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Created May 23, 2017 09:33
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Colorized Voronoi diagram with Scipy, in 2D, including infinite regions
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.spatial import Voronoi
def voronoi_finite_polygons_2d(vor, radius=None):
Reconstruct infinite voronoi regions in a 2D diagram to finite
vor : Voronoi
Input diagram
radius : float, optional
Distance to 'points at infinity'.
regions : list of tuples
Indices of vertices in each revised Voronoi regions.
vertices : list of tuples
Coordinates for revised Voronoi vertices. Same as coordinates
of input vertices, with 'points at infinity' appended to the
if vor.points.shape[1] != 2:
raise ValueError("Requires 2D input")
new_regions = []
new_vertices = vor.vertices.tolist()
center = vor.points.mean(axis=0)
if radius is None:
radius = vor.points.ptp().max()*2
# Construct a map containing all ridges for a given point
all_ridges = {}
for (p1, p2), (v1, v2) in zip(vor.ridge_points, vor.ridge_vertices):
all_ridges.setdefault(p1, []).append((p2, v1, v2))
all_ridges.setdefault(p2, []).append((p1, v1, v2))
# Reconstruct infinite regions
for p1, region in enumerate(vor.point_region):
vertices = vor.regions[region]
if all(v >= 0 for v in vertices):
# finite region
# reconstruct a non-finite region
ridges = all_ridges[p1]
new_region = [v for v in vertices if v >= 0]
for p2, v1, v2 in ridges:
if v2 < 0:
v1, v2 = v2, v1
if v1 >= 0:
# finite ridge: already in the region
# Compute the missing endpoint of an infinite ridge
t = vor.points[p2] - vor.points[p1] # tangent
t /= np.linalg.norm(t)
n = np.array([-t[1], t[0]]) # normal
midpoint = vor.points[[p1, p2]].mean(axis=0)
direction = np.sign( - center, n)) * n
far_point = vor.vertices[v2] + direction * radius
# sort region counterclockwise
vs = np.asarray([new_vertices[v] for v in new_region])
c = vs.mean(axis=0)
angles = np.arctan2(vs[:,1] - c[1], vs[:,0] - c[0])
new_region = np.array(new_region)[np.argsort(angles)]
# finish
return new_regions, np.asarray(new_vertices)
# make up data points
points = np.random.rand(15, 2)
# compute Voronoi tesselation
vor = Voronoi(points)
# plot
regions, vertices = voronoi_finite_polygons_2d(vor)
print "--"
print regions
print "--"
print vertices
# colorize
for region in regions:
polygon = vertices[region]
plt.fill(*zip(*polygon), alpha=0.4)
plt.plot(points[:,0], points[:,1], 'ko')
plt.xlim(vor.min_bound[0] - 0.1, vor.max_bound[0] + 0.1)
plt.ylim(vor.min_bound[1] - 0.1, vor.max_bound[1] + 0.1)
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