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Created January 20, 2010 13:55
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Save orsharir/281852 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
:-op(500, yfx, delta).
open('proof.txt', write, Out),
(with_output_to(Out, test_assoc);true),
A = set('A'),
B = set('B'),
C = set('C'),
Exp1 = A delta (B delta C),
Exp2 = (A delta B) delta C,
format('"Left side" newline\n'),
simplify_exp(Exp1, NewExp1),
format('\nnewline newline "Right side" newline\n'),
simplify_exp(Exp2, NewExp2),
nl, nl,
!, NewExp1 = NewExp2,
format('\nnewline newline\n"Summery:" newline\n "Right side: " ~p newline\n', [main_set(NewExp1, 'Sort the order')]),
format('"Right side:" ~p newline', [main_set(NewExp2, 'Sort the order')]),
format('"Left side" = "Right side"').
simplify_exp(InExp, OutExp):-
read_exp(InExp, TempExp, main_set(_, _)),!,
normalize_ops(TempExp, OutExp).
read_exp(set(A), set(A), _).
read_exp(\set(A), \set(A), _).
read_exp(\ \ A, Anew, Template):-
bind_temp(Template, [\ \ A, 'Reduce negation of negation'], T1),
print(T1), nl,
read_exp(A, Anew, Template).
read_exp(\(A /\ B), Exp, Template):-
bind_temp(Template, [\(A /\ B), 'Reduce negation of AND'], T1),
print(T1), nl,
read_exp((\A) \/ (\B), Exp, Template).
read_exp(\(A \/ B), Exp, Template):-
bind_temp(Template, [\(A \/ B), 'Reduce negaion of OR'], T1),
print(T1), nl,
read_exp((\A) /\ (\B), Exp, Template).
read_exp(A \/ B, Exp, Template):-
bind_temp(Template, [(_ /\ B), _], T1),
read_exp(A, Anew, T1),
bind_temp(Template, [(A /\ _), _], T2),
read_exp(B, Bnew, T2),
simplify(Anew \/ Bnew, Exp, Template).
read_exp(A /\ B, Exp, Template):-
bind_temp(Template, [(_ /\ B), _], T1),
read_exp(A, Anew, T1),
bind_temp(Template, [(A /\ _), _], T2),
read_exp(B, Bnew, T2),
simplify(Anew /\ Bnew, Exp, Template).
read_exp(A delta B, C, Template):-
bind_temp(Template, [(_ delta B), _], T1),
read_exp(A, Anew, T1),
bind_temp(Template, [(A delta _), _], T2),
read_exp(B, Bnew, T2),
read_exp((Anew /\ \Bnew) \/ (Bnew /\ \Anew), C, Template).
bind_temp(Template, Vars, T):-
copy_term(Template, T),
term_variables(T, Vars).
simplify(set(A), set(A), _).
simplify(\set(A), \set(A), _).
simplify(A /\ \A, false, Template):-
bind_temp(Template, [A /\ \A, ''], T1),
print(T1), nl,
bind_temp(Template, [false, 'Something and its negation is always false'], T2),
print(T2), nl.
simplify(\A /\ A, false, Template):-
bind_temp(Template, [\A /\ A, ''], T1),
print(T1), nl,
bind_temp(Template, [false, 'Something and its negation is always false'], T2),
print(T2), nl.
simplify(A /\ false, false, Template):-
bind_temp(Template, [A /\ false, ''], T1),
print(T1), nl,
bind_temp(Template, [false, 'Something and false is always false'], T2),
print(T2), nl.
simplify(false /\ A , false, Template):-
bind_temp(Template, [false /\ A, ''], T1),
print(T1), nl,
bind_temp(Template, [false, 'Something and false is always false'], T2),
print(T2), nl.
simplify(A \/ false, Anew, Template):-
bind_temp(Template, [A \/ false, 'Reduce something or false'], T1),
print(T1), nl,
read_exp(A, Anew, Template).
simplify(false \/ A, Anew, Template):-
bind_temp(Template, [false \/ A, 'Reduce something or false'], T1),
print(T1), nl,
read_exp(A, Anew, Template).
simplify(A /\ (B \/ C), Exp, Template):-
bind_temp(Template, [A /\ (B \/ C), 'Distributivity'], T1),
print(T1), nl,
read_exp((A /\ B) \/ (A /\ C), Exp, Template).
simplify((B \/ C) /\ A , Exp, Template):-
bind_temp(Template, [(B \/ C) /\ A, 'Distributivity'], T1),
print(T1), nl,
read_exp((A /\ B) \/ (A /\ C), Exp, Template).
simplify(A,A, _).
normalize_ops(Ops, NewOps):-
op_tree_to_list(Op, Ops, List),
sort(List, Sorted),
%reverse(Sorted, RevList),
list_to_ops(Op, Sorted, NewOps).
op_tree_to_list(_, set(A), [set(A)]).
op_tree_to_list(_, \set(A), [\set(A)]).
op_tree_to_list(Op, Exp, List):-
Exp =.. [Op, A, B],
op_tree_to_list(Op, A, L1),
op_tree_to_list(Op, B, L2),
append(L1, L2, List).
op_tree_to_list(Op, Exp, [NewExp]):-
Exp =.. [NewOp, _,_],
Op \= NewOp,
normalize_ops(Exp, NewExp).
list_to_ops(NewOp, [A,B], Exp):-
Exp =.. [NewOp, A, B].
list_to_ops(NewOp, [A|Rest], NewExp):-
list_to_ops(NewOp, Rest, Exp),
NewExp =.. [NewOp, Exp, A].
sort_pair(Pair, NewPair):-
Pair =.. [Op, A, B],
(compare(<, A, B) ->
NewPair =.. [Op, A, B]
; NewPair =.. [Op, B, A]).
format('{}= lbrace x mline ~p rbrace newline\n', [A]).
portray(main_set(A, Proof)):-
format('{}= lbrace x mline ~p rbrace newline "~w:" newline\n', [A, Proof]).
portray(A delta B):-
format('(~p %DELTA ~p)', [A,B]).
format('(x notin ~p)', [A]).
format('(x in ~p)', [A]).
portray(A /\ B):-
format('(~p and ~p)', [A, B]).
portray(A \/ B):-
format('(~p or ~p)', [A, B]).
format('neg (~p)', [A]).
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