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Last active November 16, 2015 10:24
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IPFS Barcelona hack day
Download and install ipfs
Ipfs init
Echo "hello" | ipfs add
ipfs cat HASH
ipfs swarm peers
Only need to open port 4001
By encrypting the content you can share content with a group that have the key and benefit from the whole network to distribute it. You can also remove the nodes from ipfs bootstrap and only communicate with a private network. Although if any of the peers connects to a public node your content will be public.
Ipfs discovers peers with bootstrap nodes, multicast and with DHT random walks.
CORS fix for the api: API_ORIGIN="allowed domains" ipfs daemon
ipfs pin hash to make sure you keep files in your node
ipfs repo gc cleans the files that you haven't pinned
If you add files to the node they're automatically pinned.
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