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Created May 5, 2020 06:41
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Replicate target groups via a Lambda function
import boto3
def lambda_handler(event, context):
#-------------------- Debug ---------------------------
print( 'Hello {}'.format(event))
# -------------- Parameters --------------
loadBalancersList = {
"arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-southeast-1:027065296145:targetgroup/bluegreen-tg/b93ed9788fb7b344": "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-southeast-1:027065296145:targetgroup/bluegreen-tg-internal/cb7a4a08b50a099e",
"exampleKey1": "exampleValue1",
"exampleKey2": "exampleValue2"
orignTargetGroupARN = event['detail']['requestParameters']['targetGroupArn']
if orignTargetGroupARN in loadBalancersList:
newTargetGroupARN = loadBalancersList[orignTargetGroupARN]
print("The loadbalancer ARN did not exist in the dictionary, exiting lambda")
regionName = event['detail']['awsRegion']
#debug print(regionName)
#debug print(orignTargetGroupARN)
#debug print(newTargetGroupARN)
listOfEc2IdNew = []
listOfEc2IdOrig = []
positiveStates = ["initial","healthy","unhealthy","unavailable","unused"]
# ------------ Object's connection clients --------------
elbClient = boto3.client('elbv2', region_name = regionName)
# Acquiring json objects
listOfTargetsOriginalJson = elbClient.describe_target_health(TargetGroupArn = orignTargetGroupARN )
listOfTargetsNewJson = elbClient.describe_target_health(TargetGroupArn = newTargetGroupARN )
# Creating the new EC2 target group list (listOfEc2IdNew)
for target in listOfTargetsNewJson['TargetHealthDescriptions']:
id = target['Target']['Id']
state = target['TargetHealth']['State']
if state in positiveStates:
#debug print(listOfTargetsNewJson)
# Registering new targets in the new target group & creating the original target group EC2 list (listOfEc2IdOrig)
for target in listOfTargetsOriginalJson['TargetHealthDescriptions']:
id = target['Target']['Id']
state = target['TargetHealth']['State']
if state in positiveStates:
if id not in listOfEc2IdNew:
#print("Yes," + id + " found in List : " )
port = target['Target']['Port']
# Registering new targets in the new target group
response = elbClient.register_targets(
TargetGroupArn = newTargetGroupARN,
'Id': id ,
'Port': port
#debugprint("Orig" , listOfEc2IdOrig)
#debugprint("New" , listOfEc2IdNew)
# Re-evaluating the new list
listOfTargetsNewJson = elbClient.describe_target_health(TargetGroupArn = newTargetGroupARN)
listOfEc2IdNew = []
for target in listOfTargetsNewJson['TargetHealthDescriptions']:
id = target['Target']['Id']
state = target['TargetHealth']['State']
if state in positiveStates:
#print("Yes," + id + " found in List " )
# Dissection between two lists to find the the old targets that needs to be deleted
listOfEc2IdOrig = set(listOfEc2IdOrig)
listOfEc2IdNew = set(listOfEc2IdNew)
listOfEc2ToDeRegisterTargets = listOfEc2IdNew.difference(listOfEc2IdOrig)
#debugprint("Orig" , listOfEc2IdOrig)
#debugprint("New" , listOfEc2IdNew)
#debugprint("Dissection" , listOfEc2ToDeRegisterTargets)
for id in listOfEc2ToDeRegisterTargets:
response = elbClient.deregister_targets(
TargetGroupArn = newTargetGroupARN,
'Id': id
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