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Created July 17, 2018 19:59
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const foo1 = () => { this.rawr = "rawr" }
function foo2 () { this.rawr = "rawr" }
function moo2 () { this.rawr = "moo" }
function resetRawr () { this.rawr = "rawr" }
function setRawr (value) { this.rawr = value }
const rawrStuff = { moo2: moo2, resetRawr: resetRawr, setRawr: setRawr }
function Foo () {
this.rawr = "rawr"
this.resetRawr = function () { this.rawr = "rawr"}
Foo.prototype.changeRawr = function (value) { this.rawr = value }
const foo = new Foo()
Object.assign(foo.prototype, rawrStuff, { foo2 })
foo.rawr // "omg"
class Foo extends React.Componet{
constructor (props) {
this.rawr = "rawr"
resetRawr = function () { this.rawr = "rawr" }
changeRawr(value) { this.rawr = value }
import { createStore } from 'fe-lib-store'
import { connect } from 'fe-hoc-connect'
import { compose } from 'fe-hoc-compose'
const initialState = {
counterOne: 0,
counterTwo: 0,
counterThree: 0,
const { store } = createStore('counters', {}, initialState)
const connect = (store, mapState) => Comp => {
return class extends React.Component {
componentDidMount () {
this.mount = true
this.unsub = store.subscribe(() => this.mount && this.forceUpdate())
componentWillUnmount () {
this.mount = false
render () {
return <Comp {...this.props} {...mapState(store.getState(), this.props)}/>
const Btn = ({ children, onClick }) =>
<button onClick={onClick}>
{ children }
const Text = ({ children }) =>
<strong>{ children }</strong>
const Counter = ({ count, onInc, onDec }) =>
{ onDec && <Btn onClick={onDec}>-</Btn> }
{ onInc && <Btn onClick={onInc}>+</Btn> }
const ConnectedCounter = connect(store, (state, { id }) => ({
count: state[id],
const Counters = ({ counters, total }) =>
<Title total={total}>Count</Title>
{ => <ConnectedCounter id={id}/>) }
const ConnectedCounters = compose(
connect(otherStore, (state, props) => ({
activeCounter: state.activeCounter,
connect(store, (state, props) => ({
counters: Object.keys(state),
total: Object.keys(state).map(id => state[id]).reduce((a, b) => a+b),
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