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Last active September 15, 2023 12:11
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#Written Sept 30 2009
#This program fscked the mind of Adam Domurad; It is not completely efficient for sure but I was more concerned with making a working interpreter
#You can use as many as 256 nested loops on a 8 bit cell interpreter
#NOTE code will be parsed a lot faster without comment characters
#[first place 0 at start and place code input, working out if its a comment and correcting [ -> 1, ] -> 2, + -> 3, - -> 4, > -> 5, < -> 6, . -> 7, , -> 8]
#[Ascii: + is 43, , is 44, - is 45, . is 46, < is 60, > is 62, [ is 91, ] is 93]
#[Data used is 8 + Data used by subprogram * 2 + non-comment instructions in subprogram.]
#[It is possible but a good deal more complex to not use double the data the subprogram uses, the data pointer would have to be stored]
#[numerically and then shifted through the data area, and then restored.]
, #input char and see if its a valid command
#if its minus 1 make it 0 to handle various EOF standards
#if it is '%' we end the code processing and treat the rest as input
--- --- --- --- --- ---
--- --- --- --- --- --- - #minus 37#
[ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
+++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ + > - ]
[ #make sure it is not = 0
>+++++ +++ #set cell plus 1 to 8
<----- #minus 40 in total
] #cell plus 1 is 0
<--- #minus 43 in total
[ #was it NOT 43?
-#minus 44 in total
[#was it NOT 44
[#was it NOT 45?
[#was it NOT 46?
--- --- --- --- --
[#was it NOT 60 ?
[#was it NOT 62?
>+++++ ++
<----#minusing 7*4 = 28 total minus of 90
[#was it NOT 91?
[#was it NOT 93?
[+]-#set cell to minus 1 NOTE: implementation must support decreasing 0
> #increment cell pointer so that we can exit the loop
[ # is the cell before us minus 1? If so the value was a comment and this loop is skipped
-# here we know we have a 93
>++ #set to 2
> # go to a 0 cell to exit the loop
->#Either way we end up one space past a minus 1 cell
]#END 91 We are either on the current cell plus 1 = 0 or the cell plus 2 = 0; the value before us is minus 1 signalling that we entered this loop
[ # is the cell before us minus 1? If so skip this loop if not handle 91 case
-#here we know we have a 91
>+ #set to 1
> # go to a 0 cell to exit the loop
]#END 62 If there was a comment or a set so far the cell behind us is minus 1
<+ [ - > +++++ #set to 5# >]
]#END 60
<+ [- > +++ +++ #set to 6# >]
]#END 46
<+ [- > +++ +++ + #set to 7# >]
]#END 45
<+ [- > +++ + #set to 4# >]
]#END 44
<+ [- > +++ +++ ++ #set to 8#>]
]#END 42
<+ [- > +++ #set to 3#>]
]#END 0
< #minus 1 if not at EOF the last instruction if EOF (value 1 to 8)
+ [->->]
] #continue if it was negative one do not continue if it was EOF
<+++>>#add a useless plus at the end which makes sure next instruction is never 0 but is not executed
#past the code immediately is a 0; then a 0; then a minus 1; then a 0; then the data
#before the current instruction is two 0s; when the simulated instruction pointer moves the two 0s are pushed before the next instruction
#the second 0 holds a fetched instruction the others are simply reference points
[ #Main loop
<<+++ +++ ++ #Move the current instruction into a 0 that was before it
>>>[>]>>>> +[->>+]- #Find the start of the data
>, #Read input into the pointedto data
< << +[-<<+]- #Find the register area
<<<[<]< #Stop at the first 0 in the instruction pointer
<<< +++ +++ + #Move the current instruction into a 0 that was before it
>>>[>]>>>> +[->>+]- #Find the start of the data
>. #Output the pointedto data
< << +[-<<+]- #Find the register area
<<<[<] #Stop at the last 0 in the instruction pointer
<<<+++ +++ #Move the current instruction into a 0 that was before it
>>>[>]>>>> +[->>+] #Find the start of the data and delete the marker
<<- #Add a marker before the data before us
<< +[-<<+]- #Find the register area
<<<[<] #Stop at the last 0 in the instruction pointer
<<<+++ ++ #Move the current instruction into a 0 that was before it
>>>[>]>>>> +[->>+] #Find the start of the data and delete the marker
>>- #Add a marker before the data after us
<< +[-<<+]- #Find the register area
<<<[<] #Stop at the last 0 in the instruction pointer
<<<+++ + #Move the current instruction into the 0 that was before it
>>>[>]>>>> +[->>+]- #Find the start of the data
>- #Decrement the pointedto data
< << +[-<<+]- #Find the register area
<<<[<] #Stop at the last 0 in the instruction pointer
<<<+++ #Move the current instruction into the 0 that was before it
>>>[>]>>>> +[->>+]- #Find the start of the data
>+ #Increment the pointedto data
< << +[-<<+]- #Find the register area
<<<[<] #Stop at the last 0 in the instruction pointer
<++ #Repair this instruction in case we will be jumping back
[>] >> >> +[->>+]- #Find the start of the data
>[ #IF the data is not 0 we must find the matching left bracket and set the instruction one after it as the current instruction
< << +[-<<+]- #Go to register area
< << [<] #Move to the instruction pointer second 0
- #Set to negative 1 since we already have a right bracket; we will now call this the bracket count
#set up: instruction 0 bracketcount
<< #The instruction before our instruction pointer
-[ #If it is NOT a 1
>>- #Decrement the bracket pointer
<-> #Set the 0 cell to negative 1 in case we have a 0 bracket pointer
[<+] #Point to the 0 cell and 0 it if we did not have a 0 bracket pointer
<+[ #This happens if the bracket pointer was not set to 0
>[<] #We are now at the 0 cell
< #We are now back to the instruction
-[ #If it is NOT a 2
>>+ #Increment the bracket pointer
<--> #Set the 0 cell to negative 2 in case we have a 0 bracket pointer
[<++] #Point to the 0 cell and 0 it if we did not have a 0 bracket pointer
<++[ #This happens if the bracket pointer was not set to 0
>[<] #We are now at the 0 cell
< #We are now back to the instruction
++ #Restore instruction
>> #Move to bracket count
[ #Only enter if we have a bracket count != 0 since we do not need to move behind the last right bracket
[<+>-] #We will decrement the instruction pointer: first we move the bracket count into our 0
<<[>>+<<-] #Transfer the instruction into the prior bracket count cell pointing at the 0 cell
<[ #Will only be entered if above loop was entered
<[#If we are still in the current data this will be minus one else it will be the 0 cell and will not enter
<< +[-<<+]- #Go to register area
< << [<] #Move to the instruction pointer second 0
<++ #Create the instruction in the first 0
>>-- #Destroy the original instruction making it the second 0
< #Go to first 0 cell
> #End at second 0 cell
<<<+>>> #Move the instruction pointer one back
[>] >> >> +[->>+]- #Find the start of the data
>[ #IF the data is not 0 we go about our business
<<<+[-<<+]- #Go to register area
< << [<] #Move to the instruction pointer second 0
<[#If we are still in the current data this will be minus one else it will be the 0 cell and will not enter
#Here we need to jump forward
<< +[-<<+]- #Go to register area
< << [<] #Move to the instruction pointer second 0
+ #Set to 1 since we already have a left bracket; we will now call this the bracket count
#set up: instruction 0 bracketcount
> #The instruction after our instruction pointer
-[ #If it is NOT a 1
<- #Decrement the bracket pointer
< #Point to the 0 cell
<<[>>] #If we are at 0 cell there will always be a non zero 2 away while if we are at instruction we will now be at 0 cell
>> #Move again to instruction
-[ #If it is NOT a 2
<+ #Increment the bracket pointer
< #Point to the 0 cell
<<[>>] #If we are at 0 cell there will always be a non zero 2 away while if we are at instruction we will now be at 0 cell
>> #Move again to instruction
++ #Restore instruction
< #Move to bracket count
[ #Only enter if we have a bracket count != 0 since we do not need to move behind the last right bracket
>[<<+>>-] #Transfer the instruction to the 0 cell
<[>+<-] #Transfer our bracket count to where the instruction was making this the new 0 cell
<[ #Will only be entered if above loop was entered
[<<+>>-] #Transfer the instruction to the 0 cell
<[>+<-] #Transfer our bracket count to where the instruction was making this the new 0 cell
> #Point to new second 0 cell
] #End at second 0 cell
> #Point to next instruction
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is this me who should go to therapist or you?

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