We need a type system that supports the use cases listed below.
Specifically I'm interested in making anonymous sums useful for error handling.
The syntax below are just an example. The final syntax will depend on the type system that will be used to support these use cases.
Also note that the language already has parametric polymorphism with constraints (i.e. typeclasses). The questions about subtyping vs. row poly. below are only for anonymous variants. Named types won't have subtyping.
The use cases:
type Result[E, T]:
# Thrown errors should be reflected in the type.
fn f1(): Result[{`E1}, ()] =
fn f2(): Result[{`E1, `E2}, ()] =
if x():
# Type of a function can have more error variants than what the function
# actually throws. This can be useful to e.g. allow backwards compatible
# changes in the function.
fn f3(): Result[{`E1, `E2, `E3}, ()] = f2()
# Handled errors are not propagated.
fn f4(): Result[{`E2, `E3}, ()] =
match f3():
Err(`E1): Ok(())
Err(other): Err(other) # other has type {`E2, `E3}
Ok(()): Ok(())
# Higher-order functions propagate errors from function arguments.
# Here kind of `Errs` is `*`.
fn f5[Errs](f: Fn(): Err[Errs, ()]): Err[Errs, ()] =
# A combination of `f5` and `f4`.
# This is a bit more tricky than `f5`: `Errs` is a row type, not a `*`.
# Do we need a constraint here saying that `Errs` doesn't have `E1`?
fn f6[Errs](f: Fn(): Result[{`E1, ..Errs}, ()]): Result[{..Errs}, ()] =
match f():
Err(`E1): Ok(())
Err(other): Err(other)
Ok(()): Ok(())
# Question: can we express `f6` in a system with subtyping instead of row
# polymorphism?
# The return type would have to be more precise (with less number of variants)
# than the return type of `f`. I don't know how to express this without a type
# variable standing for a row.
# Similar to `f6`, but the call site adds more error cases.
# What if `Errs` is instantiated as a variant with `E1`?
# I think that's OK (i.e. sound), but the instantiated return type shouldn't
# have two `E1`s.
fn f7[Errs](f: Fn(): Result[{..Errs}, ()]): Result[{`E1, ..Errs}, ()] =
# Function subtyping: a function that returns less can be passed as a function
# that returns more.
fn f8(f: Fn(): {`E1, `E2}) = ...
fn f9(): {`E1} = ...
f8(f9) # This should type check.
# Function subtyping: a function that expects more can be passed as a function
# that expects less.
fn f10(f: Fn({`E1, `E2})) = ...
fn f11(a: {`E1, `E2, `E3}) = ...
f10(f11) # This should type check.
Can you think of any other use cases that the type system should support, to make error handling via anonymous variants convenient and expressive?
Note: I'm not asking about syntax features. We can make it less verbose/nicer once we have a type system that is expressive enough.
be expressed in a system with subtyping instead of row polymorphism? How? -
Can function subtyping examples work in a system with row polymorphism? How?
Assuming both are possible, what do I win/lose by chosing one or the other?
Note: the choice of row poly. or subtyping will only apply to anonymous variants and records. The language already has parametric poly. with constraints/bounds (i.e. typeclasses) and won't have subtyping for named types.
A relevant paper: Restrictable Variants: A Simple and Practical Alternative to Extensible Variants