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Forked from vagarenko/Unboxed.hs
Last active January 5, 2016 15:57
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Unboxed polymorphic types
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash, TypeFamilies #-}
module Data.Unboxed where
import GHC.Exts
-- Hash (#) types are second-class citizens in GHC (in our case, we can't use
-- them in associated types / type families), so here we add dummy types that
-- stand for "unboxed" variants of some standard GHC types.
data UbxInt = UbxInt Int#
data UbxWord = UbxWord Word#
data UbxFloat = UbxFloat Float#
data UbxDouble = UbxDouble Double#
data UbxChar = UbxChar Char#
data UbxPair a = UbxPair a a
-- In the rest of the code we just assume these are magically unboxed types.
class Unbox (a :: *) where
type Unboxed a :: *
unbox :: a -> Unboxed a
box :: Unboxed a -> a
instance Unbox Int where
type Unboxed Int = UbxInt
unbox (I# x) = (UbxInt x)
box (UbxInt i) = I# i
instance Unbox Word where
type Unboxed Word = UbxWord
unbox (W# w) = (UbxWord w)
box (UbxWord w) = W# w
instance Unbox Float where
type Unboxed Float = UbxFloat
unbox (F# f) = UbxFloat f
box (UbxFloat f) = F# f
instance Unbox Double where
type Unboxed Double = UbxDouble
unbox (D# x) = UbxDouble x
box (UbxDouble d) = D# d
instance Unbox Char where
type Unboxed Char = UbxChar
unbox (C# c) = UbxChar c
box (UbxChar c) = C# c
data Point a = Point a a
instance Unbox a => Unbox (Point a) where
type Unboxed (Point a) = UbxPair (Unboxed a)
unbox (Point a b) = UbxPair (unbox a) (unbox b)
box (UbxPair a b) = Point (box a) (box b)
type Point# a = Unboxed (Point a)
distance :: (Unbox a, Floating a) => Point# a -> Point# a -> a
distance p0 p1 =
let Point x0 y0 = box p0
Point x1 y1 = box p1
dx = x1 - x0
dy = y1 - y0
sqrt (dx * dx + dy * dy)
-- Now, this by itself doesn't do the trick. We need to remove `unbox` calls in
-- the `distance` function, and for that we need to resolve `Unbox` dictionary
-- in compile time and inline calls, simplify etc.
{-# SPECIALIZE distance :: Point# Float -> Point# Float -> Float #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE distance :: Point# Double -> Point# Double -> Double #-}
-- Problem: We should be using unboxed types here. Ideally I should write this
-- instead:
-- test1 = distance (Point (0.0 :: Float) 0.0)
-- (Point 100.0 100.0)
test1 :: Float
test1 = distance (UbxPair (UbxFloat 0.0#) (UbxFloat 0.0#))
(UbxPair (UbxFloat 100.0#) (UbxFloat 100.0#))
-- This function is not great for benchmarking this approach though.. It's so
-- simple GHC evaluates the whole thing in compile time:
-- (this is -ddump-simpl)
-- test1 :: Float
-- test1 = GHC.Types.F# (sqrtFloat# (__float 20000.0))
-- So here I'm adding NOINLINE variant to avoid compile time evaluation. Just to
-- see how good the function itself is optimized.
{-# NOINLINE distance_noinline #-}
distance_noinline :: (Unbox a, Floating a) => Point# a -> Point# a -> a
distance_noinline p0 p1 =
let Point x0 y0 = box p0
Point x1 y1 = box p1
dx = x1 - x0
dy = y1 - y0
sqrt (dx * dx + dy * dy)
{-# SPECIALIZE distance_noinline :: Point# Float -> Point# Float -> Float #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE distance_noinline :: Point# Double -> Point# Double -> Double #-}
test2 :: Float
test2 = distance_noinline
(UbxPair (UbxFloat 0.0#) (UbxFloat 0.0#))
(UbxPair (UbxFloat 100.0#) (UbxFloat 100.0#))
-- So this sucks. I forgot that GHC doesn't SPECIALIZE without INLINE. I don't
-- understand why.
-- Unboxed.hs:115:1: warning:
-- Ignoring useless SPECIALISE pragma for NOINLINE function: ‘distance_noinline’
-- Unboxed.hs:116:1: warning:
-- Ignoring useless SPECIALISE pragma for NOINLINE function: ‘distance_noinline’
-- So this function is not optimized at all:
-- test2 :: Float
-- test2 =
-- distance_noinline
-- @ Float
-- Data.Unboxed.$fUnboxFloat
-- GHC.Float.$fFloatingFloat
-- (Data.Unboxed.test6 `cast` ...)
-- (Data.Unboxed.test4 `cast` ...)
-- Here's how it might work in the ideal case: A `distance` specialized on the
-- given types would be created. Then, in the functions, `box` calls would be
-- reduced in compile time as an optimization, so the function body would work
-- on unboxed type.
-- This sounds quite similar to worker/wrapper kind of transformations though.
-- Only difference is here we get to say how to unbox and box + what types to
-- specialize on. This might potentially be more reliable.
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