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Created February 25, 2017 16:49
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import * as React from "react";
import { observer } from "mobx-react";
import inject from "../store/Inject";
import { addTask } from "../module/task";
import { add, exists, fetch } from "../module/cache"
import { Match, Redirect } from "react-router";
import { default as load } from "../module/load";
import { ApplicationStore } from "../store/ApplicationStore";
import { UserStoreKey, UserStoreStructure } from "../store/UserStore";
function isNode() {
return typeof global === 'object' && typeof process === 'object'
&& === '[object process]';
interface NestedProps {
module: () => Promise<any>;
render: (props) => (module) => any;
* This is injected by mobx-react Provider
store?: ApplicationStore;
interface NestedState {
module: React.ReactType;
* This class is for internal use by LazyRoute.
class Nested extends React.Component<NestedProps, NestedState>{
state: NestedState = {
module: null
_isMounted: boolean;
componentWillMount() {
this._isMounted = true;
if (exists(module, this.props.module)) {
const {info, loadedModule} = fetch(module, this.props.module);
this.setState({ module: loadedModule });
} else {
console.log("async route load");
var task = load<React.ReactType>(module, this.props.module)(this.props.module()).then(({ info, module: loadedModule }) => {
add(module, this.props.module, { info, loadedModule });
if (!isNode()) {
if (this._isMounted) {
this.setState({ module: loadedModule });
componentWillUnmount() {
this._isMounted = false;
render() {
let {
} = this.props;
return render(this.props)(this.state.module);
interface LazyRouteProps {
pattern: string;
module: () => Promise<any>;
Defaults True - redirects to login when user is not logged in
When False - redirects to home page when user is logged in (only used on the login page and pages that should only be viewed by non logged in users)
onlyAuthorizedUsers?: boolean;
exactly?: boolean;
render?: (props) => (module) => any;
interface LazyRouteStores {
stores: UserStoreStructure;
class LazyRoute extends React.Component<LazyRouteProps & LazyRouteStores, {}> {
static defaultProps: any = {
render: props => Component => Component && Component.default ? <Component.default {...props} /> : null,
onlyAuthorizedUsers: true,
render() {
const {children, onlyAuthorizedUsers, stores: {user}} = this.props;
return (
render={props => {
var nested = <Nested {...props} module={this.props.module} render={this.props.render} />;
return onlyAuthorizedUsers ?
(user.isLoggedIn ?
nested :
<Redirect to={{ pathname: '/login', state: { from: props.location } }} />) :
(!user.isLoggedIn ?
nested :
<Redirect to="/" />)
export default inject<LazyRouteProps, LazyRouteStores>(UserStoreKey)(LazyRoute);
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