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orlp/ Secret

Last active May 28, 2016 01:24
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from __future__ import unicode_literals
import string
import sys
# We only use unicode in our parser, except for __repr__, which must return str.
if sys.version_info.major == 2:
repr_str = lambda s: s.encode("utf-8")
str = unicode
repr_str = lambda s: s
peg_grammar_src = r"""
# Parsing Expression Grammars
# Based on: A Recognition-Based Syntactic Foundation
# - Bryan Ford
# Modified slightly to use equals sign, simpler character escapes and fixed
# "-" at end of character class. Added a fixed number of repeats (e.g. {3})
# and starting a definition with a semicolon ensures any matched strings
# are ignored.
# A skipper is added. <expr1> expr2 will parse expr2 as usual, but skips any
# occurrences of expr1 at any point in expr2. At most one skipper can be active,
# in nested skippers only the deepest one is active.
# Hierarchical syntax
grammar = spacing definition+ eof
definition = semicolon? identifier equals expression
expression = sequence (slash sequence)*
sequence = prefix*
prefix = (and / not)? suffix
suffix = primary (question / star / plus / repeat)?
repeat = open_brace integer close_brace
primary = identifier !equals
/ open_paren expression close_paren
/ open_angled_bracket expression close_angled_bracket expression
/ literal / class / dot
# Lexical syntax
integer = [0-9]+
identifier = ident_start ident_cont* spacing
ident_start = [a-zA-Z_]
ident_cont = ident_start / [0-9]
literal = ['] (!['] char)* ['] spacing
/ ["] (!["] char)* ["] spacing
class = "[" (!"]" range)* "]" spacing
range = char "-" !"]" char / char
char = "\\" [nrt'"\[\]\\]
/ "\\x" [0-9a-fA-F]{2}
/ "\\u" [0-9a-fA-F]{4}
/ "\\U" [0-9a-fA-F]{8}
/ !"\\" .
semicolon = ";" spacing
equals = "=" spacing
slash = "/" spacing
and = "&" spacing
not = "!" spacing
question = "?" spacing
star = "*" spacing
plus = "+" spacing
open_paren = "(" spacing
close_paren = ")" spacing
open_brace = "{" spacing
close_brace = "}" spacing
open_angled_bracket = "<" spacing
close_angled_bracket = ">" spacing
dot = "." spacing
; spacing = (space / comment)*
comment = "#" (!eol .)* eol
space = " " / "\t" / eol
eol = "\r\n" / "\n" / "\r"
eof = !.
class Val(object):
"""Val represents a value resulting from a grammar expression.
If v is a Val object, str(v) returns the string as found in the source,
v.v is the value, is the name if the value resulted from a non-
terminal, and v.ignore indicates that it's value is to be ignored for
As a shorthand, you can index v directly, rather than having to write
v.v[i] to index lists of results."""
def __init__(self, v, name=None, ignore=False): = name
self.v = v
self.ignore = ignore
def __str__(self):
if self.ignore: return ""
if type(self.v) is str: return self.v
return "".join(str(v) for v in self.v)
if sys.version_info.major == 2:
__unicode__ = __str__
del __str__
def __repr__(self):
return repr_str("{}({!r})".format(type(self).__name__, self.v))
def __getitem__(self, idx): return self.v[idx]
def __len__(self): return len(self.v)
class Failure(object):
def __init__(self, i, expected):
self.i = i
self.expected = expected
def __str__(self):
if hasattr(self, "name"):
return "error at {}, expected {} ({})".format(self.i + 1, self.expected,
return "error at {}, expected {}".format(self.i + 1, self.expected)
def isfail(obj): return isinstance(obj, Failure)
class AnyCharVal(Val): pass
class StringVal(Val): pass
class CharClassVal(Val): pass
class OptionalVal(Val): pass
class ZeroOrMoreVal(Val): pass
class OneOrMoreVal(Val): pass
class SequenceVal(Val): pass
class ChoiceVal(Val):
def __init__(self, v, choice, name=None, ignore=False):
super(ChoiceVal, self).__init__(v, name, ignore)
self.choice = choice
class Expr(object):
def __init__(self, data): = data
def parse(self, s):
m, i = self.match(s)
return m
def __repr__(self):
return repr_str("{}({!r})".format(type(self).__name__,
class AnyChar(Expr):
def __init__(self): pass
def __repr__(self): return repr_str("AnyChar()")
def match(self, s, i=0):
if i >= len(s): return Failure(i, self), i
return AnyCharVal(s[i]), i + 1
class CharClass(Expr):
def match(self, s, i=0):
if i >= len(s) or s[i] not in return Failure(i, self), i
return CharClassVal(s[i]), i + 1
class String(Expr):
def match(self, s, i=0):
ss = s[i:i+len(]
if ss != return Failure(i, self), i
return StringVal(ss), i + len(
class AndPredicate(Expr):
def match(self, s, i=0):
m, _ =, i)
return (Failure(i, self) if isfail(m) else None), i
class NotPredicate(Expr):
def match(self, s, i=0):
m, _ =, i)
return (Failure(i, self) if not isfail(m) else None), i
class Optional(Expr):
def match(self, s, i=0):
m, i =, i)
return OptionalVal([] if isfail(m) else [m]), i
class ZeroOrMore(Expr):
def match(self, s, i=0):
l = []
while True:
m, i =, i)
if isfail(m): return ZeroOrMoreVal(l), i
if m is not None: l.append(m)
class OneOrMore(Expr):
def match(self, s, i=0):
l = []
m, i =, i)
if isfail(m): return m, i
while True:
if m is not None: l.append(m)
m, i =, i)
if isfail(m): return OneOrMoreVal(l), i
class Sequence(Expr):
def match(self, s, i=0):
orig_i = i
l = []
for expr in
m, i = expr.match(s, i)
if isfail(m): return m, orig_i
if m is not None:
if len(l) > 1:
return SequenceVal(l), i
return l[0] if l else None, i
class Choice(Expr):
def match(self, s, i=0):
furthest_fail = None
for choice, expr in enumerate(
m, i = expr.match(s, i)
if not isfail(m):
return ChoiceVal(m, choice), i
if furthest_fail is None or m.i >= furthest_fail.i:
furthest_fail = m
return furthest_fail, i
class Nonterminal(Expr):
def __init__(self, name, expr, ignore=False): = name
self.expr = expr
self.ignore = ignore
def match(self, s, i=0):
m, i = self.expr.match(s, i)
if m is not None:
if not hasattr(m, "name"): =
if not isfail(m):
m.ignore = self.ignore
return m, i
def __repr__(self):
return repr_str("Nonterminal({!r}, {!r})".format(, self.expr))
def compile_grammar(grammar):
m = peg_grammar.parse(grammar)
if isfail(m): raise RuntimeError(str(m))
definitions = m[1]
identifiers = [str(d[1]) for d in definitions]
if len(identifiers) > len(set(identifiers)):
raise RuntimeError("duplicate definition")
nts = {ident: Nonterminal(ident, None) for ident in identifiers} # Forward declaration.
for d in definitions:
identifier, expr = str(d[1]), d[3]
nts[identifier].expr = compile_expr(expr, nts)
if d[0]: nts[identifier].ignore = True
return nts[identifiers[0]]
def compile_expr(expr, nts):
if not len(expr[1]):
return compile_seq(expr[0], nts)
return Choice([compile_seq(expr[0], nts)] + [compile_seq(s[1], nts) for s in expr[1]])
def compile_seq(seq, nts):
if len(seq) == 0: return String("")
if len(seq) == 1: return compile_prefix(seq[0], nts)
return Sequence([compile_prefix(p, nts) for p in seq])
def compile_prefix(prefix, nts):
predicate = {"&": AndPredicate,
"!": NotPredicate,
"": lambda s: s}[str(prefix[0])]
return predicate(compile_suffix(prefix[1], nts))
def compile_suffix(suffix, nts):
op = str(suffix[1])
quantifier = {"?": Optional,
"*": ZeroOrMore,
"+": OneOrMore,
"{": lambda p: Sequence([p] * int(op[1:-1])),
"": lambda p: p}[op[:1]]
return quantifier(compile_primary(suffix[0], nts))
def compile_primary(r, nts):
if r.choice == 0:
return nts[str(r)]
elif r.choice == 1:
return compile_expr(r[1], nts)
elif r.choice == 2:
return String("".join(char_to_str(ch) for ch in r[1]))
elif r.choice == 3:
return CharClass("".join(map(compile_char_range, r[1])))
return AnyChar()
def compile_char_range(char_range):
if char_range.choice == 0:
start = ord(char_to_str(char_range[0]))
stop = ord(char_to_str(char_range[2])) + 1
return "".join(chr(c) for c in range(start, stop))
elif char_range.choice == 1:
return char_to_str(char_range.v)
def char_to_str(ch):
if ch.choice == 0: # Backslash.
ch = str(ch[1])
return {"n": "\n", "r": "\r", "t": "\t"}.get(ch, ch)
elif ch.choice == 4: # Literal.
return str(ch)
return chr(int(str(ch[1]), 16)) # Unicode escape.
def bootstrap_grammar():
# Equivalent to peg_grammar_src, but directly expressed using primitives. For correctness
# this grammar was semi-automatically generated from peg_grammar_src after the first
# version was hand-written.
eof = NotPredicate(AnyChar())
eol = Choice([String("\r\n"), String("\n"), String("\r")])
space = Choice([String(" "), String("\t"), eol])
comment = Sequence([String("#"), ZeroOrMore(Sequence([NotPredicate(eol), AnyChar()])), eol])
spacing = Nonterminal("spacing", ZeroOrMore(Choice([space, comment])), ignore=True)
dot = Sequence([String("."), spacing])
close_brace = Sequence([String("}"), spacing])
open_brace = Sequence([String("{"), spacing])
close_paren = Sequence([String(")"), spacing])
open_paren = Sequence([String("("), spacing])
close_angled_bracket = Sequence([String(">"), spacing])
open_angled_bracket = Sequence([String("<"), spacing])
plus = Sequence([String("+"), spacing])
star = Sequence([String("*"), spacing])
question = Sequence([String("?"), spacing])
not_ = Sequence([String("!"), spacing])
and_ = Sequence([String("&"), spacing])
slash = Sequence([String("/"), spacing])
equals = Sequence([String("="), spacing])
semicolon = Sequence([String(";"), spacing])
hexchar = CharClass("0123456789abcdefABCDEF")
char = Choice([Sequence([String("\\"), CharClass("nrt'\"[]\\")]),
Sequence([String("\\x"), Sequence([hexchar] * 2)]),
Sequence([String("\\u"), Sequence([hexchar] * 4)]),
Sequence([String("\\U"), Sequence([hexchar] * 8)]),
Sequence([NotPredicate(String("\\")), AnyChar()])])
range_ = Choice([Sequence([char, String("-"), NotPredicate(String("]")), char]), char])
delim = (lambda start, inner, stop:
ZeroOrMore(Sequence([NotPredicate(String(stop)), inner])),
String(stop), spacing]))
class_ = delim("[", range_, "]")
literal = Choice([delim("'", char, "'"), delim('"', char, '"')])
ident_start = CharClass(string.ascii_letters + "_")
ident_cont = Choice([ident_start, CharClass(string.digits)])
identifier = Sequence([ident_start, ZeroOrMore(ident_cont), spacing])
integer = OneOrMore(CharClass(string.digits))
expression = Nonterminal("expression", None) # Forward declaration, needed for recursion.
primary = Choice([Sequence([identifier, NotPredicate(equals)]),
Sequence([open_paren, expression, close_paren]),
Sequence([open_angled_bracket, expression, close_angled_bracket, expression]),
literal, class_, dot])
repeat = Sequence([open_brace, integer, close_brace])
suffix = Sequence([primary, Optional(Choice([question, star, plus, repeat]))])
prefix = Sequence([Optional(Choice([and_, not_])), suffix])
sequence = ZeroOrMore(prefix)
expression.expr = Sequence([sequence, ZeroOrMore(Sequence([slash, sequence]))])
definition = Sequence([Optional(semicolon), identifier, equals, expression])
grammar = Sequence([spacing, OneOrMore(definition), eof])
return grammar
peg_grammar = bootstrap_grammar()
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Demo, simple calculator.
grammar = compile_grammar(r"""
line = expr eof
expr = _ factor ([+-] _ factor)*
factor = exponent (("//" / [*/%]) _ exponent)*
exponent = primary ("**" _ primary)*
number = &("."? [0-9]) [0-9]* ("." [0-9]*)? _ # The first part is to make sure this doesn't match ".".
primary = "(" _ expr ")" _ / number / "-" _ primary
; _ = (" " / "\t" / "\r\n" / "\n" / "\r")*
eof = !.
def eval_expr(expr):
r = eval_factor(expr[1])
for f in expr[2]:
if str(f[0]) == "+": r += eval_factor(f[2])
else: r -= eval_factor(f[2])
return r
def eval_factor(factor):
r = eval_exponent(factor[0])
for p in factor[1]:
if str(p) == "*": r *= eval_exponent(p[2])
elif str(p) == "//": r //= eval_exponent(p[2])
elif str(p) == "/": r /= eval_exponent(p[2])
else: r %= eval_exponent(p[2])
return r
def eval_exponent(exponent):
# Right-to-left associativity.
exps = reversed([exponent[0]] + [e[2] for e in exponent[1]])
r = eval_primary(next(exps))
for e in exps:
r = eval_primary(e) ** r
return r
def eval_primary(primary):
if primary.choice == 0: return eval_expr(primary[2])
elif primary.choice == 1: return [int, float][len(primary[1]) > 0](str(primary))
else: return -eval_primary(primary[2])
def eval_str(s):
m = grammar.parse(s)
if isfail(m):
raise RuntimeError(str(m))
return eval_expr(m)
print(eval_str("5*3+ 2 - 3 * (3)"))
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