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Created June 27, 2013 09:15
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Summarize the warning categories printed by Android Lint. Usage: lint <src_dir> | Reference:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Sample usage:
# % lint my_android_app |
# 26 SpUsage
# 10 I18N HardcodedText
# 8 Accessibility ContentDescription
# 2 Typos
# 1 IconDuplicates
import fileinput, collections
def extract_one_braced(s):
start_pos = s.find("[")
if start_pos < 0:
return None, None
end_pos = s.find("]", start_pos)
if end_pos < 0:
return None, None
return s[start_pos+1:end_pos], s[end_pos+1:]
def parse_braced(line):
groups = []
s = line.strip()
while s:
x, s = extract_one_braced(s)
if x: groups.append(x)
return " ".join(groups)
def has_braced(line):
start = line.find('[')
return start >= 0 and line.find(']', start+1) >= 0
def main():
warning_counts = collections.Counter(parse_braced(line) for line in fileinput.input() if has_braced(line)).most_common()
_, max_count = warning_counts[0]
fmt = "{count:%d} {name}" % len(str(max_count))
for name, count in warning_counts:
print fmt.format(count=count, name=name)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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