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Last active August 4, 2021 03:34
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search part of luna chess engine
// ENGINE.CPP/H: contains the 'intelligent' parts of the engine: search algorithms,
// move scoring/ordering, etc.
#include "engine.h"
// score_move(): the move scoring function
inline int score_move(int move) {
// is this a PV move?
if (score_pv && (move == pv_table[0][b.num_moves_played])) {
score_pv = false;
return 10000;
// MVV/LVA scoring
(MOVE_IS_PROMOTION(move) ? 900 : 0);
if (score) return score;
// killer move heuristic for quiet moves:
if (move == killer_moves[0][b.num_moves_played]) return 50;
if (move == killer_moves[1][b.num_moves_played]) return 40;
return history_moves[MOVE_PIECEMOVED(move)][MOVE_TO(move)];
// evaluate(): the board evaluation function
inline int evaluate() {
// start with naive evaluation (b.base_score) and add bonus:
int bonus = 0;
// add bishop pair bonus:
if (b.bitboard[WB] & (b.bitboard[WB] - 1)) bonus += BISHOP_PAIR_BONUS;
if (b.bitboard[BB] & (b.bitboard[BB] - 1)) bonus -= BISHOP_PAIR_BONUS;
// doubled pawn penalty:
U64 white_pawn_file;
U64 black_pawn_file;
for (int file = 0; file < 8; file++) {
white_pawn_file = (WP & FILES[file]);
black_pawn_file = (BP & FILES[file]);
if (white_pawn_file &&
(white_pawn_file & (white_pawn_file - 1))) bonus -= DOUBLED_PAWN_PENALTY;
if (black_pawn_file &&
(black_pawn_file & (black_pawn_file - 1))) bonus += DOUBLED_PAWN_PENALTY;
// isolated and passed pawn penalty/bonus:
U64 wp = b.bitboard[WP];
U64 bp = b.bitboard[BP];
int index;
while (wp) {
index = LSB(wp);
if (!(b.bitboard[WP] & ISOLATED_MASKS[index])) bonus -= ISOLATED_PAWN_PENALTY;
if (!(b.bitboard[BP] & WHITE_PASSED_PAWN_MASKS[index])) bonus += PASSED_PAWN_BONUS[RANK_NO(index)];
while (bp) {
index = LSB(bp);
if (!(b.bitboard[BP] & ISOLATED_MASKS[index])) bonus += ISOLATED_PAWN_PENALTY;
if (!(b.bitboard[WP] & BLACK_PASSED_PAWN_MASKS[index])) bonus -= PASSED_PAWN_BONUS[9 - RANK_NO(index)];
// semi-open and fully-open rook files:
U64 wr = b.bitboard[WR];
U64 br = b.bitboard[BR];
while (wr) {
index = LSB(wr);
if (!((b.bitboard[WP] | b.bitboard[BP]) & SQUARE_FILES[index])) bonus += FULLY_OPEN_FILE_BONUS;
else if (!(b.bitboard[WP] & SQUARE_FILES[index])) bonus += SEMI_OPEN_FILE_BONUS;
while (br) {
index = LSB(br);
if (!((b.bitboard[WP] | b.bitboard[BP]) & SQUARE_FILES[index])) bonus -= FULLY_OPEN_FILE_BONUS;
else if (!(b.bitboard[BP] & SQUARE_FILES[index])) bonus -= SEMI_OPEN_FILE_BONUS;
// piece mobility evaluation:
U64 not_pinned = ~(b.pinned_pieces());
U64 knights = b.bitboard[WN] & not_pinned;
while (knights) {
index = LSB(knights);
bonus += (__builtin_popcountll(KNIGHT_MOVES[index] & ~b.W) - 4) * 4;
knights = b.bitboard[BN] & not_pinned;
while (knights) {
index = LSB(knights);
bonus -= (__builtin_popcountll(KNIGHT_MOVES[index] & ~b.B) - 4) * 4;
// king safety evaluation:
bonus += __builtin_popcountll(KING_MOVES[LSB(b.bitboard[WK])] & b.W) * KING_SHIELD_BONUS;
bonus -= __builtin_popcountll(KING_MOVES[LSB(b.bitboard[BK])] & b.B) * KING_SHIELD_BONUS;
// return the evaluation relative to the side whose turn it is:
if (b.turn == WHITE) return b.base_score + bonus;
else return -b.base_score - bonus;
// search(): the main search algorithm (with iterative deepening)
void search(int depth) {
// zero counter of nodes searched:
nodes_evaluated = 0;
// reset score PV flag:
score_pv = false;
// reset time control flag:
stop_search = false;
// find best move within a given position
int alpha = -INF;
int beta = INF;
int ply = b.num_moves_played;
for (int cur_depth = 1; cur_depth <= depth; cur_depth++) {
// enable the follow_pv flag:
follow_pv = true;
// search the position at the given depth:
int score = negamax(cur_depth, alpha, beta);
// if we have to stop, stop the search:
if (stop_search) break;
// print info to console:
printf("info score cp %d depth %d nodes %d time %d pv ",
score, cur_depth, nodes_evaluated, get_time() - start_time
for (int i = ply; i < pv_length[ply]; i++) {
printf(" ");
// if we fell outside our aspiration window, reset to -INF and INF:
if ((score <= alpha) || (score >= beta)) {
alpha = -INF;
beta = INF;
// otherwise, set alpha & beta using aspiration window value:
// now the principal variation is in pv_table[0][:pv_length[0]],
// and the best move is in pv_table[ply][0]
// print the best move found:
printf("bestmove ");
// negamax(): the main tree-search function
int negamax(int depth, int alpha, int beta) {
// every 2048 nodes, communicate with the GUI / check time:
if (nodes_evaluated % 2048 == 0) communicate();
// if we have to stop, stop the search:
if (stop_search) return 0;
// quick hack to determine whether this is a PV node:
bool pv = (beta - alpha) > 1;
// initialize the transposition table flag for this position, and look up the
// position in the TT:
char tt_flag = TT_ALPHA;
int score = probe_tt(depth, alpha, beta);
if (b.num_moves_played > 0 && !pv && (score != TT_NO_MATCH)) return score;
// update the UNSAFE bitboard, and a local is_check variable,
// since it's not updating elsewhere for some reason:
bool is_check = b.is_check();
// increment node counter and initialize score variable
// initialize PV length:
pv_length[b.num_moves_played] = b.num_moves_played;
// check extension:
if (is_check) depth = std::max(depth+1, 1);
// base case:
if (depth <= 0 && !is_check) return quiescence(alpha, beta);
// null-move pruning:
if (!pv &&
!is_check &&
b.move_history[b.num_moves_played] != NULL &&
b.num_moves_played > 0
) {
// give current side an extra turn:
// search the position with a reduced depth:
int null_move_score = -negamax(depth - 4, -beta, -beta + 1);
// flip the turn again:
// if we have to stop, stop the search:
if (stop_search) return 0;
// fail-hard beta cutoff:
if (null_move_score >= beta) return beta;
// generate all possible moves from this position:
int num_moves = b.get_moves(moves);
// if we can't make any moves, it's either checkmate or stalemate:
// (we add the ply to -INF score to help the engine detect the CLOSEST
// checkmate possible when it's defeating its opponent)
if (num_moves == 0) return is_check ? -INF + b.num_moves_played : 0;
// if we're following the principal variation, enable PV scoring:
if (follow_pv) {
follow_pv = false;
for (int i = 0; i < num_moves; i++) {
if (pv_table[0][b.num_moves_played] == moves[i]) {
score_pv = true;
follow_pv = true;
// score the moves:
int move_scores[MAX_POSITION_MOVES];
for (int i = 0; i < num_moves; i++) {
move_scores[i] = score_move(moves[i]);
// recursively find the best move from here:
int move, move_index;
bool found_pv = false;
for (int i = 0; i < num_moves; i++) {
// selection sort to find the best move:
move_index = 0; // contains the index of the best move
for (int j = 0; j < num_moves; j++) {
if (move_scores[j] > move_scores[move_index]) {
move_index = j;
// once we find the move with the highest score, set its score to -1 so it
// can't be selected again (essentially marking it as 'seen')
move = moves[move_index];
move_scores[move_index] = -1;
// make move & recursively call negamax helper function:
// we also implement the meat of PVS in this section:
// search first node at full-depth:
if (i == 0) {
score = -negamax(depth - 1, -beta, -alpha);
// we check for potential LMR in all other nodes:
else {
// can we do LMR?
!is_check &&
) {
score = -negamax(depth - 3, -alpha - 1, -alpha);
// if we can't, we use this trick to make sure we enter PVS and perform
// the full search if necessary:
else {
score = alpha + 1;
// now we perform PVS:
if (score > alpha) {
score = -negamax(depth - 1, -alpha - 1, -alpha);
if ((score > alpha) && (score < beta)) {
score = -negamax(depth - 1, -beta, -alpha);
// if we have to stop, stop the search:
if (stop_search) return 0;
// if we found a better move (PV node):
if (score > alpha) {
// switch the TT flag to indicate storing the exact value of this position,
// since it's a PV node:
tt_flag = TT_EXACT;
// add this move to the history move list, only if it's a quiet move:
if (MOVE_CAPTURED(move) == NONE) {
history_moves[MOVE_PIECEMOVED(move)][MOVE_TO(move)] += depth;
// this is the PV node:
alpha = score;
// since we found a PV node, enable the found_pv flag:
found_pv = true;
// enter PV move into PV table:
int ply = b.num_moves_played;
pv_table[ply][ply] = move;
// copy move from deeper PV:
for (int next = ply + 1; next < pv_length[ply + 1]; next++) {
pv_table[ply][next] = pv_table[ply+1][next];
// adjust the PV length table:
pv_length[ply] = pv_length[ply+1];
// fail-hard beta cutoff (node fails high)
if (score >= beta) {
// store beta in the transposition table for this position:
update_tt(depth, beta, TT_BETA);
// add this move to the killer move list, only if it's a quiet move
if (MOVE_CAPTURED(move) == NONE) {
killer_moves[1][b.num_moves_played] = killer_moves[0][b.num_moves_played];
killer_moves[0][b.num_moves_played] = move;
return beta;
// node fails low. store the value in the transposition table first, then exit:
update_tt(depth, alpha, tt_flag);
return alpha;
// quiescence(): the quiescence search algorithm
int quiescence(int alpha, int beta) {
// every 2048 nodes, communicate with the GUI / check time:
if (nodes_evaluated % 2048 == 0) communicate();
// update the UNSAFE bitboard, since it's not updating elsewhere for some reason:
// call negamax if we're in check, to make sure we don't get ourselves in a
// mating net
if (b.is_check()) return negamax(0, alpha, beta);
// static evaluation:
int eval = evaluate();
// alpha/beta escape conditions:
if (eval >= beta) return beta;
if (eval > alpha) alpha = eval;
// generate all possible moves from this position:
int num_moves = b.get_nonquiet_moves(moves);
// score the moves:
int move_scores[MAX_POSITION_MOVES];
for (int i = 0; i < num_moves; i++) {
move_scores[i] = score_move(moves[i]);
// recursively qsearch the horizon:
int move, move_index;
int best_case;
for (int i = 0; i < num_moves; i++) {
// selection sort to find the best move:
move_index = 0; // contains the index of the best move
for (int j = 0; j < num_moves; j++) {
if (move_scores[j] > move_scores[move_index]) {
move_index = j;
// once we find the move with the highest score, set its score to -1 so it
// can't be selected again (essentially marking it as 'seen')
move = moves[move_index];
move_scores[move_index] = -1;
// delta pruning: could this move improve alpha, in the best case?
(MOVE_IS_PROMOTION(move) ? 900 : 0);
if (eval + best_case + DELTA_VALUE < alpha) return alpha;
// make move & recursively call qsearch:
int score = -quiescence(-beta, -alpha);
// if we have to stop, stop the search:
if (stop_search) return 0;
// if we found a better move (PV node):
if (score > alpha) {
alpha = score;
// fail-hard beta cutoff (node fails high)
if (score >= beta) return beta;
// node fails low:
return alpha;
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