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Last active September 13, 2022 09:05
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To normalize data, call recursiveNormalize(thingToNormalize). To normalize types, RecursiveNormalize<pass_in_type_here>
import { O } from 'ts-toolbelt';
export type RecursiveNormalize<O extends object> = O extends Array<infer inner>
? inner extends object
? RecursiveNormalizeStrapiObject<NonNullable<inner>>[]
: inner extends Nullable<object>
? RecursiveNormalizeStrapiObject<NonNullable<inner>>[] | null
: never
: RecursiveNormalizeStrapiObject<O>;
export const recursiveNormalize = <T extends object>(
param: T,
): RecursiveNormalize<T> => {
if (Array.isArray(param)) {
return =>
// @ts-expect-error I don't think this is actually a problem. We'll see
) as RecursiveNormalize<T>;
} else if (isFlattenStrapiParam(param)) {
return recursiveNormalize(
// I think this should be cast as something else
normalizeStrapiData(param) as RecursiveNormalize<T>,
) as RecursiveNormalize<T>;
return Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(param).map(([key, val]) => {
// if (key === 'data' || key === 'attributes') {
// }
return [
isFlattenStrapiParam(val) || key === 'data' || key === 'attributes'
? recursiveNormalize(normalizeStrapiData(val))
: val,
) as RecursiveNormalize<T>;
function flatMap<T, U>(
array: T[],
callbackfn: (value: T, index: number, array: T[]) => U[],
): U[] {
return Array.prototype.concat(;
type StrapiAttributesObject = {
attributes: any;
type Nullable<T> = T | null;
* An example describes this best:
* type type1 = number | null;
* type test = type1 extends number ? 'this is a number' : 'this is definitely not a number' // will be 'this is definitely not a number' even though it could be a number
* type test = NullableTernary<type1, number, 'this can be a number', 'this cannot be a number'> // will be 'this can be a number' | null
* This allows us to more elegantly handle ternarys on nullable types
type NullableTernary<typeToBeTested, extensionToTest, exprIfTrue, exprIfFalse> =
typeToBeTested extends extensionToTest
? exprIfTrue
: typeToBeTested extends Nullable<extensionToTest>
? exprIfTrue | null
: exprIfFalse;
type FlattenAttributes<O extends object> = O extends StrapiAttributesObject[]
? (O[number]['attributes'] & O.Omit<O[number], 'attributes'>)[]
: O extends StrapiAttributesObject
? O.Omit<O, 'attributes'> & O['attributes']
: never;
type FlattenStrapiParam =
| StrapiCollectionWithDataResponse
| StrapiAttributesObject
| null;
type StrapiCollectionWithData = {
data: StrapiAttributesObject[] | StrapiAttributesObject | [] | null;
type RecursiveFlattenParam = {
[key: string]: FlattenStrapiParam;
// perhaps FlattenStrapiParamSingular idk?
type StrapiFlattenableObjectTempName =
| StrapiAttributesObject
| StrapiCollectionWithData;
type StrapiCollectionWithDataResponse =
| StrapiCollectionWithData[]
| StrapiCollectionWithData;
// Ok I think I need to make this handle objects not just FlattenStrapi to handle double nested situations like with challenge
type RecursiveNormalizeStrapiObject<O extends object> =
O extends StrapiFlattenableObjectTempName
? RecursiveNormalize<NormalizeStrapi<O>>
: {
[P in keyof O]: NullableTernary<
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-expect-error
type FlattenData<O> = O extends { data: Array<infer dataObj> }
? Array<NonNullable<dataObj>>
: O extends { data: infer dataObj }
? /**
* For some reason the data object is considered by strapi to
* be nullable. I haven't seen any valid reason for this so I've
* removed it. But that might change in the future if I find a
* valid reason
: never;
// I'm also assuming that if data is singular and null it's because of weird typing stuff from strapi's part and just get rid of it. Technically, this could lead to errors, but I can't imagine any situation right now where it would. But still, stay on the lookout
type NormalizeStrapiCollectionWithData<
O extends StrapiCollectionWithDataResponse,
> = O extends StrapiCollectionWithData[]
? FlattenAttributes<FlattenData<O>>[]
: O extends StrapiCollectionWithData
? FlattenAttributes<FlattenData<O>>
: never;
type NormalizeStrapi<O extends FlattenStrapiParam> =
O extends StrapiCollectionWithDataResponse
? NormalizeStrapiCollectionWithData<O>
: O extends StrapiAttributesObject
? FlattenAttributes<O>
: null;
// I am pretty sure I'm stripping null. Which is good, but it
// should be more explicit/configurable. Will revisit later
const normalizeStrapiData = <T extends FlattenStrapiParam>(
param: T,
): NormalizeStrapi<T> => {
if (param === null) {
return null as NormalizeStrapi<T>;
} else if (isStrapiAttributesObject(param)) {
return isFlattenStrapiParam(param.attributes)
? normalizeStrapiData(param.attributes)
: param.attributes;
} else if (isStrapiCollectionWithData(param)) {
const { data } = param;
if (Array.isArray(data)) {
return flatMap(data, (item) =>
item.attributes ? [item.attributes] : [],
) as NormalizeStrapi<T>;
return data?.attributes as NormalizeStrapi<T>;
} else {
return as NormalizeStrapi<T>;
const isStrapiCollectionWithData = (
arg: object,
): arg is StrapiCollectionWithData => {
return !!arg && 'data' in arg;
const isStrapiAttributesObject = (
arg: object,
): arg is StrapiAttributesObject => {
return !!arg && 'attributes' in arg;
const isFlattenStrapiParam = (arg: unknown): arg is FlattenStrapiParam => {
if (Array.isArray(arg)) {
return arg.every((item) => isFlattenStrapiParam(item));
// return arg.every(isFlattenStrapiParam);
} else if (arg === null) {
// it's fine for this to be true or false tbh
return true;
} else if (typeof arg !== 'object') {
return false;
} else if (isStrapiAttributesObject(arg)) {
return true;
} else if (isStrapiCollectionWithData(arg)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
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Example: for

const data = {
    "__typename": "LessonEntityResponseCollection",
    "data": [
            "__typename": "LessonEntity",
            "id": "6",
            "attributes": {
                "__typename": "Lesson",
                "name": "Getting Started with Variables",
                "sublessons": {
                    "__typename": "SublessonRelationResponseCollection",
                    "data": [
                            "__typename": "SublessonEntity",
                            "id": "5",
                            "attributes": {
                                "__typename": "Sublesson",
                                "name": "Camel Casing",
                                "description": "In Javascript, the standard way to write our variables is called camel casing. Camel casing means having no spaces between words, and capitalizing every word besides the first word. Here are some examples. On the left side is how we might write it in English, and on the right is how it will look when camel-cased:\n\n- my full name -> myFullName\n- total lessons -> totalLessons\n- a very long sentence about camel-casing -> aVeryLongSentenceAboutCamelCasing",
                                "lesson": {
                                    "__typename": "LessonEntityResponse",
                                    "data": {
                                        "__typename": "LessonEntity",
                                        "id": "6",
                                        "attributes": {
                                            "__typename": "Lesson",
                                            "name": "Getting Started with Variables"
                                "challenges": [
                                        "__typename": "ComponentContentChallenges",
                                        "id": "10",
                                        "codeChallenge": {
                                            "__typename": "CodeChallengeEntityResponse",
                                            "data": null
                                        "multipleChoiceChallenge": {
                                            "__typename": "MultipleChoiceChallengeEntityResponse",
                                            "data": {
                                                "__typename": "MultipleChoiceChallengeEntity",
                                                "id": "10",
                                                "attributes": {
                                                    "__typename": "MultipleChoiceChallenge",
                                                    "prompt": "Which of the following variable names is camel cased? Select all that apply",
                                                    "options": [
                                                            "__typename": "ComponentChallengeMultipleChoiceOptions",
                                                            "text": "MyCoolHouse",
                                                            "isCorrect": false,
                                                            "incorrectChoiceExplanation": "This casing is known as PascalCase"
                                                            "__typename": "ComponentChallengeMultipleChoiceOptions",
                                                            "text": "nextLesson",
                                                            "isCorrect": true,
                                                            "incorrectChoiceExplanation": null
                                                            "__typename": "ComponentChallengeMultipleChoiceOptions",
                                                            "text": "my_city",
                                                            "isCorrect": false,
                                                            "incorrectChoiceExplanation": "This casing is known as snake_case"
                                                            "__typename": "ComponentChallengeMultipleChoiceOptions",
                                                            "text": "TOTAL_REFRIGERATORS",
                                                            "isCorrect": false,
                                                            "incorrectChoiceExplanation": "THIS CASING IS KNOWN AS UPPER_CASE_SNAKE_CASE"
                                                            "__typename": "ComponentChallengeMultipleChoiceOptions",
                                                            "text": "favorite-animal",
                                                            "isCorrect": false,
                                                            "incorrectChoiceExplanation": "This casing is known as kebab-case"
                                                    "canSelectMultipleOptions": true

if we recursiveNormalize(data) on this we get

        "__typename": "Lesson",
        "name": "Getting Started with Variables",
        "sublessons": [
                "__typename": "Sublesson",
                "name": "Camel Casing",
                "description": "In Javascript, the standard way to write our variables is called camel casing. Camel casing means having no spaces between words, and capitalizing every word besides the first word. Here are some examples. On the left side is how we might write it in English, and on the right is how it will look when camel-cased:\n\n- my full name -> myFullName\n- total lessons -> totalLessons\n- a very long sentence about camel-casing -> aVeryLongSentenceAboutCamelCasing",
                "lesson": {
                    "__typename": "Lesson",
                    "name": "Getting Started with Variables"
                "challenges": [
                        "__typename": "ComponentContentChallenges",
                        "id": "10",
                        "codeChallenge": {
                            "__typename": "CodeChallengeEntityResponse",
                            "data": null
                        "multipleChoiceChallenge": {
                            "__typename": "MultipleChoiceChallengeEntityResponse",
                            "data": {
                                "__typename": "MultipleChoiceChallengeEntity",
                                "id": "10",
                                "attributes": {
                                    "__typename": "MultipleChoiceChallenge",
                                    "prompt": "Which of the following variable names is camel cased? Select all that apply",
                                    "options": [
                                            "__typename": "ComponentChallengeMultipleChoiceOptions",
                                            "text": "MyCoolHouse",
                                            "isCorrect": false,
                                            "incorrectChoiceExplanation": "This casing is known as PascalCase"
                                            "__typename": "ComponentChallengeMultipleChoiceOptions",
                                            "text": "nextLesson",
                                            "isCorrect": true,
                                            "incorrectChoiceExplanation": null
                                            "__typename": "ComponentChallengeMultipleChoiceOptions",
                                            "text": "my_city",
                                            "isCorrect": false,
                                            "incorrectChoiceExplanation": "This casing is known as snake_case"
                                            "__typename": "ComponentChallengeMultipleChoiceOptions",
                                            "text": "TOTAL_REFRIGERATORS",
                                            "isCorrect": false,
                                            "incorrectChoiceExplanation": "THIS CASING IS KNOWN AS UPPER_CASE_SNAKE_CASE"
                                            "__typename": "ComponentChallengeMultipleChoiceOptions",
                                            "text": "favorite-animal",
                                            "isCorrect": false,
                                            "incorrectChoiceExplanation": "This casing is known as kebab-case"
                                    "canSelectMultipleOptions": true

and the same thing goes with types. When I have more time I can post an example of that as well

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nachaos commented Apr 27, 2022

Great utility, thanks @oriooctopus ! 💯
The final object is normalized properly, but I noticed that typings still produce the wrong { data: {attributes: {}}}} interface. I was wondering if you had a chance to see this :)

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Good job @oriooctopus. The response is normalized, but type produce incorrect interfaces

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