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Created May 2, 2024 05:37
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/* Generates and saves a new generation of puzzle paths.
* Drops the previous generation.
* mongo <IP>:<PORT>/<DB> mongodb-puzzle-regen-paths.js
* Must run on the puzzle database.
* Should run every 60 minutes.
* Should complete within 3 minutes.
* OK to run many times in a row.
* OK to skip runs.
* NOT OK to run concurrently.
* might require this mongodb config: (
* setParameter:
* internalQueryMaxPushBytes: 314572800
const verbose = false;
const puzzleColl = db.puzzle2_puzzle;
const pathCollName = 'puzzle2_path';
const pathColl = db[pathCollName];
const pathNextColl = db.puzzle2_path_next;
const maxRatingBuckets = 15;
const maxPathLength = 200;
const maxPuzzlesPerTheme = 5 * 1000 * 1000; // reduce to 500000 to avoid memory restrictions in some envs (!?)
const maxOpenings = 1000; // using the most represented
const maxPathsPerGroup = 30;
const sep = '|';
const generation =;
const tiers = [
['top', 20 / 100],
['good', 50 / 100],
['all', 95 / 100],
const mixBoundaries = [
100, 650, 800, 900, 1000, 1100, 1200, 1270, 1340, 1410, 1480, 1550, 1620, 1690, 1760, 1830, 1900, 2000, 2100, 2200,
2350, 2500, 2650, 2800, 9999,
const themes = puzzleColl.distinct('themes', {}).filter(t => t && t != 'checkFirst');
const openings = db.puzzle2_puzzle
{ $unwind: '$opening' },
{ $sortByCount: '$opening' },
{ $limit: maxOpenings },
{ $group: { _id: null, openings: { $push: '$_id' } } },
function chunkify(a, n) {
let len = a.length,
out = [],
i = 0,
if (len % n === 0) {
size = Math.floor(len / n);
while (i < len) {
out.push(a.slice(i, (i += size)));
} else
while (i < len) {
size = Math.ceil((len - i) / n--);
out.push(a.slice(i, (i += size)));
return out;
const padRating = r => (r < 1000 ? '0' : '') + r;
let anyBuggy = false;
[...openings, ...themes, 'mix'].forEach(theme => {
// [...openings].forEach(theme => {
// ['mix'].forEach(theme => {
const isOpening = openings.includes(theme);
const selector = {
...{ issue: { $exists: false } },
? { opening: theme }
: {
theme == 'mix'
? {
$ne: 'equality',
: theme == 'equality'
? 'equality'
: {
$eq: theme,
$ne: 'equality',
const bucketBase = {
groupBy: '$glicko.r',
output: { puzzle: { $push: { id: '$_id', vote: '$vote' } } },
const nbPuzzles = puzzleColl.countDocuments(selector);
if (!nbPuzzles) return [];
const themeMaxPathLength = Math.max(10, Math.min(maxPathLength, Math.round(nbPuzzles / 150)));
const nbRatingBuckets =
theme == 'mix'
? mixBoundaries.length - 1
: Math.max(3, Math.min(maxRatingBuckets, Math.round(nbPuzzles / themeMaxPathLength / 15)));
const bucketStages =
theme == 'mix'
? [
$bucket: {
boundaries: mixBoundaries,
{ $addFields: { _id: { min: '$_id' } } },
: [
$bucketAuto: {
buckets: nbRatingBuckets,
const pipeline = [
$match: selector,
$limit: maxPuzzlesPerTheme,
$unwind: '$puzzle',
$sort: {
'': -1,
$group: {
_id: '$_id',
total: {
$sum: 1,
puzzles: {
$push: '$',
$facet: tiers.reduce(
(facets, [name, ratio]) => ({
[name]: [
$project: {
total: 1,
puzzles: {
$slice: [
$round: {
$multiply: ['$total', ratio],
$unwind: '$puzzles',
$sample: {
// shuffle
size: 10 * 1000 * 1000,
$group: {
_id: '$_id',
puzzles: {
$addToSet: '$puzzles',
$sort: {
'_id.min': 1,
$addFields: {
tier: name,
$project: {
bucket: {
$concatArrays: => '$' + t[0]),
$unwind: '$bucket',
$replaceRoot: {
newRoot: '$bucket',
if (verbose)
`theme: ${theme}, puzzles: ${nbPuzzles}, path length: ${themeMaxPathLength}, rating buckets: ${nbRatingBuckets}`,
let prevTier = '',
indexInTier = 0,
buggy = false;
.aggregate(pipeline, {
allowDiskUse: true,
comment: 'regen-paths',
.forEach(bucket => {
if (prevTier == bucket.tier) indexInTier++;
else {
indexInTier = 0;
prevTier = bucket.tier;
const isFirstOfTier = indexInTier == 0;
const isLastOfTier = indexInTier == nbRatingBuckets - 1;
const pathLength = Math.max(10, Math.min(maxPathLength, Math.round(bucket.puzzles.length / 30)));
const ratingMin = isFirstOfTier ? 100 : Math.ceil(bucket._id.min);
const ratingMax = isLastOfTier
? 9999
: theme == 'mix'
? mixBoundaries[indexInTier + 1]
: Math.floor(bucket._id.max);
const nbPaths = Math.max(1, Math.floor(bucket.puzzles.length / pathLength));
const allPaths = chunkify(bucket.puzzles, nbPaths);
const paths = allPaths.slice(0, maxPathsPerGroup);
buggy = buggy || (ratingMin == 100 && ratingMax == 9999) || ratingMin > ratingMax;
anyBuggy = anyBuggy || buggy;
if (verbose || buggy)
` ${theme} ${indexInTier} ${bucket.tier} ${ratingMin}->${ratingMax} puzzles: ${bucket.puzzles.length} pathLength: ${pathLength} paths: ${allPaths.length}->${paths.length}`,
pathNextColl.insertMany(, j) => ({
_id: `${theme}${sep}${bucket.tier}${sep}${padRating(ratingMin)}-${padRating(
min: `${theme}${sep}${bucket.tier}${sep}${padRating(ratingMin)}`,
max: `${theme}${sep}${bucket.tier}${sep}${padRating(ratingMax)}`,
tier: bucket.tier,
theme: theme,
gen: generation,
ordered: false,
if (!buggy) {
pathNextColl.aggregate([{ $merge: pathCollName }]); // much faster!
pathColl.deleteMany({ /* theme: theme */ _id: new RegExp('^' + theme + '\\|'), gen: { $ne: generation } });
if (!anyBuggy) {
const res = pathColl.deleteMany({ gen: { $ne: generation } });
if (verbose) print(`Deleted ${res.deletedCount} other gen paths`);
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