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Created October 7, 2013 17:52
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Define an Android app's versionName and versionCode from git tags.
android {
def gitTag = {
def tagMatchOptions
try {
tagMatchOptions = "--match ${tagToBuildFrom}"
} catch (MissingPropertyException) {
tagMatchOptions = ""
"git describe --exact HEAD ${tagMatchOptions}".execute().text.trim()
def gitHash = "git rev-parse --short HEAD".execute().text.trim()
def hasModifiedDeletedOrOtherFiles = !"git ls-files -mdo --exclude-standard".execute().text.trim().isEmpty()
def hasStagedFiles = !"git diff-index --no-ext-diff --name-only --cached HEAD".execute().text.trim().isEmpty()
def dirtyWorkingCopy = hasModifiedDeletedOrOtherFiles || hasStagedFiles
def gitDescription = dirtyWorkingCopy ? "${gitHash}-dirty" : gitHash
// Version name: ignore leading non-digits and everything after the first underscore
// Version code: take digits after the first underscore
// e.g. tag will yield versionName and versionCode 15
def versionMatcher = gitTag =~ /^[^0-9]*([^_]*)(_([0-9]*))?/
// TODO: die if building a public release with no tag instead of having defaults
def versionNameFromTag = versionMatcher[0][1]
def versionCodeFromTag = versionMatcher[0][3]?.toInteger()
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 10
targetSdkVersion 18
// TODO: die if building a public release with no tag instead of having defaults
versionName versionNameFromTag ?: "dev"
versionCode versionCodeFromTag ?: 1
buildConfig += "public static final String GIT_DESCRIPTION = \"${gitDescription}\";"
// Show this in the 'about' dialog
buildConfig += "public static final String VERSION = \"${versionName} ${gitDescription}\";"
applicationVariants.all { variant ->
def apkSuffix = "-${variant.mergedFlavor.versionName}-${gitDescription}"
def originalApkFile = variant.outputFile
variant.outputFile = file(".apk", "${apkSuffix}.apk"))
// print the APK path after assemble is done
variant.assemble.doLast {
println variant.outputFile
// print the APK path as the last step before install, at which point the apk is complete
variant.install?.doFirst { // the install task can be null
println variant.outputFile
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