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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, NoMonomorphismRestriction, ViewPatterns,
FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
-- | Lexer/Parsec interface
module Text.Parsec.LTok where
import Language.Lua.Lexer
import Language.Lua.Token
import Text.Parsec hiding (satisfy)
import Text.Parsec.Indentation
newtype LTok' = LTok' [LTok]
instance Monad m => Stream LTok' m (LToken, Indentation) where
uncons (LTok' ((t, Right (AlexPn _ _ c)) : rest)) = return (Just ((t, c), LTok' rest))
uncons (LTok' ((_, Left _) : _)) = return Nothing
uncons (LTok' []) = return Nothing
-- | This parser succeeds whenever the given predicate returns true when called with
-- parsed `LTok`. Same as 'Text.Parsec.Char.satisfy'.
satisfy :: Stream (IndentStream LTok') m LToken => (LToken -> Bool) -> ParsecT (IndentStream LTok') u m LToken
satisfy f = tokenPrim show nextPos tokeq
nextPos :: SourcePos -> LToken -> IndentStream LTok' -> SourcePos
nextPos pos _ (tokenStream -> LTok' ((_, Right (AlexPn _ l c)) : _)) = setSourceColumn (setSourceLine pos l) c
nextPos pos _ (tokenStream -> LTok' ((_, Left _) : _)) = pos -- TODO: ??
nextPos pos _ (tokenStream -> LTok' []) = pos
tokeq :: LToken -> Maybe LToken
tokeq t = if f t then Just t else Nothing
-- | Parses given `LToken`.
tok :: Stream (IndentStream LTok') m LToken => LToken -> ParsecT (IndentStream LTok') u m LToken
tok t = satisfy (== t) <?> show t
-- | Parses a `LTokIdent`.
anyIdent :: Stream (IndentStream LTok') m LToken => ParsecT (IndentStream LTok') u m LToken
anyIdent = satisfy p <?> "ident"
p LTokIdent{} = True
p _ = False
-- | Parses a `LTokNum`.
anyNum :: Stream (IndentStream LTok') m LToken => ParsecT (IndentStream LTok') u m LToken
anyNum = satisfy p <?> "number"
p LTokNum{} = True
p _ = False
-- | Parses a `LTokSLit`.
string :: Stream (IndentStream LTok') m LToken => ParsecT (IndentStream LTok') u m LToken
string = satisfy p <?> "string"
p LTokSLit{} = True
p _ = False
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