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Created October 31, 2014 09:03
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  • Save orloffv/c14cd5433c5049177129 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save orloffv/c14cd5433c5049177129 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
const NS_XUL = "";
const NS_SVG = "";
const NS_XLINK = "";
const {unload} = require("unload+");
const {listen} = require("listen");
const winUtils = require("window-utils");
const browserURL = "chrome://browser/content/browser.xul";
exports.ToolbarButton = function ToolbarButton(options) {
var unloaders = [],
toolbarID = "",
insertbefore = "",
destroyed = false,
destoryFuncs = [];
var delegate = {
onTrack: function (window) {
if ("chrome://browser/content/browser.xul" != window.location || destroyed)
let doc = window.document;
let $ = function(id) doc.getElementById(id);
options.tooltiptext = options.tooltiptext || '';
// create toolbar button
let stack = doc.createElementNS(NS_XUL, "stack");
stack.setAttribute("class", "toolbarbutton-icon");
let box = doc.createElementNS(NS_XUL, "box");
let img = doc.createElementNS(NS_XUL, "image");
img.setAttribute("class", "staffim-image");
let svg = doc.createElementNS(NS_SVG, "svg");
svg.setAttributeNS (NS_SVG, "xlink", NS_XLINK)
svg.setAttribute("width", "19");
svg.setAttribute("height", "16");
let circle = doc.createElementNS(NS_SVG, "circle");
circle.setAttribute("cx", "6");
circle.setAttribute("cy", "6");
circle.setAttribute("r", "6");
circle.setAttribute("fill", "transparent");
let text = doc.createElementNS(NS_SVG, "text");
text.setAttribute("x", "6");
text.setAttribute("y", "9");
text.setAttribute("font-size", "10");
text.setAttribute("text-anchor", "middle");
text.setAttribute("font-family", "Helvetica");
text.setAttribute("fill", options.textColor);
let tbb = doc.createElementNS(NS_XUL, "toolbarbutton");
tbb.setAttribute("type", "button");
tbb.setAttribute("class", "toolbarbutton-1 chromeclass-toolbar-additional");
tbb.setAttribute("label", options.label);
tbb.setAttribute('tooltiptext', options.tooltiptext);
tbb.addEventListener("command", function(e) {
if (e.originalTarget != tbb) return;
if (options.onCommand)
options.onCommand(e, tbb); // TODO: provide something?
if (options.panel) {;
}, true);
if (options.onClick) {
tbb.addEventListener("click", options.onClick, true);
if (options.onContext) {
let menupopup = doc.createElementNS(NS_XUL, "menupopup");
let menuitem = doc.createElementNS(NS_XUL, "menuitem");
tbb.addEventListener("contextmenu", function (e) {
e.stopPropagation(); //Prevent Firefox context menu
options.onContext(e, menupopup, menuitem);
menupopup.openPopup(tbb , "after_end", 0, 0, false);
}, true);
// add toolbarbutton to palette
($("navigator-toolbox") || $("mail-toolbox")).palette.appendChild(tbb);
// find a toolbar to insert the toolbarbutton into
if (toolbarID) {
var tb = $(toolbarID);
if (!tb) {
var tb = toolbarbuttonExists(doc,;
// found a toolbar to use?
if (tb) {
let b4;
// find the toolbarbutton to insert before
if (insertbefore) {
b4 = $(insertbefore);
if (!b4) {
let currentset = tb.getAttribute("currentset").split(",");
let i = currentset.indexOf( + 1;
// was the toolbarbutton id found in the curent set?
if (i > 0) {
let len = currentset.length;
// find a toolbarbutton to the right which actually exists
for (; i < len; i++) {
b4 = $(currentset[i]);
if (b4) break;
tb.insertItem(, b4, null, false);
var saveTBNodeInfo = function(e) {
toolbarID = tbb.parentNode.getAttribute("id") || "";
insertbefore = (tbb.nextSibling || "")
&& tbb.nextSibling.getAttribute("id").replace(/^wrapper-/i, "");
window.addEventListener("aftercustomization", saveTBNodeInfo, false);
// add unloader to unload+'s queue
var unloadFunc = function() {
window.removeEventListener("aftercustomization", saveTBNodeInfo, false);
var index = destoryFuncs.push(unloadFunc) - 1;
listen(window, window, "unload", function() {
destoryFuncs[index] = null;
}, false);
unloaders.push(unload(unloadFunc, window));
onUntrack: function (window) {}
var tracker = winUtils.WindowTracker(delegate);
function setType(aOptions) {
getToolbarButtons(function(tbb) {
tbb.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].setAttribute("type", aOptions.value);
return aOptions.value;
function setBadge (aOptions) {
getToolbarButtons(function(tbb) {
tbb.childNodes[0].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].setAttribute (
aOptions.value ? options.backgroundColor : "transparent"
tbb.childNodes[0].childNodes[1].childNodes[1].setAttribute (
tbb.childNodes[0].childNodes[1].childNodes[1].textContent =
aOptions.value ? aOptions.value : "";
return aOptions.value;
return {
destroy: function() {
if (destroyed) return;
destroyed = true;
if (options.panel)
// run unload functions
destoryFuncs.forEach(function(f) f && f());
destoryFuncs.length = 0;
// remove unload functions from unload+'s queue
unloaders.forEach(function(f) f());
unloaders.length = 0;
moveTo: function(pos) {
if (destroyed) return;
// record the new position for future windows
toolbarID = pos.toolbarID;
insertbefore = pos.insertbefore;
// change the current position for open windows
for each (var window in winUtils.windowIterator()) {
if (browserURL != window.location) return;
let doc = window.document;
let $ = function (id) doc.getElementById(id);
// if the move isn't being forced and it is already in the window, abort
if (!pos.forceMove && $( return;
var tb = $(toolbarID);
var b4 = $(insertbefore);
// TODO: if b4 dne, but insertbefore is in currentset, then find toolbar to right
if (tb) {
tb.insertItem(, b4, null, false);
tb.setAttribute("currentset", tb.currentSet);
doc.persist(, "currentset");
get label() options.label,
set label(value) {
options.label = value;
getToolbarButtons(function(tbb) {
tbb.label = value;
return value;
set type(value) setType({value: value}),
set badge(value) setBadge({value: value}),
set textColor(value) {
options.textColor = value
set backgroundColor(value) {
options.backgroundColor = value
get tooltiptext() options.tooltiptext,
set tooltiptext(value) {
options.tooltiptext = value;
getToolbarButtons(function(tbb) {
tbb.setAttribute('tooltiptext', value);
function getToolbarButtons(callback, id) {
let buttons = [];
for each (var window in winUtils.windowIterator()) {
if (browserURL != window.location) continue;
let tbb = window.document.getElementById(id);
if (tbb) buttons.push(tbb);
if (callback) buttons.forEach(callback);
return buttons;
function toolbarbuttonExists(doc, id) {
var toolbars = doc.getElementsByTagNameNS(NS_XUL, "toolbar");
for (var i = toolbars.length - 1; ~i; i--) {
if ((new RegExp("(?:^|,)" + id + "(?:,|$)")).test(toolbars[i].getAttribute("currentset")))
return toolbars[i];
return false;
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