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Last active February 20, 2021 09:31
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  • Save osaxma/0c88f45f43265d9d55484bf599f59d5e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save osaxma/0c88f45f43265d9d55484bf599f59d5e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An example of using an svg pattern as a background with the help of Flutter Shape Maker
// so it doesn't conflict with Image from material package
import 'dart:ui' as ui;
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
// svg from hero patterns (I Like Food):
// converted to CustomPainter code using:
void main() {
class SvgPatternExample extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
title: 'SVG Pattern Demo',
themeMode: ThemeMode.dark,
theme: ThemeData.dark(),
home: MyHomePage(title: 'SVG Pattern Example'),
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget {
MyHomePage({Key key, this.title}) : super(key: key);
final String title;
_MyHomePageState createState() => _MyHomePageState();
class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
ui.Image image;
Size size;
void initState() {
createPatternImage().then((value) {
image = value;
setState(() {});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final size = MediaQuery.of(context).size;
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text(widget.title),
body: (image == null)
? Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator())
: CustomPaint(
size: size,
painter: BackgroundPatternPainter(
patternColor: Colors.deepOrange,
patternOpacity: 0.7,
// a function that creates a pattern as an image
Future<ui.Image> createPatternImage() async {
// the size of the svg pattern (ie a single segment)
final size = Size(192.0, 192.0);
// create a recorder
final ui.PictureRecorder recorder = ui.PictureRecorder();
// paint the pattern using the generated Painter by Flutter Shape Maker
RPSCustomPainter().paint(Canvas(recorder), size);
// end recording
final ui.Picture backgroundPicture = recorder.endRecording();
// convert to image that can be used by BackgroundPatternPainter
final image = await backgroundPicture.toImage(size.width.toInt(), size.height.toInt());
return image;
class BackgroundPatternPainter extends CustomPainter {
const BackgroundPatternPainter(this.image, {this.patternColor = Colors.deepOrange, this.patternOpacity = 0.5});
// the pattern image that needs to be repeated
final ui.Image image;
final Color patternColor;
final double patternOpacity;
void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
canvas: canvas,
colorFilter: ColorFilter.mode(patternColor.withOpacity(patternOpacity), BlendMode.srcIn),
rect: Rect.fromLTRB(0.0, 0.0, size.width, size.height),
image: image,
alignment: Alignment.topCenter,
repeat: ImageRepeat.repeat,
bool shouldRepaint(CustomPainter old) {
return false;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GENERATED BY FLUTTER SHAPE MAKER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\
class RPSCustomPainter extends CustomPainter {
void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
Path path_0 = Path();
path_0.moveTo(size.width * 0.09373077, size.height * 0.06153846);
path_0.cubicTo(size.width * 0.09450000, size.height * 0.06403846, size.width * 0.09523077, size.height * 0.06661538,
size.width * 0.09580769, size.height * 0.06923077);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * 0.08142308, size.height * 0.06923077);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * 0.08592308, size.height * 0.07823077);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * 0.08765385, size.height * 0.08169231);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * 0.08673077, size.height * 0.08211538);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * 0.08673077, size.height * 0.1076923);
path_0.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.07815385, size.height * 0.1420769),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01923077, size.height * 0.01923077),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * 0.07807692, size.height * 0.1423077);
path_0.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.04826923, size.height * 0.1653846),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.03076923, size.height * 0.03076923),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * -0.02865385, size.height * 0.1653846);
path_0.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * -0.05842308, size.height * 0.1423077),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.03076923, size.height * 0.03076923),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * -0.05850000, size.height * 0.1420769);
path_0.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * -0.06711538, size.height * 0.1076923),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01923077, size.height * 0.01923077),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * -0.06711538, size.height * 0.08169231);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * -0.07015385, size.height * 0.07561538);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * -0.07184615, size.height * 0.07215385);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * -0.06838462, size.height * 0.07046154);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * -0.06596154, size.height * 0.06923077);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * -0.07692308, size.height * 0.06923077);
path_0.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.09373077, size.height * 0.06153846),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.08850000, size.height * 0.08850000),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_0.moveTo(size.width * -0.04788462, size.height * 0.06923077);
path_0.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * -0.04957692, size.height * 0.06961538),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * -0.06150000, size.height * 0.07561538);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * -0.05807692, size.height * 0.08250000);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * -0.05303846, size.height * 0.07996154);
path_0.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * -0.04269231, size.height * 0.07996154),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * -0.03423077, size.height * 0.08419231);
path_0.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * -0.03076923, size.height * 0.08419231),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * -0.02226923, size.height * 0.07996154);
path_0.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * -0.01192308, size.height * 0.07996154),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * -0.003461538, size.height * 0.08419231);
path_0.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * -6.405133e-18, size.height * 0.08419231),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * 0.008500000, size.height * 0.07996154);
path_0.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.01884615, size.height * 0.07996154),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * 0.02730769, size.height * 0.08419231);
path_0.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.03061538, size.height * 0.08426923),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * 0.04169231, size.height * 0.07938462);
path_0.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.05103846, size.height * 0.07938462),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * 0.06211538, size.height * 0.08426923);
path_0.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.06538462, size.height * 0.08419231),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * 0.07730769, size.height * 0.07823077);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * 0.07388462, size.height * 0.07134615);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * 0.06842308, size.height * 0.07407692);
path_0.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.05857692, size.height * 0.07430769),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * 0.04792308, size.height * 0.06957692);
path_0.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.04638462, size.height * 0.06923077),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * 0.04634615, size.height * 0.06923077);
path_0.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.04480769, size.height * 0.06957692),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * 0.03411538, size.height * 0.07430769);
path_0.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.02426923, size.height * 0.07407692),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * 0.01542308, size.height * 0.06965385);
path_0.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.01369231, size.height * 0.06923077),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * 0.01365385, size.height * 0.06923077);
path_0.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.01196154, size.height * 0.06961538),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * 0.003461538, size.height * 0.07392308);
path_0.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * -0.006884615, size.height * 0.07392308),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * -0.01534615, size.height * 0.06969231);
path_0.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * -0.01707692, size.height * 0.06926923),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * -0.01711538, size.height * 0.06926923);
path_0.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * -0.01880769, size.height * 0.06965385),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * -0.02730769, size.height * 0.07392308);
path_0.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * -0.03765385, size.height * 0.07392308),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * -0.04611538, size.height * 0.06969231);
path_0.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * -0.04784615, size.height * 0.06926923),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * -0.04788462, size.height * 0.06926923);
path_0.moveTo(size.width * -0.04788462, size.height * 0.06157692);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * -0.06673077, size.height * 0.06157692);
path_0.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.08561538, size.height * 0.06157692),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.08080769, size.height * 0.08080769),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * 0.07757692, size.height * 0.06157692);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * 0.07734615, size.height * 0.06107692);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * 0.07634615, size.height * 0.06157692);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * -0.04792308, size.height * 0.06157692);
path_0.moveTo(size.width * 0.06880769, size.height * 0.09111538);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * 0.07403846, size.height * 0.08850000);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * 0.07903846, size.height * 0.08850000);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * 0.07903846, size.height * 0.09619231);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * -0.05942308, size.height * 0.09619231);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * -0.05942308, size.height * 0.09176923);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * -0.05811538, size.height * 0.09111538);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * -0.05288462, size.height * 0.08850000);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * -0.04292308, size.height * 0.08850000);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * -0.03769231, size.height * 0.09111538);
path_0.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * -0.02734615, size.height * 0.09111538),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * -0.02211538, size.height * 0.08850000);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * -0.01215385, size.height * 0.08850000);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * -0.006923077, size.height * 0.09111538);
path_0.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.003423077, size.height * 0.09111538),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * 0.008692308, size.height * 0.08846154);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * 0.01865385, size.height * 0.08846154);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * 0.02388462, size.height * 0.09107692);
path_0.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.03373077, size.height * 0.09130769),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * 0.04015385, size.height * 0.08846154);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * 0.05257692, size.height * 0.08846154);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * 0.05900000, size.height * 0.09130769);
path_0.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.06884615, size.height * 0.09107692),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_0.moveTo(size.width * -0.05315385, size.height * 0.1038462);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * 0.009807692, size.height * 0.1227308);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * 0.07280769, size.height * 0.1038462);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * -0.05315385, size.height * 0.1038462);
path_0.moveTo(size.width * -0.05557692, size.height * 0.1115385);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * -0.05426923, size.height * 0.1115385);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * 0.009807692, size.height * 0.1307692);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * 0.07392308, size.height * 0.1115385);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * 0.07519231, size.height * 0.1115385);
path_0.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.07519231, size.height * 0.1346154),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: true,
clockwise: true);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * -0.05557692, size.height * 0.1346154);
path_0.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * -0.05557692, size.height * 0.1115385),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: true,
clockwise: true);
path_0.moveTo(size.width * -0.05038462, size.height * 0.1423077);
path_0.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * -0.02865385, size.height * 0.1576923),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.02307692, size.height * 0.02307692),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * 0.04826923, size.height * 0.1576923);
path_0.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.07003846, size.height * 0.1423077),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.02307692, size.height * 0.02307692),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_0.lineTo(size.width * -0.05038462, size.height * 0.1423077);
Paint paint_0_fill = Paint() = PaintingStyle.fill;
paint_0_fill.color = Color(0xff000000).withOpacity(1.0);
canvas.drawPath(path_0, paint_0_fill);
Path path_1 = Path();
path_1.moveTo(size.width * 1.093731, size.height * 0.06153846);
path_1.cubicTo(size.width * 1.094500, size.height * 0.06403846, size.width * 1.095231, size.height * 0.06661538,
size.width * 1.095808, size.height * 0.06923077);
path_1.lineTo(size.width * 1.081423, size.height * 0.06923077);
path_1.lineTo(size.width * 1.085923, size.height * 0.07823077);
path_1.lineTo(size.width * 1.087654, size.height * 0.08169231);
path_1.lineTo(size.width * 1.086731, size.height * 0.08211538);
path_1.lineTo(size.width * 1.086731, size.height * 0.1076923);
path_1.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 1.078154, size.height * 0.1420769),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01923077, size.height * 0.01923077),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_1.lineTo(size.width * 1.078077, size.height * 0.1423077);
path_1.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 1.048269, size.height * 0.1653846),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.03076923, size.height * 0.03076923),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_1.lineTo(size.width * 0.9713462, size.height * 0.1653846);
path_1.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.9415769, size.height * 0.1423077),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.03076923, size.height * 0.03076923),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_1.lineTo(size.width * 0.9415000, size.height * 0.1420769);
path_1.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.9328846, size.height * 0.1076923),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01923077, size.height * 0.01923077),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_1.lineTo(size.width * 0.9328846, size.height * 0.08169231);
path_1.lineTo(size.width * 0.9298462, size.height * 0.07561538);
path_1.lineTo(size.width * 0.9281538, size.height * 0.07215385);
path_1.lineTo(size.width * 0.9316154, size.height * 0.07046154);
path_1.lineTo(size.width * 0.9340385, size.height * 0.06923077);
path_1.lineTo(size.width * 0.9230769, size.height * 0.06923077);
path_1.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 1.093731, size.height * 0.06153846),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.08850000, size.height * 0.08850000),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_1.moveTo(size.width * 0.9521154, size.height * 0.06923077);
path_1.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.9504231, size.height * 0.06961538),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_1.lineTo(size.width * 0.9385000, size.height * 0.07561538);
path_1.lineTo(size.width * 0.9419231, size.height * 0.08250000);
path_1.lineTo(size.width * 0.9469615, size.height * 0.07996154);
path_1.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.9573077, size.height * 0.07996154),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_1.lineTo(size.width * 0.9657692, size.height * 0.08419231);
path_1.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.9692308, size.height * 0.08419231),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_1.lineTo(size.width * 0.9777308, size.height * 0.07996154);
path_1.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.9880769, size.height * 0.07996154),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_1.lineTo(size.width * 0.9965385, size.height * 0.08419231);
path_1.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width, size.height * 0.08419231),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_1.lineTo(size.width * 1.008500, size.height * 0.07996154);
path_1.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 1.018846, size.height * 0.07996154),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_1.lineTo(size.width * 1.027308, size.height * 0.08419231);
path_1.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 1.030615, size.height * 0.08426923),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_1.lineTo(size.width * 1.041692, size.height * 0.07938462);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
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clockwise: true);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
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clockwise: false);
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clockwise: true);
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clockwise: false);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
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largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
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largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
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largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
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clockwise: false);
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clockwise: true);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
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largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
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clockwise: false);
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clockwise: true);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
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largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
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largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
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largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
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clockwise: true);
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clockwise: true);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.02307692, size.height * 0.02307692),
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largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
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largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
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clockwise: false);
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clockwise: false);
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clockwise: false);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.02307692, size.height * 0.02307692),
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largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.02692308, size.height * 0.02692308),
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clockwise: false);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.02692308, size.height * 0.02692308),
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clockwise: false);
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clockwise: false);
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clockwise: false);
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clockwise: false);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.02692308, size.height * 0.02692308),
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clockwise: true);
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largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
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clockwise: false);
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clockwise: false);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01538462, size.height * 0.01538462),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.5829231, size.height * 0.7741923);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.5709231, size.height * 0.7741923),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01538462, size.height * 0.01538462),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.5630769, size.height * 0.7708462);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.5438846, size.height * 0.7770769),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01538462, size.height * 0.01538462),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.5395000, size.height * 0.7843846);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.5297692, size.height * 0.7914615),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01538462, size.height * 0.01538462),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.5215000, size.height * 0.7933846);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.5096154, size.height * 0.8096923),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01538462, size.height * 0.01538462),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.5103846, size.height * 0.8181538);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.5066538, size.height * 0.8296154),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01538462, size.height * 0.01538462),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.5010769, size.height * 0.8360385);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.5010769, size.height * 0.8561923),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01538462, size.height * 0.01538462),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.5066538, size.height * 0.8626154);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.5103846, size.height * 0.8740385),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01538462, size.height * 0.01538462),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.5096154, size.height * 0.8825000);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.5215000, size.height * 0.8988462),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01538462, size.height * 0.01538462),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.5297692, size.height * 0.9007692);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.5395000, size.height * 0.9078462),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01538462, size.height * 0.01538462),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.5438846, size.height * 0.9151538);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.5631154, size.height * 0.9213846),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01538462, size.height * 0.01538462),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.5709231, size.height * 0.9180385);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 0.5846154, size.height * 0.7961538);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.5923077, size.height * 0.7961538),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: true,
clockwise: true);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.5846154, size.height * 0.7961538),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 0.6076923, size.height * 0.8038462);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.6153846, size.height * 0.8038462),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: true,
clockwise: true);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.6076923, size.height * 0.8038462),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 0.5653846, size.height * 0.8076923);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.5730769, size.height * 0.8076923),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: true,
clockwise: true);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.5653846, size.height * 0.8076923),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 0.5423077, size.height * 0.8076923);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.5500000, size.height * 0.8076923),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: true,
clockwise: true);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.5423077, size.height * 0.8076923),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 0.5538462, size.height * 0.7884615);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.5615385, size.height * 0.7884615),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: true,
clockwise: true);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.5538462, size.height * 0.7884615),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 0.5230769, size.height * 0.8192308);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.5307692, size.height * 0.8192308),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: true,
clockwise: true);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.5230769, size.height * 0.8192308),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 0.5346154, size.height * 0.8423077);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.5423077, size.height * 0.8423077),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: true,
clockwise: true);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.5346154, size.height * 0.8423077),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 0.5346154, size.height * 0.8653846);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.5423077, size.height * 0.8653846),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: true,
clockwise: true);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.5346154, size.height * 0.8653846),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 0.5500000, size.height * 0.8923077);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.5576923, size.height * 0.8923077),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: true,
clockwise: true);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.5500000, size.height * 0.8923077),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 0.5692308, size.height * 0.8846154);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.5769231, size.height * 0.8846154),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: true,
clockwise: true);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.5692308, size.height * 0.8846154),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 0.5884615, size.height * 0.9000000);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.5961538, size.height * 0.9000000),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: true,
clockwise: true);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.5884615, size.height * 0.9000000),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 0.6038462, size.height * 0.8769231);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.6115385, size.height * 0.8769231),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: true,
clockwise: true);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.6038462, size.height * 0.8769231),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 0.6269231, size.height * 0.8615385);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.6346154, size.height * 0.8615385),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: true,
clockwise: true);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.6269231, size.height * 0.8615385),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 0.6115385, size.height * 0.8500000);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.6192308, size.height * 0.8500000),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: true,
clockwise: true);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.6115385, size.height * 0.8500000),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 0.6269231, size.height * 0.8384615);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.6346154, size.height * 0.8384615),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: true,
clockwise: true);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.6269231, size.height * 0.8384615),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 0.6076923, size.height * 0.8230769);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.6153846, size.height * 0.8230769),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: true,
clockwise: true);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.6076923, size.height * 0.8230769),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 0.5153846, size.height * 0.8461538);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.5230769, size.height * 0.8461538),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: true,
clockwise: true);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.5153846, size.height * 0.8461538),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 0.5769231, size.height * 0.8653846);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.5769231, size.height * 0.8269231),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01923077, size.height * 0.01923077),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: true,
clockwise: false);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.5769231, size.height * 0.8653846),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01923077, size.height * 0.01923077),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 0.6038462, size.height * 0.8461538);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.5500000, size.height * 0.8461538),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.02692308, size.height * 0.02692308),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: true,
clockwise: true);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.6038462, size.height * 0.8461538),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.02692308, size.height * 0.02692308),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 0.9346154, size.height * 0.7346154);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.9346154, size.height * 0.7423077),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.9423077, size.height * 0.7423077);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.9423077, size.height * 0.7346154),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.9346154, size.height * 0.7346154);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 1.007692, size.height * 0.7692308);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 1.011538, size.height * 0.7653846),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 1.019231, size.height * 0.7653846);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 1.019231, size.height * 0.7730769),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 1.011538, size.height * 0.7730769);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 1.007692, size.height * 0.7692308),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 0.9538462, size.height * 0.7884615);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.9538462, size.height * 0.7961538),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.9615385, size.height * 0.7961538);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.9615385, size.height * 0.7884615),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.9538462, size.height * 0.7884615);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 0.8576923, size.height * 0.7923077);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.8576923, size.height * 0.8000000),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.8653846, size.height * 0.8000000);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.8653846, size.height * 0.7923077),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.8576923, size.height * 0.7923077);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 0.8769231, size.height * 0.8076923);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.8769231, size.height * 0.8153846),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.8846154, size.height * 0.8153846);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.8846154, size.height * 0.8076923),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.8769231, size.height * 0.8076923);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 0.9115385, size.height * 0.8076923);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.9153846, size.height * 0.8038462),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.9230769, size.height * 0.8038462);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.9230769, size.height * 0.8115385),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.9153846, size.height * 0.8115385);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.9115385, size.height * 0.8076923),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 0.9692308, size.height * 0.8115385);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.9730769, size.height * 0.8076923),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.9807692, size.height * 0.8076923);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.9807692, size.height * 0.8153846),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.9730769, size.height * 0.8153846);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.9692308, size.height * 0.8115385),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 1.015385, size.height * 0.8038462);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 1.015385, size.height * 0.8115385),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 1.023077, size.height * 0.8115385);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 1.023077, size.height * 0.8038462),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 1.015385, size.height * 0.8038462);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 0.9730769, size.height * 0.7500000);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.9769231, size.height * 0.7461538),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.9846154, size.height * 0.7461538);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.9846154, size.height * 0.7538462),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.9769231, size.height * 0.7538462);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.9730769, size.height * 0.7500000),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 0.9000000, size.height * 0.7500000);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.9000000, size.height * 0.7576923),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.9076923, size.height * 0.7576923);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.9076923, size.height * 0.7500000),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.9000000, size.height * 0.7500000);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 0.9230769, size.height * 0.7692308);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.9269231, size.height * 0.7653846),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.9346154, size.height * 0.7653846);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.9346154, size.height * 0.7730769),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.9269231, size.height * 0.7730769);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.9230769, size.height * 0.7692308),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 0.8269231, size.height * 0.8269231);
path_5.cubicTo(size.width * 0.8269231, size.height * 0.8251154, size.width * 0.8269615, size.height * 0.8233077,
size.width * 0.8270385, size.height * 0.8215385);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.8205000, size.height * 0.7907692),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01923077, size.height * 0.01923077),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.8277308, size.height * 0.7708462),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01534615, size.height * 0.01534615),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.8408077, size.height * 0.7469231),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01923077, size.height * 0.01923077),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.8464231, size.height * 0.7428846),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.8762692, size.height * 0.7303077),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01923077, size.height * 0.01923077),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.9461538, size.height * 0.7076923),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.1186923, size.height * 0.1186923),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
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size.width * 1.016038, size.height * 0.7303077);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 1.045885, size.height * 0.7428846),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01923077, size.height * 0.01923077),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 1.051538, size.height * 0.7469231),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 1.064615, size.height * 0.7708462),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01923077, size.height * 0.01923077),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 1.071808, size.height * 0.7907692),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01538462, size.height * 0.01538462),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 1.065269, size.height * 0.8215385),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01915385, size.height * 0.01915385),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.cubicTo(size.width * 1.065346, size.height * 0.8233077, size.width * 1.065385, size.height * 0.8251154,
size.width * 1.065385, size.height * 0.8269231);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 1.065385, size.height * 0.8307692);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.8269231, size.height * 0.8307692);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.8269231, size.height * 0.8269231);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 0.8301154, size.height * 0.7993462);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.8277308, size.height * 0.8130769),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.1188462, size.height * 0.1188462),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.8253846, size.height * 0.7969231),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.cubicTo(size.width * 0.8268077, size.height * 0.7980000, size.width * 0.8283846, size.height * 0.7988077,
size.width * 0.8301154, size.height * 0.7993462);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 0.8358462, size.height * 0.7816154);
path_5.cubicTo(size.width * 0.8344615, size.height * 0.7849615, size.width * 0.8332308, size.height * 0.7883846,
size.width * 0.8321538, size.height * 0.7919231);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.8313462, size.height * 0.7776538),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.007692308, size.height * 0.007692308),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.cubicTo(size.width * 0.8326154, size.height * 0.7791923, size.width * 0.8341538, size.height * 0.7805385,
size.width * 0.8358462, size.height * 0.7816154);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 0.8447692, size.height * 0.7641538);
path_5.cubicTo(size.width * 0.8426923, size.height * 0.7674615, size.width * 0.8408077, size.height * 0.7709231,
size.width * 0.8390385, size.height * 0.7744615);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.8387692, size.height * 0.7565000),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.8447692, size.height * 0.7641538),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 0.8491538, size.height * 0.7576154);
path_5.cubicTo(size.width * 0.8505000, size.height * 0.7556923, size.width * 0.8519231, size.height * 0.7538462,
size.width * 0.8533846, size.height * 0.7520000);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.8491538, size.height * 0.7575769),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: true,
clockwise: false);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 0.8696923, size.height * 0.7353846);
path_5.cubicTo(size.width * 0.8657308, size.height * 0.7386923, size.width * 0.8620000, size.height * 0.7422692,
size.width * 0.8585385, size.height * 0.7460385);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.8542692, size.height * 0.7430769),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.8696538, size.height * 0.7353846),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 1.033731, size.height * 0.7460385);
path_5.cubicTo(size.width * 1.030269, size.height * 0.7422692, size.width * 1.026538, size.height * 0.7387308,
size.width * 1.022577, size.height * 0.7353846);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 1.038000, size.height * 0.7430769),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 1.033769, size.height * 0.7460385),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 1.038923, size.height * 0.7519615);
path_5.cubicTo(size.width * 1.040385, size.height * 0.7538077, size.width * 1.041808, size.height * 0.7556538,
size.width * 1.043154, size.height * 0.7575385);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 1.038923, size.height * 0.7519615),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: true,
clockwise: false);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 1.053269, size.height * 0.7744231);
path_5.cubicTo(size.width * 1.051500, size.height * 0.7708846, size.width * 1.049615, size.height * 0.7674231,
size.width * 1.047500, size.height * 0.7641154);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 1.053538, size.height * 0.7564615),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 1.053269, size.height * 0.7744231),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 1.060192, size.height * 0.7918462);
path_5.cubicTo(size.width * 1.059077, size.height * 0.7883846, size.width * 1.057885, size.height * 0.7849231,
size.width * 1.056462, size.height * 0.7815769);
path_5.cubicTo(size.width * 1.058154, size.height * 0.7805000, size.width * 1.059692, size.height * 0.7791538,
size.width * 1.060962, size.height * 0.7776154);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 1.060192, size.height * 0.7918462),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.007692308, size.height * 0.007692308),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 1.064577, size.height * 0.8130385);
path_5.cubicTo(size.width * 1.064038, size.height * 0.8083846, size.width * 1.063231, size.height * 0.8038077,
size.width * 1.062192, size.height * 0.7993077);
path_5.cubicTo(size.width * 1.063923, size.height * 0.7987692, size.width * 1.065500, size.height * 0.7979615,
size.width * 1.066923, size.height * 0.7968846);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 1.064615, size.height * 0.8130385),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01150000, size.height * 0.01150000),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 1.057692, size.height * 0.8230769);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.8347308, size.height * 0.8230769),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.1115385, size.height * 0.1115385),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 1.057654, size.height * 0.8230769);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 0.2781923, size.height * 0.7620000);
path_5.cubicTo(size.width * 0.2773846, size.height * 0.7607692, size.width * 0.2768846, size.height * 0.7593077,
size.width * 0.2768846, size.height * 0.7576923);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.2768846, size.height * 0.7115385);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.2691923, size.height * 0.7115385);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.2691923, size.height * 0.7576923);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.2964615, size.height * 0.7674615),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01542308, size.height * 0.01542308),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_5.cubicTo(size.width * 0.2986538, size.height * 0.7648077, size.width * 0.2999615, size.height * 0.7614231,
size.width * 0.2999615, size.height * 0.7576923);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.2999615, size.height * 0.7115385);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.2922692, size.height * 0.7115385);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.2922692, size.height * 0.7576923);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.2845769, size.height * 0.7653846),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.007653846, size.height * 0.007653846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.2781923, size.height * 0.7620000),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.007692308, size.height * 0.007692308),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 0.2884615, size.height * 0.6769231);
path_5.cubicTo(size.width * 0.2899231, size.height * 0.6769231, size.width * 0.2913077, size.height * 0.6767692,
size.width * 0.2926923, size.height * 0.6764615);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.3165000, size.height * 0.6856923),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01538462, size.height * 0.01538462),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.3230769, size.height * 0.7115385),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.05361538, size.height * 0.05361538),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.3230769, size.height * 0.8038462);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.3000000, size.height * 0.8269231),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.02307692, size.height * 0.02307692),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.2884615, size.height * 0.8269231);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.2884615, size.height * 0.8615385);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.2500000, size.height * 0.8615385),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01923077, size.height * 0.01923077),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: true,
clockwise: true);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.2500000, size.height * 0.8269231);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.2384615, size.height * 0.8269231);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.2153846, size.height * 0.8038462),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.02307692, size.height * 0.02307692),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.2153846, size.height * 0.7115385);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.2692308, size.height * 0.6576923),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.05384615, size.height * 0.05384615),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.2884615, size.height * 0.6769231),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01923077, size.height * 0.01923077),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 0.2230769, size.height * 0.7346154);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.2230769, size.height * 0.7807692);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.2277692, size.height * 0.7878462),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.007653846, size.height * 0.007653846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.2371538, size.height * 0.7850769),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.007692308, size.height * 0.007692308),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
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size.width * 0.2384615, size.height * 0.7807692);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.2384615, size.height * 0.7346154);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.2461538, size.height * 0.7346154);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.2461538, size.height * 0.7807692);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.2255769, size.height * 0.7952692),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01530769, size.height * 0.01530769),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.2230769, size.height * 0.7941154),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01530769, size.height * 0.01530769),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.2230769, size.height * 0.8038462);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.2384615, size.height * 0.8192308),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01538462, size.height * 0.01538462),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.3000000, size.height * 0.8192308);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.3153846, size.height * 0.8038462),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01538462, size.height * 0.01538462),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.3153846, size.height * 0.7115385);
path_5.cubicTo(size.width * 0.3154231, size.height * 0.7056538, size.width * 0.3145000, size.height * 0.7004615,
size.width * 0.3126154, size.height * 0.6955000);
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size.width * 0.3076923, size.height * 0.6961538);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.02307692, size.height * 0.02307692),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.02692308, size.height * 0.02692308),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.04615385, size.height * 0.04615385),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.2230769, size.height * 0.7346154);
path_5.moveTo(size.width * 0.2576923, size.height * 0.8269231);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.2576923, size.height * 0.8615385);
path_5.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.2807692, size.height * 0.8615385),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: true,
clockwise: false);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.2807692, size.height * 0.8269231);
path_5.lineTo(size.width * 0.2576923, size.height * 0.8269231);
Paint paint_5_fill = Paint() = PaintingStyle.fill;
paint_5_fill.color = Color(0xff000000).withOpacity(1.0);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
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path_6.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * -0.05769231, size.height * 0.7346154),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
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path_6.moveTo(size.width * 0.007692308, size.height * 0.7692308);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
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path_6.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * -0.04615385, size.height * 0.7961538),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
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path_6.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * -0.03846154, size.height * 0.7884615),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_6.lineTo(size.width * -0.1230769, size.height * 0.8076923);
path_6.moveTo(size.width * -0.08846154, size.height * 0.8076923);
path_6.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * -0.08461538, size.height * 0.8038462),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_6.lineTo(size.width * -0.07692308, size.height * 0.8038462);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_6.lineTo(size.width * -0.08461538, size.height * 0.8115385);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_6.moveTo(size.width * -0.03076923, size.height * 0.8115385);
path_6.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * -0.02692308, size.height * 0.8076923),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_6.lineTo(size.width * -0.02692308, size.height * 0.8153846);
path_6.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * -0.03076923, size.height * 0.8115385),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_6.moveTo(size.width * 0.01538462, size.height * 0.8038462);
path_6.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.01538462, size.height * 0.8115385),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_6.lineTo(size.width * 0.02307692, size.height * 0.8115385);
path_6.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.02307692, size.height * 0.8038462),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_6.lineTo(size.width * 0.01538462, size.height * 0.8038462);
path_6.moveTo(size.width * -0.02692308, size.height * 0.7500000);
path_6.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * -0.02307692, size.height * 0.7461538),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_6.lineTo(size.width * -0.02307692, size.height * 0.7538462);
path_6.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * -0.02692308, size.height * 0.7500000),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
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clockwise: false);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_6.lineTo(size.width * -0.1000000, size.height * 0.7500000);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
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path_6.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * -0.06538462, size.height * 0.7730769),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
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size.width * -0.1729615, size.height * 0.8215385);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01923077, size.height * 0.01923077),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01534615, size.height * 0.01534615),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01923077, size.height * 0.01923077),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_6.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * -0.1535769, size.height * 0.7428846),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01923077, size.height * 0.01923077),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_6.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * -0.05384615, size.height * 0.7076923),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.1186923, size.height * 0.1186923),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
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size.height * 0.7160769, size.width * 0.01603846, size.height * 0.7303077);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01923077, size.height * 0.01923077),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_6.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.06461538, size.height * 0.7708462),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01923077, size.height * 0.01923077),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_6.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.07180769, size.height * 0.7907692),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01538462, size.height * 0.01538462),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01915385, size.height * 0.01915385),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
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size.width * 0.06538462, size.height * 0.8269231);
path_6.lineTo(size.width * 0.06538462, size.height * 0.8307692);
path_6.lineTo(size.width * -0.1730769, size.height * 0.8307692);
path_6.lineTo(size.width * -0.1730769, size.height * 0.8269231);
path_6.moveTo(size.width * -0.1698846, size.height * 0.7993462);
path_6.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * -0.1722692, size.height * 0.8130769),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.1188462, size.height * 0.1188462),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_6.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * -0.1746154, size.height * 0.7969231),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
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size.width * -0.1698846, size.height * 0.7993462);
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size.width * -0.1678462, size.height * 0.7919231);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.007692308, size.height * 0.007692308),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
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size.width * -0.1641538, size.height * 0.7816154);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_6.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * -0.1552308, size.height * 0.7641538),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
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size.width * -0.1466154, size.height * 0.7520000);
path_6.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * -0.1508462, size.height * 0.7575769),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: true,
clockwise: false);
path_6.moveTo(size.width * -0.1303077, size.height * 0.7353846);
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size.width * -0.1414615, size.height * 0.7460385);
path_6.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * -0.1457308, size.height * 0.7430769),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_6.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * -0.1303462, size.height * 0.7353846),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_6.moveTo(size.width * 0.03373077, size.height * 0.7460385);
path_6.cubicTo(size.width * 0.03026923, size.height * 0.7422692, size.width * 0.02653846, size.height * 0.7387308,
size.width * 0.02257692, size.height * 0.7353846);
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radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_6.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.03376923, size.height * 0.7460385),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_6.moveTo(size.width * 0.03892308, size.height * 0.7519615);
path_6.cubicTo(size.width * 0.04038462, size.height * 0.7538077, size.width * 0.04180769, size.height * 0.7556538,
size.width * 0.04315385, size.height * 0.7575385);
path_6.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.03892308, size.height * 0.7519615),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.003846154, size.height * 0.003846154),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: true,
clockwise: false);
path_6.moveTo(size.width * 0.05326923, size.height * 0.7744231);
path_6.cubicTo(size.width * 0.05150000, size.height * 0.7708846, size.width * 0.04961538, size.height * 0.7674231,
size.width * 0.04750000, size.height * 0.7641154);
path_6.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.05353846, size.height * 0.7564615),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_6.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.05326923, size.height * 0.7744231),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01153846, size.height * 0.01153846),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_6.moveTo(size.width * 0.06019231, size.height * 0.7918462);
path_6.cubicTo(size.width * 0.05907692, size.height * 0.7883846, size.width * 0.05788462, size.height * 0.7849231,
size.width * 0.05646154, size.height * 0.7815769);
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size.width * 0.06096154, size.height * 0.7776154);
path_6.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.06019231, size.height * 0.7918462),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.007692308, size.height * 0.007692308),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_6.moveTo(size.width * 0.06457692, size.height * 0.8130385);
path_6.cubicTo(size.width * 0.06403846, size.height * 0.8083846, size.width * 0.06323077, size.height * 0.8038077,
size.width * 0.06219231, size.height * 0.7993077);
path_6.cubicTo(size.width * 0.06392308, size.height * 0.7987692, size.width * 0.06550000, size.height * 0.7979615,
size.width * 0.06692308, size.height * 0.7968846);
path_6.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * 0.06461538, size.height * 0.8130385),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.01150000, size.height * 0.01150000),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: true);
path_6.moveTo(size.width * 0.05769231, size.height * 0.8230769);
path_6.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width * -0.1652692, size.height * 0.8230769),
radius: Radius.elliptical(size.width * 0.1115385, size.height * 0.1115385),
rotation: 0,
largeArc: false,
clockwise: false);
path_6.lineTo(size.width * 0.05765385, size.height * 0.8230769);
Paint paint_6_fill = Paint() = PaintingStyle.fill;
paint_6_fill.color = Color(0xff000000).withOpacity(1.0);
canvas.drawPath(path_6, paint_6_fill);
bool shouldRepaint(covariant CustomPainter oldDelegate) {
return true;
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