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Last active September 23, 2017 13:32
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A simple way to create elegant custom errors with ES6 classes.
'use strict'
export class CustomError extends Error {
constructor(message) {
this.type = =
Object.defineProperties(this, {
type: { enumerable: true, writable: false },
name: { enumerable: false, writable: false },
message: { enumerable: true, writable: false },
export class PageNotFound extends CustomError {
constructor(message) {
this.statusCode = 404
this.statusText = 'Page not found'
Object.defineProperties(this, {
statusCode: { enumerable: true, writable: false },
statusText: { enumerable: true, writable: false },
const pnf = new PageNotFound('Can not get /foo')
{ PageNotFound: Can not get /foo
at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/ortense/projects/gists/custom-errors.js:27:13)
at Module._compile (module.js:571:32)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:580:10)
at Module.load (module.js:488:32)
at tryModuleLoad (module.js:447:12)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:439:3)
at Module.runMain (module.js:605:10)
at run (bootstrap_node.js:427:7)
at startup (bootstrap_node.js:151:9)
at bootstrap_node.js:542:3
message: 'Can not get /foo',
type: 'PageNotFound',
statusCode: 404,
statusText: 'Page not found' }
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