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Created September 8, 2010 18:27
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function! s:eval_S_expression() " {{{
let ch = strpart(getline('.'), col('.')-1, 1)
let skip = 'index(["string", "schemeChar"], synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name")) != -1'
if ch == ')'
let endline = line('.')
let startline = searchpairpos('(', '', ')', 'nbW', skip)[0]
elseif ch == '('
let startline = line('.')
let endline = searchpairpos('(', '', ')', 'nW', skip)[0]
let startline = searchpairpos('(', '', ')', 'nbW', skip)[0]
let endline = searchpairpos('(', '', ')', 'nW', skip)[0]
execute printf('%d,%dVimShellSendString', startline, endline)
endfunction " }}}
:command! Interactive execute ":VimShellInteractive gosh"
nmap <silent> <Space>e :call <SID>eval_S_expression()<CR>
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