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Created December 27, 2012 16:07
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Save oscarfonts/4389382 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
NFMS4REDD: Demo deforestation stats, compatible with real-time stats.
import groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine
import java.util.Map
import org.apache.log4j.Logger
import it.geosolutions.unredd.geostore.model.UNREDDStatsData
import it.geosolutions.unredd.geostore.model.UNREDDChartData
import it.geosolutions.unredd.geostore.UNREDDGeostoreManager
import it.geosolutions.geostore.core.model.Resource
import it.geosolutions.geostore.core.model.Attribute
log = Logger.getLogger("org.fao.unredd.deforestation_stats.groovy");
log.debug "Loaded deforestation stats groovy script"
htmlTemplateFilePath = '/var/geobatch/config/chartscripts/deforestation_chart_template.html' // DEBUG
prefix = 'admin1' // DEBUG
langFilePath = '/var/geobatch/config/chartscripts/lang.csv' // DEBUG
//chartScriptName = 'deforestation_script'
csvSeparator = ';'
// The following lines are used to test the script
// Comment out them for deploying with GeoBatch
class Conf {
def geostore_url
def geostore_username
def geostore_password
def chartscript_name
def argsMap = [
configuration: new Conf(
geostore_url: "",
geostore_username: "admin",
geostore_password: "Unr3dd",
chartscript_name: "deforestation_script"
// execute(argsMap)
// Comment out up to here
def htmlChart(data) {
// TODO get from app context
def lang = "en"
def langData = loadLangData(langFilePath)
def loc = langData[lang]
// Date range
def dates = data.keySet()
def firstYear = Integer.parseInt(dates.min())
def lastYear = Integer.parseInt(dates.max())
// Forest & no-forest values per year
forest = new HashMap()
noforest = new HashMap()
data.each { date, table ->
year = Integer.parseInt(date)
forest[year] = []
noforest[year] = []
// We'll use only the first row in each table
noforest[year][0] = table[0][1]
forest[year][0] = table[1][1]
log.debug forest
log.debug noforest
def binding = ['loc': loc, 'forest': forest, 'nonForest': noforest, 'lastYear': lastYear, 'firstYear': firstYear]
// Run chart template
def engine = new SimpleTemplateEngine()
def htmlTemplate = engine.createTemplate(new File(htmlTemplateFilePath))
html = htmlTemplate.make(binding)
return html;
def execute(Map argsMap)
log.debug "Starting chart script"
println argsMap.get("configuration").getProperties().toString();
GeoStoreClient client = createGeoStore(argsMap);
UNREDDGeostoreManager manager = new UNREDDGeostoreManager(client)
chartScriptName = argsMap.get("configuration").getProperties().get("chartscript_name");
// Load forest change forest data
forestData = importData(manager, chartScriptName, true)
nonForestData = importData(manager, chartScriptName, false)
def engine = new SimpleTemplateEngine()
def htmlTemplate = engine.createTemplate(new File(htmlTemplateFilePath));
//def csvTemplate = engine.createTemplate(new File(csvTemplateFilePath));
def lastYear = null;
def firstYear = null;
//deletePreviousChartData(client, chartScriptName);
def langData = loadLangData(langFilePath)
// Iterate through the languages
langData.each { langKey, loc ->
// Create one HTML per row in the forest change stats data
forestData.each() { featureId, row ->
try {
def years = row.keySet();
if (lastYear == null) lastYear = years.max()
if (firstYear == null) firstYear = years.min()
def binding = ['loc': loc, 'forest': row, 'nonForest': nonForestData[featureId], 'lastYear': lastYear, 'firstYear': firstYear]
html = htmlTemplate.make(binding)
// DEBUG: Save as file
//polygonId = deforestationValues[0] as int;
//outputFilePath = '/temp/' + langKey + '/' + prefix + '/' + prefix + '_' + featureId + '.html'
//saveAsFile(html, outputFilePath)
def resourceName = chartScriptName + "_" + featureId + "_" + langKey
saveAsFile(html, '/home/oscar/Desktop/charts/' + resourceName + '.html') // DEBUG
// Save in GeoStore
//def resourceName = chartScriptName + "_" + featureId + "_" + langKey
//id = saveOnGeoStore(client, featureId, resourceName, html.toString(), "deforestation_script", false, langKey, "html")
// "GeoStore resource saved: Resource Name = " + resourceName + " - ID = " + id
} catch (Exception e) {"Problem encountered in creating chart for featureId = " + featureId)
// Create csv
//def csvBinding = ['loc': loc, 'forestChange': forestChangeStatsData]
//def csv = csvTemplate.make(csvBinding)
//println csv; // DEBUG
//return ["return": []]
return forestData
def loadLangData(langFilePath)
langFile = new File(langFilePath)
lines = langFile.readLines()
headerLine = lines.head().split("\t")
languages = headerLine.tail() // remove first column from first line (it's not a language code nor a label id)
// fill the loc hash map
loc = [:]
lines = lines.tail()
lines.each { row ->
splitRow = row.split("\t")
key = splitRow.head()
splitRow = splitRow.tail()
splitRow.eachWithIndex { column, i ->
values = loc[languages[i]]
if (values == null) {
loc[languages[i]] = [:]
loc[languages[i]][key] = column
} else {
values[key] = column //.strip()
return loc
def deletePreviousChartData(client, chartScriptName) {
UNREDDGeostoreManager manager = new UNREDDGeostoreManager(client)
// Search all chart data for the given chart script
List data = manager.searchChartDataByChartScript(chartScriptName)
// Delete the chart data found
for (chartData in data)
def id = chartData.getId();"Resource deleted - id = " + id)
def saveOnGeoStore(client, featureId, name, html, chartScriptName, published, language, format)
// Create the UNREDDChartData object and fill the atributes
unreddChartData = new UNREDDChartData()
unreddChartData.setAttribute(UNREDDChartData.Attributes.CHARTSCRIPT, chartScriptName)
unreddChartData.setAttribute(UNREDDChartData.Attributes.PUBLISHED, published ? "true" : "false")
unreddChartData.setAttribute(UNREDDChartData.Attributes.FEATUREID, featureId + "")
// These attributes are not used yet
//unreddChartData.setAttribute(UNREDDChartData.Attributes.LANGUAGE, language)
//unreddChartData.setAttribute(UNREDDChartData.Attributes.FORMAT, format)
// Create the RESTResource and set the name
RESTResource chartDataRestResource = unreddChartData.createRESTResource()
// Set the data to be stored
RESTStoredData rsd = new RESTStoredData()
// Insert in GeoStore
int id = client.insert(chartDataRestResource)
return id
// Loads the stats data from GeoStore
def importData(manager, dataId, forest)
List resources = manager.searchStatsDataByStatsDef2('drc_forest_area_stats'); // dataId)
Map output = new HashMap()
for (Resource resource : resources)
data = resource.getData()
int year = (Float.parseFloat(getAttribute(resource.getAttribute(), UNREDDStatsData.Attributes.YEAR).getValue())).trunc()
def lines = parseTable(data.getData(), forest)
lines.each { id, line ->
temp = output[id]
if (temp == null) {
output[id] = new TreeMap()
output[id][year] = line
} else {
temp[year] = line
return output
def fillNullRows(map) {
print " ----- " + map.get(map.keySet().min());
return null;
// Parses a CSV table - returns a HashMap where the key is the polygon ID (first column in the CSV)
// and the value is the full parsed row (stored as an array)
def parseTable(table, forest)
HashMap lines = new HashMap()
table.eachLine { line ->
parsedArr = []
arr = line.tokenize(csvSeparator)
if ("0".equals(arr[1]) && forest || "1".equals(arr[1]) && !forest)
return false // skip loop
polygonId = Integer.parseInt(arr[0])
// Values for each administrative regions are split in two rows (forest and non-forest) - join them together again
for (i in 2..<arr.size) // first element in array is the polygon id, don't need it
//println 'i = ' + i
//println 'Double.parseDouble(arr[i]) = ' + Double.parseDouble(arr[i])
//println 'parsedArr[i - 2] = ' + parsedArr[i - 2]
parsedArr[i - 2] = Double.parseDouble(arr[i])
//println 'parsedArr = ' + parsedArr
lines.put(polygonId, parsedArr)
//print lines
return lines
def getAttribute(List attributeList, attribute)
for (Attribute attr : attributeList) {
if (attr.getName().equals(attribute.getName())) {
return attr
return null
def saveAsFile(html, outputFilePath)
{"Saving output to file: " + outputFilePath);
out = new File(outputFilePath)
out.write(html.toString(), "UTF-8")
GeoStoreClient createGeoStore(Map argsMap) {
Map props = argsMap.get("configuration").getProperties();"geostore url: " + props.get("geostore_url"));
String gurl = props.get("geostore_url");
String guser = props.get("geostore_username");
String gpw = props.get("geostore_password");
GeoStoreClient client = new GeoStoreClient();
return client;
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