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Created April 12, 2014 15:02
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PDetect[sensloc_, srcloc_] := Exp[-EuclideanDistance[sensloc, srcloc]];
PDFSrcloc[srcloc_] :=
1/(2 \[Pi])
Exp[-(srcloc[[1]]^2 + srcloc[[2]]^2)/
PDFJointSrcSens[srcloc_, senslocs_, sensstates_] :=
If[Length[sensstates] > 0,
Times @@
If[#1, PDetect[#2, srcloc],
1 - PDetect[#2, srcloc]] &, {sensstates, senslocs}], 1];
PDFSensLocs[senslocs_, sensstates_] :=
PDFSensLocs[senslocs, sensstates] =
If[Length[sensstates] > 0,
PDFJointSrcSens[{x, y}, senslocs, sensstates], {x, -Infinity,
Infinity}, {y, -Infinity, Infinity}], 1];
PDFSrcLocGivenSens[srcloc_, senslocs_,
sensstates_] := (PDFJointSrcSens[srcloc, senslocs, sensstates])/
PDFSensLocs[senslocs, sensstates];
lastP = {}; states = {};
detected[p_, src_] := RandomReal[] <= PDetect[p, src];
Manipulate[With[{q = locs[[1]], p = Drop[locs, 1]},
If[Length[lastP] < Length[p],
states = Append[states, detected[p[[-1]], q]]];
If[Length[lastP] > Length[p],
states = states[[Flatten[Position[lastP, #] & /@ p]]]];
lastP = p;
PDFSrcLocGivenSens[{x, y}, p, states], {x, -2, 2}, {y, -2, 2},
PlotRange -> Full, ColorFunction -> GrayLevel,
ColorFunctionScaling -> True, Contours -> 20],
DensityPlot[EuclideanDistance[{x, y}, q], {x, -2, 2}, {y, -2, 2},
PlotRange -> Full], {}],
If[debug && Length[p] > 0,
Text[TableForm[MapThread[List, {p, states}]], {0, 0}]],
If[showpoint, {Red, Table[Circle[q, i/20], {i, 3}]}],
MapThread[{If[#1, Green, White], Point[#2]} &, {states, p}]
PlotRange -> 2]
{{showpoint, True, "Show point"}, {True, False}},
{{showsignal, False, "Show signal"}, {True, False}},
{{debug, False, "Debug"}, {True, False}},
Button["Clear", {locs = {locs[[1]]}}, ImageSize -> 100,
Alignment -> {Center, Baseline}],
states = ( RandomReal[] <= PDetect[#, locs[[1]]]) & /@
Drop[locs, 1], ImageSize -> 100, Alignment -> {Center, Baseline}]
{{locs, {{1, 1}}}, Locator, Appearance -> None,
LocatorAutoCreate -> 1}]
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