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Created November 2, 2023 18:43
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Node app safe configuration
import { parseArgs } from 'node:util'
import { env } from 'node:process'
import { Input, Issue, Output, boolean, custom, object, safeParse, string, transform } from 'valibot'
// @infra/environment/environment-error.ts
export class EnvironmentError extends Error {
constructor(public readonly issues: Issue[]) {
super('Environment Error')
// @infra/environment/schema.ts
// could be adapted to zod, joy or your favorite schema validation lib.
const schema = object({
port: transform(string([
val => Number.isInteger(Number(val)),
'port must be a numeric strig',
]), Number),
debug: boolean(),
export type EnvironmentInput = Input<typeof schema>
export type EnvironmentConfig = Output<typeof schema>
// @infra/environment/configure.ts
// the env config setup is here
function getArguments(): Partial<EnvironmentInput> {
const args = parseArgs({
options: {
port: { type: 'string' },
debug: { type: 'boolean' },
return args.values
function getEnvironmentVariables(): Partial<EnvironmentInput> {
const variables = {
port: env.PORT,
debug: env.DEBUG === 'true',
return { ...variables }
const result = safeParse(schema, {
if (result.success === false) {
throw new EnvironmentError(result.issues)
export const config: EnvironmentConfig = result.output
* @infra/environment/index.ts
* export { config } from './configure'
* export { EnvironmentConfig } from './schema'
* Usage example
* @/main.ts
* import { exit } from 'node:process'
* import { server } from '@infra/server'
* import { config } from '@infra/environment'
* async function main() {
* server.listen(config.port)
* }
* function onError(error: unknown) {
* console.error(error)
* exit(1)
* }
* main().catch(onError)
* dev
* npx tsx --env-file=.env src/main.ts --port 9090 --debug
* prod
* PORT=3000 node build/main.js
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