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Created February 7, 2014 16:41
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package gainsbar
import Dir._
import Tile._
class GainsBot {
import GainsBot._
def move(input: Input) = {
val helper = Helper(input)
import input._
import helper._
val tavernPath = |~>(isTavern)
val minePath = |~>(isNewMine)
val enemyPaths = enemies map { h ⇒ (h, |~>(isEnemy( }
def aybabtu = minePath.isEmpty
def goHunt = enemyPaths collectFirst {
case (enemy, path) if attackable(enemy, path.size) ⇒ path
def goMine = if ( + mineLife + minePath.size * dayLife > 5) Some(minePath) else None
def attackable(enemy: Hero, distance: Int) = {
def wonFight = distance < 3 && <
def safePrey = enemy.mineCount > 0 &&
(Set(1, 2, 4, 5) contains distance) &&
( + defendLife) <
def wealthyPrey = enemy.mineCount > 1 &&
distance < 6 &&
( + defendLife) <
safePrey || wealthyPrey
val path =
if (tavernPath.size == 1 && < 80 && >= beerGold) tavernPath
else if (aybabtu) if (tavernPath.size > 1) tavernPath else Nil
else goHunt orElse goMine getOrElse tavernPath
object GainsBot {
val beerGold = -2
val dayLife = -1
val mineLife = -20
val defendLife = -20
case class Helper(input: Input) {
import input._
val teamPlay: Boolean = > 1
val heroIds: Set[Int] = map ( toSet
val enemies: List[Hero] =
if (teamPlay) game.heroes filter ( !=
else game.heroes filter ( !=
val enemyIds: Set[Int] =
def isTavern(pos: Pos) = is(pos, Tile.Tavern==)
def isNewMine(pos: Pos) = is(pos, {
case Tile.Mine(h) ⇒ h.fold(true)(enemyIds)
case _ ⇒ false
def isEnemy(pos: Pos) = is(pos, {
case Tile.Hero(h) ⇒ enemyIds(h)
case _ ⇒ false
def isEnemy(id: Int)(pos: Pos) = is(pos, Tile.Hero(id)==)
def isAir(pos: Pos) = is(pos, Tile.Air==)
def is(pos: Pos, f: Tile ⇒ Boolean) = game.board at pos exists f
// shortest path to a tile satisfying goal function
def |~>(goal: Pos ⇒ Boolean): Path = ~>(hero.pos, goal)
def ~>(from: Pos, goal: Pos ⇒ Boolean): Path = {
def step(paths: Vector[Path], visited: Set[Pos]): Path = paths match {
case Vector() ⇒ Nil
case path +: rest ⇒ {
val on = path.head
if (visited(on)) step(rest, visited) else {
on.neighbors find goal match {
case Some(found) ⇒ (found :: path).reverse drop 1
case None ⇒
val nextPaths = (airNeighbors(on) -- visited) map (_ :: path)
step(rest ++ nextPaths, visited + on)
step(Vector(List(from)), Set.empty)
def airNeighbors(pos: Pos) = pos.neighbors filter isAir
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