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Created October 11, 2012 16:08
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Swiss Grid map with Nutiteq 2.0 SDK
// Compile against nutiteq-3dlib-preview.jar or drop into the HelloMap3D sample
import javax.microedition.khronos.opengles.GL10;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.widget.Toast;
import com.nutiteq.MapView;
import com.nutiteq.components.Bounds;
import com.nutiteq.components.Components;
import com.nutiteq.components.ImmutableMapPos;
import com.nutiteq.components.MapPos;
import com.nutiteq.components.TileQuadTreeNode;
import com.nutiteq.geometry.VectorElement;
import com.nutiteq.layers.Layer;
import com.nutiteq.log.Log;
import com.nutiteq.projections.Projection;
import com.nutiteq.rasterlayers.RasterLayer;
import com.nutiteq.tasks.NetFetchTileTask;
import com.nutiteq.ui.MapListener;
public class BasicMapActivity extends Activity {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Set up MapView basics
MapView mapView = (MapView) findViewById(;
mapView.setComponents(new Components());
mapView.getOptions().setMapListener(new MapClickListener(this));
// Add a Swiss Grid layer, focused on Zurich
Layer baseLayer = new SwissGridLayer(42);
// Focus on Zurich.. either of these should work
mapView.setFocusPoint(mapView.getLayers().getBaseLayer().getProjection().fromWgs84(8.55f, 47.366667f));
mapView.setFocusPoint(683946f, 246796f); // Swiss Grid coordinates for Zurich
// Zoom in not too far
// Go!
/** Raster layer using the EPSG:21781 projection and Swiss tile server. */
private static class SwissGridLayer extends RasterLayer {
private static final int MIN_ZOOM_LEVEL = 14;
private static final int MAX_ZOOM_LEVEL = 25;
private static final String URL_BASE = "";
/** Number of tiles in the X direction, for zoom levels 14..25. */
private static final int[] TILES_X = { 3, 4, 8, 19, 38, 94, 188, 375, 750, 938, 1250, 1875 };
/** Number of tiles in the Y direction, for zoom levels 14..25. */
private static final int[] TILES_Y = { 2, 3, 5, 13, 25, 65, 125, 250, 500, 625, 834, 1250 };
protected SwissGridLayer(int id) {
super(new SwissGrid(), MIN_ZOOM_LEVEL, MAX_ZOOM_LEVEL, id, URL_BASE);
* @param zoom Current zoom level.
* @return The width of the world in tiles, for the given zoom level.
private static final int getXTileCountForZoom(int zoom) {
return TILES_X[zoom - MIN_ZOOM_LEVEL];
* @param zoom Current zoom level.
* @return The height of the world in tiles, for the given zoom level.
private static final int getYTileCountForZoom(int zoom) {
return TILES_Y[zoom - MIN_ZOOM_LEVEL];
public void fetchTile(TileQuadTreeNode tile) {
System.out.println(String.format("fetchTile() X: %d, Y: %d, Zoom: %d", tile.x, tile.y, tile.zoom));
final int zoom = tile.zoom;
final double tileCountForZoomLevel = 1 << zoom;
int x = (int) ((tile.x / tileCountForZoomLevel) * getXTileCountForZoom(zoom));
int y = (int) ((tile.y / tileCountForZoomLevel) * getYTileCountForZoom(zoom));
String url = String.format("%s%d/%d/%d.jpeg", URL_BASE, zoom, y, x);
System.out.println(String.format("SwissGridLayer: Loading tile %s", url));
this.components.rasterTaskPool.execute(new NetFetchTileTask(tile,
this.components, this.tileIdOffset, url));
public void flush() {
// ?
/** Implements the EPSG:21781 projection: the Swiss Grid. */
private static class SwissGrid extends Projection {
* The "Projection" class only supports certain named PROJ4 projections, therefore we pass
* in a projection name that works, but then ignore it and manually override the WGS
* conversion methods.
private static final String PROJ4_NAME = "merc";
/* Bounds for the tile set being used, in Swiss Grid metres. */
private static final Bounds BOUNDS = new Bounds(420000, 350000, 900000, 30000);
public SwissGrid() {
public ImmutableMapPos fromWgs84(float lon, float lat) {
// Convert WGS84 to Swiss grid coordinates (metres)
int north = (int) WGStoCHx(lat, lon);
int east = (int) WGStoCHy(lat, lon);
System.out.println(String.format("Input, Lat: %.6f, Lon: %.6f", lat, lon));
System.out.println(String.format("Output, North: %d, East: %d", north, east));
return new ImmutableMapPos(east, north);
public MapPos toWgs84(float x, float y) {
// Currently unused
return null;
public float[] internalTransformationMatrix(float x, float y, float z) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unused?");
// Below are conversion methods provided by swisstopo:
// Convert WGS lat/long (° dec) to CH x
private static double WGStoCHx(double lat, double lng) {
// Converts degrees dec to sex
lat = DecToSexAngle(lat);
lng = DecToSexAngle(lng);
// Converts degrees to seconds (sex)
lat = SexAngleToSeconds(lat);
lng = SexAngleToSeconds(lng);
// Axiliary values (% Bern)
double lat_aux = (lat - 169028.66) / 10000;
double lng_aux = (lng - 26782.5) / 10000;
// Process X
double x = ((200147.07 + (308807.95 * lat_aux)
+ (3745.25 * Math.pow(lng_aux, 2)) + (76.63 * Math.pow(lat_aux,
2))) - (194.56 * Math.pow(lng_aux, 2) * lat_aux))
+ (119.79 * Math.pow(lat_aux, 3));
return x;
// Convert WGS lat/long (° dec) to CH y
private static double WGStoCHy(double lat, double lng) {
// Converts degrees dec to sex
lat = DecToSexAngle(lat);
lng = DecToSexAngle(lng);
// Converts degrees to seconds (sex)
lat = SexAngleToSeconds(lat);
lng = SexAngleToSeconds(lng);
// Axiliary values (% Bern)
double lat_aux = (lat - 169028.66) / 10000;
double lng_aux = (lng - 26782.5) / 10000;
// Process Y
double y = (600072.37 + (211455.93 * lng_aux))
- (10938.51 * lng_aux * lat_aux)
- (0.36 * lng_aux * Math.pow(lat_aux, 2))
- (44.54 * Math.pow(lng_aux, 3));
return y;
// Convert decimal angle (degrees) to sexagesimal angle (degrees, minutes
// and seconds dd.mmss,ss)
public static double DecToSexAngle(double dec) {
int deg = (int) Math.floor(dec);
int min = (int) Math.floor((dec - deg) * 60);
double sec = (((dec - deg) * 60) - min) * 60;
// Output: dd.mmss(,)ss
return deg + ((double) min / 100) + (sec / 10000);
// Convert sexagesimal angle (degrees, minutes and seconds dd.mmss,ss) to
// seconds
public static double SexAngleToSeconds(double dms) {
double deg = 0, min = 0, sec = 0;
deg = Math.floor(dms);
min = Math.floor((dms - deg) * 100);
sec = (((dms - deg) * 100) - min) * 100;
// Result in degrees sex (dd.mmss)
return sec + (min * 60) + (deg * 3600);
/** Simply shows a toast with X and Y projection coordinates clicked. */
private static class MapClickListener extends MapListener {
final Activity activity;
MapClickListener(Activity context) {
this.activity = context;
public void onMapClicked(final float x, final float y, final boolean longClick) {
activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Toast.makeText(activity, "onMapClicked " + x + " " + y, 0).show();
public void onDrawFrameAfter3D(GL10 arg0, float arg1) {
// If only there was a MapListenerAdapter class, we wouldn't need
// these empty methods!
public void onDrawFrameBefore3D(GL10 arg0, float arg1) {
public void onLabelClicked(VectorElement arg0, boolean arg1) {
public void onMapMoved() {
public void onSurfaceChanged(GL10 arg0, int arg1, int arg2) {
public void onVectorElementClicked(VectorElement arg0, boolean arg1) {
# Logging from fromWgs84() method shows correct conversion
System.out I Input, Lat: 47.366669, Lon: 8.550000
System.out I Output, North: 246797, East: 683946
# Logging from fetchTile() shows X, Y values I am unsure of.
# Adjusting the values to output the correct Swiss Grid URL of course doesn't work quite right...
System.out I fetchTile() X: 144149, Y: 84544, Zoom: 18
System.out I SwissGridLayer: Loading tile
System.out I fetchTile() X: 144149, Y: 84545, Zoom: 18
System.out I SwissGridLayer: Loading tile
System.out I fetchTile() X: 144150, Y: 84544, Zoom: 18
System.out I SwissGridLayer: Loading tile
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