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Last active February 22, 2017 14:04
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AWS Route 53 script nameserver setting bug
from __future__ import (absolute_import, print_function, division, unicode_literals)
import boto.beanstalk
import boto.exception
import boto.ec2.elb
import boto.route53.connection
import boto.route53.record
MY_ENV = 'my-env'
MY_REGION = 'us-west-1'
def exit_error(message, exception):
"""Handle exceptions that are not bugs, e.g. records that may just not be present (yet)"""
if __name__ == '__main__' and not _ERROR_EXCEPTIONS:
raise SystemExit
raise exception
def get_eip_or_elb(envname, region):
"""Get the EIP or ELB for this EB environment and determine whether it is load balanced"""
env = boto.beanstalk.connect_to_region(region).describe_environment_resources(environment_name=envname)
except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
exit_error('ERROR: Environment not found: {}'.format(envname), e)
for resource in (env['DescribeEnvironmentResourcesResponse']['DescribeEnvironmentResourcesResult']
if resource['LogicalResourceId'] == 'AWSEBLoadBalancer':
lbname = resource['PhysicalResourceId']
elif resource['LogicalResourceId'] == 'AWSEBEIP':
eip = resource['PhysicalResourceId']
lb = None
lb = boto.ec2.elb.connect_to_region(region).get_all_load_balancers(load_balancer_names=(lbname))[0]
dns = lb.canonical_hosted_zone_name
host_is_elb = True
except NameError:
dns = eip
host_is_elb = False
return dns, lb, host_is_elb
def set_a_record(hz, dns, lb, ttl, host_is_elb, verbose):
"""Set the A Record for a given Route 53 Hosted Zone"""
add_change_args_upsert = {
'action': 'UPSERT',
'type': 'A'
records = hz.get_records()
if host_is_elb:
if verbose:
print('Creating ALIAS Record: {}'.format(dns))
add_change_args_upsert['alias_hosted_zone_id'] = lb.canonical_hosted_zone_name_id
add_change_args_upsert['alias_dns_name'] = dns
add_change_args_upsert['alias_evaluate_target_health'] = False
change = records.add_change(**add_change_args_upsert)
if verbose:
print('Creating A Record: {}'.format(dns))
add_change_args_upsert['ttl'] = ttl
change = records.add_change(**add_change_args_upsert)
def hzcreate(domain=None, verbose=False):
"""Create a Hosted Zone for the specified domain and update nameservers if Route 53 Registered Domain exists"""
domain = domain.lower()
r53 = boto.route53.connection.Route53Connection()
if r53.get_hosted_zone_by_name(domain + '.'):
print('WARNING: Hosted Zone for {} already exists.'.format(domain))
hz = r53.get_zone(domain + '.')
if verbose:
print('Creating Hosted Zone for {}.'.format(domain))
hz = r53.create_zone(domain + '.')
nameservers = hz.get_nameservers()
if verbose:
print('Hosted Zone has nameservers:')
for ns in nameservers:
print(' {}'.format(ns))
def cname(envname=MY_ENV, domain=None, region=MY_REGION, ttl=60, verbose=False, subdomain='www', cname=None):
"""Set a CNAME record for a Route 53 hosted domain"""
domain = domain.lower()
name = '.'.join([subdomain, domain])
cname = domain if cname is None else cname
env = boto.beanstalk.connect_to_region(region).describe_environment_resources(environment_name=envname)
except boto.exception.BotoServerError:
return 'Environment not found: {}'.format(envname)
r53 = boto.route53.connection.Route53Connection()
hz = r53.get_zone(domain)
if hz is None:
print('ERROR: No Route 53 Hosted Zone for {}.'.format(domain))
except Exception as e:
print('ERROR: There was a problem locating the 53 Hosted Zone for: {}'.format(domain))
if __name__ == '__main__':
raise SystemExit
raise e
add_change_args_upsert = {
'action': 'UPSERT',
'name': name,
'type': 'CNAME',
'ttl': ttl
records = hz.get_records()
if verbose:
print('Creating CNAME Record: {} -> {}'.format(name, cname))
change = records.add_change(**add_change_args_upsert)
# BUG - This only puts one nameserver in the NS record, leaving the remaining three out
def host(envname=MY_ENV, domain=None, region=MY_REGION, ttl=60, verbose=False, comment=None):
"""Set DNS records to host a domain at an EB environment, creating Route 53 Hosted Zone for domain if none exists"""
domain = domain.lower()
if verbose:
print("Setting hosting for {} at '{}'".format(domain, envname))
dns, lb, host_is_elb = get_eip_or_elb(envname, region)
r53 = boto.route53.connection.Route53Connection()
hz = r53.get_zone(domain)
if hz is None:
if verbose:
print('Creating a new Route 53 Hosted Zone with hzcreate')
hzcreate(domain, verbose)
except Exception as e:
exit_error('ERROR: There was a problem locating the 53 Hosted Zone for: {}'.format(domain), e)
hz = r53.get_zone(domain)
change_set = boto.route53.record.ResourceRecordSets(r53,
for rrset in r53.get_all_rrsets(
u = change_set.add_change(str('UPSERT'),, rrset.type, ttl=ttl)
results = change_set.commit()
# Set up the A record to point th the EIP/ELB
set_a_record(hz, dns, lb, ttl, host_is_elb, verbose)
# Create CNAME for www by default
cname(envname, domain, region, ttl, verbose, 'www')
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