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orisano/ Secret

Created November 1, 2021 15:08
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import glob
import re
import subprocess
def main():
for md_path in glob.glob("./docs/**/*.md"):
md = open(md_path).read()
begin = 0
while True:
p = md.find("```go\n", begin)
if p == -1:
code = md[p + 6 :]
code = code[: code.find("```")]
proc =["gofmt"], input=code.encode(), capture_output=True)
md = md[: p + 6] + proc.stdout.decode() + md[p + 6 + len(code) :]
begin = p + len(proc.stdout.decode()) + 3
open(md_path, "w").write(md)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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