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Created July 30, 2008 15:37
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Save os0x/3275 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// ==UserScript==
// @name Volumedown for niconico
// @namespace
// @include*
// ==/UserScript==
var VOLUME = 10;
var meta = document.evaluate("//meta[@name='keywords' and contains(@content,'\u97F3\u91CF\u6CE8\u610F')]",
document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;
if (!meta) return;
var flvplayer = unsafeWindow.$("flvplayer");
var Inter = setInterval(function (){
if (flvplayer.ext_getVolume() == VOLUME) clearInterval(Inter);
}, 100);
})(this.unsafeWindow || window);
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