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Last active December 31, 2017 12:06
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Kin Mobile SDK on Ethereum - Directory Tree
├── MobileCode # ios code, will be discussed later on
├── .travis.yml # CI service configuration
└── truffle/ # testing framework
├── contracts/ # Solidity .sol smart contracts. Includes ERC20 token contracts used for tests
├── migrations/ # Truffle contract initialization code onto testrpc Ethereum node
├── scripts/ # helper scripts, used with Makefile
│ ├── # set variables required for tests e.g. account keys, contract address
│ ├── # wallet account predefined private keys
│ ├── # kill testrpc when tests are done
│ ├── # start testrpc with accounts from
│ └── # start truffle
├── Makefile # used as a cli for running tests along with scripts/
├── truffle.js # truffle configuration e.g. testrpc address and port, gas per tx, etc.
├── package.json # Node.js, truffle, and testrpc dependencies
└── package-lock.json # Same
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