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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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rgb-noise: Checking the selected good samples
# Read the selected 'good' image sample file names <- read.csv('sel-pict.csv')
vvm.sel <- vvm$new(has.RGGB.pattern = TRUE)
# 'Digest' the samples computing noise related statistics
vvm.sel$digest( =$pict,
file.path = 'ISO100/Selection/crops'
# Fit the usual model
vvm.sel$fit.model( = 'weighted', = 'lmrob', weights=1/mean^2)
# Plot the var vs mean data
vvm.sel$plot(with = ~ channel != 'Green Avg',
tlab = "VVM Selected samples",
slab = "Nikon D7000 - ISO 100")
# Plot the SNR vs gray scale (log) in dB
vvm.sel$plot( = 'weighted',
x = log10(mean/157.79), y = 20*log10(mean/sqrt(var)),
tlab = "SNR Selected samples",
slab = "Nikon D7000 - ISO 100",
xlab = 'Gray scale (log)', ylab = 'SNR (dB)', print = FALSE,
with = ~ channel != 'Green Avg') +
scale_x_continuous(breaks=-1:2, labels=c('0.1%', '1%', '10%', '100%')) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(0, 48, 4))
# Plot the SNR vs gray scale in dB
vvm.sel$plot( = 'weighted',
x = (mean/157.79), y = 20*log10(mean/sqrt(var)),
tlab = "SNR Selected samples",
slab = "Nikon D7000 - ISO 100",
xlab = 'Gray scale', ylab = 'SNR (dB)', print = FALSE,
with = ~ channel != 'Green Avg') +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 100, 20),
labels=c('0%', '20%', '40%', '60%', '80%', '100%')) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(0, 48, 4))
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