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Created February 3, 2017 10:14
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GreaseMonkey 3.9 Firefox 51.0.1 Linux crash
// ==UserScript==
// @name Google Hit Hider by Domain
// @namespace JeffersonScher
// @version 1.6.0
// @copyright Copyright 2014 Jefferson Scher
// @license BSD with restriction
// @description Block unwanted sites from your Google search results. For Firefox+Greasemonkey or Chrome+Tampermonkey. v1.6.0 2014-02-17
// @include http*://*
// @include http*://*
// @include http*://*
// @include http*://*
// @include http*://*
// @include http*://*
// @include http*://**
// @include http*://*
// @require
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant GM_deleteValue
// @grant GM_log
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// ==/UserScript==
Copyright (c) 2014 Jefferson Scher. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met and subject to the following restriction:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
/* SITE RESULTS STRUCTURE as of 2/15/2014
Google: div#res > div#search > div#ires > ol#rso > li.g > div.rc > h3.r > a
Startpage: div#results > ol > li > div.result > h3 > a
DuckDuckGo: div#links > div.results_links_deep > div.links_main > h2 > a
// == == == To override the style of the script's buttons and panes, use the custom style feature == == ==
GM_addStyle("div.ghhider{color:#888;} div.ghhider:hover{background-color:#eee;} " +
"button.ghhider{color:#555;background-color:#fcfcfc;font-family:sans-serif;font-size:0.85em;margin:auto 2px;border:1px solid #ccc;border-radius:4px;-moz-border-radius:4px;padding:2px 3px;} " +
"button.ghhider:hover{color:#000;background:#ff8;} .ghh1time{background:#eee;} .inlinediv{display:inline;} .ghhdnone{display:none !important;} " +
".ghhpane{position:absolute;color:#333;background-color:#fcfcfc;border:1px solid #ccc;border-radius:4px;-moz-border-radius:4px;padding:0.25em 1.5em;font-size:13px;display:none} " +
"#ghhsitelist, #ghhpbanlist{background:#fff;list-style-type:none;padding:0;margin:0;} " +
"#ghhsitelist li,#ghhpbanlist li{width:100%;line-height:1.5em;padding:0;position:relative} " +
".ghhhost{display:block;padding:0 0.25em;cursor:pointer;} #ghhutil{text-align:center;margin:0.5em 0 1em 0;border:1px solid #ccc;border-radius:4px;-moz-border-radius:4px;padding:3px 0;} " +
".ghhinfo{font-size:12px;line-height:9px;position:absolute;top:0;right:0;z-index:1001;border:4px solid transparent;border-radius:4px;border-bottom-left-radius:8px;border-top-left-radius:8px;-moz-border-radius-bottomleft:8px;-moz-border-radius-topleft:8px;margin-top:1px;padding-left:1px} " +
".ghhdel{text-decoration:line-through;color:#333;} .ghhpb{text-decoration:none;color:#f00;} " +
".ghhblk{text-decoration:none;color:#333;} .ghhd{position:relative;line-height:1.2em;cursor:pointer;} " +
".ghhindent{position:absolute;left:350px;top:-3px;} #btnedit p{margin:2px 4px 4px 4px;} #ghhblockform input[type='radio'], #ghhmngform input[type='radio']{vertical-align:bottom;margin-top:5px;margin-bottom:1px} " +
".ghhtbl{border:1px solid black;border-collapse:collapse} .ghhtbl td, .ghhtbl th{border:1px solid black;padding:2px 4px;} " +
"#ghhtsdiv{margin:0 -1.5em;padding:0 3px 0 8px;border-bottom:1px solid #ccc;} #ghhtstrip{padding-bottom:0;} " +
"#ghhtstrip button{color:#555;background-color:#f5f5f5;margin:0 2px 0 0;border:1px solid #ccc;padding:1px 2px;height:22px;border-radius:2px;-moz-border-radius:2px;} " +
"#ghhtstrip .ghhCurTab{background-color:#fcfcfc;border-bottom-color:#fcfcfc;} .ghhtab {margin-top:1em;height:17em;overflow-y:scroll;border:1px solid #333;} " +
"#mflists>div>p{margin:1em 0;} #ghhmngform{position:fixed;top:90px;right:0;z-index:1001;}");
GM_addStyle("@media print {button.ghhider{display:none;}}");
// Style override example: .ghhd{font-size:0.8em;text-decoration:line-through;}
var custSty = GM_getValue("hiderStyles");
if (!custSty || custSty.length == 0){
custSty = "";
var ghhbd_custsty = document.createElement("style");
ghhbd_custsty.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); = "ghhbdcuststy";
var currentG;
if ("google.") > -1) currentG ="google."));
else currentG = location.hostname;
if (currentG.indexOf("duckduckgo") > -1) GM_addStyle(".links_main{overflow:visible !important;}");
// == == == Globals for preferences == == ==
var blist, defaultTxts, txtsPref, txts, defaultPrefs, ghhPrefs, ghhPrefO, showYN, mpopen, mbstyle, bbstyle, bbpos, addAt, listchgs, bLUopen, bAggress, bAJAX, bMutOb, pref1click, betatest, MutOb, chgMon, opts, kids;
blist = GM_getValue("hideyhosts");
if (!blist || blist.length == 0){
blist = "||";
} else {
if (blist.substr(0,1) != "|") blist = "|" + blist;
if (blist.indexOf(":") < 0) convertFormat();
defaultTxts = {
"block":["block","Button next to the result title to call up the block dialog"],
"unblock":["Unblock","Green button in results to remove a site from the block list"],
"onetime":["Show Hit","Yellow button in results to show a result temporarily"],
"pban":["Perma-ban","Red button to move a site to the perma-ban list"],
"shownotc":["Show Notices","Button to set the preference for notices to show them"],
"hidenotc":["Hide Notices","Button to set the preference for notices to hide them"],
"okbtn":["Block Site","Button in the block dialog to block the selected domain"],
"cancelbtn":["Cancel","Button in the block dialog to cancel out with making changes"],
"savebtn":["Save Lists","Button in the management pane to update the block and perma-ban lists"],
"closebtn":["Close","Button in the management pane to close the pane"],
"okPbtn":["Perma-ban","Button in the block dialog to perma-ban the selected domain"],
"cancelMbtn":["Manage Hiding","Button in the block dialog to open the management pane"],
"mngbtn":["Manage Hiding","Button on the right side to open the management pane"],
"eximbtn":["Export","Button in the management pane to export the block list"],
"utilbtn":["List Util","Button in the management pane to open the utility panel"],
"sortbtn":["Sort","Button in the management pane to sort the block list"],
"unwwwbtn":["Un-www","Button in the management pane to strip www from blocked domains"],
"dedupbtn":["De-Dup","Button in the management pane to de-duplicate the block list"],
"impobtn":["Import","Button in the management pane to import domains into the block list"],
"sharebtn":["Share","Button in the management pane to post block list to the web"]
txtsPref = GM_getValue("textstrings");
if (!txtsPref || txtsPref.length == 0){
txts = defaultTxts;
} else {
if (txtsPref.indexOf(":[") == -1 || txtsPref.indexOf("mngbtn") == -1 ||
txtsPref.indexOf("eximbtn") == -1 || txtsPref.indexOf("utilbtn") == -1 ||
txtsPref.indexOf("impobtn") == -1){
} else {
txts = JSON.parse(txtsPref);
defaultPrefs = {
"shownotc":["Y","Show hit notices(Y|N)"],
"mngpaneopen":["Y-N","Persistence enabled(Y|N),Pane was open(Y|N),Last tab number(1-4)"],
"mngbtnstyle":["both-ifrN-R-P-Y-H","Display Manage Hiding button and Block buttons(mng|blk|both),In iframes(ifrN|ifrY),Position(R,T,B),Block button display(P,M),Block button tooltips(Y|N), Block button position(H|C)"],
"addtolistpos":["end","Where to add new hits to block lists(end|top|sort)"],
"aggressiveblock":["none","Which domains to default to shorter form(none|all|www)"],
"usemutation":["on-Y","Listen for mutation events(on|off),Use DOM4 Mutation Observer(Y|N)"],
"oneclick":["N-N","One-click blocking(Y|N),Goes to Perma-ban(Y|N)"],
"runbeta":["N","Enable incompletely tested features (Y|N)"],
ghhPrefs = GM_getValue("ghhprefs");
if (!ghhPrefs || ghhPrefs.length == 0){
convertPrefs(defaultPrefs, "true");
} else {
if (ghhPrefs.indexOf("reserved1")>-1){
convertPrefs(defaultPrefs, "false");
} else {
ghhPrefO = JSON.parse(ghhPrefs);
showYN = ghhPrefO.shownotc[0];
mpopen = ghhPrefO.mngpaneopen[0];
mbstyle = ghhPrefO.mngbtnstyle[0];
if (mbstyle.split("-")[0] == "mng") toggleBlockHiders("H");
if (mbstyle.split("-").length < 3){
GM_addStyle("#ghhMngBtn {position:fixed;top:200px;right:-2.8em;-moz-transform:rotate(-90deg);"+
"border-bottom:0;border-bottom-left-radius:0;border-bottom-right-radius:0;-moz-border-radius-bottomleft:0;-moz-border-radius-bottomright:0;padding:6px 0 6px 0;z-index:100;}");
} else {
switch (mbstyle.split("-")[2]){
case "B":
GM_addStyle("#ghhMngBtn {position:fixed;bottom:0;right:2px;"+
"border-bottom:0;border-bottom-left-radius:0;border-bottom-right-radius:0;-moz-border-radius-bottomleft:0;-moz-border-radius-bottomright:0;padding:6px 0 6px 0;z-index:100;}");
case "T":
GM_addStyle("#ghhMngBtn {margin:0;padding:4px 6px;z-index:1001;}");
if (document.querySelector("#appbar ol")){
window.setTimeout(function(){document.querySelector("#appbar ol#ab_ctls").appendChild(document.getElementById("ghhMngBtn"))}, 1000);
window.setTimeout(function(){var liNew = document.createElement("li");liNew.className="ab_ctl";liNew.appendChild(document.getElementById("ghhMngBtn"));document.querySelector("ol#ab_ctls").appendChild(liNew);}, 1500);
} else {
window.setTimeout(function(){if (document.querySelector("#appbar ol")){var liNew = document.createElement("li");liNew.className="ab_ctl";liNew.appendChild(document.getElementById("ghhMngBtn"));document.querySelector("ol#ab_ctls").appendChild(liNew);}else{document.getElementById("ghhMngBtn").setAttribute("style","position:absolute;top:8em;right:0")}}, 1500);
GM_addStyle("#ghhMngBtn {position:fixed;top:200px;right:-2.8em;-moz-transform:rotate(-90deg);-webkit-transform:rotate(-90deg);"+
"border-bottom:0;border-bottom-left-radius:0;border-bottom-right-radius:0;-moz-border-radius-bottomleft:0;-moz-border-radius-bottomright:0;padding:6px 0 6px 0;z-index:100;}");
if (mbstyle.split("-").length > 3) bbstyle = mbstyle.split("-")[3];
else bbstyle = "P";
if (mbstyle.split("-").length > 5) bbpos = mbstyle.split("-")[5];
else ppbos = "H";
// toggleciteline(bbpos); called by fixuistyle()
addAt = ghhPrefO.addtolistpos[0];
listchgs = 0;
bLUopen = "N";
bAggress = ghhPrefO.aggressiveblock[0];
bAJAX = ghhPrefO.usemutation[0].split("-")[0];
if (ghhPrefO.usemutation[0].split("-").length > 1) bMutOb = ghhPrefO.usemutation[0].split("-")[1];
else bMutOb = "Y";
pref1click = ghhPrefO.oneclick[0];
betatest = ghhPrefO.runbeta[0];
if (document.body){
// Add buttons, hide unwanted domains
// Special results layout
if (betatest == "Y"){
var itbl = document.querySelector("#res .images_table");
if (itbl) hidebasic(itbl);
// Create skeleton of manage form
if (!document.getElementById("ghhmngform")) addManageForm();
// Add manage button
if (!document.getElementById("ghhMngBtn") && mbstyle.split("-")[0] != "blk"){
if (currentG.indexOf("google") > -1 && document.getElementById("res")) addMngBtn();
if (currentG.indexOf("google") < 0) addMngBtn();
// Show pane if last open
if (mpopen.substr(0,3) == "Y-Y") showManageForm("mngform");
// Add menu item
GM_registerMenuCommand("Manage Hiding", showManageForm);
// Create block form
if (!document.getElementById("ghhblockform")) addBlockForm();
// Watch for changes that could be new instant or AJAX search results
if (bAJAX == "on") setMutationWatch();
function setMutationWatch(){
// Prefer MutationObserver (Firefox 14+) over Mutation Events
MutOb = (window.MutationObserver) ? window.MutationObserver : window.WebKitMutationObserver;
if (MutOb && bMutOb == "Y"){
chgMon = new MutOb(function(mutationSet){
for (var i=0; i<mutation.addedNodes.length; i++){
if (mutation.addedNodes[i].nodeType == 1){
// attach chgMon to document.body
opts = {childList: true, subtree: true};
chgMon.observe(document.body, opts);
} else { // Legacy browser support
document.body.addEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified", checkOlist, false);
// == == == Main Event Loops == == ==
var ignoreNodeNames = "|BODY|#text|#comment|INPUT|BUTTON|SCRIPT|LI|A|FORM|";
var ignoreIds = "|leftnav|leftnavc|foot|ghhtemp|ghhblockform|ghhmanageform|ghhsitelist|ghhpbanlist|rhs|rhscol|";
var ignoreClass = "|ghhider|inlinediv|ghh1time|";
var t_ap;
function checkOlist(e){ // Check for new results
// AutoPager extension
if ({if ( == "navcnt"){if ("ghhider").length>0){
if (t_ap) window.clearTimeout(t_ap);
t_ap = window.setTimeout(refreshListeners, 500);
// Ignore events on some elements
if (ignoreNodeNames.indexOf("|""|") > -1) return;
if ("id")){if (ignoreIds.indexOf("|""|") > -1) return;}
if ("class")){
if (ignoreClass.indexOf("|""|") > -1) return;
if ("goog-date") > -1) return;
// Standard results layout
var liels ="li");
if (!liels) return;
if (liels.length == 0) return;
// Hide hits if list is visible now
var rslt = document.querySelectorAll("#res");
if (rslt){
if (window.getComputedStyle(rslt[rslt.length-1],null).getPropertyValue("visibility") == "visible" &&
window.getComputedStyle(rslt[rslt.length-1],null).getPropertyValue("display") != "none"){
var nlist = rslt[rslt.length-1].getElementsByTagName("li");
function checkNode(el){
// AutoPager extension
if (document.querySelector("#navcnt")){
if (t_ap) window.clearTimeout(t_ap);
t_ap = window.setTimeout(refreshListeners, 500);
if (el.nodeName == "LI") var nlist = [el];
else var nlist = el.querySelectorAll('li');
if (currentG.indexOf("google") < 0) var nlist = el.querySelectorAll('div.result, div.links_main');
if (nlist.length > 0) hidehits(nlist,false);
function hidehits(liels,ovrd){
if (!liels){
if (currentG.indexOf("google") > -1){ //Google
liels = document.querySelectorAll("#res li");
if (!liels) liels = document.querySelectorAll("#ires li");
} else {
liels = document.querySelectorAll('div#results li, div#results > div.result, div#links > div.results_links_deep');
if (!liels) return;
// if (liels.length == 1){if(liels[0] == "rg") liels = liels[0].querySelectorAll(".rg_di");}
GM_log("liels.length="+liels.length); //DEBUG ONLY
var hosts, hiders, nhider, i, j, k, hid, ael, dom, dompart, btn, apar, dgone, pban, linkwidth;
hosts = blist;
for (i=0; i<liels.length; i++){
if ((liels[i].parentNode.nodeName == "OL" ||
liels[i].parentNode.nodeName == "TD" ||
(liels[i].parentNode.nodeName == "DIV" && liels[i].parentNode.className.indexOf("srg") > -1) ||
(currentG.indexOf("google") < 0 && liels[i].parentNode.nodeName == "DIV")) &&
liels[i].className.indexOf("gbt")!=0 &&
liels[i].className.indexOf("gplusgrid")<0 &&
liels[i].className.indexOf("mitem")<0) {
hiders = liels[i].getElementsByClassName("ghhider");
nhider = hiders.length;
if (nhider == 0 || ovrd == true){ // skip if a button is there
hid = false;
ael = liels[i].querySelector("h3 a"); // first link (not useful for video or book blocks), <h3> preferred
if (!ael) ael = liels[i].querySelector("h2 a");
if (!ael) ael = liels[i].querySelector("a");
if (liels[i].className.indexOf("videobox")>-1) ael = liels[i].querySelectorAll("td")[1].querySelector("a"); //video page
if (ael){if(ael.hasAttribute("href")){if (ael.getAttribute("href").indexOf("http")==0 || ael.getAttribute("href").indexOf("/interstitial")==0 ||
ael.getAttribute("href").indexOf("/url?q=")==0 || (ael.getAttribute("href").indexOf("/aclk?")==0 && liels[i].className.indexOf("psli")>-1)){
dom = ael.getAttribute("href").substr(ael.getAttribute("href").indexOf("http"));
if (dom.indexOf(currentG+"/aclk?")>-1) dom = ael.getAttribute("href").substr(ael.getAttribute("href").indexOf("http", 10));
// if (dom.indexOf("imgrefurl")>-1) dom = dom.match(/imgrefurl=([^&]+)/)[1];
dom = dom.split("/")[2];
if (dom.indexOf(":")> -1) dom = dom.substr(0,dom.indexOf(":")); // Strip port number
dompart = dom;
while (dompart.indexOf(".")> -1) {
if (hosts.indexOf("|"+dompart+":")>-1) { // These domains suck
if (nhider > 0){ // Remove old buttons, notices, etc.
for (k=hiders.length-1; k>=0; k--){
nhider = liels[i].getElementsByClassName("ghhider").length;
if (liels[i].className.indexOf("ghh1time")<0){
if (hosts.indexOf("|"+dompart+":p")<0) { // Regular block
if (showYN=="Y"){
if (liels[i].className.indexOf("results_links_deep")>-1){
else replaceHit(dompart,ael,liels[i],"");
else replaceHit(dompart,ael,liels[i],"none");
} else { // Perma-ban
if (currentG.indexOf("google") < 0 && liels[i].className.indexOf("ghhdnone")<0){
liels[i].className += " ghhdnone";
if (liels[i].className.indexOf("links_main")>-1) liels[i].parentNode.className += " ghhdnone wtf";
if (currentG.indexOf("google") < 0 && liels[i].className.indexOf("results_links_deep")>-1) kids = liels[i].children[1].children;
else kids = liels[i].children;
for (j=0; j<kids.length; j++){ // Hide Google result
if (kids[j].className.indexOf("ghhider")<0 && kids[j].className.indexOf("ghhdnone")<0){
if (kids[j].className.length > 0) kids[j].className += " ghhdnone";
else kids[j].className = "ghhdnone";
if (liels[i].className.indexOf("psli")>-1) liels[i].style.padding = "0"; // Shopping results
hid = true;
else {
dompart = dompart.slice(dompart.indexOf(".")+1);
if (hid == false && nhider > 1) { // Remove previous block & reset nhider
// Clean up unblocked one-times
if (liels[i].className.indexOf("ghh1time")>-1){
liels[i].className = liels[i].className.replace(/\s*ghh1time/,"");
dgone = liels[i].getElementsByClassName("ghhd")[0];
if (dgone) dgone.parentNode.removeChild(dgone);
dgone = liels[i].getElementsByClassName("inlinediv")[0];
if (dgone) dgone.parentNode.removeChild(dgone);
nhider = liels[i].getElementsByClassName("ghhider").length;
if (hid == false && nhider == 0) { // Not blocked, insert block button
// First, remove hiding for unblocked domains
if (currentG.indexOf("google") < 0 && liels[i].className.indexOf("results_links_deep")>-1) kids = liels[i].children[1].children;
else kids = liels[i].children;
for (j=0; j<kids.length; j++){
if (kids[j].className.indexOf("ghhdnone")>-1){
kids[j].className = kids[j].className.replace(/\s*ghhdnone/, "");
if (liels[i].hasAttribute("blockhidden")){
liels[i].className = liels[i].className.replace(/\s*ghhdnone/, "");
if (currentG.indexOf("google") < 0 && liels[i].className.indexOf("links_main")>-1) liels[i].parentNode.className.replace(/\s*ghhdnone/, "");
if (liels[i].hasAttribute("blocknotice")) liels[i].removeAttribute("blocknotice");
// Insert block button
apar = ael;
if (!apar.nextElementSibling){
if (apar.parentNode.nodeName != "LI" &&
apar.parentNode.nodeName != "TD" &&
apar.parentNode.nodeName != "H2") apar = apar.parentNode;
if (apar != undefined) { if (dom.indexOf(currentG)<0 &&
(liels[i].parentNode != document.querySelector("#tads ol")) &&
(liels[i].parentNode != document.querySelector("#bottomads ol")) &&
(liels[i].parentNode != document.querySelector("#ads div")) &&
(liels[i].parentNode != document.querySelector("#rhs ol"))){
btn = document.createElement("button");
btn.className="ghhider ghhb";
if (pref1click.substr(0,1) == "Y" && mbstyle.split("-")[4] == "Y"){ //BUG: for 1-click with aggressive (subdomain) settings, dom will be incorrect
if (currentG.indexOf("google") > -1) btn.setAttribute("title","Block "+dom+" / SHIFT+click to display block form / ALT+click to omit");
else btn.setAttribute("title","Block "+dom+" / SHIFT+click to display block form");
} else if (mbstyle.split("-")[4] == "Y"){
if (currentG.indexOf("google") > -1) btn.setAttribute("title","Block "+dom+" / Show block form / ALT+click to omit");
else btn.setAttribute("title","Block "+dom+" / Show block form");
if (apar.nextSibling) apar.parentNode.insertBefore(btn,apar.nextSibling);
else apar.parentNode.appendChild(btn);
// Reposition button to prevent wrapping 3/25/2012
if (apar.nodeName == "H3"){
linkwidth = apar.querySelector('a').offsetWidth;
if (apar.offsetLeft > 0 && apar.offsetLeft < 50) linkwidth += apar.offsetLeft; // fix rare weirdness 2/4/2013
if (apar.parentNode.offsetWidth - linkwidth - btn.offsetWidth > 4) { = "inline"; // button wraps to end of link
} else {
if (linkwidth > 509) linkwidth = 509; // fix rare weirdness 2/4/2013
btn.setAttribute("style","position:absolute;top:0;right:"+((-1 * btn.offsetWidth)+(apar.parentNode.offsetWidth-linkwidth)-3)+"px;margin-right:0;z-index:100;"); // position past end of link
if (apar.parentNode.nodeName=="LI"||apar.parentNode.nodeName=="DIV")"relative";
apar.querySelector('a').setAttribute("title",apar.querySelector('a').textContent); // full link text tooltip
// Move button to citeline 6/10/2013
if (bbpos == "C") {
var citeline = liels[i].querySelector("cite");
if (citeline) {
// Implement Mouseover Option 6/22/2012
if (bbstyle == "M") { = "hidden";
// Avoid unhiding garbage span 5/25/2012
for (j=0; j<liels[i].children.length; j++){
if (liels[i].children[j].className.indexOf("ghhider")<0){
if (liels[i].children[j].style.display=="none") liels[i].children[j].setAttribute("wasdisplaynone","wasdisplaynone");
} else { // BETA - STANDARD image results - doesn't yet support BASIC image results
if (liels[i].parentNode.nodeName == "UL" && betatest == "Y"){
if (!liels[i].hasAttribute("block")){ // skip if previously processed
ael = liels[i].getElementsByTagName("a")[0];
if (ael){if(ael.hasAttribute("href")){if (ael.getAttribute("href").indexOf("imgrefurl")>-1){
dom = ael.href.match(/imgrefurl=([^&]+)/)[1].split("/")[2];
if (dom.indexOf(":")> -1) dom = dom.substr(0,dom.indexOf(":")); // Strip port number
dompart = dom;
while (dompart.indexOf(".")> -1) {
if (hosts.indexOf("|"+dompart+":")>-1) { // These domains suck
liels[i].style.display = "none";
} else {
dompart = dompart.slice(dompart.indexOf(".")+1);
if (!document.getElementById("ghhMngBtn") && mbstyle.split("-")[0] != "blk" && document.getElementById("res")) addMngBtn();
if (document.getElementsByClassName("unbtn").length > 1) undupMngBtn();
if (betatest == "Y" && currentG !=0){ // BETA - NEW - v1.5.2
// If there are more than two completely invisible results, modify the query to exclude the first hidden site
var invis = document.querySelectorAll("li[blockhidden]");
if (invis.length >= 3) reQry("+-site:"+invis[0].getAttribute("blockhidden"));
function replaceHit(sdomain,oa,oli,ddis){
var fc, dnew, dset, btn;
fc = oli.querySelector('h3, h2');
if (!fc) fc = oli.firstChild;
if (fc.nodeName=="DIV" && fc.className.indexOf("ghhider")>-1) return;
dnew = document.createElement("div");
dnew.appendChild(document.createTextNode(oa.textContent+" on "+sdomain));
dnew.className="ghhider ghhd";
dnew.setAttribute("title","Click to view, unblock or Perma-ban"); = ddis;
if (ddis == "none"){
if (oli.hasAttribute("blocknotice")) oli.removeAttribute("blocknotice");
} else {
if (oli.hasAttribute("blockhidden")) oli.removeAttribute("blockhidden");
oli.className = oli.className.replace(/\s*ghhdnone/, "");
if (oli.parentNode.className.indexOf("results_links_deep")>-1){
if (oli.parentNode.hasAttribute("blockhidden")) oli.parentNode.removeAttribute("blockhidden");
oli.parentNode.className = oli.parentNode.className.replace(/\s*ghhdnone/, "");
dset = document.createElement("div");
dset.className = "ghhider ghhindent";
dset.setAttribute("dom",sdomain); = "none";
btn = document.createElement("button");
btn.setAttribute("title","Unblock this site");"#9f6";
btn = document.createElement("button");
btn.setAttribute("title","Permanently hide this site");"#f66";
btn = document.createElement("button");
btn.setAttribute("title","Re-hide this hit");"#eee";
if ( == "hidden" || == "hidden"){
dnew.insertBefore(document.createElement("br"), dnew.firstChild);
if (oli.className.indexOf("psli")>-1) = "1em 0"; // Shopping results
function hidebasic(tbl){ // BASIC IMAGE RESULTS, BETA ONLY, NON-AJAX
var hosts, tds, i, j, k, hid, ael, dom, dompart, btn, apar, dgone;
hosts = blist;
tds = tbl.querySelectorAll("td");
for (i=0; i<tds.length; i++){
ael = tds[i].querySelector("a");
if (ael){if(ael.hasAttribute("href")){if (ael.getAttribute("href").indexOf("imgrefurl=")>-1){
dom = ael.getAttribute("href").substr(ael.getAttribute("href").indexOf("imgrefurl=")+7).split("/")[2];
if (dom.indexOf(":")> -1) dom = dom.substr(0,dom.indexOf(":")); // Strip port number
dompart = dom;
while (dompart.indexOf(".")> -1) {
if (hosts.indexOf("|"+dompart+":")>-1) { // These domains suck; mark the cell for now
if (hosts.indexOf("|"+dompart+":p")>-1 || showYN=="N") tds[i].setAttribute("ghhaction","delete");
else tds[i].setAttribute("ghhaction","notice");
} else {
dompart = dompart.slice(dompart.indexOf(".")+1);
for (i=0; i<tds.length; i++){
switch (tds[i].getAttribute("ghhaction")){
case "delete":
// TODO implement deletion
tds[i].innerHTML = "delete cell";
case "notice":
// TODO implement clickable notices
tds[i].style.textDecoration = "line-through";
tds[i].style.opacity = "0.3";
// TODO add block button
// == == == Other Functions == == ==
function reshow(e){ // Show hit without unblocking
var liel, ael, dabs, k;
liel =;
while ((currentG.indexOf("google") > -1 || currentG.indexOf("startpage") > -1) && liel.nodeName != "LI"){
if (liel.nodeName == "BODY") return;
while ((currentG.indexOf("google") < 0 && currentG.indexOf("startpage") < 0) && liel.nodeName != "DIV"){
if (liel.nodeName == "BODY") return;
liel.className += " ghh1time";
// Hide notice, move action buttons, then show hit"none";
ael = liel.querySelector("h3 a");
if (!ael) ael = liel.querySelector(" a"); // summarized news result
if (!ael) ael = liel.querySelector("a"); // other
if (liel.className.indexOf("videobox")>-1) ael = liel.querySelectorAll("td")[1].querySelector("a"); //video page
dabs =;
if (ael.parentNode.nextSibling) ael.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(dabs,ael.parentNode.nextSibling);
else ael.parentNode.parentNode.appendChild(dabs);
dabs.className = "inlinediv";
if (dabs.nextElementSibling) if (dabs.nextElementSibling.className.indexOf("ghhider") == 0 || dabs.nextElementSibling.innerHTML == "block") dabs.parentNode.removeChild(dabs.nextElementSibling);
for (k=1; k<liel.children.length; k++){
liel.children[k].className = liel.children[k].className.replace(/\s*ghhdnone/, "");
// Hide or Show hit notices
function updtpref(e){
var btns, j, hds, s;
if (showYN == "Y"){
if (confirm("No longer show titles or buttons for suppressed results?")){
ghhPrefO.shownotc[0] = "N";
showYN = ghhPrefO.shownotc[0];
} else {
hds = document.getElementsByClassName("ghhd");
if (hds.length > 0) s = (hds.length == 1) ? "is 1 blocked hit" : "are "+hds.length+" blocked hits";
else s = "are no blocked hits";
if (confirm("Show titles and buttons for suppressed results? (There "+s+" on this page.)")){
ghhPrefO.shownotc[0] = "Y";
showYN = ghhPrefO.shownotc[0];
function fixShowHideBtn(){
var chkMP = document.getElementById("chkshownotc");
var chkBF = document.getElementById("chkshownotcbf");
if (showYN == "Y"){
chkMP.checked = true;
if (chkBF){
chkBF.checked = true;
} else {
chkMP.checked = false;
if (chkBF){
chkBF.checked = false;
function togHiderDivs(sShow){
var dh, i;
dh = document.getElementsByClassName("ghhider");
for(i=0;i<dh.length;i++) {
if (dh[i].nodeName == "DIV" && dh[i].className.indexOf("ghhindent")<0) {
if (sShow == "yes") dh[i].style.display = "";
else dh[i].style.display = "none";
// Remove domain from the block list
function unblock(e){
var elPar, sdom, slist, liel, tgt;
elPar =;
sdom = elPar.getAttribute("dom");
if (!sdom || sdom.length<4){
alert("Problem with domain to unblock");
slist = GM_getValue("hideyhosts");
if (slist.substr(0,1) != "|") slist = "|" + slist;
slist = slist.replace("|"+sdom+":t","");
blist = GM_getValue("hideyhosts");
liel = elPar.parentNode;
while (currentG.indexOf("google") > -1 && liel.nodeName != "LI"){
if (liel.nodeName == "BODY") break;
if (currentG.indexOf("google") > -1 && liel.nodeName =="LI" && liel.className.indexOf("ghh1time")>-1){
liel.className = liel.className.replace(/\s*ghh1time/,"");
while (currentG.indexOf("google") < 0 && liel.nodeName != "DIV"){
if (liel.nodeName == "BODY") break;
if (currentG.indexOf("google") < 0 && liel.nodeName =="DIV" && liel.className.indexOf("ghh1time")>-1){
liel.className = liel.className.replace(/\s*ghh1time/,"");
if (document.getElementById("ghhmngform")){
if(document.getElementById("ghhmngform").style.display=="block") refreshSiteList();
// Add domain to the Perma-ban list
function permban(e){
if (!confirm("Never see hits for this domain again?")) return;
var dpar, sdom, slist, liel;
dpar =;
sdom = dpar.getAttribute("dom");
slist = GM_getValue("hideyhosts");
if (slist.substr(0,1) != "|") slist = "|" + slist;
slist = slist.replace("|"+sdom+":t","|"+sdom+":p");
blist = GM_getValue("hideyhosts");
liel = dpar.parentNode;
while (currentG.indexOf("google") > -1 && liel.nodeName != "LI"){
if (liel.nodeName == "BODY") break;
if (currentG.indexOf("google") > -1 && liel.nodeName == "LI" && liel.className.indexOf("ghh1time")>-1){
liel.className = liel.className.replace(/\s*ghh1time/,"");
while (currentG.indexOf("google") < 0 && liel.nodeName != "DIV"){
if (liel.nodeName == "BODY") break;
if (currentG.indexOf("google") < 0 && liel.nodeName == "DIV" && liel.className.indexOf("ghh1time")>-1){
liel.className = liel.className.replace(/\s*ghh1time/,"");
if(dpar.className.indexOf("ghhindent")>-1) dpar = dpar.parentNode;
if (document.getElementById("ghhmngform")){
if(document.getElementById("ghhmngform").style.display=="block") refreshSiteList();
// Close this bad result and rehide (to allow indendent open/close, do not run through hidehits)
function rehide(e){
var dpar, liel, dompart, ael, j;
dpar =;
liel = dpar.parentNode;
while ((currentG.indexOf("google") > -1 || currentG.indexOf("startpage") > -1) && liel.nodeName != "LI"){
if (liel.nodeName == "BODY") break;
while ((currentG.indexOf("google") < 0 && currentG.indexOf("startpage") < 0) && liel.nodeName != "DIV"){
if (liel.nodeName == "BODY") break;
dompart = dpar.getAttribute("dom");
ael = liel.querySelector("h3 a, h2 a");
if (!ael) ael = liel.querySelector("a");
liel.className = liel.className.replace(/\s*ghh1time/,"");
for (j=0; j<liel.children.length; j++){ // Hide Google result
if (liel.children[j].className.indexOf("ghhider")<0 && liel.children[j].className.indexOf("ghhdnone")<0){
if (liel.children[j].className.length > 0) liel.children[j].className += " ghhdnone";
else liel.children[j].className = "ghhdnone";
// Functions relating to the Block form
function addBlockForm(){
var bfd = document.createElement("div"); = "ghhblockform";
bfd.className = "ghhpane";
bfd.innerHTML = "<form onsubmit=\"return false;\"><p style=\"margin:0.75em 0;\"><strong>Add to blocklist:</strong></p><p><label " +
"style=\"white-space:pre\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"ghhdom\" value=\"f\"> <span id=\"ghhfulldom\"></span></label><br>" +
"<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"ghhdom\" value=\"p\"> <span id=\"ghhpartdom\"></span></label></p>" +
"<p style=\"text-align:center;white-space:pre;line-height:2em;margin:0.75em 0\"><button id=\"ghhbf1\" bt=\"t\"> " + txts.okbtn[0] +
" </button> <button id=\"ghhbf3\" bt=\"p\"> " + txts.okPbtn[0] + " </button><br>" +
"<button id=\"ghhbf2\" mng=\"N\"> " + txts.cancelbtn[0] + " </button> " +
"<button id=\"ghhbf4\" mng=\"Y\">" + txts.cancelMbtn[0] + "</button></p>";
if (currentG.indexOf("google") > -1){
bfd.innerHTML += "<p style=\"border-top:1px solid #aaa;text-align:center;white-space:pre;line-height:2em;margin:0.75em 0;padding-top:0.5em;\">Edit query: <button id=\"ghhbf5\" title=\"This site only\"> +site: </button> " +
"<button id=\"ghhbf6\" title=\"Exclude this site\"> -site: </button></p>"
bfd.innerHTML += "<p style=\"margin:0.75em 0;\"><label title=\"Switch between showing and hiding result titles for regular blocked hits\"><input " +
"type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chkshownotcbf\" id=\"chkshownotcbf\"> Show hidden hit notices</label><br>" +
"<label title=\"Switch between block dialog and one-click blocking\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chk1clickbf\" " +
"id=\"chk1clickbf\"> Enable 1-click blocking</label></p></form>";
if (currentG.indexOf("google") > -1){
function showbfd(e) {
var bbtn, bfdiv, fdom, pdom, fspan, pspan, tdiv, lt;
bbtn =;
fdom = bbtn.getAttribute("meta");
if (!document.getElementById("ghhblockform")) addBlockForm();
fspan = document.getElementById("ghhfulldom");
fspan.textContent = fdom;
fspan.previousElementSibling.checked = true;
pdom = fdom.substr(fdom.indexOf(".")+1);
pspan = document.getElementById("ghhpartdom");
if (pdom.indexOf(".") > -1) {
pspan.textContent = pdom; = "";
switch (bAggress){
case "all":
pspan.previousElementSibling.checked = true;
case "www":
if (fdom.substr(0,3) == "www") pspan.previousElementSibling.checked = true;
// default to full domain
} else { = "none";
if (e.altKey == true && currentG.indexOf("google") > -1){
reQuery(); return;
bfdiv = document.getElementById("ghhblockform");
tdiv = document.getElementById("ghhtemp");
if (!tdiv){
tdiv = document.createElement("div"); = "ghhtemp";
lt = bbtn.offsetLeft + bbtn.offsetWidth + 12;
if (bbtn.parentNode.previousElementSibling){
if (window.getComputedStyle(bbtn.parentNode.previousElementSibling,null).getPropertyValue("float") != "none" ||
( == "absolute" && bbtn.parentNode.nodeName == "TD")) lt=lt-bbtn.parentNode.offsetLeft;
if (currentG.indexOf("google") < 0) lt=lt-bbtn.parentNode.offsetLeft;
tdiv.setAttribute("style", "position:relative;left:" + lt + "px;top:-65px;z-index:100;width:250px;");
if (bbtn.nextElementSibling){
if (bbtn.nextElementSibling.nodeName == "DIV") bbtn.parentNode.insertBefore(tdiv,bbtn.nextElementSibling);
else bbtn.parentNode.appendChild(tdiv);
else bbtn.parentNode.appendChild(tdiv);
if ( == "hidden" || == "hidden"){ = "visible"; = "visible";
if (pref1click.substr(0,1) == "Y" && e.shiftKey != true){ // 1-click; hold Shift to override
if (pref1click.substr(2,1) == "N"){
} else {
} else { // regular + populating 1-click checkbox
var chkBF = document.getElementById("chk1clickbf");
if (pref1click.substr(0,1) == "Y"){
chkBF.checked = true;
} else {
chkBF.checked = false;
chkBF = document.getElementById("chkshownotcbf");
if (showYN == "Y"){
chkBF.checked = true;
} else {
chkBF.checked = false;
} = "block";
function addblock(e){
var btype, els, i, sdom, tgt;
tgt =;
btype = tgt.getAttribute("bt");
els = tgt.form.querySelectorAll('input[type="radio"]');
for (i=0; i<els.length; i++){
if(els[i].checked == true){
sdom = els[i].nextElementSibling.textContent;
if (blist.substr(0,1) != "|") blist = "|" + blist;
if (!btype) btype == "t";
if (addAt == "end") blist += sdom + ":" + btype + "|";
else blist = "|" + sdom + ":" + btype + blist;
if (addAt == "sort") sortlist(null);
if (document.getElementById("ghhmngform")){
if(document.getElementById("ghhmngform").style.display=="block") refreshSiteList();
function ghhcloseform(e){
if (!e) return;
if (typeof(e) == "object" &&{
if("ghhbf") == 0){
var mng ="mng");
var bfdiv = document.getElementById("ghhblockform");
var tdiv = document.getElementById("ghhtemp"); = "none";
if (mng == "Y") showManageForm("mngform");
if("ghhmf") == 0){
if (mbstyle.split("-")[0] == "mng") toggleBlockHiders("H");
document.getElementById("ghhmngform").style.display = "none";
if (mpopen.substr(0,3) == "Y-Y"){
mpopen = "Y-N";
ghhPrefO.mngpaneopen[0] = mpopen;
} else {
if(e == "mngform"){
if (mbstyle.split("-")[0] == "mng") toggleBlockHiders("H");
document.getElementById("ghhmngform").style.display = "none";
if (mpopen.substr(0,3) == "Y-Y"){
mpopen = "Y-N";
ghhPrefO.mngpaneopen[0] = mpopen;
// Functions relating to the Manage Hiding button
function addMngBtn(){
if (mbstyle.split("-")[0] == "blk") return;
if (window.self != if (mbstyle.split("-")[1] == "ifrN") return;
var mbtn;
mbtn = document.createElement("button");
mbtn.className="ghhider unbtn";
mbtn.setAttribute("title","Manage Google Hit Hider Settings"); = "ghhMngBtn";
function undupMngBtn(){
var unbtns = document.getElementsByClassName("unbtn");
while (unbtns.length > 1){
unbtns[unbtns.length - 1].parentNode.removeChild(unbtns[unbtns.length - 1]);
function showManageForm(e){
if (window.self != return;
var mfd;
if (!document.getElementById("ghhmngform")) addManageForm();
mfd = document.getElementById("ghhmngform");
if ( != "none" && e != "mngform"){ // Toggle to hidden
if (mbstyle.split("-")[0] == "mng") toggleBlockHiders("H");
if (mpopen.substr(0,3) == "Y-Y"){
mpopen = "Y-N";
ghhPrefO.mngpaneopen[0] = mpopen;
} = "none";
} else {
refreshSiteList(); = "block";
if (mpopen.substr(0,3) == "Y-Y" && mpopen.length == 5){ // Restore last displayed tab
var tabnum = mpopen.substr(4,1);
if (document.getElementById("ghhmt"+tabnum).style.display == "none"){
var synth = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
synth.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
if (mbstyle.split("-")[0] == "mng") toggleBlockHiders("S");
if (typeof e == "object");
if (document.getElementById("ghhmt1").style.display != "none" || document.getElementById("ghhmt4").style.display != "none"){
document.getElementById("ghhutil").style.display == "none";
else {
if (document.getElementById("ghhmf1").hasAttribute("disabled")) document.getElementById("ghhmf1").removeAttribute("disabled");
if (bLUopen != "N") document.getElementById("ghhutil").style.display = "block";
if (mbstyle.split("-")[0] == "mng") toggleBlockHiders("S");
if (typeof e == "object");
function setCurrentTab(){
var k, tabnum;
var tabset = document.querySelectorAll("#mflists>div");
for (k=0; k<tabset.length; k++){
tabnum = tabset[k].getAttribute("id");
tabnum = tabnum.substr(tabnum.length-1);
if (tabset[k].style.display != "none"){
document.getElementById("ghhts"+tabnum).className = "ghhCurTab";
if (mpopen.substr(0,1) == "Y"){
mpopen = "Y-Y-"+tabnum;
ghhPrefO.mngpaneopen[0] = mpopen;
else document.getElementById("ghhts"+tabnum).className = "";
// Functions relating to the Manage GHH form
function addManageForm(){
var mfd = document.createElement("div"); = "ghhmngform";
mfd.className = "ghhpane";
mfd.innerHTML = "<form onsubmit=\"return false;\"><div id=\"ghhtsdiv\">" +
"<p style=\"margin:6px 0 -1px 0\" id=\"ghhtstrip\">" +
"<button id=\"ghhts1\" title=\"General Use and Notices\">Home</button>" +
"<button id=\"ghhts2\" title=\"Regular Block List\">Block</button>" +
"<button id=\"ghhts3\" title=\"Perma-ban List\">Perma-ban</button>" +
"<button id=\"ghhts4\" title=\"Manage Script Options\">Options</button></p></div>" +
"<div id=\"mflists\" style=\"width:230px\">" +
"<div id=\"ghhmt1\"><p>Welcome to Google Hit Hider!</p>" +
"<div class=\"ghhtab\">" +
"<p style=\"padding:0.25em;margin:0.25em\">Click the block button ( <button class=\"ghhider\" onclick=\"return false;\">" + txts.block[0] + "</button> ) " +
"next to a hit title to block results from that site. A <b>regular</b> blocked hit becomes a one-line notation, " +
"while a <b>Perma-ban</b> disappears completely.</p>" +
"<p style=\"border-top:1px solid #000; padding:0.25em;margin:0.25em\"><label title=\"Switch between showing and hiding result titles " +
"for regular blocked hits\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chkshownotc\" id=\"chkshownotc\"> Show hidden hit notices</label><br>" +
"<label title=\"Switch between block dialog and one-click blocking\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chk1click\" " +
"id=\"chk1click\"> Enable 1-click blocking</label></p>" +
"<p style=\"border-top:1px solid #000; padding:0.25em;margin:0.25em\">v1.6.0 &copy; 2014 Jefferson Scher. Learn more on " +
"<a href=\"\">this script's page on</a>.</p></div></div>" +
"<div id=\"ghhmt2\" style=\"display:none\"><p>Click to remove from regular block list:</p>" +
"<div class=\"ghhtab\"><ul id=\"ghhsitelist\"></ul></div></div>\n" +
"<div id=\"ghhmt3\" style=\"display:none\"><p>Click to remove from Perma-ban list:</p>" +
"<div class=\"ghhtab\"><ul id=\"ghhpbanlist\"></ul></div></div>" +
"<div id=\"ghhmt4\" style=\"display:none\"><p>Manage script options:</p>" +
"<div class=\"ghhtab\" id=\"btnedit\">" +
"<p id=\"addradios\">Add newly blocked domains:<br>" +
"<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"addpos\" value=\"end\"> at the end of the list</label><br>" +
"<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"addpos\" value=\"top\"> at the top of the list</label><br>" +
"<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"addpos\" value=\"sort\"> in alphabetical order</label></p>" +
"<p id=\"aggressrads\" style=\"border-top:1px solid #000;padding-top:0.25em;margin-bottom:8px\">Block form defaults to:<br>" +
"<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"agglevel\" value=\"none\"> always the full domain</label><br>" +
"<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"agglevel\" value=\"all\"> always the partial domain</label><br>" +
"<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"agglevel\" value=\"www\"> partial domain for www only</label></p>" +
"<p id=\"btnradios\" style=\"border-top:1px solid #000;padding-top:0.25em;margin-bottom:8px\">User interface style:<br>" +
"<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"uistyle\" value=\"both\"> Show Manage Hiding &amp; " + txts.block[0] + "</label><br>" +
"<label>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"mbiframe\" id=\"mbiframe\"> Manage Hiding in iframes</label><br>" +
"<label title=\"You can click a " + txts.block[0] + " button to open this dialog\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"uistyle\" value=\"blk\"> Hide Manage Hiding button</label><br>" +
"<label title=\"" + txts.block[0] + " buttons will appear only when this dialog is displayed\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"uistyle\" value=\"mng\"> Hide " + txts.block[0] + " buttons</label><br>" +
"<span style=\"display:inline-block;margin-top:4px;\">Manage Hiding button position:</span><br>" +
"<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"mngbtnpos\" value=\"R\"> Side</label> " +
"<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"mngbtnpos\" value=\"T\"> Top</label> " +
"<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"mngbtnpos\" value=\"B\"> Bottom</label><br>" +
"<span style=\"display:inline-block;margin-top:4px;\">Block button position <i>(reloads)</i>:</span><br>" +
"<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"blockposit\" value=\"H\"> Headline</label> " +
"<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"blockposit\" value=\"C\"> Cite line</label><br>" +
"<span style=\"display:inline-block;margin-top:4px;\">Display block buttons:</span><br>" +
"<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"blockdisp\" value=\"P\"> Always</label> " +
"<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"blockdisp\" value=\"M\"> On Mouseover</label><br>" +
"<span style=\"display:inline-block;margin-top:4px;\">Block button tooltips:</span><br>" +
"<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"blockttip\" value=\"Y\"> Full Detail</label> " +
"<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"blockttip\" value=\"N\"> None</label></p>" +
"<p id=\"miscpref\" style=\"border-top:1px solid #000;padding-top:0.25em;margin-bottom:8px\">Misc Preferences:<br>" +
"<label><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chkajax\" id=\"chkajax\"> Instant/AJAX/Autopager</label><br>" +
"<label><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chkdom4\" id=\"chkdom4\"> DOM4 Mutation Observer</label><br>" +
"<label><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chkmpopen\" id=\"chkmpopen\"> Re-open Management Pane</label><br>" +
"<label><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chk1pban\" id=\"chk1pban\"> 1-click to Perma-ban list</label><br>" +
"<label title=\"Try out features that haven't been completely tested\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chkbeta\" " +
"id=\"chkbeta\"> Enable beta features</label></p>" +
"<p style=\"border-top:1px solid #000;padding-top:0.25em;margin-bottom:8px\">Edit captions:</p>" +
"<p><button class=\"ghhider\" id=\"ghhedit1\" key=\"block\">" + txts.block[0] + "</button> " +
"<button class=\"ghhider\" id=\"ghhedit3\" key=\"unblock\" style=\"background:#9f6\">" + txts.unblock[0] + "</button> " +
"<button class=\"ghhider\" id=\"ghhedit2\" key=\"pban\" style=\"background:#f66\">" + txts.pban[0] + "</button></p>" +
"<p><i>Reload to complete changes</i></p><p><button id=\"ghhmfr\">Restore default captions</button></p>" +
"<p style=\"border-top:1px solid #000;padding-top:0.25em;margin-bottom:8px\">Custom style rules:<br>" +
"<button id=\"ghhecsr\">Edit Custom Style Rules</button></p></div></div>" +
"</div><p style=\"text-align:center;white-space:pre;margin:1em 0\">" +
"<button id=\"ghhmf1\">" + txts.savebtn[0] + "<span id=\"numchgs\"></span></button> " +
"<button id=\"ghhmf3\" title=\"Display additional buttons for list management\">List Util" +
"</button> <button id=\"ghhmf2\">" + txts.closebtn[0] + "</button></p><p id=\"ghhutil\" style=\"display:none\">" +
"<button id=\"ghhmf4\" title=\"Display block list for copying to backup or share\">" +
txts.eximbtn[0] + "</button> <button id=\"ghhmf7\" title=\"Import domains to the block list\">" +
txts.impobtn[0] + "</button> <button id=\"ghhmf8\" title=\"Post block list to the web\" disabled=\"disabled\">" +
txts.sharebtn[0] + "</button><br /><button id=\"ghhmf5\" title=\"Sort list in alphabetical order\">" +
txts.sortbtn[0] + "</button> <button id=\"ghhmf6\" title=\"De-duplicate block list by removing unnecessary domains\">" +
txts.dedupbtn[0] + "</button> <button id=\"ghhmf9\" title=\"Remove www from blocked domains\">" +
txts.unwwwbtn[0] + "</button></p></form>";
document.getElementById("ghhts1").addEventListener("click",togglelist,true); // tabs
document.getElementById("chkshownotc").addEventListener("change",updtpref,true); // home
document.getElementById("ghhsitelist").addEventListener("click",togglesite,true); // block
document.getElementById("ghhpbanlist").addEventListener("click",togglesite,true); // pban
document.getElementById("addradios").addEventListener("change",updtaddpos,true); // options
document.getElementById("ghhmf1").addEventListener("click",saveedits,true); // buttons
function togglelist(e){ // Change tabs;
if ( == "ghhCurTab") return;
var tabbtns = document.querySelectorAll("#ghhtstrip>button");
var k, tabnum;
for (k=0; k<tabbtns.length; k++){
tabnum = tabbtns[k].id;
tabnum = tabnum.substr(tabnum.length-1);
if ( == tabbtns[k].id){
document.getElementById("ghhmt"+tabnum).style.display = "";
} else {
document.getElementById("ghhmt"+tabnum).style.display = "none";
if (document.getElementById("ghhmt1").style.display != "none" || document.getElementById("ghhmt4").style.display != "none"){
document.getElementById("ghhutil").style.display = "none";
} else {
if (document.getElementById("ghhmf1").hasAttribute("disabled")) document.getElementById("ghhmf1").removeAttribute("disabled");
if (bLUopen != "N") document.getElementById("ghhutil").style.display = "block";
function toggleListUtil(e){ // Display/close extra set of buttons;
var p = document.getElementById("ghhutil");
if (!p) return;
// If not displaying a list now, move to a list
if (document.getElementById("ghhmt1").style.display != "none" || document.getElementById("ghhmt4").style.display != "none"){
var synth = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
synth.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
document.getElementById("ghhts2").dispatchEvent(synth); = "block"; // Always open button pane
bLUopen = "Y";
} else {
if ( != "block"){ // Toggle when list already was displayed = "block";
bLUopen = "Y";
} else { = "none";
bLUopen = "N";
function togglesite(e){ // Designate list items for unblock, pban or block
var t, l, s, pid;
t =;
if (t.className == "ghhinfo") t = t.nextElementSibling;
l = t.parentNode;
pid =;
switch (t.className){
case "ghhhost ghhpb":
t.className = "ghhhost ghhblk"; // toggle to block
if (l.nodeName == "LI"){
if (pid == "ghhsitelist"){
l.children[0].style.display = "none";
listchgs = listchgs - 1;
} else {
l.children[0].style.display = "inline";
l.children[0].textContent = "to " + txts.block[0];
l.children[0].style.backgroundColor = "#ccc";
listchgs = listchgs + 1;
case "ghhhost ghhdel":
t.className = "ghhhost ghhpb"; // toggle to perma-ban
if (l.nodeName == "LI"){
if (pid == "ghhpbanlist"){
l.children[0].style.display = "none";
listchgs = listchgs - 1;
} else {
l.children[0].style.display = "inline";
l.children[0].textContent = "to " + txts.pban[0];
l.children[0].style.backgroundColor = "#f66";
t.className = "ghhhost ghhdel"; // toggle to unblock
if (l.nodeName == "LI"){
l.children[0].style.display = "inline";
l.children[0].textContent = "to " + txts.unblock[0];
l.children[0].style.backgroundColor = "#9f6";
if (pid == "ghhsitelist"){
listchgs = listchgs + 1;
function saveedits(e){ // Save changes made on tabs 2 and 3
if (e){
if (listchgs == 0){
if (!confirm("No changes detected. Save anyway?")){;
} else {
if (!confirm("Save changes to block list?")){;
var slist, i, sp, ttemp, ptemp;
slist = document.getElementById("ghhsitelist");
ttemp = "";
ptemp = "";
for (i=0;i<slist.children.length;i++){
if (slist.children[i].nodeName == "LI") {
sp = slist.children[i].children[1];
switch (sp.className){
case "ghhhost ghhblk":
ttemp += sp.textContent + ":t|";
case "ghhhost ghhpb":
ptemp += sp.textContent + ":p|";
// to be unblocked
slist = document.getElementById("ghhpbanlist");
for (i=0;i<slist.children.length;i++){
if (slist.children[i].nodeName == "LI") {
sp = slist.children[i].children[1];
switch (sp.className){
case "ghhhost ghhblk":
ttemp += sp.textContent + ":t|";
case "ghhhost ghhpb":
ptemp += sp.textContent + ":p|";
// to be unblocked
GM_setValue("hideyhosts", "|" + ttemp + ptemp);
blist = GM_getValue("hideyhosts");
listchgs = 0;
if (e);
function refreshSiteList(){ // Rebuild lists for tabs 2 and 3
var sarray, slist, pblist, i, j, k, litem;
if (blist.substr(0,1) != "|") blist = "|" + blist;
sarray = blist.substr(1).split("|");
slist = document.getElementById("ghhsitelist");
slist.innerHTML = "";
pblist = document.getElementById("ghhpbanlist");
pblist.innerHTML = "";
j = 0; k = 0;
for (i=0; i<sarray.length-1; i++){
if (sarray[i].indexOf(":p")<0) {
litem = document.createElement("li");
litem.innerHTML = "<span class=\"ghhinfo\"></span><span class=\"ghhhost ghhblk\">" + sarray[i].substr(0, sarray[i].indexOf(":")) + "</span>";
} else{
litem.innerHTML = "<span class=\"ghhinfo\"></span><span class=\"ghhhost ghhblk\">" + sarray[i] + "</span>";
if (j % 2 == 0) = "#fcfcaa";
j += 1;
} else {
litem = document.createElement("li");
litem.innerHTML = "<span class=\"ghhinfo\"></span><span class=\"ghhhost ghhpb\">" + sarray[i].substr(0, sarray[i].indexOf(":")) + "</span>";
if (k % 2 == 0) = "#fcfcaa";
k += 1;
function updtaddpos(e){ // Implement change for radio buttons re where to add to list
var rads ="input[type='radio']");
for (var i=0; i<rads.length; i++){
if (rads[i].checked){
if (rads[i].value == "sort"){
if(confirm("Sort lists now? Sorting is irreversible.")){
if (listchgs > 0) {
if (confirm("You have unsaved changes to your lists. Save changes and sort, or cancel sorting?")){
} else {
} else {
addAt = rads[i].value;
ghhPrefO.addtolistpos[0] = addAt;
function fixaddpos(){ // Check appropriate radio button re where to add to list
var rads = document.getElementById("addradios").querySelectorAll("input[type='radio']");
for (i=0; i<rads.length; i++){
if (rads[i].value == addAt){
rads[i].checked = true;
if (rads[i].hasAttribute("checked")){
rads[i].checked = false;
function updtaggress(e){ // Implement change for radio buttons re default domain to block
var rads ="input[type='radio']");
for (var i=0; i<rads.length; i++){
if (rads[i].checked){
bAggress = rads[i].value;
ghhPrefO.aggressiveblock[0] = bAggress;
function fixaggblock(){ // Check appropriate radio button re default domain to block
var rads = document.getElementById("aggressrads").querySelectorAll("input[type='radio']");
for (i=0; i<rads.length; i++){
if (rads[i].value == bAggress){
rads[i].checked = true;
if (rads[i].hasAttribute("checked")){
rads[i].checked = false;
function updtuistyle(e){ // Store settings for buttons to display
var mbparts = mbstyle.split("-");
if (mbparts.length == 1) mbparts.push("ifrN");
if (mbparts.length == 2) mbparts.push("R");
if (mbparts.length == 3) mbparts.push("P");
if (mbparts.length == 4) mbparts.push("Y");
if (mbparts.length == 5) mbparts.push("H");
if ( == "mbiframe") { // Handle iframe checkbox
var chk =;
if (chk.checked){
mbparts[1] = "ifrY";
} else {
mbparts[1] = "ifrN";
mbstyle = mbparts.join("-");
ghhPrefO.mngbtnstyle[0] = mbstyle;
} else { // Handle radio buttons
if ("name") == "uistyle"){
var rads ="input[name='uistyle']");
for (var i=0; i<rads.length; i++){
if (rads[i].checked){
switch (rads[i].value){
case "blk":
mbparts[0] = rads[i].value;
alert("After you close the management pane, click any block button to open it again.");
case "mng":
if(confirm("Display block buttons only when this dialog is open?")) mbparts[0] = "mng";
else = false;
mbparts[0] = "both";
if (!document.getElementById("ghhMngBtn")) addMngBtn();
mbstyle = mbparts.join("-");
ghhPrefO.mngbtnstyle[0] = mbstyle;
} else { // Handle Management Button position and block button display style
var rads ="input[name='mngbtnpos']");
for (var i=0; i<rads.length; i++){
if (rads[i].checked){
mbparts[2] = rads[i].value;
mbstyle = mbparts.join("-");
ghhPrefO.mngbtnstyle[0] = mbstyle;
rads ="input[name='blockdisp']");
for (i=0; i<rads.length; i++){
if (rads[i].checked){
mbparts[3] = rads[i].value;
mbstyle = mbparts.join("-");
ghhPrefO.mngbtnstyle[0] = mbstyle;
rads ="input[name='blockttip']");
for (i=0; i<rads.length; i++){
if (rads[i].checked){
mbparts[4] = rads[i].value;
mbstyle = mbparts.join("-");
ghhPrefO.mngbtnstyle[0] = mbstyle;
rads ="input[name='blockposit']");
for (i=0; i<rads.length; i++){
if (rads[i].checked){
mbparts[5] = rads[i].value;
mbstyle = mbparts.join("-");
ghhPrefO.mngbtnstyle[0] = mbstyle;
function fixuistyle(){ // Check appropriate radio button re buttons to display
if (mbstyle.split("-").length == 1) mbstyle = mbstyle + "-ifrN-R-P-Y-H";
if (mbstyle.split("-").length == 2) mbstyle = mbstyle + "-R-P-Y-H";
if (mbstyle.split("-").length == 3) mbstyle = mbstyle + "-P-Y-H";
if (mbstyle.split("-").length == 4) mbstyle = mbstyle + "-Y-H";
if (mbstyle.split("-").length == 5) mbstyle = mbstyle + "-H";
var rads = document.getElementById("btnradios").querySelectorAll("input[name^='uistyle']");
for (i=0; i<rads.length; i++){
if (rads[i].value == mbstyle.split("-")[0]){
rads[i].checked = true;
if (rads[i].hasAttribute("checked")){
rads[i].checked = false;
var chk = document.getElementById("mbiframe");
if (mbstyle.split("-")[1] == "ifrY"){
chk.checked = true;
} else {
chk.checked = false;
var rads = document.getElementById("btnradios").querySelectorAll("input[name^='mngbtnpos']");
for (i=0; i<rads.length; i++){
if (rads[i].value == mbstyle.split("-")[2]){
rads[i].checked = true;
if (rads[i].hasAttribute("checked")){
rads[i].checked = false;
var rads = document.getElementById("btnradios").querySelectorAll("input[name^='blockdisp']");
for (i=0; i<rads.length; i++){
if (rads[i].value == mbstyle.split("-")[3]){
rads[i].checked = true;
if (rads[i].hasAttribute("checked")){
rads[i].checked = false;
var rads = document.getElementById("btnradios").querySelectorAll("input[name^='blockttip']");
for (i=0; i<rads.length; i++){
if (rads[i].value == mbstyle.split("-")[4]){
rads[i].checked = true;
if (rads[i].hasAttribute("checked")){
rads[i].checked = false;
var rads = document.getElementById("btnradios").querySelectorAll("input[name^='blockposit']");
for (i=0; i<rads.length; i++){
if (rads[i].value == mbstyle.split("-")[5]){
rads[i].checked = true;
if (rads[i].hasAttribute("checked")){
rads[i].checked = false;
function updtAJAX(e){ // Store settings for AJAX preferences
var chk =;
if ( == "chkajax"){
if (chk.checked){
bAJAX = "on";
if (chgMon) chgMon.disconnect();
else document.body.removeEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified", checkOlist, false);
} else {
bAJAX = "off";
if (chgMon) chgMon.disconnect();
else document.body.removeEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified", checkOlist, false);
} else {
if (chk.checked){
bMutOb = "Y";
if (!chgMon){
if (bAJAX){
document.body.removeEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified", checkOlist, false);
} else {
bMutOb = "N";
if (chgMon) chgMon.disconnect();
if (bAJAX){
document.body.removeEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified", checkOlist, false);
ghhPrefO.usemutation[0] = bAJAX + "-" + bMutOb;
function fixajaxstyle(){ // Check boxes for AJAX preferences
var chk = document.getElementById("chkajax");
if (bAJAX == "on"){
chk.checked = true;
} else {
chk.checked = false;
var chk = document.getElementById("chkdom4");
if (bMutOb == "Y"){
chk.checked = true;
} else {
chk.checked = false;
function updtpersist(e){ // Store setting for persistence preference
var chk =;
if (chk.checked){
mpopen = "Y" + mpopen.substr(1);
} else {
mpopen = "N" + mpopen.substr(1);
ghhPrefO.mngpaneopen[0] = mpopen;
function fixpanepersist(){ // Check box for persistence preference
var chk = document.getElementById("chkmpopen");
if (mpopen.substr(0,1) == "Y"){
chk.checked = true;
} else {
chk.checked = false;
function updt1click(e){ // Store setting for 1-click preferences
var chk =;
if ( == "chk1click" || == "chk1clickbf"){
if (chk.checked){
pref1click = "Y" + pref1click.substr(1,2);
} else {
pref1click = "N" + pref1click.substr(1,2);
} else {
if (chk.checked){
pref1click = pref1click.substr(0,2) + "Y";
} else {
pref1click = pref1click.substr(0,2) + "N";
ghhPrefO.oneclick[0] = pref1click;
function fix1clickstyle(){ // Check boxes for one-click preferences
var chkMP = document.getElementById("chk1click");
var chkBF = document.getElementById("chk1clickbf");
if (pref1click.substr(0,1) == "Y"){
chkMP.checked = true;
if (chkBF){
chkBF.checked = true;
} else {
chkMP.checked = false;
if (chkBF){
chkBF.checked = false;
chk = document.getElementById("chk1pban");
if (pref1click.substr(2,1) == "Y"){
chk.checked = true;
} else {
chk.checked = false;
function updtBeta(e){ // Store setting for runbeta preference
var chk =;
if (chk.checked){
betatest = "Y";
} else {
betatest = "N";
ghhPrefO.runbeta[0] = betatest;
function fixBeta(){ // Check box for runbeta preference
var chk = document.getElementById("chkbeta");
if (betatest == "Y"){
chk.checked = true;
} else {
chk.checked = false;
function chgcaption(e){ // Store button caption changes (but do not immediately refresh)
var btn, key, input;
btn =;
key ="key");;
input = prompt(txts[key][1], txts[key][0]);
if (!input) return;
if (input.length > 0 && input != txts[key][0]){
txts[key][0] = input.replace(/\"/g,"''");
function resetTextStrings(e){ // Reset buttons captions to defaults
if (confirm("Restore default button captions?")){
txts = defaultTxts;
GM_setValue("textstrings",JSON.stringify(txts)); // requires Fx 3.5+
alert("Please reload to see the changes.");;
function exportlist(e){ // Display and populate export form, clean up from any prior use
if (!document.getElementById("ghhexport")) insertExportForm();
var expDiv = document.getElementById("ghhexport");
document.getElementById("ghheximhead").innerHTML = "Export Block List";
document.getElementById("ghheximinfo1").innerHTML = "These boxes display your current block list. <br /><br />" +
"On the left, you have the list in its native format. By saving this format, you can preserve your regular/Perma-ban " +
"block decisions. <br /><br />On the right, you have a simple list of domains. " +
"This would be a good format for sharing your list with others.";
document.getElementById("ghhtaleft").value = GM_getValue("hideyhosts");
var domList = GM_getValue("hideyhosts").substr(1).replace(/:[tp]\|/g, "\n");
document.getElementById("ghhtaright").value = domList.replace(/\n*$/, "");
document.getElementById("ghhleftcontrols").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("ghhrightcontrols").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("ghhtbldiv").style.display = "none";
if (document.getElementById("ghhtaright").style.display == "none") document.getElementById("ghhtaright").style.display = ""; = "block";;
function insertExportForm(){
var dNew, btn, par, ta;
dNew = document.createElement("div"); = "ghhexport";
dNew.className = "ghhpane";
dNew.innerHTML = "<button onclick=\"'none'\" style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 4px 4px;\" class=\"ghhider\">Close</button>" +
"<p style=\"margin-top:0; font-weight: bold;\" id=\"ghheximhead\"></p>" +
"<p id=\"ghheximinfo1\"></p>" +
"<div id=\"ghhleft\" style=\"width:49%;float:left\"><textarea id=\"ghhtaleft\" " +
"spellcheck=\"false\" style=\"width:100%;height:300px;overflow-y:scroll\"></textarea>" +
"<div id=\"ghhleftcontrols\" style=\"clear:left;display:none\"><p><button id=\"ghhexp1\">Parse List for Import</button></p></div></div>" +
"<div id=\"ghhright\" style=\"width:49%;float:right\"><textarea id=\"ghhtaright\" " +
"spellcheck=\"false\" style=\"width:100%;height:300px;overflow-y:scroll\"></textarea>" +
"<div id=\"ghhtbldiv\" style=\"height:298px;overflow-y:scroll;overflow-x:scroll;background:#fff;padding:4px 0 0 4px;border:1px solid #aac;margin-top:1px;display:none\"></div> " +
"<div id=\"ghhrightcontrols\" style=\"clear:right;display:none\"><p id=\"impradios\">Please review the above list for accuracy. If correct, add domains to: <br>" +
"<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"impbtype\" value=\"asis\">&nbsp;the list specified under Block Type</label> <br />" +
"<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"impbtype\" value=\"t\">&nbsp;the regular block list</label> <br />" +
"<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"impbtype\" value=\"p\">&nbsp;the Perma-ban list</label> &nbsp; " +
"<button id=\"ghhexp2\">Import</button></p></div></div>";
function importlist(e){ // Display import form, clean up from any prior use
if (!document.getElementById("ghhexport")) insertExportForm();
var expDiv = document.getElementById("ghhexport");
document.getElementById("ghheximhead").innerHTML = "Import Block List";
document.getElementById("ghheximinfo1").innerHTML = "<strong>As a precaution in case something goes wrong, please use the Export feature to copy " +
"and save your current list as a backup.</strong> <br /><br />" +
"To begin, paste your list into the left box below. Then click the Parse List for Import button. This script can import a list in its own native format, or a plain list of domains with a separate domain on each line, or " +
"separated by spaces. (It also converts the Noise Reduction for Google and Google Domain Blocker formats.)";
document.getElementById("ghhtaleft").value = "";
document.getElementById("ghhleftcontrols").style.display = "";
document.getElementById("ghhtaright").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("ghhtbldiv").style.display = "none"; = "block";;
function parseList(e){ // Parse putative domain list and redisplay cleaned up
var txt, sites = [], bHasTypes = 0, i, tbod, thd, rasis, lbpos, rbpos;
txt = document.getElementById("ghhtaleft").value;
if (txt.length < 4){
alert("Block list too short!");
document.getElementById("ghhtbldiv").innerHTML = "";
// clean up/convert domain list to pipe-delimited
txt = txt.replace(/(http|https):/g, "");
txt = txt.replace(/(,|\/|;)/g, "|");
txt = txt.replace(/\s+/g, "|");
txt = txt.replace(/\|+/g, "|");
txt = txt.replace(/[\<\>"'=#\!\u2018\u2019\(\)\{\}]/g, "");
// strip regex
txt = txt.replace(/(\+|\*|\$|\\)/g, "");
while (txt.indexOf("[") > -1 && txt.indexOf("]") > -1){
lbpos = txt.indexOf("[");
rbpos = txt.indexOf("]")
if (lbpos > 0 && rbpos + 1 < txt.length) txt = txt.substring(0,lbpos) + txt.substring(rbpos+1);
else {
if (lbpos == 0 && rbpos + 1 < txt.length) txt = txt.substring(rbpos+1);
else break; // for some reason, entire list is bracketed??
if (txt.indexOf(":") > -1) bHasTypes = 1;
sites = txt.split("|");
for (i=0; i<sites.length; i++){
if (sites[i].length > 1){
if (sites[i].indexOf(".") == 0) sites[i] = sites[i].substr(1);
if (sites[i].indexOf("?") > -1) sites[i] = sites[i].substr(0,sites[i].indexOf("?"));
if (bHasTypes == 1){
if (sites[i].indexOf(":t") == sites[i].length - 2 || sites[i].indexOf(":p") == sites[i].length - 2){
sites[i] = "<tr><td>" + sites[i].replace(":t","</td><td>regular").replace(":p","</td><td>Perma-ban") + "</td></tr>";
} else {
if (sites[i].indexOf(":") > -1) sites[i] = sites[i].substr(0, sites[i].indexOf(":"));
sites[i] = "<tr><td>" + sites[i] + "</td><td>(unspecified)</td></tr>";
} else { // Plain list
sites[i] = "<tr><td>" + sites[i] + "</td></tr>";
tbod = "<tbody>\n" + sites.join("\n") + "</tbody>";
if (sites.length == 0){
alert("Unable to parse the list, sorry."); return;
if (bHasTypes == 1) thd = "<thead><tr><th>Domain</th><th>Block Type</th></tr></thead>";
else thd = "<thead><tr><th>Domain</th></tr></thead>";
document.getElementById("ghhtbldiv").innerHTML = "<table cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"ghhtbl\" id=\"ghhparsed\">" + thd + tbod + "</table>";
document.getElementById("ghhtbldiv").style.display = "";
rasis = document.getElementById("ghhrightcontrols").querySelectorAll("input[value='asis']")[0];
if (bHasTypes == 1){
if (rasis.hasAttribute("disabled")) rasis.removeAttribute("disabled");
rasis.checked = true; = "";
} else {
rasis.setAttribute("disabled","disabled"); = "rgb(172, 168, 153)";
document.getElementById("ghhrightcontrols").querySelectorAll("input[value='t']")[0].checked = true;
document.getElementById("ghhrightcontrols").style.display = "block";
function doImport(e){ // Add sites from cleaned up domain list to script block lists
var tbl, rads, i, typeRule, rows, dom, newDoms = "";
tbl = document.getElementById("ghhparsed");
if (!tbl){
alert("Unable to locate table of parsed domains!");
if ( == "none"){
alert("Please start the import process again!");
rads = document.getElementById("ghhrightcontrols").querySelectorAll("input[type='radio']");
for (i=0; i<rads.length; i++){
if (rads[i].checked){
typeRule = rads[i].value;
rows = tbl.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0].getElementsByTagName("tr");
for (i=0; i<rows.length; i++){
dom = rows[i].children[0].textContent;
if (dom.lastIndexOf(".") < dom.length-2 && dom.indexOf(".") > 1){
switch (typeRule){
case "asis":
if (rows[i].children[1].textContent == "Perma-ban") newDoms += dom + ":p|";
else newDoms += dom + ":t|";
newDoms += dom + ":" + typeRule + "|";
rows[i].style.backgroundColor = "#ff0";
} else {
rows[i].style.backgroundColor = "#f00";
if (newDoms != ""){
if (blist == "") blist = "|" + newDoms;
else blist += newDoms;
if(document.getElementById("ghhmngform").style.display=="block") refreshSiteList();
alert("Import of yellow-highlighted domains completed. Please check the Management Pane to " +
"view, sort, and/or de-duplicate your imported domains.");
function sortlist(e){ // Alpha-sort block list
if (listchgs > 0) {
if (confirm("You have unsaved changes to your lists. Save changes and sort, or cancel sorting?")){
} else {
if (blist.substr(0,1) != "|") blist = "|" + blist;
var sarray = blist.substr(1,blist.length-2).split("|");
GM_setValue("hideyhosts", "|" + sarray.join("|") + "|");
blist = GM_getValue("hideyhosts");
if (e);
function dedup(e){ // De-duplicate block lists
if (!confirm("If you block, you don't also need to block Remove unnecessary domains from the block list?")) return;
var barray, i, j, iadd, smain, stest, sremd = "", sques = "";
if (blist.substr(0,1) != "|") blist = "|" + blist;
barray = blist.substr(1,blist.length-2).split("|");
for (i=0; i<barray.length; i++){
if (barray[i].indexOf(":t") > -1){
barray[i] = barray[i].substr(0,barray[i].indexOf(":")).split(".").reverse().join(".") + "!t";
} else {
if (barray[i].indexOf(":p") > -1){
barray[i] = barray[i].substr(0,barray[i].indexOf(":")).split(".").reverse().join(".") + "!p";
} else {
barray[i] = barray[i].split(".").reverse().join(".") + "!t";
for (i=0; i<barray.length-1; i++){
iadd = 0;
for (j=1; j<barray.length-i; j++){
if (barray[i+j].indexOf(barray[i].substr(0,barray[i].length-2)) != 0) break;
smain = barray[i].substr(0,barray[i].length-2).split(".").reverse().join(".");
stest = barray[i+j].substr(0,barray[i+j].length-2).split(".").reverse().join(".");
if (stest.indexOf(smain) < 0) break;
if (barray[i].substr(barray[i].length-1) == barray[i+j].substr(barray[i+j].length-1)){
blist = blist.replace(stest + ":" + barray[i+j].substr(barray[i+j].length-1) + "|", "");
sremd += "|Removed: " + stest + "; Covered by: " + smain;
iadd += 1;
} else {
stest += (barray[i+j].substr(barray[i+j].length-1) == "t") ? " (regular)" : " (permaban)";
smain += (barray[i].substr(barray[i].length-1) == "t") ? " (regular)" : " (permaban)";
sques += "|Didn't remove " + stest + " due to block type difference from " + smain;
i += iadd;
// ToDo: Alerts are temporary; nicer display "some day"
if (sremd != "") alert(sremd.substr(1).replace(/\|/g,"\n"));
if (sques != "") alert(sques.substr(1).replace(/\|/g,"\n"));
if (sremd == "" && sques == "") alert("No unnecessary domains found.");
if (e);
function unwww(e){ // Remove www from beginnings of domains
if (!confirm("You can block other subdomains on by removing www from the beginning (e.g., Update the block list?")) return;
if (blist.substr(0,1) != "|") blist = "|" + blist;
blist = blist.replace(/\|www\./g, "\|");
if (e);
// Misc functions
function convertFormat(){
if (blist.substr(0,1) != "|") blist = "|" + blist;
blist = "|" + blist.slice(1).replace(/\|/g,":t|");
GM_setValue("hideyhosts", blist);
function convertTxts(strTxts){
var oldTxts;
oldTxts = JSON.parse(strTxts);
txts = defaultTxts;
if (txtsPref.indexOf(":[") == -1){ // 0.8x to 0.9x+
txts.block[0] = oldTxts.block;
txts.unblock[0] = oldTxts.unblock;
txts.pban[0] = oldTxts.pban;
txts.okbtn[0] = oldTxts.okbtn;
txts.cancelbtn[0] = oldTxts.cancelbtn;
txts.savebtn[0] = oldTxts.savebtn;
txts.closebtn[0] = oldTxts.closebtn;
} else { // 0.9x to 1.1x+
txts.block[0] = oldTxts.block[0];
txts.unblock[0] = oldTxts.unblock[0];
txts.pban[0] = oldTxts.pban[0];
txts.okbtn[0] = oldTxts.okbtn[0];
txts.cancelbtn[0] = oldTxts.cancelbtn[0];
txts.savebtn[0] = oldTxts.savebtn[0];
txts.closebtn[0] = oldTxts.closebtn[0];
if (oldTxts.okPbtn) txts.okPbtn[0] = oldTxts.okPbtn[0];
if (oldTxts.cancelMbtn) txts.cancelMbtn[0] = oldTxts.cancelMbtn[0];
if (oldTxts.mngbtn) txts.mngbtn[0] = oldTxts.mngbtn[0];
if (txts.savebtn[0]=="Save Changes") txts.savebtn[0]="Save Lists"; // v1.1
// 1.1 to 1.2+
if (oldTxts.eximbtn) txts.eximbtn[0] = oldTxts.eximbtn[0];
// 1.2 to 1.3+
if (oldTxts.utilbtn) txts.utilbtn[0] = oldTxts.utilbtn[0];
if (oldTxts.sortbtn) txts.sortbtn[0] = oldTxts.sortbtn[0];
if (oldTxts.unwwwbtn) txts.unwwwbtn[0] = oldTxts.unwwwbtn[0];
if (oldTxts.dedupbtn) txts.dedupbtn[0] = oldTxts.dedupbtn[0];
GM_setValue("textstrings",JSON.stringify(txts)); // requires Fx 3.5+
function ghhkillevent(e){
if (e.currentTarget.nodeName == "BUTTON" || e.currentTarget.nodeName == "INPUT") return;
function toggleBlockHiders(str){
var s = document.getElementById("ghhStyleNoBlock");
if (str == "S"){
if (s) s.parentNode.removeChild(s);
if (str == "H"){
if (s) return;
s = document.createElement("style"); = "ghhStyleNoBlock";
s.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
function refreshListeners(e){ // for AutoPager extension
var bbtns, bnotc, i, j;
bbtns = document.getElementById("navcnt").querySelectorAll(".ghhb");
for (i=0;i<bbtns.length;i++){
bnotc = document.getElementById("navcnt").querySelectorAll(".ghhd");
for (i=0;i<bnotc.length;i++){
bbtns = bnotc[i].querySelectorAll("button.ghhider");
for (j=0;j<bbtns.length;j++){
if (bbtns[j].getAttribute("title")=="Unblock this site"){
if (bbtns[j].getAttribute("title")=="Permanently hide this site"){
if (bbtns[j].getAttribute("title")=="Re-hide this hit"){
function convertPrefs(arrPrefs, allnew){
ghhPrefO = arrPrefs;
if (allnew == "true"){ // 1.3.7 to 1.4.x
var tmp = GM_getValue("shownotc");
if (tmp){
if (tmp.length > 0) ghhPrefO.shownotc[0] = tmp;
tmp = GM_getValue("mngpaneopen");
if (tmp){
if (tmp.length > 0) ghhPrefO.mngpaneopen[0] = tmp;
tmp = GM_getValue("mngbtnstyle");
if (tmp) if (tmp.length > 0){
if (tmp.indexOf("-")>-1) tmp = "both"; // default ancient pref
ghhPrefO.mngbtnstyle[0] = tmp;
tmp = GM_getValue("addtolistpos");
if (tmp){
if (tmp.length > 0) ghhPrefO.addtolistpos[0] = tmp;
tmp = GM_getValue("aggressiveblock");
if (tmp){
if (tmp.length > 0) ghhPrefO.aggressiveblock[0] = tmp;
tmp = GM_getValue("usemutation");
if (tmp){
if (tmp.length > 0) ghhPrefO.usemutation[0] = tmp;
} else {
if (ghhPrefs.indexOf("reserved1")>-1){
var oldPrefs = JSON.parse(ghhPrefs);
ghhPrefO.shownotc[0] = oldPrefs.shownotc[0];
ghhPrefO.mngpaneopen[0] = oldPrefs.mngpaneopen[0];
ghhPrefO.mngbtnstyle[0] = oldPrefs.mngbtnstyle[0];
ghhPrefO.addtolistpos[0] = oldPrefs.addtolistpos[0];
ghhPrefO.aggressiveblock[0] = oldPrefs.aggressiveblock[0];
ghhPrefO.usemutation[0] = oldPrefs.usemutation[0];
ghhPrefO.oneclick[0] = oldPrefs.oneclick[0];
GM_setValue("ghhprefs",JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO)); // requires Fx 3.5+
function togglebbtn(e){
var bbtn = e.currentTarget.querySelector('.ghhb');
if (bbtn){
if (e.type == "mouseover") = "";
else = "hidden";
function reQuery(e){
var ss, rads, i;
if (e){
if ( == "ghhbf5") ss = "+site:";
else ss = "+-site:";
rads ='input[type="radio"]');
} else {
ss = "+-site:"; // ALT omit
rads = document.querySelector('#ghhblockform form').querySelectorAll('input[type="radio"]');
if (rads.length > 0){
for (var i=0; i<rads.length; i++){
ss += rads[i].nextElementSibling.textContent;
} else GM_log("reQuery fail: no rads");
function reQry(d){
if (!d) return;
var qsp = window.location.href.indexOf("?");
if (qsp < 0) return;
var q = window.location.href.substr(qsp+1);
if (d.substr(0,2) == "+-" && (q.indexOf(d+"%20")>-1 || q.indexOf(d+"&")>-1)) return; // try to block dups, may be overinclusive
var qa = q.split("&");
var has_q = false
for (var j=qa.length-1; j>=0; j--){
if (qa[j].split("=")[0] == "q"){
qa[j] += d;
has_q = true;
} else {
if (qa[j].indexOf("#q=") > -1){
qa[j] += d;
has_q = true;
if (has_q) window.location.href = window.location.href.substr(0, window.location.href.indexOf("?")+1) + qa.join("&");
else GM_log("Unable to add new search term to URL");
function toggleciteline(posit) {
var ghhbd_sty = document.getElementById("bbposciteline");
if (posit == "C"){
if (!ghhbd_sty){
var ghhbd_sty = document.createElement("style"); = "bbposciteline";
ghhbd_sty.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
// "inline" the action menu
ghhbd_sty.appendChild(document.createTextNode(".action-menu {vertical-align:baseline !important;} .action-menu .clickable-dropdown-arrow {display:none !important;} .action-menu-panel, .action-menu-panel ul, .action-menu-item {display:inline !important; visibility: visible !important; border:none !important; box-shadow:none !important; background-color:transparent !important; margin:0 !important; padding:0 !important; top:0 !important; height:auto !important; line-height:auto !important;} .action-menu-item a.fl, .action-menu-button {padding:0 0 0 6px !important; display:inline !important;} .action-menu-panel {position:static;} .action-menu-item a.fl:hover {text-decoration:underline !important;}"));
// restyle the block button
ghhbd_sty.appendChild(document.createTextNode(".ghhb {border:none!important; text-decoration:none!important; font-size:1em!important; color:#333!important; padding:0!important; margin-left:0!important;} .ghhb:hover {background:transparent!important; text-decoration:underline !important;}"));
} else { // remove citeline rules
if (ghhbd_sty){
while(ghhbd_sty.firstChild) ghhbd_sty.removeChild(ghhbd_sty.firstChild);
function openCustomStyleBar(e){
// Create fixed div with text input and buttons: Save, Test, Close
var csb = document.getElementById("ghhcsb");
if (csb){ = "block";
} else {
csb = document.createElement("div"); = "ghhcsb";
csb.innerHTML = "<form onsubmit=\"return false;\"><p style=\"margin:0.75em;\"><input id=\"ghhcsbrule\" type=\"text\" style=\"width:80%\"> " +
"<button id=\"ghhcsb1\" title=\"Save and Apply\">Save</button> " +
"<button id=\"ghhcsb2\" title=\"Test Current Rules\">Test</button> " +
"<button id=\"ghhcsb3\" title=\"Close\">Close</button></p></form>";
document.getElementById("ghhcsbrule").value = custSty;
function saveCustomStyle(e){
// Update preferences and apply change to style#ghhbdcuststy
custSty = document.getElementById("ghhcsbrule").value;
document.getElementById("ghhbdcuststy").innerHTML = "";
function testCustomStyle(e){
// Add/Edit style#ghhbdcuststy
document.getElementById("ghhbdcuststy").innerHTML = "";
function closeCustomStyleBar(e){
// Turn off display and reapply saved style to style#ghhbdcuststy
document.getElementById("ghhcsb").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("ghhbdcuststy").innerHTML = "";
// The following code is released under public domain.
var AutoUpdater_GHHbD = {
id: 95205,
days: 1,
name: "Google Hit Hider by Domain",
version: "1.6.0",
time: new Date().getTime(),
call: function(response, secure) {
method: 'GET',
url: 'http'+(secure ? 's' : '')+'://''.meta.js',
onload: function(xpr) {, response);},
onerror: function(xpr) {if (secure), false);}
enable: function() {
GM_registerMenuCommand("Enable "" updates", function() {
GM_setValue('updated_GHHbD', new Date().getTime()+'');, true)
compareVersion: function(r_version, l_version) {
var r_parts = r_version.split('.'),
l_parts = l_version.split('.'),
r_len = r_parts.length,
l_len = l_parts.length,
r = l = 0;
for(var i = 0, len = (r_len > l_len ? r_len : l_len); i < len && r == l; ++i) {
r = +(r_parts[i] || '0');
l = +(l_parts[i] || '0');
return (r !== l) ? r > l : false;
compare: function(xpr,response) {
if ( (this.xversion) && (this.xname[1] == ) {
this.xversion = this.xversion[1];
this.xname = this.xname[1];
} else {
if ( (xpr.responseText.match("the page you requested doesn't exist")) || (this.xname[1] != )
GM_setValue('updated_GHHbD', 'off');
return false;
var updated = this.compareVersion(this.xversion, this.version);
if ( updated ){
var divUp = document.createElement("div");
divUp.setAttribute("style", "position:fixed;bottom:0;width:100%;background:#ff8;padding:4px 0;border-top:1px solid #888;text-align:center;");
divUp.innerHTML = "A new version of "+this.xname+" is available. <a href=\"""\" target=\"_blank\">Visit the script's homepage</a> &nbsp; <span style=\"text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;\" onclick=\"'none';\">Snooze "+this.days+" day(s)</span>";
check: function() {
if (GM_getValue('updated_GHHbD', 0) == "off")
else {
if (+this.time > (+GM_getValue('updated_GHHbD', 0) + 1000*60*60*24*this.days)) {
GM_setValue('updated_GHHbD', this.time+'');, true);
GM_registerMenuCommand("Check "" for updates", function() {
GM_setValue('updated_GHHbD', new Date().getTime()+'');, true)
if (typeof GM_xmlhttpRequest !== 'undefined') try {
if (unsafeWindow.frameElement === null) AutoUpdater_GHHbD.check();
} catch(e) {
[0] from 0x00007f5f09de91f7 in xpc::CheckSameOriginArg+132 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/js/xpconnect/src/ExportHelpers.cpp:294
arg cx = 0x7f5efe85f000
arg v = $jsval((JSObject *) 0x7f5e99b49240 [object Sandbox] delegate)
arg options = @0x7ffeff788c60
loc obj = (JSObject *) 0x7f5e99b49240 [object Sandbox] delegate
[1] from 0x00007f5f09dea1d4 in xpc::FunctionForwarder+586 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/js/xpconnect/src/ExportHelpers.cpp:338
arg cx = 0x7f5efe85f000
arg argc = <optimized out>
arg vp = <optimized out>
loc ac = {
cx_ = 0x7f5efe85f000,
oldCompartment_ = 0x7f5ef2b48800,
_mCheckNotUsedAsTemporary = {
mStatementDone = true
loc thisVal = $jsval((JSObject *) 0x7f5e99b49240 [object Sandbox] delegate)
loc fval = $jsval(6.9191904514686371e-310)
loc thisObj = (JSObject *) 0x7f5e99b49240 [object Sandbox] delegate
loc args = {
<JS::detail::CallArgsBase<JS::detail::IncludeUsedRval>> = {
<JS::detail::IncludeUsedRval> = {
usedRval_ = false
members of JS::detail::CallArgsBase<JS::detail::IncludeUsedRval>:
argv_ = 0x7f5ef9ab3538,
argc_ = 2,
constructing_ = false
}, <No data fields>}
loc optionsObj = (JSObject *) 0x7f5ef9e14ed0 [object Object]
loc options = {
<xpc::OptionsBase> = {
_vptr.OptionsBase = 0x7f5f0e0c2bb0 <vtable for xpc::FunctionForwarderOptions+16>,
mCx = 0x7f5efe85f000,
mObject = (JSObject *) 0x7f5ef9e14ed0 [object Object]
members of xpc::FunctionForwarderOptions:
allowCrossOriginArguments = false
loc v = $jsval((JSObject *) 0x7f5ef9e13978 [object Function "MenuCommandSandbox/this.GM_registerMenuCommand"])
loc unwrappedFun = (JSObject *) 0x7f5ef9e13978 [object Function "MenuCommandSandbox/this.GM_registerMenuCommand"]
[2] from 0x00007f5f0c58eac8 in js::CallJSNative+296 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/js/src/jscntxtinlines.h:235
arg cx = 0x7f5efe85f000
arg native = 0x7f5f09de9f8a <xpc::FunctionForwarder(JSContext*, unsigned int, JS::Value*)>
arg args = @0x7ffeff789150
loc ok = <optimized out>
[3] from 0x00007f5f0c583bef in js::InternalCallOrConstruct+367 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/js/src/vm/Interpreter.cpp:458
arg cx = 0x7f5efe85f000
arg args = @0x7ffeff789150
arg construct = js::NO_CONSTRUCT
loc gcIfRequested = {
runtime = 0x7f5efe85f208
loc state = {
<js::RunState> = {
_vptr.RunState = 0x7f5ea7c77030,
kind_ = (unknown: 4286091424),
script_ = 0xfffdffffffffffff
members of js::InvokeState:
args_ = @0x7f5f09da4c5b,
construct_ = (unknown: 4188747064),
createSingleton_ = 94
loc ok = <optimized out>
loc skipForCallee = <optimized out>
[4] from 0x00007f5f0c57e951 in js::CallFromStack+-22303 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/js/src/vm/Interpreter.cpp:509
arg args = <optimized out>
arg cx = <optimized out>
loc construct = js::NO_CONSTRUCT
loc isFunction = false
loc args = {
<JS::detail::CallArgsBase<JS::detail::IncludeUsedRval>> = {
<JS::detail::IncludeUsedRval> = {
usedRval_ = false
members of JS::detail::CallArgsBase<JS::detail::IncludeUsedRval>:
argv_ = 0x7f5ef9ab3538,
argc_ = 2,
constructing_ = false
}, <No data fields>}
loc maybeFun = (JSFunction *) 0x7f5e9e43ad80 [object Function ""]
loc entryMonitor = {
cx_ = 0x7f5efe85f000,
entryMonitor_ = 0x0
loc rootValue0 = JSVAL_VOID
loc rootFunction0 = 0x0
loc scriptEvent = {
payload_ = 0x7f5ef9ab40a0
loc rootValue1 = JSVAL_VOID
loc rootString0 = 0x0
loc rootObject0 = 0x0
loc rootName0 = 0x0
loc rootScript0 = 0x0
loc rootScope0 = 0x0
loc script = 0x7f5e9e439a28
loc rootString1 = 0x0
loc rootObject1 = 0x0
loc frameHalfInitialized = false
loc entryFrame = 0xf9ab3500
loc activation = {
<js::Activation> = {
cx_ = 0x7f5efe85f000,
compartment_ = 0x7f5ef2b48800,
prev_ = 0x7ffeff78a540,
prevProfiling_ = 0x0,
hideScriptedCallerCount_ = 0,
frameCache_ = {
tracer = 0x7f5f0c58d860 <JS::StructGCPolicy<js::LiveSavedFrameCache>::trace(JSTracer*, js::LiveSavedFrameCache*, char const*)>,
storage = {
frames = 0x0
asyncStack_ = 0x0,
asyncCause_ = 0x0,
asyncCallIsExplicit_ = false,
kind_ = js::Activation::Interpreter
members of js::InterpreterActivation:
regs_ = { fp_ = 0x7f5ef9ab34b8, sp = fp_.slots() + 5, pc = 0x7f5e9989f02f (JSOP_CALL) },
entryFrame_ = 0x7f5ef9ab3420,
opMask_ = 0,
oldFrameCount_ = 7
loc rootObject2 = 0x0
loc rootNativeObject0 = 0x0
loc interpReturnOK = false
loc addresses = {[0] = 0x7f5f0c57a3dc <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15036>, [1] = 0x7f5f0c57bd96 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21622>, [2] = 0x7f5f0c579d6a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13386>, [3] = 0x7f5f0c579dcf <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13487>, [4] = 0x7f5f0c579c35 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13077>, [5] = 0x7f5f0c579444 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11044>, [6] = 0x7f5f0c578394 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6772>, [7] = 0x7f5f0c57c011 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22257>, [8] = 0x7f5f0c57bf29 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22025>, [9] = 0x7f5f0c57afa1 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18049>, [10] = 0x7f5f0c579906 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12262>, [11] = 0x7f5f0c57be19 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21753>, [12] = 0x7f5f0c57c355 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23093>, [13] = 0x7f5f0c57c3b6 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23190>, [14] = 0x7f5f0c57db28 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29192>, [15] = 0x7f5f0c57a7e5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+16069>, [16] = 0x7f5f0c57a883 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+16227>, [17] = 0x7f5f0c57c609 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23785>, [18] = 0x7f5f0c57c495 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23413>, [19] = 0x7f5f0c57c6a7 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23943>, [20] = 0x7f5f0c57a5d6 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15542>, [21] = 0x7f5f0c57e4bc <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+31644>, [22] = 0x7f5f0c57e680 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+32096>, [23] = 0x7f5f0c57d721 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+28161>, [24] = 0x7f5f0c57d7b0 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+28304>, [25] = 0x7f5f0c57e597 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+31863>, [26] = 0x7f5f0c57e710 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+32240>, [27] = 0x7f5f0c57cbf2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25298>, [28] = 0x7f5f0c57cc50 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25392>, [29] = 0x7f5f0c57cce1 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25537>, [30] = 0x7f5f0c57cd72 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25682>, [31] = 0x7f5f0c57dc6c <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29516>, [32] = 0x7f5f0c57ddbc <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29852>, [33] = 0x7f5f0c57de13 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29939>, [34] = 0x7f5f0c57d174 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26708>, [35] = 0x7f5f0c57d206 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26854>, [36] = 0x7f5f0c57d24d <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26925>, [37] = 0x7f5f0c5784f0 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+7120>, [38] = 0x7f5f0c578e80 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9568>, [39] = 0x7f5f0c578e16 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9462>, [40] = 0x7f5f0c57e013 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+30451>, [41] = 0x7f5f0c57785a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+3898>, [42] = 0x7f5f0c579f65 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13893>, [43] = 0x7f5f0c579f60 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13888>, [44] = 0x7f5f0c579c9e <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13182>, [45] = 0x7f5f0c57a040 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+14112>, [46] = 0x7f5f0c5784f0 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+7120>, [47] = 0x7f5f0c578e80 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9568>, [48] = 0x7f5f0c577139 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+2073>, [49] = 0x7f5f0c577fc7 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5799>, [50] = 0x7f5f0c577888 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+3944>, [51] = 0x7f5f0c57d2fe <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27102>, [52] = 0x7f5f0c57ce03 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25827>, [53] = 0x7f5f0c579c30 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13072>, [54] = 0x7f5f0c577139 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+2073>, [55] = 0x7f5f0c578c56 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9014>, [56] = 0x7f5f0c579314 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+10740>, [57] = 0x7f5f0c579314 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+10740>, [58] = 0x7f5f0c579f6a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13898>, [59] = 0x7f5f0c5786a7 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+7559>, [60] = 0x7f5f0c57ab11 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+16881>, [61] = 0x7f5f0c579f6f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13903>, [62] = 0x7f5f0c57b1a6 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18566>, [63] = 0x7f5f0c57b90b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20459>, [64] = 0x7f5f0c57ae08 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+17640>, [65] = 0x7f5f0c579f18 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13816>, [66] = 0x7f5f0c57ae50 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+17712>, [67] = 0x7f5f0c57ae98 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+17784>, [68] = 0x7f5f0c57bfa4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22148>, [69] = 0x7f5f0c579eab <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13707>, [70] = 0x7f5f0c57aee0 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+17856>, [71] = 0x7f5f0c57b04f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18223>, [72] = 0x7f5f0c57c50f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23535>, [73] = 0x7f5f0c57c589 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23657>, [74] = 0x7f5f0c57a9a2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+16514>, [75] = 0x7f5f0c57c08c <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22380>, [76] = 0x7f5f0c57c11d <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22525>, [77] = 0x7f5f0c57c2e5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22981>, [78] = 0x7f5f0c57c437 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23319>, [79] = 0x7f5f0c577968 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+4168>, [80] = 0x7f5f0c57a0cf <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+14255>, [81] = 0x7f5f0c57bdde <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21694>, [82] = 0x7f5f0c57e7dd <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+32445>, [83] = 0x7f5f0c57ceda <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26042>, [84] = 0x7f5f0c57b953 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20531>, [85] = 0x7f5f0c57b9e7 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20679>, [86] = 0x7f5f0c57b4ca <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+19370>, [87] = 0x7f5f0c57b59b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+19579>, [88] = 0x7f5f0c579ab5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12693>, [89] = 0x7f5f0c579533 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11283>, [90] = 0x7f5f0c578bb4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+8852>, [91] = 0x7f5f0c57d942 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+28706>, [92] = 0x7f5f0c57c76e <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+24142>, [93] = 0x7f5f0c57d16f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26703>, [94] = 0x7f5f0c5783f5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6869>, [95] = 0x7f5f0c57d4f5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27605>, [96] = 0x7f5f0c57d666 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27974>, [97] = 0x7f5f0c57a77e <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15966>, [98] = 0x7f5f0c577dfb <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5339>, [99] = 0x7f5f0c57b1f3 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18643>, [100] = 0x7f5f0c577ee4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5572>, [101] = 0x7f5f0c57a181 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+14433>, [102] = 0x7f5f0c5799de <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12478>, [103] = 0x7f5f0c57c7f0 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+24272>, [104] = 0x7f5f0c57cfae <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26254>, [105] = 0x7f5f0c578fcd <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9901>, [106] = 0x7f5f0c579b17 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12791>, [107] = 0x7f5f0c578fcd <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9901>, [108] = 0x7f5f0c577a80 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+4448>, [109] = 0x7f5f0c578141 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6177>, [110] = 0x7f5f0c578a90 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+8560>, [111] = 0x7f5f0c577fc7 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5799>, [112] = 0x7f5f0c57a3e1 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15041>, [113] = 0x7f5f0c57c1cc <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22700>, [114] = 0x7f5f0c57a450 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15152>, [115] = 0x7f5f0c57db6c <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29260>, [116] = 0x7f5f0c57d5c2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27810>, [117] = 0x7f5f0c57bc0b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21227>, [118] = 0x7f5f0c57bca2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21378>, [119] = 0x7f5f0c57bed2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21938>, [120] = 0x7f5f0c5770d8 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+1976>, [121] = 0x7f5f0c57a52d <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15373>, [122] = 0x7f5f0c57838f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6767>, [123] = 0x7f5f0c57921a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+10490>, [124] = 0x7f5f0c57921a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+10490>, [125] = 0x7f5f0c57ca0a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+24810>, [126] = 0x7f5f0c578bb4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+8852>, [127] = 0x7f5f0c57a668 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15688>, [128] = 0x7f5f0c57860e <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+7406>, [129] = 0x7f5f0c57bb16 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20982>, [130] = 0x7f5f0c57b1f8 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18648>, [131] = 0x7f5f0c57b2d3 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18867>, [132] = 0x7f5f0c57a70c <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15852>, [133] = 0x7f5f0c57995a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12346>, [134] = 0x7f5f0c57bd62 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21570>, [135] = 0x7f5f0c57bd06 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21478>, [136] = 0x7f5f0c57b61d <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+19709>, [137] = 0x7f5f0c57b755 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20021>, [138] = 0x7f5f0c57b3bd <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+19101>, [139] = 0x7f5f0c57b45f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+19263>, [140] = 0x7f5f0c57b7da <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20154>, [141] = 0x7f5f0c57b88b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20331>, [142] = 0x7f5f0c57bbc3 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21155>, [143] = 0x7f5f0c579760 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11840>, [144] = 0x7f5f0c57df35 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+30229>, [145] = 0x7f5f0c57948a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11114>, [146] = 0x7f5f0c57805b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5947>, [147] = 0x7f5f0c57805b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5947>, [148] = 0x7f5f0c57c840 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+24352>, [149] = 0x7f5f0c57bf06 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21990>, [150] = 0x7f5f0c57dd21 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29697>, [151] = 0x7f5f0c57dbeb <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29387>, [152] = 0x7f5f0c579d20 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13312>, [153] = 0x7f5f0c57945f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11071>, [154] = 0x7f5f0c5786a7 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+7559>, [155] = 0x7f5f0c57e176 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+30806>, [156] = 0x7f5f0c57d4f0 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27600>, [157] = 0x7f5f0c578323 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6659>, [158] = 0x7f5f0c579114 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+10228>, [159] = 0x7f5f0c579114 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+10228>, [160] = 0x7f5f0c57a2c6 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+14758>, [161] = 0x7f5f0c57b121 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18433>, [162] = 0x7f5f0c57860e <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+7406>, [163] = 0x7f5f0c57967d <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11613>, [164] = 0x7f5f0c57c8bd <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+24477>, [165] = 0x7f5f0c57948f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11119>, [166] = 0x7f5f0c57785a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+3898>, [167] = 0x7f5f0c579b46 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12838>, [168] = 0x7f5f0c5795cd <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11437>, [169] = 0x7f5f0c57b7d5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20149>, [170] = 0x7f5f0c57941b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11003>, [171] = 0x7f5f0c57a779 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15961>, [172] = 0x7f5f0c577dfb <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5339>, [173] = 0x7f5f0c57b1ee <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18638>, [174] = 0x7f5f0c577ee4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5572>, [175] = 0x7f5f0c5783f5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6869>, [176] = 0x7f5f0c57abd4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+17076>, [177] = 0x7f5f0c5796f2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11730>, [178] = 0x7f5f0c579494 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11124>, [179] = 0x7f5f0c57941b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11003>, [180] = 0x7f5f0c57caf4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25044>, [181] = 0x7f5f0c57cb68 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25160>, [182] = 0x7f5f0c57bf0b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21995>, [183] = 0x7f5f0c57bf10 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22000>, [184] = 0x7f5f0c57819f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6271>, [185] = 0x7f5f0c57e054 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+30516>, [186] = 0x7f5f0c57da9a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29050>, [187] = 0x7f5f0c57bf15 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22005>, [188] = 0x7f5f0c57a9d8 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+16568>, [189] = 0x7f5f0c57e550 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+31792>, [190] = 0x7f5f0c579bd6 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12982>, [191] = 0x7f5f0c57e639 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+32025>, [192] = 0x7f5f0c57bf1a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22010>, [193] = 0x7f5f0c578c56 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9014>, [194] = 0x7f5f0c57d9c2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+28834>, [195] = 0x7f5f0c57d08a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26474>, [196] = 0x7f5f0c578e16 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9462>, [197] = 0x7f5f0c57d43a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27418>, [198] = 0x7f5f0c57d495 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27509>, [199] = 0x7f5f0c57e427 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+31495>...}
loc rootId0 = $jsid("check")
loc rootShape0 = 0x0
[5] from 0x00007f5f0c57e951 in Interpret+32817 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/js/src/vm/Interpreter.cpp:2922
arg cx = 0x7f5efe85f000
arg state = @0x7ffeff789540
loc construct = js::NO_CONSTRUCT
loc isFunction = false
loc args = {
<JS::detail::CallArgsBase<JS::detail::IncludeUsedRval>> = {
<JS::detail::IncludeUsedRval> = {
usedRval_ = false
members of JS::detail::CallArgsBase<JS::detail::IncludeUsedRval>:
argv_ = 0x7f5ef9ab3538,
argc_ = 2,
constructing_ = false
}, <No data fields>}
loc maybeFun = (JSFunction *) 0x7f5e9e43ad80 [object Function ""]
loc entryMonitor = {
cx_ = 0x7f5efe85f000,
entryMonitor_ = 0x0
loc rootValue0 = JSVAL_VOID
loc rootFunction0 = 0x0
loc scriptEvent = {
payload_ = 0x7f5ef9ab40a0
loc rootValue1 = JSVAL_VOID
loc rootString0 = 0x0
loc rootObject0 = 0x0
loc rootName0 = 0x0
loc rootScript0 = 0x0
loc rootScope0 = 0x0
loc script = 0x7f5e9e439a28
loc rootString1 = 0x0
loc rootObject1 = 0x0
loc frameHalfInitialized = false
loc entryFrame = 0xf9ab3500
loc activation = {
<js::Activation> = {
cx_ = 0x7f5efe85f000,
compartment_ = 0x7f5ef2b48800,
prev_ = 0x7ffeff78a540,
prevProfiling_ = 0x0,
hideScriptedCallerCount_ = 0,
frameCache_ = {
tracer = 0x7f5f0c58d860 <JS::StructGCPolicy<js::LiveSavedFrameCache>::trace(JSTracer*, js::LiveSavedFrameCache*, char const*)>,
storage = {
frames = 0x0
asyncStack_ = 0x0,
asyncCause_ = 0x0,
asyncCallIsExplicit_ = false,
kind_ = js::Activation::Interpreter
members of js::InterpreterActivation:
regs_ = { fp_ = 0x7f5ef9ab34b8, sp = fp_.slots() + 5, pc = 0x7f5e9989f02f (JSOP_CALL) },
entryFrame_ = 0x7f5ef9ab3420,
opMask_ = 0,
oldFrameCount_ = 7
loc rootObject2 = 0x0
loc rootNativeObject0 = 0x0
loc interpReturnOK = false
loc addresses = {[0] = 0x7f5f0c57a3dc <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15036>, [1] = 0x7f5f0c57bd96 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21622>, [2] = 0x7f5f0c579d6a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13386>, [3] = 0x7f5f0c579dcf <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13487>, [4] = 0x7f5f0c579c35 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13077>, [5] = 0x7f5f0c579444 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11044>, [6] = 0x7f5f0c578394 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6772>, [7] = 0x7f5f0c57c011 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22257>, [8] = 0x7f5f0c57bf29 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22025>, [9] = 0x7f5f0c57afa1 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18049>, [10] = 0x7f5f0c579906 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12262>, [11] = 0x7f5f0c57be19 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21753>, [12] = 0x7f5f0c57c355 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23093>, [13] = 0x7f5f0c57c3b6 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23190>, [14] = 0x7f5f0c57db28 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29192>, [15] = 0x7f5f0c57a7e5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+16069>, [16] = 0x7f5f0c57a883 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+16227>, [17] = 0x7f5f0c57c609 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23785>, [18] = 0x7f5f0c57c495 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23413>, [19] = 0x7f5f0c57c6a7 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23943>, [20] = 0x7f5f0c57a5d6 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15542>, [21] = 0x7f5f0c57e4bc <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+31644>, [22] = 0x7f5f0c57e680 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+32096>, [23] = 0x7f5f0c57d721 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+28161>, [24] = 0x7f5f0c57d7b0 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+28304>, [25] = 0x7f5f0c57e597 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+31863>, [26] = 0x7f5f0c57e710 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+32240>, [27] = 0x7f5f0c57cbf2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25298>, [28] = 0x7f5f0c57cc50 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25392>, [29] = 0x7f5f0c57cce1 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25537>, [30] = 0x7f5f0c57cd72 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25682>, [31] = 0x7f5f0c57dc6c <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29516>, [32] = 0x7f5f0c57ddbc <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29852>, [33] = 0x7f5f0c57de13 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29939>, [34] = 0x7f5f0c57d174 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26708>, [35] = 0x7f5f0c57d206 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26854>, [36] = 0x7f5f0c57d24d <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26925>, [37] = 0x7f5f0c5784f0 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+7120>, [38] = 0x7f5f0c578e80 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9568>, [39] = 0x7f5f0c578e16 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9462>, [40] = 0x7f5f0c57e013 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+30451>, [41] = 0x7f5f0c57785a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+3898>, [42] = 0x7f5f0c579f65 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13893>, [43] = 0x7f5f0c579f60 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13888>, [44] = 0x7f5f0c579c9e <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13182>, [45] = 0x7f5f0c57a040 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+14112>, [46] = 0x7f5f0c5784f0 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+7120>, [47] = 0x7f5f0c578e80 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9568>, [48] = 0x7f5f0c577139 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+2073>, [49] = 0x7f5f0c577fc7 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5799>, [50] = 0x7f5f0c577888 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+3944>, [51] = 0x7f5f0c57d2fe <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27102>, [52] = 0x7f5f0c57ce03 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25827>, [53] = 0x7f5f0c579c30 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13072>, [54] = 0x7f5f0c577139 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+2073>, [55] = 0x7f5f0c578c56 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9014>, [56] = 0x7f5f0c579314 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+10740>, [57] = 0x7f5f0c579314 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+10740>, [58] = 0x7f5f0c579f6a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13898>, [59] = 0x7f5f0c5786a7 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+7559>, [60] = 0x7f5f0c57ab11 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+16881>, [61] = 0x7f5f0c579f6f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13903>, [62] = 0x7f5f0c57b1a6 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18566>, [63] = 0x7f5f0c57b90b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20459>, [64] = 0x7f5f0c57ae08 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+17640>, [65] = 0x7f5f0c579f18 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13816>, [66] = 0x7f5f0c57ae50 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+17712>, [67] = 0x7f5f0c57ae98 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+17784>, [68] = 0x7f5f0c57bfa4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22148>, [69] = 0x7f5f0c579eab <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13707>, [70] = 0x7f5f0c57aee0 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+17856>, [71] = 0x7f5f0c57b04f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18223>, [72] = 0x7f5f0c57c50f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23535>, [73] = 0x7f5f0c57c589 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23657>, [74] = 0x7f5f0c57a9a2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+16514>, [75] = 0x7f5f0c57c08c <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22380>, [76] = 0x7f5f0c57c11d <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22525>, [77] = 0x7f5f0c57c2e5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22981>, [78] = 0x7f5f0c57c437 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23319>, [79] = 0x7f5f0c577968 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+4168>, [80] = 0x7f5f0c57a0cf <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+14255>, [81] = 0x7f5f0c57bdde <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21694>, [82] = 0x7f5f0c57e7dd <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+32445>, [83] = 0x7f5f0c57ceda <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26042>, [84] = 0x7f5f0c57b953 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20531>, [85] = 0x7f5f0c57b9e7 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20679>, [86] = 0x7f5f0c57b4ca <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+19370>, [87] = 0x7f5f0c57b59b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+19579>, [88] = 0x7f5f0c579ab5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12693>, [89] = 0x7f5f0c579533 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11283>, [90] = 0x7f5f0c578bb4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+8852>, [91] = 0x7f5f0c57d942 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+28706>, [92] = 0x7f5f0c57c76e <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+24142>, [93] = 0x7f5f0c57d16f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26703>, [94] = 0x7f5f0c5783f5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6869>, [95] = 0x7f5f0c57d4f5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27605>, [96] = 0x7f5f0c57d666 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27974>, [97] = 0x7f5f0c57a77e <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15966>, [98] = 0x7f5f0c577dfb <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5339>, [99] = 0x7f5f0c57b1f3 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18643>, [100] = 0x7f5f0c577ee4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5572>, [101] = 0x7f5f0c57a181 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+14433>, [102] = 0x7f5f0c5799de <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12478>, [103] = 0x7f5f0c57c7f0 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+24272>, [104] = 0x7f5f0c57cfae <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26254>, [105] = 0x7f5f0c578fcd <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9901>, [106] = 0x7f5f0c579b17 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12791>, [107] = 0x7f5f0c578fcd <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9901>, [108] = 0x7f5f0c577a80 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+4448>, [109] = 0x7f5f0c578141 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6177>, [110] = 0x7f5f0c578a90 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+8560>, [111] = 0x7f5f0c577fc7 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5799>, [112] = 0x7f5f0c57a3e1 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15041>, [113] = 0x7f5f0c57c1cc <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22700>, [114] = 0x7f5f0c57a450 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15152>, [115] = 0x7f5f0c57db6c <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29260>, [116] = 0x7f5f0c57d5c2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27810>, [117] = 0x7f5f0c57bc0b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21227>, [118] = 0x7f5f0c57bca2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21378>, [119] = 0x7f5f0c57bed2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21938>, [120] = 0x7f5f0c5770d8 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+1976>, [121] = 0x7f5f0c57a52d <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15373>, [122] = 0x7f5f0c57838f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6767>, [123] = 0x7f5f0c57921a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+10490>, [124] = 0x7f5f0c57921a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+10490>, [125] = 0x7f5f0c57ca0a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+24810>, [126] = 0x7f5f0c578bb4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+8852>, [127] = 0x7f5f0c57a668 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15688>, [128] = 0x7f5f0c57860e <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+7406>, [129] = 0x7f5f0c57bb16 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20982>, [130] = 0x7f5f0c57b1f8 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18648>, [131] = 0x7f5f0c57b2d3 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18867>, [132] = 0x7f5f0c57a70c <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15852>, [133] = 0x7f5f0c57995a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12346>, [134] = 0x7f5f0c57bd62 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21570>, [135] = 0x7f5f0c57bd06 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21478>, [136] = 0x7f5f0c57b61d <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+19709>, [137] = 0x7f5f0c57b755 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20021>, [138] = 0x7f5f0c57b3bd <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+19101>, [139] = 0x7f5f0c57b45f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+19263>, [140] = 0x7f5f0c57b7da <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20154>, [141] = 0x7f5f0c57b88b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20331>, [142] = 0x7f5f0c57bbc3 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21155>, [143] = 0x7f5f0c579760 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11840>, [144] = 0x7f5f0c57df35 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+30229>, [145] = 0x7f5f0c57948a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11114>, [146] = 0x7f5f0c57805b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5947>, [147] = 0x7f5f0c57805b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5947>, [148] = 0x7f5f0c57c840 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+24352>, [149] = 0x7f5f0c57bf06 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21990>, [150] = 0x7f5f0c57dd21 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29697>, [151] = 0x7f5f0c57dbeb <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29387>, [152] = 0x7f5f0c579d20 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13312>, [153] = 0x7f5f0c57945f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11071>, [154] = 0x7f5f0c5786a7 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+7559>, [155] = 0x7f5f0c57e176 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+30806>, [156] = 0x7f5f0c57d4f0 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27600>, [157] = 0x7f5f0c578323 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6659>, [158] = 0x7f5f0c579114 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+10228>, [159] = 0x7f5f0c579114 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+10228>, [160] = 0x7f5f0c57a2c6 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+14758>, [161] = 0x7f5f0c57b121 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18433>, [162] = 0x7f5f0c57860e <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+7406>, [163] = 0x7f5f0c57967d <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11613>, [164] = 0x7f5f0c57c8bd <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+24477>, [165] = 0x7f5f0c57948f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11119>, [166] = 0x7f5f0c57785a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+3898>, [167] = 0x7f5f0c579b46 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12838>, [168] = 0x7f5f0c5795cd <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11437>, [169] = 0x7f5f0c57b7d5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20149>, [170] = 0x7f5f0c57941b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11003>, [171] = 0x7f5f0c57a779 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15961>, [172] = 0x7f5f0c577dfb <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5339>, [173] = 0x7f5f0c57b1ee <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18638>, [174] = 0x7f5f0c577ee4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5572>, [175] = 0x7f5f0c5783f5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6869>, [176] = 0x7f5f0c57abd4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+17076>, [177] = 0x7f5f0c5796f2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11730>, [178] = 0x7f5f0c579494 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11124>, [179] = 0x7f5f0c57941b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11003>, [180] = 0x7f5f0c57caf4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25044>, [181] = 0x7f5f0c57cb68 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25160>, [182] = 0x7f5f0c57bf0b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21995>, [183] = 0x7f5f0c57bf10 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22000>, [184] = 0x7f5f0c57819f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6271>, [185] = 0x7f5f0c57e054 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+30516>, [186] = 0x7f5f0c57da9a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29050>, [187] = 0x7f5f0c57bf15 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22005>, [188] = 0x7f5f0c57a9d8 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+16568>, [189] = 0x7f5f0c57e550 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+31792>, [190] = 0x7f5f0c579bd6 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12982>, [191] = 0x7f5f0c57e639 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+32025>, [192] = 0x7f5f0c57bf1a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22010>, [193] = 0x7f5f0c578c56 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9014>, [194] = 0x7f5f0c57d9c2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+28834>, [195] = 0x7f5f0c57d08a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26474>, [196] = 0x7f5f0c578e16 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9462>, [197] = 0x7f5f0c57d43a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27418>, [198] = 0x7f5f0c57d495 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27509>, [199] = 0x7f5f0c57e427 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+31495>...}
loc rootId0 = $jsid("check")
loc rootShape0 = 0x0
[6] from 0x00007f5f0c583996 in js::RunScript+550 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/js/src/vm/Interpreter.cpp:404
arg cx = 0x7f5efe85f000
arg state = @0x7ffeff789540
loc stopwatch = {
cx_ = 0x7f5efe85f000,
iteration_ = 234996,
isMonitoringJank_ = false,
isMonitoringCPOW_ = false,
cyclesStart_ = 0,
CPOWTimeStart_ = 0,
cpuStart_ = {<No data fields>},
groups_ = {
<js::SystemAllocPolicy> = {<No data fields>},
members of mozilla::Vector<RefPtr<js::PerformanceGroup>, 0ul, js::SystemAllocPolicy>:
static kElemIsPod = false,
static kMaxInlineBytes = 1024,
static kInlineCapacity = 0,
static kInlineBytes = 1,
mBegin = 0x7ffeff789460,
mLength = 0,
mCapacity = 0,
mReserved = 0,
mStorage = {
u = {
mBytes = "`",
mDummy = 140046237559648
mEntered = false,
static sMaxInlineStorage = <optimized out>
_mCheckNotUsedAsTemporary = {
mStatementDone = true
loc marker = {
profiler = 0x7f5efe8633a0,
size_before = {
value = 6
_mCheckNotUsedAsTemporary = {
mStatementDone = true
[7] from 0x00007f5f0c58d427 in js::ExecuteKernel+1127 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/js/src/vm/Interpreter.cpp:685
arg cx = 0x7f5efe85f000
arg script = <optimized out>
arg envChainArg = <optimized out>
arg newTargetValue = @0x7ffeff789600
arg evalInFrame = <optimized out>
arg result = 0x7ffeff789d18
loc terminatingEnv = (JSObject *) 0x7f5e99b49240 [object Sandbox] delegate
loc state = {
<js::RunState> = {
_vptr.RunState = 0x7f5f0e3e1910 <vtable for js::ExecuteState+16>,
kind_ = js::RunState::Execute,
script_ = 0x7f5e9e4399a0
members of js::ExecuteState:
newTargetValue_ = JSVAL_NULL,
envChain_ = (JSObject *) 0x7f5e8a6a9d90 [object LexicalEnvironment] delegate,
evalInFrame_ = AbstractFramePtr ((js::ScriptFrameIter::Data *) 0x0) = {
ptr_ = 0
result_ = 0x7ffeff789d18
loc ok = <optimized out>
[8] from 0x00007f5f0c58d6f7 in js::Execute+311 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/js/src/vm/Interpreter.cpp:718
arg cx = 0x7f5efe85f000
arg script = 0x7f5e9e4399a0
arg envChainArg = <optimized out>
arg rval = 0x7ffeff789d18
loc envChain = (JSObject *) 0x7f5e8a6a9d90 [object LexicalEnvironment] delegate
loc s = 0x0
[9] from 0x00007f5f0c35c00c in ExecuteScript+156 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/js/src/jsapi.cpp:4314
arg cx = 0x7f5efe85f000
arg scope = (JSObject * const) 0x7f5e8a6a9d90 [object LexicalEnvironment] delegate
arg script = 0x7f5e9e4399a0
arg rval = 0x7ffeff789d18
loc _autoCheckRequestDepth = {
cx = 0x7f5efe85f000
[10] from 0x00007f5f0c35c1bc in JS_ExecuteScript+108 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/js/src/jsapi.cpp:4340
arg cx = 0x7f5efe85f000
arg scriptArg = 0x7f5e9e4399a0
arg rval = JSVAL_VOID
loc globalLexical = (JSObject *) 0x7f5e8a6a9d90 [object LexicalEnvironment] delegate
[11] from 0x00007f5f09dcebc1 in EvalScript+170 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/js/xpconnect/loader/mozJSSubScriptLoader.cpp:206
arg cx = 0x7f5efe85f000
arg target_obj = @0x7ffeff7898c0
arg retval = <optimized out>
arg uri = 0x7f5ec6b3b600
arg cache = <optimized out>
arg script = @0x7ffeff789938
arg function = @0x7ffeff789920
loc ok = false
loc cachePath = {
<nsFixedCString> = {
<nsCString> = {
<nsACString_internal> = {
mData = 0x7ffeff789810 "\300\030\374\366^\177",
mLength = 165477467,
mFlags = 32607
}, <No data fields>},
members of nsFixedCString:
mFixedCapacity = 158818620,
mFixedBuf = 0xff789790 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0xff789790>
members of nsAutoCString:
mStorage = "8bH\255^\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\376\177\000\000@^\177\000\000@\253\373\357^\177\000\000\256\f\000\000\000\000\000\000\b\260\264\312^\177\000\000\256\f\000\000\005\000\000\000\060pǧ^\177\000"
loc rv = <optimized out>
loc version = <optimized out>
loc secman = {
mRawPtr = 0x97115a6
loc principal = {
mRawPtr = 0x7f5f18718300 <__pthread_keys>
[12] from 0x00007f5f09dd05ec in mozJSSubScriptLoader::DoLoadSubScriptWithOptions+2430 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/js/xpconnect/loader/mozJSSubScriptLoader.cpp:684
arg this = 0x7f5ef6fc18c0
arg url = @0x7f5f01b59290
arg options = @0x7ffeff789ac8
arg cx = 0x7f5efe85f000
arg retval = <optimized out>
loc rv = <optimized out>
loc function = 0x0
loc targetObj = (JSObject *) 0x7f5e99b49240 [object Sandbox] delegate
loc principal = {
mRawPtr = 0x7f5edca24b88
loc result_obj = (JSObject *) 0x7f5e8a9a9d40 [object Proxy]
loc uriStr = {
<nsFixedCString> = {
<nsCString> = {
<nsACString_internal> = {
mData = 0x7f5ead486238 "chrome://greasemonkey-modules/content/sandbox.js -> file:///home/uj/.mozilla/firefox/clean2/gm_scripts/Google_Hit_Hider_by_Domain/AnotherAutoUpdater.php",
mLength = 152,
mFlags = 65541
}, <No data fields>},
members of nsFixedCString:
mFixedCapacity = 63,
mFixedBuf = 0x7ffeff789970 ""
members of nsAutoCString:
mStorage = "\000\371\205\376^\177\000\000\206\025\000\000\000\000\000\000H\000`\027_\177\000\000\334\336.\n_\177\000\000\001\233x\377\376\177\000\000\240\344A\366^\177\000\000\b\233x\377\376\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
loc scheme = {
<nsFixedCString> = {
<nsCString> = {
<nsACString_internal> = {
mData = 0x7ffeff7899d0 "file",
mLength = 4,
mFlags = 65553
}, <No data fields>},
members of nsFixedCString:
mFixedCapacity = 63,
mFixedBuf = 0x7ffeff7899d0 "file"
members of nsAutoCString:
mStorage = "file\000\177\000\000\250\232*\006_\177\000\000\b\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\064sj\t_\177\000\000`\232x\377\376\177\000\000˛j\t_\177\000\000 W\023\r_\177\000\000\b\233x\377\376\177\000"
loc cache = 0x0
loc ac = {
cx_ = 0x7f5efe85f000,
oldCompartment_ = 0x7f5ef47b3000,
_mCheckNotUsedAsTemporary = {
mStatementDone = true
loc serv = {
mRawPtr = 0x7f5f17553b40
loc cachePath = {
<nsFixedCString> = {
<nsCString> = {
<nsACString_internal> = {
mData = 0x7f5edcafa628 "jssubloader/185/home/uj/.mozilla/firefox/clean2/gm_scripts/Google_Hit_Hider_by_Domain/AnotherAutoUpdater.php",
mLength = 108,
mFlags = 65541
}, <No data fields>},
members of nsFixedCString:
mFixedCapacity = 63,
mFixedBuf = 0x7ffeff789a30 "jssubloader/185"
members of nsAutoCString:
mStorage = "jssubloader/185\000onkey-modules/content/sandbox.js -> \000\177\000\000#\323h\t_\177\000"
loc reusingGlobal = 254
loc uri = {
mRawPtr = 0x7f5ec6b3b600
loc filename = {
ss_ = 0x7f5eee4ca920,
filename_ = {
raw = {
u = {
mBytes = "\000\341\310\342^\177\000",
mDummy = 140045508468992
tag = false
loc version = <optimized out>
loc script = 0x7f5e9e4399a0
[13] from 0x00007f5f09dd068e in mozJSSubScriptLoader::LoadSubScript at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/js/xpconnect/loader/mozJSSubScriptLoader.cpp:533
arg this = 0x7f5ef6fc18c0
arg url = @0x7f5f01b59290
arg target = $jsval((JSObject *) 0x7f5e8a9a9d40 [object Proxy])
arg charset = @0x7f5f01b592a8
arg cx = 0x7f5efe85f000
arg retval = JSVAL_VOID
loc options = {
<xpc::OptionsBase> = {
_vptr.OptionsBase = 0x7f5f0e0c2850 <vtable for LoadSubScriptOptions+16>,
mCx = 0x7f5efe85f000,
mObject = 0x0
members of LoadSubScriptOptions:
target = (JSObject *) 0x7f5e8a9a9d40 [object Proxy],
charset = {
<nsAString_internal> = {
mData = 0x7f5ea6e6f2e8 u"UTF-8",
mLength = 5,
mFlags = 5
}, <No data fields>},
ignoreCache = false,
async = false
[14] from 0x00007f5f097098d2 in NS_InvokeByIndex+140046152685281 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/xpcom/reflect/xptcall/md/unix/xptcinvoke_x86_64_unix.cpp:182
arg that = <optimized out>
arg methodIndex = <optimized out>
arg paramCount = <optimized out>
arg params = <optimized out>
loc nr_stack = <optimized out>
loc gpregs = {[0] = 0, [1] = 140046027297424, [2] = 140733184515280, [3] = 140046027297448, [4] = 140045973843968, [5] = 140733184515352}
loc d0 = <optimized out>
loc d5 = <optimized out>
loc a1 = <optimized out>
loc result = nsresult::NS_OK
loc d1 = <optimized out>
loc d6 = <optimized out>
loc a2 = <optimized out>
loc methodAddress = <optimized out>
loc d2 = <optimized out>
loc d7 = <optimized out>
loc a3 = <optimized out>
loc stack = 0x7ffeff789b60
loc fpregs = {[0] = 6.9530377901648538e-310, [1] = 6.9531431698872703e-310, [2] = 1.0647040305070376e-313, [3] = 6.9191864358599829e-310, [4] = 6.9531431699485345e-310, [5] = -nan(0x9000000000000), [6] = 6.9531431698734365e-310, [7] = 6.95314316987897e-310}
loc d3 = <optimized out>
loc a4 = <optimized out>
loc d4 = <optimized out>
loc a0 = <optimized out>
loc a5 = <optimized out>
[15] from 0x00007f5f09e2ae96 in CallMethodHelper::Invoke at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/js/xpconnect/src/XPCWrappedNative.cpp:2059
arg this = 0x7ffeff789c70
loc argc = <optimized out>
loc foundDependentParam = <optimized out>
[16] from 0x00007f5f09e2ae96 in CallMethodHelper::Call+306 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/js/xpconnect/src/XPCWrappedNative.cpp:1378
arg this = 0x7ffeff789c70
loc foundDependentParam = <optimized out>
[17] from 0x00007f5f09e1b44f in XPCWrappedNative::CallMethod+341 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/js/xpconnect/src/XPCWrappedNative.cpp:1345
arg ccx = @0x7ffeff789e28
arg mode = XPCWrappedNative::CALL_METHOD
loc rv = <optimized out>
[18] from 0x00007f5f09e1f6b1 in XPC_WN_CallMethod+479 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/js/xpconnect/src/XPCWrappedNativeJSOps.cpp:999
arg cx = 0x7f5efe85f000
arg argc = <optimized out>
arg vp = <optimized out>
loc funobj = (JSObject *) 0x7f5e9e443330 [object Function "loadSubScript"]
loc obj = (JSObject *) 0x7f5ef9d92430 [object XPCWrappedNative_NoHelper]
loc wrapper = <optimized out>
loc member = 0x7f5ef7cbea88
loc args = {
<JS::detail::CallArgsBase<JS::detail::IncludeUsedRval>> = {
<JS::detail::IncludeUsedRval> = {
usedRval_ = false
members of JS::detail::CallArgsBase<JS::detail::IncludeUsedRval>:
argv_ = 0x7f5ef9ab33f0,
argc_ = 3,
constructing_ = false
}, <No data fields>}
loc ccx = {
<nsAXPCNativeCallContext> = {
_vptr.nsAXPCNativeCallContext = 0x7f5f0e0c6790 <vtable for XPCCallContext+16>
members of XPCCallContext:
mAr = {
mContext = 0x7f5efe85f000,
_mCheckNotUsedAsTemporary = {
mStatementDone = true
mState = XPCCallContext::READY_TO_CALL,
mXPC = {
mRawPtr = 0x7f5f00bc7520
mXPCJSContext = 0x7f5f01b59000,
mJSContext = 0x7f5efe85f000,
mPrevCallContext = 0x0,
mWrapper = 0x7f5eee65e3e0,
mTearOff = 0x7f5eee65e420,
mScriptableInfo = 0x0,
mSet = 0x7f5ef6fc1900,
mInterface = {
mRawPtr = 0x7f5ef7cbea50
mMember = 0x7f5ef7cbea88,
mName = $jsid("loadSubScript"),
mStaticMemberIsLocal = false,
mArgc = 3,
mArgv = 0x7f5ef9ab33f0,
mRetVal = 0x7f5ef9ab33e0,
mMethodIndex = 3
loc iface = {
mRawPtr = 0x7f5ef7cbea50
[19] from 0x00007f5f0c58eac8 in js::CallJSNative+296 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/js/src/jscntxtinlines.h:235
arg cx = 0x7f5efe85f000
arg native = 0x7f5f09e1f4d2 <XPC_WN_CallMethod(JSContext*, unsigned int, JS::Value*)>
arg args = @0x7ffeff78a390
loc ok = <optimized out>
[20] from 0x00007f5f0c583bef in js::InternalCallOrConstruct+367 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/js/src/vm/Interpreter.cpp:458
arg cx = 0x7f5efe85f000
arg args = @0x7ffeff78a390
arg construct = js::NO_CONSTRUCT
loc gcIfRequested = {
runtime = 0x7f5efe85f208
loc state = {
<js::RunState> = {
_vptr.RunState = 0x7ffeff789fc0,
kind_ = (unknown: 207429710),
script_ = 0x7f5ef9ab33e0
members of js::InvokeState:
args_ = @0x7f5efe85f000,
construct_ = (unknown: 4286095360),
createSingleton_ = 254
loc ok = <optimized out>
loc skipForCallee = <optimized out>
[21] from 0x00007f5f0c57e951 in js::CallFromStack+-22303 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/js/src/vm/Interpreter.cpp:509
arg args = <optimized out>
arg cx = <optimized out>
loc construct = js::NO_CONSTRUCT
loc isFunction = false
loc args = {
<JS::detail::CallArgsBase<JS::detail::IncludeUsedRval>> = {
<JS::detail::IncludeUsedRval> = {
usedRval_ = false
members of JS::detail::CallArgsBase<JS::detail::IncludeUsedRval>:
argv_ = 0x7f5ef9ab33f0,
argc_ = 3,
constructing_ = false
}, <No data fields>}
loc maybeFun = (JSFunction *) 0x7f5e9e443330 [object Function "loadSubScript"]
loc entryMonitor = {
cx_ = 0x7f5efe85f000,
entryMonitor_ = 0x0
loc rootValue0 = JSVAL_VOID
loc rootFunction0 = 0x0
loc scriptEvent = {
payload_ = 0x7f5ef9ab40a0
loc rootValue1 = JSVAL_VOID
loc rootString0 = 0x0
loc rootObject0 = 0x0
loc rootName0 = 0x0
loc rootScript0 = 0x0
loc rootScope0 = 0x0
loc script = 0x7f5edb15aab0
loc rootString1 = 0x0
loc rootObject1 = 0x0
loc frameHalfInitialized = false
loc entryFrame = 0xf9ab3300
loc activation = {
<js::Activation> = {
cx_ = 0x7f5efe85f000,
compartment_ = 0x7f5ef47b3000,
prev_ = 0x7ffeff78b080,
prevProfiling_ = 0x0,
hideScriptedCallerCount_ = 0,
frameCache_ = {
tracer = 0x7f5f0c58d860 <JS::StructGCPolicy<js::LiveSavedFrameCache>::trace(JSTracer*, js::LiveSavedFrameCache*, char const*)>,
storage = {
frames = 0x0
asyncStack_ = 0x0,
asyncCause_ = 0x0,
asyncCallIsExplicit_ = false,
kind_ = js::Activation::Interpreter
members of js::InterpreterActivation:
regs_ = { fp_ = 0x7f5ef9ab3368, sp = fp_.slots() + 7, pc = 0x7f5edde1558a (JSOP_CALL) },
entryFrame_ = 0x7f5ef9ab3230,
opMask_ = 0,
oldFrameCount_ = 4
loc rootObject2 = 0x0
loc rootNativeObject0 = 0x0
loc interpReturnOK = false
loc addresses = {[0] = 0x7f5f0c57a3dc <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15036>, [1] = 0x7f5f0c57bd96 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21622>, [2] = 0x7f5f0c579d6a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13386>, [3] = 0x7f5f0c579dcf <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13487>, [4] = 0x7f5f0c579c35 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13077>, [5] = 0x7f5f0c579444 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11044>, [6] = 0x7f5f0c578394 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6772>, [7] = 0x7f5f0c57c011 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22257>, [8] = 0x7f5f0c57bf29 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22025>, [9] = 0x7f5f0c57afa1 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18049>, [10] = 0x7f5f0c579906 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12262>, [11] = 0x7f5f0c57be19 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21753>, [12] = 0x7f5f0c57c355 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23093>, [13] = 0x7f5f0c57c3b6 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23190>, [14] = 0x7f5f0c57db28 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29192>, [15] = 0x7f5f0c57a7e5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+16069>, [16] = 0x7f5f0c57a883 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+16227>, [17] = 0x7f5f0c57c609 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23785>, [18] = 0x7f5f0c57c495 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23413>, [19] = 0x7f5f0c57c6a7 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23943>, [20] = 0x7f5f0c57a5d6 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15542>, [21] = 0x7f5f0c57e4bc <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+31644>, [22] = 0x7f5f0c57e680 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+32096>, [23] = 0x7f5f0c57d721 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+28161>, [24] = 0x7f5f0c57d7b0 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+28304>, [25] = 0x7f5f0c57e597 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+31863>, [26] = 0x7f5f0c57e710 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+32240>, [27] = 0x7f5f0c57cbf2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25298>, [28] = 0x7f5f0c57cc50 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25392>, [29] = 0x7f5f0c57cce1 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25537>, [30] = 0x7f5f0c57cd72 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25682>, [31] = 0x7f5f0c57dc6c <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29516>, [32] = 0x7f5f0c57ddbc <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29852>, [33] = 0x7f5f0c57de13 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29939>, [34] = 0x7f5f0c57d174 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26708>, [35] = 0x7f5f0c57d206 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26854>, [36] = 0x7f5f0c57d24d <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26925>, [37] = 0x7f5f0c5784f0 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+7120>, [38] = 0x7f5f0c578e80 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9568>, [39] = 0x7f5f0c578e16 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9462>, [40] = 0x7f5f0c57e013 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+30451>, [41] = 0x7f5f0c57785a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+3898>, [42] = 0x7f5f0c579f65 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13893>, [43] = 0x7f5f0c579f60 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13888>, [44] = 0x7f5f0c579c9e <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13182>, [45] = 0x7f5f0c57a040 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+14112>, [46] = 0x7f5f0c5784f0 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+7120>, [47] = 0x7f5f0c578e80 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9568>, [48] = 0x7f5f0c577139 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+2073>, [49] = 0x7f5f0c577fc7 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5799>, [50] = 0x7f5f0c577888 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+3944>, [51] = 0x7f5f0c57d2fe <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27102>, [52] = 0x7f5f0c57ce03 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25827>, [53] = 0x7f5f0c579c30 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13072>, [54] = 0x7f5f0c577139 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+2073>, [55] = 0x7f5f0c578c56 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9014>, [56] = 0x7f5f0c579314 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+10740>, [57] = 0x7f5f0c579314 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+10740>, [58] = 0x7f5f0c579f6a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13898>, [59] = 0x7f5f0c5786a7 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+7559>, [60] = 0x7f5f0c57ab11 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+16881>, [61] = 0x7f5f0c579f6f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13903>, [62] = 0x7f5f0c57b1a6 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18566>, [63] = 0x7f5f0c57b90b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20459>, [64] = 0x7f5f0c57ae08 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+17640>, [65] = 0x7f5f0c579f18 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13816>, [66] = 0x7f5f0c57ae50 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+17712>, [67] = 0x7f5f0c57ae98 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+17784>, [68] = 0x7f5f0c57bfa4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22148>, [69] = 0x7f5f0c579eab <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13707>, [70] = 0x7f5f0c57aee0 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+17856>, [71] = 0x7f5f0c57b04f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18223>, [72] = 0x7f5f0c57c50f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23535>, [73] = 0x7f5f0c57c589 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23657>, [74] = 0x7f5f0c57a9a2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+16514>, [75] = 0x7f5f0c57c08c <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22380>, [76] = 0x7f5f0c57c11d <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22525>, [77] = 0x7f5f0c57c2e5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22981>, [78] = 0x7f5f0c57c437 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23319>, [79] = 0x7f5f0c577968 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+4168>, [80] = 0x7f5f0c57a0cf <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+14255>, [81] = 0x7f5f0c57bdde <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21694>, [82] = 0x7f5f0c57e7dd <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+32445>, [83] = 0x7f5f0c57ceda <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26042>, [84] = 0x7f5f0c57b953 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20531>, [85] = 0x7f5f0c57b9e7 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20679>, [86] = 0x7f5f0c57b4ca <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+19370>, [87] = 0x7f5f0c57b59b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+19579>, [88] = 0x7f5f0c579ab5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12693>, [89] = 0x7f5f0c579533 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11283>, [90] = 0x7f5f0c578bb4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+8852>, [91] = 0x7f5f0c57d942 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+28706>, [92] = 0x7f5f0c57c76e <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+24142>, [93] = 0x7f5f0c57d16f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26703>, [94] = 0x7f5f0c5783f5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6869>, [95] = 0x7f5f0c57d4f5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27605>, [96] = 0x7f5f0c57d666 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27974>, [97] = 0x7f5f0c57a77e <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15966>, [98] = 0x7f5f0c577dfb <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5339>, [99] = 0x7f5f0c57b1f3 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18643>, [100] = 0x7f5f0c577ee4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5572>, [101] = 0x7f5f0c57a181 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+14433>, [102] = 0x7f5f0c5799de <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12478>, [103] = 0x7f5f0c57c7f0 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+24272>, [104] = 0x7f5f0c57cfae <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26254>, [105] = 0x7f5f0c578fcd <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9901>, [106] = 0x7f5f0c579b17 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12791>, [107] = 0x7f5f0c578fcd <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9901>, [108] = 0x7f5f0c577a80 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+4448>, [109] = 0x7f5f0c578141 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6177>, [110] = 0x7f5f0c578a90 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+8560>, [111] = 0x7f5f0c577fc7 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5799>, [112] = 0x7f5f0c57a3e1 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15041>, [113] = 0x7f5f0c57c1cc <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22700>, [114] = 0x7f5f0c57a450 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15152>, [115] = 0x7f5f0c57db6c <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29260>, [116] = 0x7f5f0c57d5c2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27810>, [117] = 0x7f5f0c57bc0b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21227>, [118] = 0x7f5f0c57bca2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21378>, [119] = 0x7f5f0c57bed2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21938>, [120] = 0x7f5f0c5770d8 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+1976>, [121] = 0x7f5f0c57a52d <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15373>, [122] = 0x7f5f0c57838f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6767>, [123] = 0x7f5f0c57921a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+10490>, [124] = 0x7f5f0c57921a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+10490>, [125] = 0x7f5f0c57ca0a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+24810>, [126] = 0x7f5f0c578bb4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+8852>, [127] = 0x7f5f0c57a668 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15688>, [128] = 0x7f5f0c57860e <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+7406>, [129] = 0x7f5f0c57bb16 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20982>, [130] = 0x7f5f0c57b1f8 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18648>, [131] = 0x7f5f0c57b2d3 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18867>, [132] = 0x7f5f0c57a70c <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15852>, [133] = 0x7f5f0c57995a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12346>, [134] = 0x7f5f0c57bd62 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21570>, [135] = 0x7f5f0c57bd06 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21478>, [136] = 0x7f5f0c57b61d <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+19709>, [137] = 0x7f5f0c57b755 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20021>, [138] = 0x7f5f0c57b3bd <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+19101>, [139] = 0x7f5f0c57b45f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+19263>, [140] = 0x7f5f0c57b7da <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20154>, [141] = 0x7f5f0c57b88b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20331>, [142] = 0x7f5f0c57bbc3 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21155>, [143] = 0x7f5f0c579760 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11840>, [144] = 0x7f5f0c57df35 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+30229>, [145] = 0x7f5f0c57948a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11114>, [146] = 0x7f5f0c57805b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5947>, [147] = 0x7f5f0c57805b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5947>, [148] = 0x7f5f0c57c840 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+24352>, [149] = 0x7f5f0c57bf06 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21990>, [150] = 0x7f5f0c57dd21 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29697>, [151] = 0x7f5f0c57dbeb <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29387>, [152] = 0x7f5f0c579d20 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13312>, [153] = 0x7f5f0c57945f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11071>, [154] = 0x7f5f0c5786a7 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+7559>, [155] = 0x7f5f0c57e176 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+30806>, [156] = 0x7f5f0c57d4f0 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27600>, [157] = 0x7f5f0c578323 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6659>, [158] = 0x7f5f0c579114 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+10228>, [159] = 0x7f5f0c579114 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+10228>, [160] = 0x7f5f0c57a2c6 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+14758>, [161] = 0x7f5f0c57b121 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18433>, [162] = 0x7f5f0c57860e <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+7406>, [163] = 0x7f5f0c57967d <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11613>, [164] = 0x7f5f0c57c8bd <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+24477>, [165] = 0x7f5f0c57948f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11119>, [166] = 0x7f5f0c57785a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+3898>, [167] = 0x7f5f0c579b46 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12838>, [168] = 0x7f5f0c5795cd <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11437>, [169] = 0x7f5f0c57b7d5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20149>, [170] = 0x7f5f0c57941b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11003>, [171] = 0x7f5f0c57a779 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15961>, [172] = 0x7f5f0c577dfb <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5339>, [173] = 0x7f5f0c57b1ee <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18638>, [174] = 0x7f5f0c577ee4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5572>, [175] = 0x7f5f0c5783f5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6869>, [176] = 0x7f5f0c57abd4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+17076>, [177] = 0x7f5f0c5796f2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11730>, [178] = 0x7f5f0c579494 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11124>, [179] = 0x7f5f0c57941b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11003>, [180] = 0x7f5f0c57caf4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25044>, [181] = 0x7f5f0c57cb68 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25160>, [182] = 0x7f5f0c57bf0b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21995>, [183] = 0x7f5f0c57bf10 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22000>, [184] = 0x7f5f0c57819f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6271>, [185] = 0x7f5f0c57e054 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+30516>, [186] = 0x7f5f0c57da9a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29050>, [187] = 0x7f5f0c57bf15 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22005>, [188] = 0x7f5f0c57a9d8 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+16568>, [189] = 0x7f5f0c57e550 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+31792>, [190] = 0x7f5f0c579bd6 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12982>, [191] = 0x7f5f0c57e639 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+32025>, [192] = 0x7f5f0c57bf1a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22010>, [193] = 0x7f5f0c578c56 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9014>, [194] = 0x7f5f0c57d9c2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+28834>, [195] = 0x7f5f0c57d08a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26474>, [196] = 0x7f5f0c578e16 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9462>, [197] = 0x7f5f0c57d43a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27418>, [198] = 0x7f5f0c57d495 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27509>, [199] = 0x7f5f0c57e427 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+31495>...}
loc rootId0 = JSID_VOID
loc rootShape0 = 0x0
[22] from 0x00007f5f0c57e951 in Interpret+32817 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/js/src/vm/Interpreter.cpp:2922
arg cx = 0x7f5efe85f000
arg state = @0x7ffeff78a710
loc construct = js::NO_CONSTRUCT
loc isFunction = false
loc args = {
<JS::detail::CallArgsBase<JS::detail::IncludeUsedRval>> = {
<JS::detail::IncludeUsedRval> = {
usedRval_ = false
members of JS::detail::CallArgsBase<JS::detail::IncludeUsedRval>:
argv_ = 0x7f5ef9ab33f0,
argc_ = 3,
constructing_ = false
}, <No data fields>}
loc maybeFun = (JSFunction *) 0x7f5e9e443330 [object Function "loadSubScript"]
loc entryMonitor = {
cx_ = 0x7f5efe85f000,
entryMonitor_ = 0x0
loc rootValue0 = JSVAL_VOID
loc rootFunction0 = 0x0
loc scriptEvent = {
payload_ = 0x7f5ef9ab40a0
loc rootValue1 = JSVAL_VOID
loc rootString0 = 0x0
loc rootObject0 = 0x0
loc rootName0 = 0x0
loc rootScript0 = 0x0
loc rootScope0 = 0x0
loc script = 0x7f5edb15aab0
loc rootString1 = 0x0
loc rootObject1 = 0x0
loc frameHalfInitialized = false
loc entryFrame = 0xf9ab3300
loc activation = {
<js::Activation> = {
cx_ = 0x7f5efe85f000,
compartment_ = 0x7f5ef47b3000,
prev_ = 0x7ffeff78b080,
prevProfiling_ = 0x0,
hideScriptedCallerCount_ = 0,
frameCache_ = {
tracer = 0x7f5f0c58d860 <JS::StructGCPolicy<js::LiveSavedFrameCache>::trace(JSTracer*, js::LiveSavedFrameCache*, char const*)>,
storage = {
frames = 0x0
asyncStack_ = 0x0,
asyncCause_ = 0x0,
asyncCallIsExplicit_ = false,
kind_ = js::Activation::Interpreter
members of js::InterpreterActivation:
regs_ = { fp_ = 0x7f5ef9ab3368, sp = fp_.slots() + 7, pc = 0x7f5edde1558a (JSOP_CALL) },
entryFrame_ = 0x7f5ef9ab3230,
opMask_ = 0,
oldFrameCount_ = 4
loc rootObject2 = 0x0
loc rootNativeObject0 = 0x0
loc interpReturnOK = false
loc addresses = {[0] = 0x7f5f0c57a3dc <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15036>, [1] = 0x7f5f0c57bd96 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21622>, [2] = 0x7f5f0c579d6a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13386>, [3] = 0x7f5f0c579dcf <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13487>, [4] = 0x7f5f0c579c35 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13077>, [5] = 0x7f5f0c579444 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11044>, [6] = 0x7f5f0c578394 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6772>, [7] = 0x7f5f0c57c011 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22257>, [8] = 0x7f5f0c57bf29 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22025>, [9] = 0x7f5f0c57afa1 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18049>, [10] = 0x7f5f0c579906 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12262>, [11] = 0x7f5f0c57be19 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21753>, [12] = 0x7f5f0c57c355 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23093>, [13] = 0x7f5f0c57c3b6 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23190>, [14] = 0x7f5f0c57db28 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29192>, [15] = 0x7f5f0c57a7e5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+16069>, [16] = 0x7f5f0c57a883 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+16227>, [17] = 0x7f5f0c57c609 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23785>, [18] = 0x7f5f0c57c495 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23413>, [19] = 0x7f5f0c57c6a7 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23943>, [20] = 0x7f5f0c57a5d6 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15542>, [21] = 0x7f5f0c57e4bc <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+31644>, [22] = 0x7f5f0c57e680 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+32096>, [23] = 0x7f5f0c57d721 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+28161>, [24] = 0x7f5f0c57d7b0 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+28304>, [25] = 0x7f5f0c57e597 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+31863>, [26] = 0x7f5f0c57e710 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+32240>, [27] = 0x7f5f0c57cbf2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25298>, [28] = 0x7f5f0c57cc50 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25392>, [29] = 0x7f5f0c57cce1 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25537>, [30] = 0x7f5f0c57cd72 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25682>, [31] = 0x7f5f0c57dc6c <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29516>, [32] = 0x7f5f0c57ddbc <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29852>, [33] = 0x7f5f0c57de13 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29939>, [34] = 0x7f5f0c57d174 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26708>, [35] = 0x7f5f0c57d206 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26854>, [36] = 0x7f5f0c57d24d <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26925>, [37] = 0x7f5f0c5784f0 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+7120>, [38] = 0x7f5f0c578e80 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9568>, [39] = 0x7f5f0c578e16 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9462>, [40] = 0x7f5f0c57e013 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+30451>, [41] = 0x7f5f0c57785a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+3898>, [42] = 0x7f5f0c579f65 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13893>, [43] = 0x7f5f0c579f60 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13888>, [44] = 0x7f5f0c579c9e <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13182>, [45] = 0x7f5f0c57a040 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+14112>, [46] = 0x7f5f0c5784f0 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+7120>, [47] = 0x7f5f0c578e80 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9568>, [48] = 0x7f5f0c577139 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+2073>, [49] = 0x7f5f0c577fc7 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5799>, [50] = 0x7f5f0c577888 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+3944>, [51] = 0x7f5f0c57d2fe <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27102>, [52] = 0x7f5f0c57ce03 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25827>, [53] = 0x7f5f0c579c30 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13072>, [54] = 0x7f5f0c577139 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+2073>, [55] = 0x7f5f0c578c56 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9014>, [56] = 0x7f5f0c579314 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+10740>, [57] = 0x7f5f0c579314 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+10740>, [58] = 0x7f5f0c579f6a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13898>, [59] = 0x7f5f0c5786a7 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+7559>, [60] = 0x7f5f0c57ab11 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+16881>, [61] = 0x7f5f0c579f6f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13903>, [62] = 0x7f5f0c57b1a6 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18566>, [63] = 0x7f5f0c57b90b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20459>, [64] = 0x7f5f0c57ae08 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+17640>, [65] = 0x7f5f0c579f18 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13816>, [66] = 0x7f5f0c57ae50 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+17712>, [67] = 0x7f5f0c57ae98 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+17784>, [68] = 0x7f5f0c57bfa4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22148>, [69] = 0x7f5f0c579eab <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13707>, [70] = 0x7f5f0c57aee0 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+17856>, [71] = 0x7f5f0c57b04f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18223>, [72] = 0x7f5f0c57c50f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23535>, [73] = 0x7f5f0c57c589 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23657>, [74] = 0x7f5f0c57a9a2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+16514>, [75] = 0x7f5f0c57c08c <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22380>, [76] = 0x7f5f0c57c11d <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22525>, [77] = 0x7f5f0c57c2e5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22981>, [78] = 0x7f5f0c57c437 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23319>, [79] = 0x7f5f0c577968 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+4168>, [80] = 0x7f5f0c57a0cf <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+14255>, [81] = 0x7f5f0c57bdde <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21694>, [82] = 0x7f5f0c57e7dd <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+32445>, [83] = 0x7f5f0c57ceda <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26042>, [84] = 0x7f5f0c57b953 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20531>, [85] = 0x7f5f0c57b9e7 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20679>, [86] = 0x7f5f0c57b4ca <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+19370>, [87] = 0x7f5f0c57b59b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+19579>, [88] = 0x7f5f0c579ab5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12693>, [89] = 0x7f5f0c579533 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11283>, [90] = 0x7f5f0c578bb4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+8852>, [91] = 0x7f5f0c57d942 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+28706>, [92] = 0x7f5f0c57c76e <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+24142>, [93] = 0x7f5f0c57d16f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26703>, [94] = 0x7f5f0c5783f5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6869>, [95] = 0x7f5f0c57d4f5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27605>, [96] = 0x7f5f0c57d666 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27974>, [97] = 0x7f5f0c57a77e <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15966>, [98] = 0x7f5f0c577dfb <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5339>, [99] = 0x7f5f0c57b1f3 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18643>, [100] = 0x7f5f0c577ee4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5572>, [101] = 0x7f5f0c57a181 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+14433>, [102] = 0x7f5f0c5799de <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12478>, [103] = 0x7f5f0c57c7f0 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+24272>, [104] = 0x7f5f0c57cfae <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26254>, [105] = 0x7f5f0c578fcd <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9901>, [106] = 0x7f5f0c579b17 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12791>, [107] = 0x7f5f0c578fcd <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9901>, [108] = 0x7f5f0c577a80 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+4448>, [109] = 0x7f5f0c578141 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6177>, [110] = 0x7f5f0c578a90 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+8560>, [111] = 0x7f5f0c577fc7 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5799>, [112] = 0x7f5f0c57a3e1 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15041>, [113] = 0x7f5f0c57c1cc <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22700>, [114] = 0x7f5f0c57a450 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15152>, [115] = 0x7f5f0c57db6c <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29260>, [116] = 0x7f5f0c57d5c2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27810>, [117] = 0x7f5f0c57bc0b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21227>, [118] = 0x7f5f0c57bca2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21378>, [119] = 0x7f5f0c57bed2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21938>, [120] = 0x7f5f0c5770d8 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+1976>, [121] = 0x7f5f0c57a52d <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15373>, [122] = 0x7f5f0c57838f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6767>, [123] = 0x7f5f0c57921a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+10490>, [124] = 0x7f5f0c57921a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+10490>, [125] = 0x7f5f0c57ca0a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+24810>, [126] = 0x7f5f0c578bb4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+8852>, [127] = 0x7f5f0c57a668 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15688>, [128] = 0x7f5f0c57860e <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+7406>, [129] = 0x7f5f0c57bb16 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20982>, [130] = 0x7f5f0c57b1f8 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18648>, [131] = 0x7f5f0c57b2d3 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18867>, [132] = 0x7f5f0c57a70c <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15852>, [133] = 0x7f5f0c57995a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12346>, [134] = 0x7f5f0c57bd62 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21570>, [135] = 0x7f5f0c57bd06 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21478>, [136] = 0x7f5f0c57b61d <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+19709>, [137] = 0x7f5f0c57b755 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20021>, [138] = 0x7f5f0c57b3bd <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+19101>, [139] = 0x7f5f0c57b45f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+19263>, [140] = 0x7f5f0c57b7da <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20154>, [141] = 0x7f5f0c57b88b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20331>, [142] = 0x7f5f0c57bbc3 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21155>, [143] = 0x7f5f0c579760 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11840>, [144] = 0x7f5f0c57df35 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+30229>, [145] = 0x7f5f0c57948a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11114>, [146] = 0x7f5f0c57805b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5947>, [147] = 0x7f5f0c57805b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5947>, [148] = 0x7f5f0c57c840 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+24352>, [149] = 0x7f5f0c57bf06 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21990>, [150] = 0x7f5f0c57dd21 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29697>, [151] = 0x7f5f0c57dbeb <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29387>, [152] = 0x7f5f0c579d20 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13312>, [153] = 0x7f5f0c57945f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11071>, [154] = 0x7f5f0c5786a7 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+7559>, [155] = 0x7f5f0c57e176 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+30806>, [156] = 0x7f5f0c57d4f0 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27600>, [157] = 0x7f5f0c578323 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6659>, [158] = 0x7f5f0c579114 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+10228>, [159] = 0x7f5f0c579114 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+10228>, [160] = 0x7f5f0c57a2c6 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+14758>, [161] = 0x7f5f0c57b121 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18433>, [162] = 0x7f5f0c57860e <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+7406>, [163] = 0x7f5f0c57967d <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11613>, [164] = 0x7f5f0c57c8bd <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+24477>, [165] = 0x7f5f0c57948f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11119>, [166] = 0x7f5f0c57785a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+3898>, [167] = 0x7f5f0c579b46 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12838>, [168] = 0x7f5f0c5795cd <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11437>, [169] = 0x7f5f0c57b7d5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20149>, [170] = 0x7f5f0c57941b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11003>, [171] = 0x7f5f0c57a779 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15961>, [172] = 0x7f5f0c577dfb <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5339>, [173] = 0x7f5f0c57b1ee <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18638>, [174] = 0x7f5f0c577ee4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5572>, [175] = 0x7f5f0c5783f5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6869>, [176] = 0x7f5f0c57abd4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+17076>, [177] = 0x7f5f0c5796f2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11730>, [178] = 0x7f5f0c579494 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11124>, [179] = 0x7f5f0c57941b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11003>, [180] = 0x7f5f0c57caf4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25044>, [181] = 0x7f5f0c57cb68 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25160>, [182] = 0x7f5f0c57bf0b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21995>, [183] = 0x7f5f0c57bf10 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22000>, [184] = 0x7f5f0c57819f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6271>, [185] = 0x7f5f0c57e054 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+30516>, [186] = 0x7f5f0c57da9a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29050>, [187] = 0x7f5f0c57bf15 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22005>, [188] = 0x7f5f0c57a9d8 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+16568>, [189] = 0x7f5f0c57e550 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+31792>, [190] = 0x7f5f0c579bd6 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12982>, [191] = 0x7f5f0c57e639 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+32025>, [192] = 0x7f5f0c57bf1a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22010>, [193] = 0x7f5f0c578c56 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9014>, [194] = 0x7f5f0c57d9c2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+28834>, [195] = 0x7f5f0c57d08a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26474>, [196] = 0x7f5f0c578e16 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9462>, [197] = 0x7f5f0c57d43a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27418>, [198] = 0x7f5f0c57d495 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27509>, [199] = 0x7f5f0c57e427 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+31495>...}
loc rootId0 = JSID_VOID
loc rootShape0 = 0x0
[23] from 0x00007f5f0c583996 in js::RunScript+550 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/js/src/vm/Interpreter.cpp:404
arg cx = 0x7f5efe85f000
arg state = @0x7ffeff78a710
loc stopwatch = {
cx_ = 0x7f5efe85f000,
iteration_ = 234996,
isMonitoringJank_ = true,
isMonitoringCPOW_ = true,
cyclesStart_ = 36623029095918,
CPOWTimeStart_ = 0,
cpuStart_ = {<No data fields>},
groups_ = {
<js::SystemAllocPolicy> = {<No data fields>},
members of mozilla::Vector<RefPtr<js::PerformanceGroup>, 0ul, js::SystemAllocPolicy>:
static kElemIsPod = false,
static kMaxInlineBytes = 1024,
static kInlineCapacity = 0,
static kInlineBytes = 1,
mBegin = 0x7f5eee784570,
mLength = 1,
mCapacity = 1,
mReserved = 1,
mStorage = {
u = {
mBytes = "\240",
mDummy = 140733184518048
mEntered = false,
static sMaxInlineStorage = <optimized out>
_mCheckNotUsedAsTemporary = {
mStatementDone = true
loc marker = {
profiler = 0x7f5efe8633a0,
size_before = {
value = 4
_mCheckNotUsedAsTemporary = {
mStatementDone = true
[24] from 0x00007f5f0c583d9d in js::InternalCallOrConstruct+797 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/js/src/vm/Interpreter.cpp:476
arg cx = 0x7f5efe85f000
arg args = @0x7ffeff78a800
arg construct = js::NO_CONSTRUCT
loc gcIfRequested = {
runtime = 0x7f5efe85f208
loc state = {
<js::RunState> = {
_vptr.RunState = 0x7f5f0e3e18f0 <vtable for js::InvokeState+16>,
kind_ = js::RunState::Invoke,
script_ = 0x7f5edb15aa28
members of js::InvokeState:
args_ = @0x7ffeff78a800,
construct_ = js::NO_CONSTRUCT,
createSingleton_ = false
loc ok = <optimized out>
loc skipForCallee = <optimized out>
[25] from 0x00007f5f0c583f2d in InternalCall+173 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/js/src/vm/Interpreter.cpp:503
arg cx = 0x7f5efe85f000
arg args = @0x7ffeff78a800
(no locals)
[26] from 0x00007f5f0c5840ae in js::Call+46 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/js/src/vm/Interpreter.cpp:522
arg cx = 0x7f5efe85f000
arg fval = <optimized out>
arg thisv = <optimized out>
arg args = @0x7ffeff78a800
arg rval = <optimized out>
(no locals)
[27] from 0x00007f5f0c4b8f53 in js::Wrapper::call at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/js/src/proxy/Wrapper.cpp:165
arg this = 0x7f5f0e3dc9e0 <js::CrossCompartmentWrapper::singleton>
arg cx = 0x7f5efe85f000
arg proxy = <optimized out>
arg args = @0x7ffeff78a9f0
loc target = $jsval((JSObject *) 0x7f5ee1df52c0 [object Function "runScriptInSandbox"])
loc iargs = {
<js::detail::GenericArgsBase<(js::MaybeConstruct)0>> = {
<js::AnyInvokeArgs> = {
<JS::CallArgs> = {
<JS::detail::CallArgsBase<JS::detail::IncludeUsedRval>> = {
<JS::detail::IncludeUsedRval> = {
usedRval_ = false
members of JS::detail::CallArgsBase<JS::detail::IncludeUsedRval>:
argv_ = 0x7ffeff78a868,
argc_ = 2,
constructing_ = false
}, <No data fields>}, <No data fields>},
members of js::detail::GenericArgsBase<(js::MaybeConstruct)0>:
v_ = {
<JS::AutoVectorRooterBase<JS::Value>> = {
<JS::AutoGCRooter> = {
down = 0x7ffeff78b348,
tag_ = -10,
stackTop = 0x7f5efe85f068
members of JS::AutoVectorRooterBase<JS::Value>:
vector = {
<js::TempAllocPolicy> = {
cx_ = 0x7f5efe85f000
members of mozilla::Vector<JS::Value, 8ul, js::TempAllocPolicy>:
static kElemIsPod = false,
static kMaxInlineBytes = 1024,
static kInlineCapacity = 8,
static kInlineBytes = 64,
mBegin = 0x7ffeff78a858,
mLength = 4,
mCapacity = 8,
mReserved = 4,
mStorage = {
u = {
mBytes = "\300R\337\341^\177\376\377\000\000\000\000\000\000\371\377 \227A\236^\177\376\377@\235\232\212^\177\376\377\220\061{\364^\177\000\000\005\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\253x\377\376\177\000\000\060\300\255\371^\177\000",
mDummy = 18446321169249292992
mEntered = false,
static sMaxInlineStorage = <optimized out>
_mCheckNotUsedAsTemporary = {
mStatementDone = true
members of JS::AutoVectorRooter<JS::Value>:
_mCheckNotUsedAsTemporary = {
mStatementDone = true
}, <No data fields>}
[28] from 0x00007f5f0c46f792 in js::CrossCompartmentWrapper::call at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/js/src/proxy/CrossCompartmentWrapper.cpp:333
arg this = 0x7f5f0e3dc9e0 <js::CrossCompartmentWrapper::singleton>
arg cx = 0x7f5efe85f000
arg wrapper = (JSObject * const) 0x7f5ef19180a0 [object Proxy]
arg args = @0x7ffeff78a9f0
loc wrapped = (JSObject *) 0x7f5ee1df52c0 [object Function "runScriptInSandbox"]
[29] from 0x00007f5f0c46a415 in js::Proxy::call+197 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/js/src/proxy/Proxy.cpp:401
arg cx = 0x7f5efe85f000
arg proxy = (JSObject * const) 0x7f5ef19180a0 [object Proxy]
arg args = @0x7ffeff78a9f0
loc policy = {
_vptr.AutoEnterPolicy = 0x7f5f0e3dc630 <vtable for js::AutoEnterPolicy+16>,
allow = true,
rv = 170,
context = 0x7f5efe85f000,
enteredProxy = {
mIsSome = true,
mStorage = {
u = {
mBytes = " \252x\377\376\177\000",
mDummy = 140733184518688
enteredId = {
mIsSome = true,
mStorage = {
u = {
mBytes = "0{\\\016_\177\000",
mDummy = 140046239562544
enteredAction = 4,
prev = 0x0
[30] from 0x00007f5f0c46a4c7 in js::proxy_Call+135 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/js/src/proxy/Proxy.cpp:690
arg cx = 0x7f5efe85f000
arg argc = <optimized out>
arg vp = <optimized out>
loc args = {
<JS::detail::CallArgsBase<JS::detail::IncludeUsedRval>> = {
<JS::detail::IncludeUsedRval> = {
usedRval_ = true
members of JS::detail::CallArgsBase<JS::detail::IncludeUsedRval>:
argv_ = 0x7f5ef9ab3210,
argc_ = 2,
constructing_ = false
}, <No data fields>}
loc proxy = (JSObject *) 0x7f5ef19180a0 [object Proxy]
[31] from 0x00007f5f0c58eac8 in js::CallJSNative+296 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/js/src/jscntxtinlines.h:235
arg cx = 0x7f5efe85f000
arg native = 0x7f5f0c46a440 <js::proxy_Call(JSContext*, unsigned int, JS::Value*)>
arg args = @0x7ffeff78aed0
loc ok = <optimized out>
[32] from 0x00007f5f0c583e05 in js::InternalCallOrConstruct+901 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/js/src/vm/Interpreter.cpp:446
arg cx = 0x7f5efe85f000
arg args = @0x7ffeff78aed0
arg construct = js::NO_CONSTRUCT
loc call = <optimized out>
loc gcIfRequested = {
runtime = 0x7f5efe85f208
loc state = {
<js::RunState> = {
_vptr.RunState = 0x7f5ef9adc048,
kind_ = (unknown: 4286099056),
script_ = 0x7f5e8a9a9e80
members of js::InvokeState:
args_ = @0x7f5f09da4c5b,
construct_ = (unknown: 4188746256),
createSingleton_ = 94
loc ok = <optimized out>
loc skipForCallee = 3
[33] from 0x00007f5f0c57e951 in js::CallFromStack+-22303 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/js/src/vm/Interpreter.cpp:509
arg args = <optimized out>
arg cx = <optimized out>
loc construct = js::NO_CONSTRUCT
loc isFunction = false
loc args = {
<JS::detail::CallArgsBase<JS::detail::IncludeUsedRval>> = {
<JS::detail::IncludeUsedRval> = {
usedRval_ = false
members of JS::detail::CallArgsBase<JS::detail::IncludeUsedRval>:
argv_ = 0x7f5ef9ab3210,
argc_ = 2,
constructing_ = false
}, <No data fields>}
loc maybeFun = (JSFunction *) 0x7f5e8a7ead30 [object Function "QueryInterface"]
loc entryMonitor = {
cx_ = 0x7f5efe85f000,
entryMonitor_ = 0x0
loc rootValue0 = JSVAL_VOID
loc rootFunction0 = 0x0
loc scriptEvent = {
payload_ = 0x7f5ef9ab40a0
loc rootValue1 = JSVAL_VOID
loc rootString0 = 0x0
loc rootObject0 = 0x0
loc rootName0 = 0x0
loc rootScript0 = 0x0
loc rootScope0 = 0x0
loc script = 0x7f5eafc21450
loc rootString1 = 0x0
loc rootObject1 = 0x0
loc frameHalfInitialized = false
loc entryFrame = 0xfe85f000
loc activation = {
<js::Activation> = {
cx_ = 0x7f5efe85f000,
compartment_ = 0x7f5eb4596000,
prev_ = 0x0,
prevProfiling_ = 0x0,
hideScriptedCallerCount_ = 0,
frameCache_ = {
tracer = 0x7f5f0c58d860 <JS::StructGCPolicy<js::LiveSavedFrameCache>::trace(JSTracer*, js::LiveSavedFrameCache*, char const*)>,
storage = {
frames = 0x0
asyncStack_ = 0x0,
asyncCause_ = 0x0,
asyncCallIsExplicit_ = false,
kind_ = js::Activation::Interpreter
members of js::InterpreterActivation:
regs_ = { fp_ = 0x7f5ef9ab3168, sp = fp_.slots() + 10, pc = 0x7f5eddd56a70 (JSOP_CALL) },
entryFrame_ = 0x7f5ef9ab3020,
opMask_ = 0,
oldFrameCount_ = 1
loc rootObject2 = 0x0
loc rootNativeObject0 = 0x0
loc interpReturnOK = false
loc addresses = {[0] = 0x7f5f0c57a3dc <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15036>, [1] = 0x7f5f0c57bd96 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21622>, [2] = 0x7f5f0c579d6a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13386>, [3] = 0x7f5f0c579dcf <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13487>, [4] = 0x7f5f0c579c35 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13077>, [5] = 0x7f5f0c579444 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11044>, [6] = 0x7f5f0c578394 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6772>, [7] = 0x7f5f0c57c011 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22257>, [8] = 0x7f5f0c57bf29 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22025>, [9] = 0x7f5f0c57afa1 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18049>, [10] = 0x7f5f0c579906 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12262>, [11] = 0x7f5f0c57be19 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21753>, [12] = 0x7f5f0c57c355 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23093>, [13] = 0x7f5f0c57c3b6 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23190>, [14] = 0x7f5f0c57db28 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29192>, [15] = 0x7f5f0c57a7e5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+16069>, [16] = 0x7f5f0c57a883 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+16227>, [17] = 0x7f5f0c57c609 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23785>, [18] = 0x7f5f0c57c495 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23413>, [19] = 0x7f5f0c57c6a7 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23943>, [20] = 0x7f5f0c57a5d6 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15542>, [21] = 0x7f5f0c57e4bc <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+31644>, [22] = 0x7f5f0c57e680 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+32096>, [23] = 0x7f5f0c57d721 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+28161>, [24] = 0x7f5f0c57d7b0 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+28304>, [25] = 0x7f5f0c57e597 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+31863>, [26] = 0x7f5f0c57e710 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+32240>, [27] = 0x7f5f0c57cbf2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25298>, [28] = 0x7f5f0c57cc50 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25392>, [29] = 0x7f5f0c57cce1 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25537>, [30] = 0x7f5f0c57cd72 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25682>, [31] = 0x7f5f0c57dc6c <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29516>, [32] = 0x7f5f0c57ddbc <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29852>, [33] = 0x7f5f0c57de13 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29939>, [34] = 0x7f5f0c57d174 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26708>, [35] = 0x7f5f0c57d206 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26854>, [36] = 0x7f5f0c57d24d <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26925>, [37] = 0x7f5f0c5784f0 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+7120>, [38] = 0x7f5f0c578e80 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9568>, [39] = 0x7f5f0c578e16 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9462>, [40] = 0x7f5f0c57e013 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+30451>, [41] = 0x7f5f0c57785a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+3898>, [42] = 0x7f5f0c579f65 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13893>, [43] = 0x7f5f0c579f60 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13888>, [44] = 0x7f5f0c579c9e <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13182>, [45] = 0x7f5f0c57a040 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+14112>, [46] = 0x7f5f0c5784f0 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+7120>, [47] = 0x7f5f0c578e80 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9568>, [48] = 0x7f5f0c577139 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+2073>, [49] = 0x7f5f0c577fc7 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5799>, [50] = 0x7f5f0c577888 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+3944>, [51] = 0x7f5f0c57d2fe <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27102>, [52] = 0x7f5f0c57ce03 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25827>, [53] = 0x7f5f0c579c30 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13072>, [54] = 0x7f5f0c577139 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+2073>, [55] = 0x7f5f0c578c56 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9014>, [56] = 0x7f5f0c579314 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+10740>, [57] = 0x7f5f0c579314 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+10740>, [58] = 0x7f5f0c579f6a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13898>, [59] = 0x7f5f0c5786a7 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+7559>, [60] = 0x7f5f0c57ab11 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+16881>, [61] = 0x7f5f0c579f6f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13903>, [62] = 0x7f5f0c57b1a6 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18566>, [63] = 0x7f5f0c57b90b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20459>, [64] = 0x7f5f0c57ae08 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+17640>, [65] = 0x7f5f0c579f18 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13816>, [66] = 0x7f5f0c57ae50 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+17712>, [67] = 0x7f5f0c57ae98 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+17784>, [68] = 0x7f5f0c57bfa4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22148>, [69] = 0x7f5f0c579eab <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13707>, [70] = 0x7f5f0c57aee0 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+17856>, [71] = 0x7f5f0c57b04f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18223>, [72] = 0x7f5f0c57c50f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23535>, [73] = 0x7f5f0c57c589 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23657>, [74] = 0x7f5f0c57a9a2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+16514>, [75] = 0x7f5f0c57c08c <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22380>, [76] = 0x7f5f0c57c11d <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22525>, [77] = 0x7f5f0c57c2e5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22981>, [78] = 0x7f5f0c57c437 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23319>, [79] = 0x7f5f0c577968 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+4168>, [80] = 0x7f5f0c57a0cf <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+14255>, [81] = 0x7f5f0c57bdde <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21694>, [82] = 0x7f5f0c57e7dd <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+32445>, [83] = 0x7f5f0c57ceda <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26042>, [84] = 0x7f5f0c57b953 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20531>, [85] = 0x7f5f0c57b9e7 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20679>, [86] = 0x7f5f0c57b4ca <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+19370>, [87] = 0x7f5f0c57b59b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+19579>, [88] = 0x7f5f0c579ab5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12693>, [89] = 0x7f5f0c579533 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11283>, [90] = 0x7f5f0c578bb4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+8852>, [91] = 0x7f5f0c57d942 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+28706>, [92] = 0x7f5f0c57c76e <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+24142>, [93] = 0x7f5f0c57d16f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26703>, [94] = 0x7f5f0c5783f5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6869>, [95] = 0x7f5f0c57d4f5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27605>, [96] = 0x7f5f0c57d666 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27974>, [97] = 0x7f5f0c57a77e <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15966>, [98] = 0x7f5f0c577dfb <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5339>, [99] = 0x7f5f0c57b1f3 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18643>, [100] = 0x7f5f0c577ee4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5572>, [101] = 0x7f5f0c57a181 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+14433>, [102] = 0x7f5f0c5799de <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12478>, [103] = 0x7f5f0c57c7f0 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+24272>, [104] = 0x7f5f0c57cfae <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26254>, [105] = 0x7f5f0c578fcd <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9901>, [106] = 0x7f5f0c579b17 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12791>, [107] = 0x7f5f0c578fcd <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9901>, [108] = 0x7f5f0c577a80 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+4448>, [109] = 0x7f5f0c578141 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6177>, [110] = 0x7f5f0c578a90 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+8560>, [111] = 0x7f5f0c577fc7 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5799>, [112] = 0x7f5f0c57a3e1 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15041>, [113] = 0x7f5f0c57c1cc <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22700>, [114] = 0x7f5f0c57a450 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15152>, [115] = 0x7f5f0c57db6c <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29260>, [116] = 0x7f5f0c57d5c2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27810>, [117] = 0x7f5f0c57bc0b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21227>, [118] = 0x7f5f0c57bca2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21378>, [119] = 0x7f5f0c57bed2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21938>, [120] = 0x7f5f0c5770d8 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+1976>, [121] = 0x7f5f0c57a52d <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15373>, [122] = 0x7f5f0c57838f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6767>, [123] = 0x7f5f0c57921a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+10490>, [124] = 0x7f5f0c57921a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+10490>, [125] = 0x7f5f0c57ca0a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+24810>, [126] = 0x7f5f0c578bb4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+8852>, [127] = 0x7f5f0c57a668 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15688>, [128] = 0x7f5f0c57860e <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+7406>, [129] = 0x7f5f0c57bb16 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20982>, [130] = 0x7f5f0c57b1f8 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18648>, [131] = 0x7f5f0c57b2d3 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18867>, [132] = 0x7f5f0c57a70c <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15852>, [133] = 0x7f5f0c57995a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12346>, [134] = 0x7f5f0c57bd62 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21570>, [135] = 0x7f5f0c57bd06 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21478>, [136] = 0x7f5f0c57b61d <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+19709>, [137] = 0x7f5f0c57b755 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20021>, [138] = 0x7f5f0c57b3bd <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+19101>, [139] = 0x7f5f0c57b45f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+19263>, [140] = 0x7f5f0c57b7da <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20154>, [141] = 0x7f5f0c57b88b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20331>, [142] = 0x7f5f0c57bbc3 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21155>, [143] = 0x7f5f0c579760 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11840>, [144] = 0x7f5f0c57df35 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+30229>, [145] = 0x7f5f0c57948a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11114>, [146] = 0x7f5f0c57805b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5947>, [147] = 0x7f5f0c57805b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5947>, [148] = 0x7f5f0c57c840 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+24352>, [149] = 0x7f5f0c57bf06 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21990>, [150] = 0x7f5f0c57dd21 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29697>, [151] = 0x7f5f0c57dbeb <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29387>, [152] = 0x7f5f0c579d20 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13312>, [153] = 0x7f5f0c57945f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11071>, [154] = 0x7f5f0c5786a7 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+7559>, [155] = 0x7f5f0c57e176 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+30806>, [156] = 0x7f5f0c57d4f0 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27600>, [157] = 0x7f5f0c578323 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6659>, [158] = 0x7f5f0c579114 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+10228>, [159] = 0x7f5f0c579114 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+10228>, [160] = 0x7f5f0c57a2c6 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+14758>, [161] = 0x7f5f0c57b121 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18433>, [162] = 0x7f5f0c57860e <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+7406>, [163] = 0x7f5f0c57967d <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11613>, [164] = 0x7f5f0c57c8bd <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+24477>, [165] = 0x7f5f0c57948f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11119>, [166] = 0x7f5f0c57785a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+3898>, [167] = 0x7f5f0c579b46 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12838>, [168] = 0x7f5f0c5795cd <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11437>, [169] = 0x7f5f0c57b7d5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20149>, [170] = 0x7f5f0c57941b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11003>, [171] = 0x7f5f0c57a779 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15961>, [172] = 0x7f5f0c577dfb <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5339>, [173] = 0x7f5f0c57b1ee <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18638>, [174] = 0x7f5f0c577ee4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5572>, [175] = 0x7f5f0c5783f5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6869>, [176] = 0x7f5f0c57abd4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+17076>, [177] = 0x7f5f0c5796f2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11730>, [178] = 0x7f5f0c579494 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11124>, [179] = 0x7f5f0c57941b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11003>, [180] = 0x7f5f0c57caf4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25044>, [181] = 0x7f5f0c57cb68 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25160>, [182] = 0x7f5f0c57bf0b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21995>, [183] = 0x7f5f0c57bf10 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22000>, [184] = 0x7f5f0c57819f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6271>, [185] = 0x7f5f0c57e054 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+30516>, [186] = 0x7f5f0c57da9a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29050>, [187] = 0x7f5f0c57bf15 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22005>, [188] = 0x7f5f0c57a9d8 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+16568>, [189] = 0x7f5f0c57e550 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+31792>, [190] = 0x7f5f0c579bd6 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12982>, [191] = 0x7f5f0c57e639 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+32025>, [192] = 0x7f5f0c57bf1a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22010>, [193] = 0x7f5f0c578c56 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9014>, [194] = 0x7f5f0c57d9c2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+28834>, [195] = 0x7f5f0c57d08a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26474>, [196] = 0x7f5f0c578e16 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9462>, [197] = 0x7f5f0c57d43a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27418>, [198] = 0x7f5f0c57d495 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27509>, [199] = 0x7f5f0c57e427 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+31495>...}
loc rootId0 = JSID_VOID
loc rootShape0 = 0x0
[34] from 0x00007f5f0c57e951 in Interpret+32817 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/js/src/vm/Interpreter.cpp:2922
arg cx = 0x7f5efe85f000
arg state = @0x7ffeff78b250
loc construct = js::NO_CONSTRUCT
loc isFunction = false
loc args = {
<JS::detail::CallArgsBase<JS::detail::IncludeUsedRval>> = {
<JS::detail::IncludeUsedRval> = {
usedRval_ = false
members of JS::detail::CallArgsBase<JS::detail::IncludeUsedRval>:
argv_ = 0x7f5ef9ab3210,
argc_ = 2,
constructing_ = false
}, <No data fields>}
loc maybeFun = (JSFunction *) 0x7f5e8a7ead30 [object Function "QueryInterface"]
loc entryMonitor = {
cx_ = 0x7f5efe85f000,
entryMonitor_ = 0x0
loc rootValue0 = JSVAL_VOID
loc rootFunction0 = 0x0
loc scriptEvent = {
payload_ = 0x7f5ef9ab40a0
loc rootValue1 = JSVAL_VOID
loc rootString0 = 0x0
loc rootObject0 = 0x0
loc rootName0 = 0x0
loc rootScript0 = 0x0
loc rootScope0 = 0x0
loc script = 0x7f5eafc21450
loc rootString1 = 0x0
loc rootObject1 = 0x0
loc frameHalfInitialized = false
loc entryFrame = 0xfe85f000
loc activation = {
<js::Activation> = {
cx_ = 0x7f5efe85f000,
compartment_ = 0x7f5eb4596000,
prev_ = 0x0,
prevProfiling_ = 0x0,
hideScriptedCallerCount_ = 0,
frameCache_ = {
tracer = 0x7f5f0c58d860 <JS::StructGCPolicy<js::LiveSavedFrameCache>::trace(JSTracer*, js::LiveSavedFrameCache*, char const*)>,
storage = {
frames = 0x0
asyncStack_ = 0x0,
asyncCause_ = 0x0,
asyncCallIsExplicit_ = false,
kind_ = js::Activation::Interpreter
members of js::InterpreterActivation:
regs_ = { fp_ = 0x7f5ef9ab3168, sp = fp_.slots() + 10, pc = 0x7f5eddd56a70 (JSOP_CALL) },
entryFrame_ = 0x7f5ef9ab3020,
opMask_ = 0,
oldFrameCount_ = 1
loc rootObject2 = 0x0
loc rootNativeObject0 = 0x0
loc interpReturnOK = false
loc addresses = {[0] = 0x7f5f0c57a3dc <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15036>, [1] = 0x7f5f0c57bd96 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21622>, [2] = 0x7f5f0c579d6a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13386>, [3] = 0x7f5f0c579dcf <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13487>, [4] = 0x7f5f0c579c35 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13077>, [5] = 0x7f5f0c579444 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11044>, [6] = 0x7f5f0c578394 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6772>, [7] = 0x7f5f0c57c011 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22257>, [8] = 0x7f5f0c57bf29 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22025>, [9] = 0x7f5f0c57afa1 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18049>, [10] = 0x7f5f0c579906 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12262>, [11] = 0x7f5f0c57be19 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21753>, [12] = 0x7f5f0c57c355 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23093>, [13] = 0x7f5f0c57c3b6 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23190>, [14] = 0x7f5f0c57db28 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29192>, [15] = 0x7f5f0c57a7e5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+16069>, [16] = 0x7f5f0c57a883 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+16227>, [17] = 0x7f5f0c57c609 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23785>, [18] = 0x7f5f0c57c495 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23413>, [19] = 0x7f5f0c57c6a7 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23943>, [20] = 0x7f5f0c57a5d6 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15542>, [21] = 0x7f5f0c57e4bc <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+31644>, [22] = 0x7f5f0c57e680 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+32096>, [23] = 0x7f5f0c57d721 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+28161>, [24] = 0x7f5f0c57d7b0 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+28304>, [25] = 0x7f5f0c57e597 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+31863>, [26] = 0x7f5f0c57e710 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+32240>, [27] = 0x7f5f0c57cbf2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25298>, [28] = 0x7f5f0c57cc50 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25392>, [29] = 0x7f5f0c57cce1 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25537>, [30] = 0x7f5f0c57cd72 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25682>, [31] = 0x7f5f0c57dc6c <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29516>, [32] = 0x7f5f0c57ddbc <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29852>, [33] = 0x7f5f0c57de13 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29939>, [34] = 0x7f5f0c57d174 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26708>, [35] = 0x7f5f0c57d206 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26854>, [36] = 0x7f5f0c57d24d <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26925>, [37] = 0x7f5f0c5784f0 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+7120>, [38] = 0x7f5f0c578e80 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9568>, [39] = 0x7f5f0c578e16 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9462>, [40] = 0x7f5f0c57e013 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+30451>, [41] = 0x7f5f0c57785a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+3898>, [42] = 0x7f5f0c579f65 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13893>, [43] = 0x7f5f0c579f60 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13888>, [44] = 0x7f5f0c579c9e <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13182>, [45] = 0x7f5f0c57a040 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+14112>, [46] = 0x7f5f0c5784f0 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+7120>, [47] = 0x7f5f0c578e80 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9568>, [48] = 0x7f5f0c577139 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+2073>, [49] = 0x7f5f0c577fc7 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5799>, [50] = 0x7f5f0c577888 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+3944>, [51] = 0x7f5f0c57d2fe <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27102>, [52] = 0x7f5f0c57ce03 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25827>, [53] = 0x7f5f0c579c30 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13072>, [54] = 0x7f5f0c577139 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+2073>, [55] = 0x7f5f0c578c56 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9014>, [56] = 0x7f5f0c579314 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+10740>, [57] = 0x7f5f0c579314 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+10740>, [58] = 0x7f5f0c579f6a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13898>, [59] = 0x7f5f0c5786a7 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+7559>, [60] = 0x7f5f0c57ab11 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+16881>, [61] = 0x7f5f0c579f6f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13903>, [62] = 0x7f5f0c57b1a6 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18566>, [63] = 0x7f5f0c57b90b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20459>, [64] = 0x7f5f0c57ae08 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+17640>, [65] = 0x7f5f0c579f18 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13816>, [66] = 0x7f5f0c57ae50 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+17712>, [67] = 0x7f5f0c57ae98 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+17784>, [68] = 0x7f5f0c57bfa4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22148>, [69] = 0x7f5f0c579eab <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13707>, [70] = 0x7f5f0c57aee0 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+17856>, [71] = 0x7f5f0c57b04f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18223>, [72] = 0x7f5f0c57c50f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23535>, [73] = 0x7f5f0c57c589 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23657>, [74] = 0x7f5f0c57a9a2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+16514>, [75] = 0x7f5f0c57c08c <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22380>, [76] = 0x7f5f0c57c11d <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22525>, [77] = 0x7f5f0c57c2e5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22981>, [78] = 0x7f5f0c57c437 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+23319>, [79] = 0x7f5f0c577968 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+4168>, [80] = 0x7f5f0c57a0cf <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+14255>, [81] = 0x7f5f0c57bdde <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21694>, [82] = 0x7f5f0c57e7dd <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+32445>, [83] = 0x7f5f0c57ceda <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26042>, [84] = 0x7f5f0c57b953 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20531>, [85] = 0x7f5f0c57b9e7 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20679>, [86] = 0x7f5f0c57b4ca <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+19370>, [87] = 0x7f5f0c57b59b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+19579>, [88] = 0x7f5f0c579ab5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12693>, [89] = 0x7f5f0c579533 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11283>, [90] = 0x7f5f0c578bb4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+8852>, [91] = 0x7f5f0c57d942 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+28706>, [92] = 0x7f5f0c57c76e <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+24142>, [93] = 0x7f5f0c57d16f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26703>, [94] = 0x7f5f0c5783f5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6869>, [95] = 0x7f5f0c57d4f5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27605>, [96] = 0x7f5f0c57d666 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27974>, [97] = 0x7f5f0c57a77e <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15966>, [98] = 0x7f5f0c577dfb <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5339>, [99] = 0x7f5f0c57b1f3 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18643>, [100] = 0x7f5f0c577ee4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5572>, [101] = 0x7f5f0c57a181 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+14433>, [102] = 0x7f5f0c5799de <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12478>, [103] = 0x7f5f0c57c7f0 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+24272>, [104] = 0x7f5f0c57cfae <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26254>, [105] = 0x7f5f0c578fcd <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9901>, [106] = 0x7f5f0c579b17 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12791>, [107] = 0x7f5f0c578fcd <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9901>, [108] = 0x7f5f0c577a80 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+4448>, [109] = 0x7f5f0c578141 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6177>, [110] = 0x7f5f0c578a90 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+8560>, [111] = 0x7f5f0c577fc7 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5799>, [112] = 0x7f5f0c57a3e1 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15041>, [113] = 0x7f5f0c57c1cc <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22700>, [114] = 0x7f5f0c57a450 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15152>, [115] = 0x7f5f0c57db6c <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29260>, [116] = 0x7f5f0c57d5c2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27810>, [117] = 0x7f5f0c57bc0b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21227>, [118] = 0x7f5f0c57bca2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21378>, [119] = 0x7f5f0c57bed2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21938>, [120] = 0x7f5f0c5770d8 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+1976>, [121] = 0x7f5f0c57a52d <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15373>, [122] = 0x7f5f0c57838f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6767>, [123] = 0x7f5f0c57921a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+10490>, [124] = 0x7f5f0c57921a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+10490>, [125] = 0x7f5f0c57ca0a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+24810>, [126] = 0x7f5f0c578bb4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+8852>, [127] = 0x7f5f0c57a668 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15688>, [128] = 0x7f5f0c57860e <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+7406>, [129] = 0x7f5f0c57bb16 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20982>, [130] = 0x7f5f0c57b1f8 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18648>, [131] = 0x7f5f0c57b2d3 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18867>, [132] = 0x7f5f0c57a70c <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15852>, [133] = 0x7f5f0c57995a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12346>, [134] = 0x7f5f0c57bd62 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21570>, [135] = 0x7f5f0c57bd06 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21478>, [136] = 0x7f5f0c57b61d <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+19709>, [137] = 0x7f5f0c57b755 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20021>, [138] = 0x7f5f0c57b3bd <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+19101>, [139] = 0x7f5f0c57b45f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+19263>, [140] = 0x7f5f0c57b7da <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20154>, [141] = 0x7f5f0c57b88b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20331>, [142] = 0x7f5f0c57bbc3 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21155>, [143] = 0x7f5f0c579760 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11840>, [144] = 0x7f5f0c57df35 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+30229>, [145] = 0x7f5f0c57948a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11114>, [146] = 0x7f5f0c57805b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5947>, [147] = 0x7f5f0c57805b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5947>, [148] = 0x7f5f0c57c840 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+24352>, [149] = 0x7f5f0c57bf06 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21990>, [150] = 0x7f5f0c57dd21 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29697>, [151] = 0x7f5f0c57dbeb <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29387>, [152] = 0x7f5f0c579d20 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+13312>, [153] = 0x7f5f0c57945f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11071>, [154] = 0x7f5f0c5786a7 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+7559>, [155] = 0x7f5f0c57e176 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+30806>, [156] = 0x7f5f0c57d4f0 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27600>, [157] = 0x7f5f0c578323 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6659>, [158] = 0x7f5f0c579114 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+10228>, [159] = 0x7f5f0c579114 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+10228>, [160] = 0x7f5f0c57a2c6 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+14758>, [161] = 0x7f5f0c57b121 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18433>, [162] = 0x7f5f0c57860e <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+7406>, [163] = 0x7f5f0c57967d <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11613>, [164] = 0x7f5f0c57c8bd <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+24477>, [165] = 0x7f5f0c57948f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11119>, [166] = 0x7f5f0c57785a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+3898>, [167] = 0x7f5f0c579b46 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12838>, [168] = 0x7f5f0c5795cd <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11437>, [169] = 0x7f5f0c57b7d5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+20149>, [170] = 0x7f5f0c57941b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11003>, [171] = 0x7f5f0c57a779 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+15961>, [172] = 0x7f5f0c577dfb <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5339>, [173] = 0x7f5f0c57b1ee <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+18638>, [174] = 0x7f5f0c577ee4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+5572>, [175] = 0x7f5f0c5783f5 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6869>, [176] = 0x7f5f0c57abd4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+17076>, [177] = 0x7f5f0c5796f2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11730>, [178] = 0x7f5f0c579494 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11124>, [179] = 0x7f5f0c57941b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+11003>, [180] = 0x7f5f0c57caf4 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25044>, [181] = 0x7f5f0c57cb68 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+25160>, [182] = 0x7f5f0c57bf0b <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+21995>, [183] = 0x7f5f0c57bf10 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22000>, [184] = 0x7f5f0c57819f <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+6271>, [185] = 0x7f5f0c57e054 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+30516>, [186] = 0x7f5f0c57da9a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+29050>, [187] = 0x7f5f0c57bf15 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22005>, [188] = 0x7f5f0c57a9d8 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+16568>, [189] = 0x7f5f0c57e550 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+31792>, [190] = 0x7f5f0c579bd6 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+12982>, [191] = 0x7f5f0c57e639 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+32025>, [192] = 0x7f5f0c57bf1a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+22010>, [193] = 0x7f5f0c578c56 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9014>, [194] = 0x7f5f0c57d9c2 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+28834>, [195] = 0x7f5f0c57d08a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+26474>, [196] = 0x7f5f0c578e16 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+9462>, [197] = 0x7f5f0c57d43a <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27418>, [198] = 0x7f5f0c57d495 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+27509>, [199] = 0x7f5f0c57e427 <Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&)+31495>...}
loc rootId0 = JSID_VOID
loc rootShape0 = 0x0
[35] from 0x00007f5f0c583996 in js::RunScript+550 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/js/src/vm/Interpreter.cpp:404
arg cx = 0x7f5efe85f000
arg state = @0x7ffeff78b250
loc stopwatch = {
cx_ = 0x7f5efe85f000,
iteration_ = 234996,
isMonitoringJank_ = true,
isMonitoringCPOW_ = true,
cyclesStart_ = 36622955511846,
CPOWTimeStart_ = 0,
cpuStart_ = {<No data fields>},
groups_ = {
<js::SystemAllocPolicy> = {<No data fields>},
members of mozilla::Vector<RefPtr<js::PerformanceGroup>, 0ul, js::SystemAllocPolicy>:
static kElemIsPod = false,
static kMaxInlineBytes = 1024,
static kInlineCapacity = 0,
static kInlineBytes = 1,
mBegin = 0x7f5eee784568,
mLength = 1,
mCapacity = 1,
mReserved = 1,
mStorage = {
u = {
mBytes = "`",
mDummy = 140044282400864
mEntered = false,
static sMaxInlineStorage = <optimized out>
_mCheckNotUsedAsTemporary = {
mStatementDone = true
loc marker = {
profiler = 0x7f5efe8633a0,
size_before = {
value = 2
_mCheckNotUsedAsTemporary = {
mStatementDone = true
[36] from 0x00007f5f0c583d9d in js::InternalCallOrConstruct+797 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/js/src/vm/Interpreter.cpp:476
arg cx = 0x7f5efe85f000
arg args = @0x7ffeff78b330
arg construct = js::NO_CONSTRUCT
loc gcIfRequested = {
runtime = 0x7f5efe85f208
loc state = {
<js::RunState> = {
_vptr.RunState = 0x7f5f0e3e18f0 <vtable for js::InvokeState+16>,
kind_ = js::RunState::Invoke,
script_ = 0x7f5eafe956f8
members of js::InvokeState:
args_ = @0x7ffeff78b330,
construct_ = js::NO_CONSTRUCT,
createSingleton_ = false
loc ok = <optimized out>
loc skipForCallee = <optimized out>
[37] from 0x00007f5f0c583f2d in InternalCall+173 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/js/src/vm/Interpreter.cpp:503
arg cx = 0x7f5efe85f000
arg args = @0x7ffeff78b330
(no locals)
[38] from 0x00007f5f0c5840ae in js::Call+46 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/js/src/vm/Interpreter.cpp:522
arg cx = 0x7f5efe85f000
arg fval = <optimized out>
arg thisv = <optimized out>
arg args = @0x7ffeff78b330
arg rval = <optimized out>
(no locals)
[39] from 0x00007f5f0c378b2c in JS::Call+508 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/js/src/jsapi.cpp:2836
arg cx = 0x7f5efe85f000
arg thisv = $jsval((JSObject *) 0x7f5ea2958f40 [object Proxy])
arg fval = <optimized out>
arg args = @0x7ffeff78b468
arg rval = <optimized out>
loc _autoCheckRequestDepth = {
cx = 0x7f5efe85f000
loc iargs = {
<js::detail::GenericArgsBase<(js::MaybeConstruct)0>> = {
<js::AnyInvokeArgs> = {
<JS::CallArgs> = {
<JS::detail::CallArgsBase<JS::detail::IncludeUsedRval>> = {
<JS::detail::IncludeUsedRval> = {
usedRval_ = false
members of JS::detail::CallArgsBase<JS::detail::IncludeUsedRval>:
argv_ = 0x7ffeff78b398,
argc_ = 1,
constructing_ = false
}, <No data fields>}, <No data fields>},
members of js::detail::GenericArgsBase<(js::MaybeConstruct)0>:
v_ = {
<JS::AutoVectorRooterBase<JS::Value>> = {
<JS::AutoGCRooter> = {
down = 0x7ffeff78b4c0,
tag_ = -10,
stackTop = 0x7f5efe85f068
members of JS::AutoVectorRooterBase<JS::Value>:
vector = {
<js::TempAllocPolicy> = {
cx_ = 0x7f5efe85f000
members of mozilla::Vector<JS::Value, 8ul, js::TempAllocPolicy>:
static kElemIsPod = false,
static kMaxInlineBytes = 1024,
static kInlineCapacity = 8,
static kInlineBytes = 64,
mBegin = 0x7ffeff78b388,
mLength = 3,
mCapacity = 8,
mReserved = 3,
mStorage = {
u = {
mBytes = "\200\336a\242^\177\376\377@\217\225\242^\177\376\377\320\356\340\371^\177\376\377@\243Q\253^\177\000\000x\264x\377\376\177\000\000\000\264x\377\376\177\000\000LA7\f_\177\000\000\000\360\205\376^\177\000",
mDummy = 18446321168184106624
mEntered = false,
static sMaxInlineStorage = <optimized out>
_mCheckNotUsedAsTemporary = {
mStatementDone = true
members of JS::AutoVectorRooter<JS::Value>:
_mCheckNotUsedAsTemporary = {
mStatementDone = true
}, <No data fields>}
[40] from 0x00007f5f0aa0b374 in mozilla::dom::EventListener::HandleEvent at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/obj-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/dom/bindings/EventListenerBinding.cpp:48
arg this = 0x7f5eab51a340
arg cx = 0x7f5efe85f000
arg aThisVal = <optimized out>
arg event = @0x7f5ea3d8f9e0
arg aRv = @0x7ffeff78b7d0
loc argv = {
<JS::AutoVectorRooterBase<JS::Value>> = {
<JS::AutoGCRooter> = {
down = 0x0,
tag_ = -10,
stackTop = 0x7f5efe85f068
members of JS::AutoVectorRooterBase<JS::Value>:
vector = {
<js::TempAllocPolicy> = {
cx_ = 0x7f5efe85f000
members of mozilla::Vector<JS::Value, 8ul, js::TempAllocPolicy>:
static kElemIsPod = false,
static kMaxInlineBytes = 1024,
static kInlineCapacity = 8,
static kInlineBytes = 64,
mBegin = 0x7ffeff78b500,
mLength = 1,
mCapacity = 8,
mReserved = 1,
mStorage = {
u = {
mBytes = "\320\356\340\371^\177\376\377\000\360\205\376^\177\000\000ȵx\377\376\177\000\000@\265x\377\376\177\000\000@\243Q\253^\177\000\000ȵx\377\376\177\000\000\200\265x\377\376\177\000\000LA7\f_\177\000",
mDummy = 18446321169652051664
mEntered = false,
static sMaxInlineStorage = <optimized out>
_mCheckNotUsedAsTemporary = {
mStatementDone = true
members of JS::AutoVectorRooter<JS::Value>:
_mCheckNotUsedAsTemporary = {
mStatementDone = true
loc isCallable = true
loc callable = $jsval((JSObject *) 0x7f5ea261de80 [object Function "contentLoad"])
loc thisValue = $jsval((JSObject *) 0x7f5ea2958f40 [object Proxy])
loc rval = JSVAL_VOID
loc argc = 1
[41] from 0x00007f5f0ac3a055 in mozilla::dom::EventListener::HandleEvent<mozilla::dom::EventTarget*>+341 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/obj-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/dist/include/mozilla/dom/EventListenerBinding.h:64
arg this = 0x7f5eab51a340
arg thisVal = <optimized out>
arg event = @0x7f5ea3d8f9e0
arg aRv = @0x7ffeff78b7d0
arg aExecutionReason = <optimized out>
arg aExceptionHandling = <optimized out>
arg aCompartment = 0x0
loc s = {
mCx = 0x7f5efe85f000,
mCompartment = 0x0,
mAutoEntryScript = {
mIsSome = true,
mStorage = {
u = {
mBytes = "xt\267\233^\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\376\177\000\000\070\276x\377\376\177\000\000\001\321I\233^\177\000\000\000\360\205\376^\177\000\000\001\267x\377\376\177\000\000\001\244p\t_\177\000\000\000\360\205\376^\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\360\205\376^\177\000\000\001\267x\377\376\177\000\000\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\000#7i\t_\177", '\000' <repeats 11 times>, "\003\000\000\000\000\000\000\064sj\t_\177\000\000\340\266x\377\376\177\000\000\337\334+\006_\177\000\000\240\266x\377\376\177\000",
mDummy = 140044316144760
mAutoIncumbentScript = {
mIsSome = true,
mStorage = {
u = {
mBytes = "xt\267\233^\177\000\000\001\000\000\000_\177\000\000\350\265x\377\376\177\000\000\000\360\205\376^\177\000\000\001\267x\377\376\177\000",
mDummy = 140044316144760
mRootedCallable = {
mIsSome = true,
mStorage = {
u = {
mBytes = "0\300\255\371^\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\200\336a\242^\177\000",
mDummy = 140045892567088
mAsyncStack = {
mIsSome = true,
mStorage = {
u = {
mBytes = "0\300\255\371^\177\000\000\300\266x\377\376\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000",
mDummy = 140045892567088
mAsyncStackSetter = {
mIsSome = false,
mStorage = {
u = {
mBytes = "p\267x\377\376\177\000\000˛j\t_\177\000\000\060\267x\377\376\177\000\000\250\232*\006_\177\000\000\000\030\021\264^\177\000\000\002\000\000\000\000\000\000",
mDummy = 140733184522096
mAc = {
mIsSome = true,
mStorage = {
u = {
mBytes = "\000\360\205\376^\177\000\000\000`Y\264^\177\000\000\001\243Q\253^\177\000",
mDummy = 140045973843968
mErrorResult = @0x7ffeff78b7d0,
mExceptionHandling = mozilla::dom::CallbackObject::eReportExceptions,
mIsMainThread = true
loc thisValJS = $jsval((JSObject *) 0x7f5ea2958f40 [object Proxy])
[42] from 0x00007f5f0ac2e97c in mozilla::EventListenerManager::HandleEventSubType+174 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/dom/events/EventListenerManager.cpp:1130
arg this = 0x7f5eb2c09820
arg aListener = <optimized out>
arg aDOMEvent = <optimized out>
arg aCurrentTarget = 0x7f5ef1ac4c00
loc rv = {
<mozilla::binding_danger::TErrorResult<mozilla::binding_danger::AssertAndSuppressCleanupPolicy>> = {
mResult = nsresult::NS_OK,
mMessage = 0x7f5f096f3141 <NS_IsMainThread()+16>,
mJSException = $jsval(6.9191994957727399e-310),
mDOMExceptionInfo = 0x7f5f096f3141 <NS_IsMainThread()+16>
mMightHaveUnreportedJSException = false,
mUnionState = mozilla::binding_danger::TErrorResult<mozilla::binding_danger::AssertAndSuppressCleanupPolicy>::HasNothing,
_mOwningThread = {
mThread = 0x7f5f1758d5c0
}, <No data fields>}
loc result = <optimized out>
loc listenerHolder = {
<mozilla::dom::CallbackObjectHolderBase> = {<No data fields>},
members of mozilla::dom::CallbackObjectHolder<mozilla::dom::EventListener, nsIDOMEventListener>:
static XPCOMCallbackFlag = <optimized out>,
mPtrBits = 140044577907520
[43] from 0x00007f5f0ac2eefe in mozilla::EventListenerManager::HandleEventInternal+1318 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/dom/events/EventListenerManager.cpp:1286
arg this = 0x7f5eb2c09820
arg aPresContext = <optimized out>
arg aEvent = 0x7f5ea3db8d40
arg aDOMEvent = 0x7ffeff78bb10
arg aCurrentTarget = <optimized out>
arg aEventStatus = 0x7ffeff78bb18
loc docShell = {
mRawPtr = 0x7f5eb41119a8
loc timelines = {
mRawPtr = 0x7f5ef6329740
loc needsEndEventMarker = false
loc listenerHolder = {
mIsSome = false,
mStorage = {
u = {
mBytes = "\337\334+\006_\177\000\000\200\271x\377\376\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\271x\377\376\177\000\000\250\232*\006_\177\000",
mDummy = 140046102158559
loc listener = 0x7f5e9b9de630
loc iter = {
<nsAutoTObserverArray<mozilla::EventListenerManager::Listener, 2ul>::ForwardIterator> = {
<nsAutoTObserverArray<mozilla::EventListenerManager::Listener, 2ul>::Iterator> = {
<nsTObserverArray_base::Iterator_base> = {
mPosition = 1,
mNext = 0x0
members of nsAutoTObserverArray<mozilla::EventListenerManager::Listener, 2ul>::Iterator:
mArray = @0x7f5eb2c09838
}, <No data fields>},
members of nsAutoTObserverArray<mozilla::EventListenerManager::Listener, 2ul>::EndLimitedIterator:
mEnd = {
<nsAutoTObserverArray<mozilla::EventListenerManager::Listener, 2ul>::Iterator> = {
<nsTObserverArray_base::Iterator_base> = {
mPosition = 5,
mNext = 0x7ffeff78b8d0
members of nsAutoTObserverArray<mozilla::EventListenerManager::Listener, 2ul>::Iterator:
mArray = @0x7f5eb2c09838
}, <No data fields>}
loc legacyAutoOverride = {
mIsSome = false,
mStorage = {
u = {
mBytes = "\250\271x\377\376\177\000\000\337\334+\006_\177\000",
mDummy = 140733184522664
loc legacyEventMessage = <optimized out>
loc popupStatePusher = <optimized out>
loc usingLegacyMessage = <optimized out>
loc hasRemovedListener = false
loc hasListener = true
loc hasListenerForCurrentGroup = <optimized out>
loc eventMessage = <optimized out>
[44] from 0x00007f5f0ac3a23e in mozilla::EventListenerManager::HandleEvent at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/obj-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/dist/include/mozilla/EventListenerManager.h:375
arg aEventStatus = 0x7ffeff78bb18
arg aCurrentTarget = <optimized out>
arg aDOMEvent = 0x7ffeff78bb10
arg aEvent = <optimized out>
arg aPresContext = <optimized out>
arg this = <optimized out>
loc aDOMEvent = 0x7ffeff78bb10
loc aPresContext = <optimized out>
loc this = <optimized out>
loc aEventStatus = 0x7ffeff78bb18
loc aCurrentTarget = <optimized out>
loc aEvent = <optimized out>
[45] from 0x00007f5f0ac3a23e in mozilla::EventTargetChainItem::HandleEvent+458 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/dom/events/EventDispatcher.cpp:278
arg this = 0x7f5ef24fa030
arg aVisitor = @0x7ffeff78bb00
arg aCd = <optimized out>
(no locals)
[46] from 0x00007f5f0ac2f4b0 in mozilla::EventTargetChainItem::HandleEventTargetChain+574 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/dom/events/EventDispatcher.cpp:358
arg aChain = @0x7ffeff78bad0
arg aVisitor = @0x7ffeff78bb00
arg aCallback = 0x0
arg aCd = @0x7ffeff78bae8
loc i = 1
loc firstTarget = {
mRawPtr = 0x7f5ea0bb7000
loc chainLength = 20
[47] from 0x00007f5f0ac2fd50 in mozilla::EventDispatcher::Dispatch+2162 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/dom/events/EventDispatcher.cpp:712
arg aTarget = 0x7f5ea0bb7000
arg aPresContext = 0x7f5e85599000
arg aEvent = 0x7f5ea3db8d40
arg aDOMEvent = <optimized out>
arg aEventStatus = <optimized out>
arg aCallback = <optimized out>
arg aTargets = 0x0
loc postVisitor = {
<mozilla::EventChainVisitor> = {
mPresContext = 0x7f5e85599000,
mEvent = 0x7f5ea3db8d40,
mDOMEvent = 0x7f5ea3d8f9e0,
mEventStatus = nsEventStatus_eIgnore,
mItemFlags = 0,
mItemData = {
<nsCOMPtr_base> = {
mRawPtr = 0x0
}, <No data fields>}
}, <No data fields>}
loc t = {
mRawPtr = 0x7f5ea0bb7000
loc topEtci = <optimized out>
loc retargeted = <optimized out>
loc rv = nsresult::NS_OK
loc preVisitor = {
<mozilla::EventChainVisitor> = {
mPresContext = 0x7f5e85599000,
mEvent = 0x7f5ea3db8d40,
mDOMEvent = 0x7f5ea3d8f9e0,
mEventStatus = nsEventStatus_eIgnore,
mItemFlags = 0,
mItemData = {
<nsCOMPtr_base> = {
mRawPtr = 0x7f5edd770020
}, <No data fields>}
members of mozilla::EventChainPreVisitor:
mCanHandle = true,
mAutomaticChromeDispatch = true,
mForceContentDispatch = true,
mRelatedTargetIsInAnon = false,
mOriginalTargetIsInAnon = false,
mWantsWillHandleEvent = false,
mMayHaveListenerManager = true,
mParentTarget = 0x0,
mEventTargetAtParent = 0x0,
mDestInsertionPoints = {
<nsTArray_Impl<nsIContent*, nsTArrayInfallibleAllocator>> = {
<nsTArray_base<nsTArrayInfallibleAllocator, nsTArray_CopyWithMemutils>> = {
mHdr = 0x7f5f0e57b6c8 <nsTArrayHeader::sEmptyHdr>
<nsTArray_TypedBase<nsIContent*, nsTArray_Impl<nsIContent*, nsTArrayInfallibleAllocator> >> = {
<nsTArray_SafeElementAtHelper<nsIContent*, nsTArray_Impl<nsIContent*, nsTArrayInfallibleAllocator> >> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>},
members of nsTArray_Impl<nsIContent*, nsTArrayInfallibleAllocator>:
static NoIndex = <optimized out>
}, <No data fields>}
loc sampler_raii484 = {
_mCheckNotUsedAsTemporary = {
mStatementDone = true
mHandle = 0x7f5f175e2000
loc externalDOMEvent = <optimized out>
loc kungFuDeathGrip = <optimized out>
loc cd = {
mNonMainThread = false,
mInitialCount = 8686
loc content = {
mRawPtr = 0x0
loc isInAnon = <optimized out>
loc status = <optimized out>
loc target = {
mRawPtr = 0x7f5ea0bb7000
loc chain = {
<nsTArray_Impl<mozilla::EventTargetChainItem, nsTArrayInfallibleAllocator>> = {
<nsTArray_base<nsTArrayInfallibleAllocator, nsTArray_CopyWithMemutils>> = {
mHdr = 0x7f5ef24fa000
<nsTArray_TypedBase<mozilla::EventTargetChainItem, nsTArray_Impl<mozilla::EventTargetChainItem, nsTArrayInfallibleAllocator> >> = {
<nsTArray_SafeElementAtHelper<mozilla::EventTargetChainItem, nsTArray_Impl<mozilla::EventTargetChainItem, nsTArrayInfallibleAllocator> >> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>},
members of nsTArray_Impl<mozilla::EventTargetChainItem, nsTArrayInfallibleAllocator>:
static NoIndex = <optimized out>
}, <No data fields>}
loc targetEtci = 0x0
[48] from 0x00007f5f0ac3018e in mozilla::EventDispatcher::DispatchDOMEvent+240 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/dom/events/EventDispatcher.cpp:781
arg aTarget = 0x7f5ea0bb7000
arg aEvent = 0x0
arg aDOMEvent = 0x7f5ea3d8f9e0
arg aPresContext = 0x7f5e85599000
arg aEventStatus = 0x7ffeff78bc1c
(no locals)
[49] from 0x00007f5f0a36a3e3 in nsINode::DispatchEvent at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/dom/base/nsINode.cpp:1305
arg this = 0x7f5ea0bb7000
arg aEvent = 0x7f5ea3d8f9e0
arg aRetVal = 0x7ffeff78bca8
loc context = {
mRawPtr = 0x7f5e85599000
loc status = nsEventStatus_eIgnore
loc rv = <optimized out>
loc document = {
mRawPtr = 0x7f5ea0bb7000
[50] from 0x00007f5f0a243a4a in nsContentUtils::DispatchEvent+310 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/dom/base/nsContentUtils.cpp:3928
arg aDoc = 0x7f5ea0bb7000
arg aTarget = 0x7f5ea0bb7000
arg aEventName = @0x7ffeff78bd70
arg aCanBubble = true
arg aCancelable = false
arg aTrusted = true
arg aDefaultAction = 0x0
arg aOnlyChromeDispatch = false
loc event = {
mRawPtr = 0x7f5ea3d8f9e0
loc target = {
mRawPtr = 0x7f5ea0bb7000
loc rv = nsresult::NS_OK
loc dummy = 152
[51] from 0x00007f5f0a243a8a in nsContentUtils::DispatchTrustedEvent+26 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/dom/base/nsContentUtils.cpp:3897
arg aDoc = 0x7f5ea0bb7000
arg aTarget = 0x7f5ea0bb7000
arg aEventName = @0x7ffeff78bd70
arg aCanBubble = true
arg aCancelable = false
arg aDefaultAction = 0x0
(no locals)
[52] from 0x00007f5f0a380fc0 in nsDocument::DispatchContentLoadedEvents+246 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/dom/base/nsDocument.cpp:4989
arg this = 0x7f5ea0bb7000
loc os = {
mRawPtr = 0x7f5f01b7eec0
loc docShell = <optimized out>
loc root = <optimized out>
loc timelines = {
mRawPtr = 0x7ffeff78be00
loc target_frame = {
mRawPtr = 0x7ffeff78bd80
[53] from 0x00007f5f0a3a14fa in mozilla::detail::RunnableMethodImpl<void (nsDocument::*)(), true, false>::Run at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/obj-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/dist/include/nsThreadUtils.h:768
arg this = <optimized out>
(no locals)
[54] from 0x00007f5f096fae2e in nsThread::ProcessNextEvent at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/xpcom/threads/nsThread.cpp:1067
arg this = 0x7f5f175aa600
arg aMayWait = <optimized out>
arg aResult = 0x7ffeff78be9f
loc event = {
mRawPtr = 0x7f5eab3ae280
loc rv = nsresult::NS_OK
loc noJSAPI = {
mIsSome = true,
mStorage = {
u = {
mBytes = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003\000\000\000\376\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000",
mDummy = 0
loc callScriptObserver = true
loc obs = {
mRawPtr = 0x7f5ef6f02248
loc aResult = 0x7ffeff78be9f
loc aMayWait = false
loc this = 0x7f5f175aa600
[55] from 0x00007f5f097261d8 in NS_ProcessNextEvent+73 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/xpcom/glue/nsThreadUtils.cpp:311
arg aThread = <optimized out>
arg aMayWait = <optimized out>
loc val = true
[56] from 0x00007f5f099ddead in mozilla::ipc::MessagePump::Run at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/ipc/glue/MessagePump.cpp:96
arg this = 0x7f5f01b83200
arg aDelegate = 0x7f5f17598d60
loc did_work = <optimized out>
loc thisThread = 0x7f5f175aa600
[57] from 0x00007f5f099bdfe9 in MessageLoop::RunInternal+87 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/ipc/chromium/src/base/
arg this = 0x7f5f17598d60
(no locals)
[58] from 0x00007f5f099be01a in MessageLoop::RunHandler+42 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/ipc/chromium/src/base/
arg this = 0x7f5f17598d60
loc save_state = {
<MessageLoop::RunState> = {
run_depth = 1,
quit_received = false
members of MessageLoop::AutoRunState:
loop_ = 0x7f5f17598d60,
previous_state_ = 0x0
[59] from 0x00007f5f099be01a in MessageLoop::Run+32 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/ipc/chromium/src/base/
arg this = 0x7f5f17598d60
loc save_state = {
<MessageLoop::RunState> = {
run_depth = 1,
quit_received = false
members of MessageLoop::AutoRunState:
loop_ = 0x7f5f17598d60,
previous_state_ = 0x0
[60] from 0x00007f5f0b317dc9 in nsBaseAppShell::Run at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/widget/nsBaseAppShell.cpp:156
arg this = 0x7f5ef6f02240
loc thread = 0x7f5f175aa600
[61] from 0x00007f5f0bb7cfd9 in nsAppStartup::Run at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/toolkit/components/startup/nsAppStartup.cpp:283
arg this = 0x7f5ef6f0a6f0
loc rv = <optimized out>
loc retval = <optimized out>
[62] from 0x00007f5f0bbdd663 in XREMain::XRE_mainRun+4113 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/toolkit/xre/nsAppRunner.cpp:4401
arg this = 0x7ffeff78c1e0
loc rv = nsresult::NS_OK
loc appStartup = {
mRawPtr = 0x7f5ef6f0a6f0
loc cmdLine = {
mRawPtr = 0x7f5eed340180
loc workingDir = {
mRawPtr = 0x7f5eee2b3640
[63] from 0x00007f5f0bbdda67 in XREMain::XRE_main+881 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/toolkit/xre/nsAppRunner.cpp:4534
arg this = 0x7ffeff78c1e0
arg argc = 4
arg argv = 0x7ffeff78d538
arg aAppData = 0x7ffeff78c3e0
loc sampler_raii4473 = {
_mCheckNotUsedAsTemporary = {
mStatementDone = true
mHandle = 0x7f5f175e2000
loc rv = <optimized out>
loc exit = false
loc appInitiatedRestart = false
loc aLocal = 0 '\000'
loc binFile = {
mRawPtr = 0x7f5f17538d80
loc result = <optimized out>
[64] from 0x00007f5f0bbddcb3 in XRE_main+140046191260667 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/toolkit/xre/nsAppRunner.cpp:4625
arg argc = 4
arg argv = 0x7ffeff78d538
arg aAppData = 0x7ffeff78c3e0
arg aFlags = <optimized out>
loc main = {
mNativeApp = {
mRawPtr = 0x7f5f01b7bac0
mProfileSvc = {
mRawPtr = 0x7f5f01b985b0
mProfD = {
mRawPtr = 0x7f5f01be6c80
mProfLD = {
mRawPtr = 0x7f5f01be6d40
mProfileLock = {
mRawPtr = 0x7f5f01b7ee00
mRemoteService = {
mRawPtr = 0x7f5ee9ed2080
mScopedXPCOM = {
mTuple = {
<mozilla::detail::PairHelper<ScopedXPCOMStartup*, mozilla::DefaultDelete<ScopedXPCOMStartup>, (mozilla::detail::StorageType)1, (mozilla::detail::StorageType)0>> = {
<mozilla::DefaultDelete<ScopedXPCOMStartup>> = {<No data fields>},
members of mozilla::detail::PairHelper<ScopedXPCOMStartup*, mozilla::DefaultDelete<ScopedXPCOMStartup>, (mozilla::detail::StorageType)1, (mozilla::detail::StorageType)0>:
mFirstA = 0x7f5f01b96790
}, <No data fields>}
mAppData = {
mRawPtr = 0x7f5f1755e880
mDirProvider = {
<nsIDirectoryServiceProvider2> = {
<nsIDirectoryServiceProvider> = {
<nsISupports> = {
_vptr.nsISupports = 0x7f5f0e353350 <vtable for nsXREDirProvider+16>
}, <No data fields>}, <No data fields>},
<nsIProfileStartup> = {
<nsISupports> = {
_vptr.nsISupports = 0x7f5f0e353398 <vtable for nsXREDirProvider+88>
}, <No data fields>},
members of nsXREDirProvider:
mAppProvider = {
mRawPtr = 0x0
mGREDir = {
mRawPtr = 0x7f5f175389c0
mGREBinDir = {
mRawPtr = 0x7f5f17538e40
mXULAppDir = {
mRawPtr = 0x7f5f17538c00
mProfileDir = {
mRawPtr = 0x7f5f01be6c80
mProfileLocalDir = {
mRawPtr = 0x7f5f01be6d40
mProfileNotified = true,
mAppBundleDirectories = {
<nsCOMArray_base> = {
mArray = {
<nsTArray_Impl<nsISupports*, nsTArrayInfallibleAllocator>> = {
<nsTArray_base<nsTArrayInfallibleAllocator, nsTArray_CopyWithMemutils>> = {
mHdr = 0x7f5f0e57b6c8 <nsTArrayHeader::sEmptyHdr>
<nsTArray_TypedBase<nsISupports*, nsTArray_Impl<nsISupports*, nsTArrayInfallibleAllocator> >> = {
<nsTArray_SafeElementAtHelper<nsISupports*, nsTArray_Impl<nsISupports*, nsTArrayInfallibleAllocator> >> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>},
members of nsTArray_Impl<nsISupports*, nsTArrayInfallibleAllocator>:
static NoIndex = <optimized out>
}, <No data fields>}
}, <No data fields>},
mExtensionDirectories = {
<nsCOMArray_base> = {
mArray = {
<nsTArray_Impl<nsISupports*, nsTArrayInfallibleAllocator>> = {
<nsTArray_base<nsTArrayInfallibleAllocator, nsTArray_CopyWithMemutils>> = {
mHdr = 0x7f5eef40d680
<nsTArray_TypedBase<nsISupports*, nsTArray_Impl<nsISupports*, nsTArrayInfallibleAllocator> >> = {
<nsTArray_SafeElementAtHelper<nsISupports*, nsTArray_Impl<nsISupports*, nsTArrayInfallibleAllocator> >> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>},
members of nsTArray_Impl<nsISupports*, nsTArrayInfallibleAllocator>:
static NoIndex = <optimized out>
}, <No data fields>}
}, <No data fields>},
mThemeDirectories = {
<nsCOMArray_base> = {
mArray = {
<nsTArray_Impl<nsISupports*, nsTArrayInfallibleAllocator>> = {
<nsTArray_base<nsTArrayInfallibleAllocator, nsTArray_CopyWithMemutils>> = {
mHdr = 0x7f5eef35d400
<nsTArray_TypedBase<nsISupports*, nsTArray_Impl<nsISupports*, nsTArrayInfallibleAllocator> >> = {
<nsTArray_SafeElementAtHelper<nsISupports*, nsTArray_Impl<nsISupports*, nsTArrayInfallibleAllocator> >> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>},
members of nsTArray_Impl<nsISupports*, nsTArrayInfallibleAllocator>:
static NoIndex = <optimized out>
}, <No data fields>}
}, <No data fields>}
mProfileName = {
<nsFixedCString> = {
<nsCString> = {
<nsACString_internal> = {
mData = 0x7ffeff78c2a0 "clean2",
mLength = 6,
mFlags = 65553
}, <No data fields>},
members of nsFixedCString:
mFixedCapacity = 63,
mFixedBuf = 0x7ffeff78c2a0 "clean2"
members of nsAutoCString:
mStorage = "clean2\000\000\337\334+\006_\177\000\000\027\303x\377\376\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\340\302x\377\376\177\000\000\250\232*\006_\177\000\000\300\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\064sj\t_\177\000"
mDesktopStartupID = {
<nsFixedCString> = {
<nsCString> = {
<nsACString_internal> = {
mData = 0x7ffeff78c300 "",
mLength = 0,
mFlags = 65553
}, <No data fields>},
members of nsFixedCString:
mFixedCapacity = 63,
mFixedBuf = 0x7ffeff78c300 ""
members of nsAutoCString:
mStorage = "\000\000\000\000\376\177\000\000\002\000\000\000\000\000\000\000browser\000Z\222l\t_\177\000\000H\303x\377\376\177\000\000\002\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\004\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\214S\027_\177\000"
mStartOffline = false,
mShuttingDown = false,
mDisableRemote = false,
mGdkDisplay = 0x7f5f17547240
loc result = <optimized out>
[65] from 0x0000000000404d78 in do_main+1087 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/browser/app/nsBrowserApp.cpp:281
arg argc = 4
arg argv = 0x7ffeff78d538
arg envp = 0x7ffeff78d560
arg xreDirectory = 0x7f5f175389c0
loc rv = <optimized out>
loc appDataFile = <optimized out>
loc appData = {
<nsXREAppData> = {
size = 128,
directory = 0x7f5f17538c00,
vendor = 0x7f5f175a4108 "Mozilla",
name = 0x7f5f175a4110 "Firefox",
remotingName = 0x7f5f175a4118 "firefox",
version = 0x7f5f175a4120 "51.0.1",
buildID = 0x7f5f1753b6b0 "20170203080346",
ID = 0x7f5f175c4ee0 "{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}",
copyright = 0x0,
flags = 2,
xreDirectory = 0x7f5f175389c0,
minVersion = 0x7f5f175a4128 "51.0.1",
maxVersion = 0x7f5f175a4130 "51.0.1",
crashReporterURL = 0x7f5f175a4138 "",
profile = 0x0,
UAName = 0x0
}, <No data fields>}
loc appini = {
mRawPtr = 0x0
loc exeFile = {
mRawPtr = 0x7f5f17538a80
loc greDir = {
mRawPtr = 0x7f5f17538b40
loc appSubdir = {
mRawPtr = 0x7f5f17538c00
[66] from 0x00000000004044f8 in main+90 at /home/uj/coding/projects/firefox/firefox-51.0.1/browser/app/nsBrowserApp.cpp:414
arg argc = 4
arg argv = 0x7ffeff78d538
arg envp = 0x7ffeff78d560
loc xreDirectory = 0x7f5f175389c0
loc rv = <optimized out>
loc result = <optimized out>
0 AutoUpdater_GHHbD.check() ["chrome://greasemonkey-modules/content/sandbox.js -> file:///home/uj/.mozilla/firefox/clean2/gm_scripts/Google_Hit_Hider_by_Domain/AnotherAutoUpdater.php":62]
this = [object Object]
1 <TOP LEVEL> ["chrome://greasemonkey-modules/content/sandbox.js -> file:///home/uj/.mozilla/firefox/clean2/gm_scripts/Google_Hit_Hider_by_Domain/AnotherAutoUpdater.php":70]
2 evalWithWrapper(url = "file:///home/uj/.mozilla/firefox/clean2/gm_scripts/Google_Hit_Hider_by_Domain/AnotherAutoUpdater.php") ["chrome://greasemonkey-modules/content/sandbox.js":190]
this = [object BackstagePass @ 0x7f5eee4ca800 (native @ 0x7f5eee4ca700)]
3 evalWithCatch(url = "file:///home/uj/.mozilla/firefox/clean2/gm_scripts/Google_Hit_Hider_by_Domain/AnotherAutoUpdater.php") ["chrome://greasemonkey-modules/content/sandbox.js":215]
this = [object BackstagePass @ 0x7f5eee4ca800 (native @ 0x7f5eee4ca700)]
4 runScriptInSandbox(script = [object Object], sandbox = [object Sandbox]) ["chrome://greasemonkey-modules/content/sandbox.js":226]
this = [object BackstagePass @ 0x7f5eee4ca800 (native @ 0x7f5eee4ca700)]
5 injectScripts(aScripts = [object Object], aContentWin = [object Window]) ["chrome://greasemonkey/content/framescript.js":119]
this = [object ContentFrameMessageManager @ 0x7f5e99acdf40 (native @ 0x7f5e9bb773f0)]
6 runScripts(aRunWhen = "document-end", aContentWin = [object Window]) ["chrome://greasemonkey/content/framescript.js":149]
this = [object ContentFrameMessageManager @ 0x7f5e99acdf40 (native @ 0x7f5e9bb773f0)]
7 contentLoad(aEvent = [object Event]) ["chrome://greasemonkey/content/framescript.js":72]
this = [object Window]
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