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Last active April 1, 2021 15:05
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module Giraffe.ApplicationInsights
open Giraffe
open Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.DataContracts
let private setRoutingMetadata action : HttpHandler =
fun next ctx ->
let action' = ctx.Request.Method + " " + action
ctx.Request.RouteValues.["controller"] <- "Giraffe"
ctx.Request.RouteValues.["action"] <- action'
let telemetry = ctx.Features.Get<RequestTelemetry>()
if not <| isNull telemetry then telemetry.Name <- action'
next ctx
let routef (path: PrintfFormat<_,_,_,_, 'T>) (routeHandler: 'T -> HttpHandler) : HttpHandler =
setRoutingMetadata path.Value >=> (routef path routeHandler)
let route (path: string) : HttpHandler =
setRoutingMetadata path >=> (route path)
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