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Created April 18, 2015 03:41
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The GOLF is a simple CPU to aid the creation of performance programming puzzles. It allows for accurate and unambiguous scoring of submissions in terms of GOLF cycles. This post has two sections - the CPU specifications and the details of the reference GOLF assembler and virtual machine.

GOLF specification.

The CPU has 26 general-purpose registers, a-z. All registers are 64 bit integers - there is no floating point. Signed integers are stored as two's complement. Memory is read/written in little endian. The GOLF has no pipeline - every instruction is executed in order, and the previous instruction must always complete before the next one starts.

Every instruction can have output registers and input operands. Operands can be source registers, or full 64 bit immediates. The instruction will always take a constant amount of cycles to complete. No two instructions can run at the same time, and all registers/memory are immediately updated after an instruction completes.

There are no flags, exceptions, traps, or any features of that kind. The CPU either runs its program until it halts, or when it encounters an error (division by zero, invalid memory access) the CPU halts unconditionally. A virtual machine implementation will likely produce debugging output.

The virtual machine will have a user-defined amount of heap and stack memory available for the GOLF. It is also possible that the memory will grow on-demand. The heap starts at memory address 0, the stack starts at memory address 0xf0000000, and both grow upwards. There is no implicitly addressed ztack pointer in GOLF, but z will always be 0xf0000000 at program startup.

Memory address 0xffffffff is special - stores to this address will be written to the virtual machine's stdin, reads come from stdout.

Instructions do not live in regular memory - they're in a seperate instruction memory that's neither readable nor writable. This memory starts at address 0. Jump instructions take addresses into this memory.

Now comes a list of all GOLF instructions. Some instructions are pseudo-instructions and should be translated to a real instruction by the assembler. For example mov r, a is the same as add r, a, 0. pseudo-instructions will be marked by an apostrophe (') in the listing.

Here are all the simple register-to-register instructions:

instruction    | cycle | mnemonic               | similar C syntax (uint64_t a, b) 
mov  r, a    ' |    1  | register move          | r = a
not  r, a      |    1  | bitwise not            | r = ~a
or   r, a, b   |    1  | bitwise or             | r = a | b
xor  r, a, b   |    1  | bitwise xor            | r = a ^ b
and  r, a, b   |    1  | bitwise and            | r = a & b
shl  r, a, b   |    1  | logical shift left     | r = a << b (int64_t b)
shr  r, a, b   |    1  | logical shift right    | r = a >> b (int64_t b)
sal  r, a, b ' |    1  | arithmetic shift left  | r = a << b (int64_t a, b)
sar  r, a, b   |    1  | arithmetic shift right | r = a >> b (int64_t a, b)
inc  r       ' |    1  | increment              | r++
dec  r       ' |    1  | decrement              | r--
neg  r       ' |    1  | negate                 | r = -r
add  r, a, b   |    1  | addition               | r = a + b
sub  r, a, b   |    1  | subtraction            | r = a - b
cmp  r, a, b   |    1  | equality               | r = a == b
neq  r, a, b   |    1  | inequality             | r = a != b
le   r, a, b   |    1  | less                   | r = a < b  (int64_t a, b)
ge   r, a, b ' |    1  | greater                | r = a > b  (int64_t a, b)
leq  r, a, b   |    1  | less or equal          | r = a <= b (int64_t a, b)
geq  r, a, b ' |    1  | greater or equal       | r = a >= b (int64_t a, b)
leu  r, a, b   |    1  | less                   | r = a < b  
geu  r, a, b ' |    1  | greater                | r = a > b  
lequ r, a, b   |    1  | less or equal          | r = a <= b 
gequ r, a, b ' |    1  | greater or equal       | r = a >= b 

A note on the shifts - unlike in C, any value for b is allowed and does the right thing on the GOLF.

The more complex register-to-register instructions:

instruction     | cycle | mnemonic       | description
mul  r, s, a, b |    3  | multiplication | Signed multiplication of a and b and puts
                |       |                | the lower 64 bits of the result in r, and
                |       |                | the higher 64 bits in s.
mulu r, s, a, b |    3  | multiplication | Unsigned multiplication of a and b and
                |       |                | puts the lower 64 bits of the result in
                |       |                | r, and the higher 64 bits in s.
div  r, s, a, b |   10  | division       | Signed division of a by b. Puts the
                |       |                | result in r and the remainder in s.
divu r, s, a, b |   10  | division       | Unsigned division number a by b. Puts the
                |       |                | result in r and the remainder in s.

Memory instructions:

instruction    | cycle | mnemonic            | description
lb   r, a      |    5  | load byte           | Loads and sign-extends an 8-bit int
               |       |                     | at address a.
lbu  r, a      |    5  | load unsigned byte  | Loads an 8-bit int at address a.
ls   r, a      |    5  | load short          | Loads and sign-extends a 16-bit int
               |       |                     | at address a.
lsu  r, a      |    5  | load unsigned short | Loads a 16-bit int at address a.
li   r, a      |    5  | load int            | Loads and sign-extends a 32-bit int
               |       |                     | at address a.
lsu  r, a      |    5  | load unsigned int   | Loads a 32-bit int at address a.
lw   r, a      |    5  | load word           | Loads a 64-bit int at address a.
sb   a, b      |    1  | store byte          | Stores an 8-bit int b at address a.
ss   a, b      |    1  | store short         | Stores a 16-bit int b at address a.
si   a, b      |    1  | store int           | Stores a 32-bit int b at address a.
sw   a, b      |    1  | store word          | Stores a 64-bit int b at address a.
push a, b    ' |    2  | push                | Stores a 64-bit int b at address a
               |       |                     | and increments a by 8.
pop  a, b    ' |    6  | pop                 | Reads a 64-bit int b at address a and
               |       |                     | decrements a by 8.
in   a       ' |    5  | stdin               | Reads one byte from stdin into a.
out  a       ' |    1  | stdout              | Writes the low 8 bits of a to stdout.

Flow control:

instruction    | cycle | mnemonic            | description
call f         |    1  | function call       | Saves all registers and jump to f.
ret ...        |    1  | function return     | Restore all but the given registers.
               |       |                     | z is never restored.
jmp l          |    1  | unconditional jump  | Unconditionally jumps to l.
jz l, a        |    1  | jump on zero        | Jumps to l if a is zero.
jnz l, a       |    1  | jump on non-zero    | Jumps to l if a is non-zero.
halt           |    1  | halt                | Halts the CPU.
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Whooah, this is really cool. Just one comment: are you sure you want to have hardware division?

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