names
var nameDelim = this.account_name.indexOf("/");
if( nameDelim != -1 ){
this.surname = this.account_name.substring(0, nameDelim);
this.firstname = this.account_name.substring(nameDelim+1);
else //--- for "if ( arrayStrSwipe.length > 2 )"
bShowAlert = true; //--- Error -- show alert message
//--- Track 2 only cards
//--- Ex: 1234123412341234=0305101193010877?
if (bTrack2)
// alert('Track 2 swipe');
nSeperator = strParse.indexOf("=");
sCardNumber = strParse.substring(1,nSeperator);
sYear = strParse.substr(nSeperator+1,2);
sMonth = strParse.substr(nSeperator+3,2);
// alert(sCardNumber + ' -- ' + sMonth + '/' + sYear);
this.account = sAccountNumber = stripAlpha(sCardNumber);
this.exp_month = sMonth = sMonth;
this.exp_year = sYear = '20' + sYear;
//--- Different card swipe readers include or exclude the % in the front of the track data - when it's there,
//--- there are problems with parsing on the part of credit cards processor - so strip it off
if ( sTrackData.substring(0,1) == '%' ) {
sTrackData = sTrackData.substring(1,sTrackData.length);
//--- No Track Match
if (((!bTrack1_2) && (!bTrack1) && (!bTrack2)) || (bShowAlert))
//alert('Difficulty Reading Card Information.\n\nPlease Swipe Card Again.');
// alert('Track Data: ' + document.formFinal.trackdata.value);
//document.formFinal.trackdata.value = replaceChars(document.formFinal.trackdata.value,';','');
//document.formFinal.trackdata.value = replaceChars(document.formFinal.trackdata.value,'?','');
// alert('Track Data: ' + document.formFinal.trackdata.value);
} //--- end "if ( strParse != '' )"
this.dump = function(){
var s = "";
var sep = "\r"; // line separator
s += "Name: " + this.account_name + sep;
s += "Surname: " + this.surname + sep;
s += "first name: " + this.firstname + sep;
s += "account: " + this.account + sep;
s += "exp_month: " + this.exp_month + sep;
s += "exp_year: " + this.exp_year + sep;
s += "has track1: " + this.hasTrack1 + sep;
s += "has track2: " + this.hasTrack2 + sep;
s += "TRACK 1: " + this.track1 + sep;
s += "TRACK 2: " + this.track2 + sep;
s += "Raw Input Str: " + this.input_trackdata_str + sep;
return s;
function stripAlpha(sInput){
if( sInput == null ) return '';
return sInput.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '');
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