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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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defining with tactics problem demonstration
Require Import Omega.
Require Import Coq.Vectors.Vector.
Require Import Coq.Vectors.VectorDef.
Open Scope vector_scope.
Require Import List.
Require Import Arith.
CoInductive triangle_t (T : Type) : nat -> Type :=
| triangle : forall (n : nat), Vector.t T n -> triangle_t T (S n) -> triangle_t T n.
Definition sum_pairs (len : nat) (v : Vector.t nat len) : Vector.t nat (pred len).
induction v as [|elem1 length1 tail1].
+ apply Vector.nil.
+ simpl in *. destruct tail1 as [|elem2 length2 tail2].
- apply Vector.nil.
- apply Vector.cons. apply (elem1 + elem2). apply IHtail1.
Definition snoc : forall {len : nat} {A : Type}, Vector.t A len -> A -> Vector.t A (S len).
intros len A v. induction v as [|elem length tail]; intro new.
+ apply Vector.cons. apply new. apply Vector.nil.
+ apply Vector.cons. apply elem. apply IHtail. apply new.
Definition next : forall {len : nat}, Vector.t nat len -> Vector.t nat (S len).
intros len prev. apply sum_pairs in prev. destruct len.
+ apply Vector.cons. apply 1. apply Vector.nil.
+ simpl in prev. apply snoc. apply Vector.cons. apply 1. apply prev. apply 1.
CoFixpoint pascal_aux : forall n, Vector.t nat n -> triangle_t nat n.
intros n vec. constructor.
+ apply vec.
+ apply pascal_aux. apply next. apply vec.
Definition pascal : triangle_t nat 0.
apply pascal_aux. apply Vector.nil.
Fixpoint pascal_row_aux (step : nat) : forall n, triangle_t nat n -> Vector.t nat (step + n).
induction step; intros n tr.
+ simpl. inversion tr as [? vec ?]. apply vec.
+ assert (S step + n = step + S n) by omega. rewrite H. apply IHstep.
inversion tr as [? ? tail]. apply tail.
Definition pascal_nth (row col : nat) : col <= row -> nat.
remember (pascal_row_aux (S row) 0 pascal) as column. intro pf.
apply @nth_order with (p := col) (n := S row).
assert (S row + 0 = S row) by omega. rewrite <- H. apply column.
Lemma pascal_min_row : forall row,
pascal_nth row 0 (le_0_n row) = 1.
induction row.
simpl. (* stuck *)
open Datatypes
open Peano
open Vector
open VectorDef
type 't triangle_t = 't __triangle_t Lazy.t
and 't __triangle_t =
| Coq_triangle of nat * 't Vector.t * 't triangle_t
(** val sum_pairs : nat -> nat Vector.t -> nat Vector.t **)
let rec sum_pairs n = function
| Vector.Coq_nil -> Vector.Coq_nil
| Vector.Coq_cons (h, n0, t1) ->
(match t1 with
| Vector.Coq_nil -> Vector.Coq_nil
| Vector.Coq_cons (elem2, length2, tail2) ->
Vector.Coq_cons ((plus h elem2), length2, (sum_pairs n0 t1)))
(** val snoc : nat -> 'a1 Vector.t -> 'a1 -> 'a1 Vector.t **)
let rec snoc n t0 new0 =
match t0 with
| Vector.Coq_nil -> Vector.Coq_cons (new0, O, Vector.Coq_nil)
| Vector.Coq_cons (h, n0, t1) ->
Vector.Coq_cons (h, (S n0), (snoc n0 t1 new0))
(** val next : nat -> nat Vector.t -> nat Vector.t **)
let next len prev =
let prev0 = sum_pairs len prev in
(match len with
| O -> Vector.Coq_cons ((S O), O, Vector.Coq_nil)
| S len0 -> snoc (S len0) (Vector.Coq_cons ((S O), len0, prev0)) (S O))
(** val pascal_aux : nat -> nat Vector.t -> nat triangle_t **)
let rec pascal_aux n vec =
lazy (Coq_triangle (n, vec, (pascal_aux (S n) (next n vec))))
(** val pascal : nat triangle_t **)
let pascal =
pascal_aux O Vector.Coq_nil
(** val pascal_row_aux : nat -> nat -> nat triangle_t -> nat Vector.t **)
let rec pascal_row_aux step =
let rec f n n0 tr =
match n with
| O -> let Coq_triangle (n1, vec, h) = Lazy.force tr in vec
| S n1 ->
f n1 (S n0) (let Coq_triangle (n2, h0, tail) = Lazy.force tr in tail)
in f step
(** val pascal_nth : nat -> nat -> nat **)
let pascal_nth row col =
let column = pascal_row_aux (S row) O pascal in
nth_order (S row) (Obj.magic column) col
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