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Created February 24, 2017 20:02
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lightweight checked exceptions with freer
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE IncoherentInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RoleAnnotations #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Checked where
import Control.Exception hiding (throw)
import Control.Monad.Freer
import Control.Monad.Freer.Internal
import Control.Monad.Freer.State
import Data.Proxy
data Throws e a where
Throw :: Exception e => e -> Throws e a
throw :: (Member (Throws e) r, Exception e) => e -> Eff r a
throw = send . Throw
handleException :: (e -> a) -> Eff (Throws e ': r) a -> Eff r a
handleException _ (Val a) = return a
handleException h (E u q) =
case decomp u of
Right (Throw e) -> return (h e)
Left u1 -> E u1 (tsingleton (handleException h . qApp q))
f :: (Member (Throws IOException) r, Member (Throws AssertionFailed) r) => Int -> Eff r Int
f _ = do
throw (AssertionFailed "asfd")
throw (userError "foo")
throwIO' :: Member IO r => Proxy e -> Eff (Throws e ': r) a -> Eff r a
-- throwIO' :: Proxy e -> Eff (Throws e ': IO ': r) a -> Eff (IO ': r) a
throwIO' _ (Val a) = return a
throwIO' p (E u q) =
case decomp u of
Right (Throw e) -> send (throwIO e)
Left u1 -> E u1 (tsingleton (throwIO' p . qApp q))
run_f :: Int -> Either IOException (Either AssertionFailed Int)
run_f i = run $ handleException Left $ handleException (Right . Left) $ fmap (Right . Right) (f i)
return_f :: (Member (State Int) r, Member (Throws IOException) r1, Member (Throws AssertionFailed) r1) => Eff r (Eff r1 Int)
return_f = do
i <- get
return (f i)
get_f :: (Member (Throws IOException) r1, Member (Throws AssertionFailed) r1) => Eff r1 Int
get_f =
f' :: (Member (Throws IOException) r1, Member (Throws AssertionFailed) r1) => Eff '[State Int] (Eff r1 Int)
f' = return_f
f'' :: (Member (Throws IOException) r1, Member (Throws AssertionFailed) r1) => Eff r1 Int
f'' = fst (run (runState f' 123))
f1 :: (Member (Throws IOException) r, Member (Throws AssertionFailed) r) => Eff r Int
f1 = f 10
-- f1_ :: Eff '[Throws IOException, IO] Int
f1_ :: (Member (Throws IOException) r, Member IO r) => Eff r Int
-- f1_ :: Eff (Throws IOException ': IO ': r) Int
-- f1_ :: Eff (IO ': Throws IOException ': r) Int
-- f1_ :: (Member (Throws IOException) (r ': rs), Member IO (r ': rs)) => Eff (r ': rs) Int
f1_ = throwIO' (Proxy :: Proxy AssertionFailed) f1
f1__ :: Member IO r => Eff r Int
f1__ = throwIO' (Proxy :: Proxy IOException) f1_
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